Showing posts with label donations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label donations. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

To Give or not to Give

This question is in regards to the collection of tithes in this day and age:  since the Levitical priesthood nor the Temple exist today, are 'churches' in the right to pass the plate or ask for donations?

No, (today's) assemblies do not have the 'right' to collect tithes. (collect, demand, pass the plate, put up a donation jar, make one feel obligated, etc...).

Matthew 10:8  Freely you have received, freely give. Do Not Accumulate gold, nor silver nor brass (money) in your purses, nor a wallet for the road.... A worker (disciple of YHWH) is worthy of his food.
Numbers 18:21: And to the Levites I hereby give all the tithes (mostly from the field, the herd, and the flock) in Israel as the share in return for the services that they (the priests from the tribe of Levi) perform, the services of the Tent of Meeting (Tabernacle)... :24 for it is the tithes set aside by the Israelites As A Gift to Elohim that I give to the Levites (for they have no territorial share among the Israelites) :26 Speak to the Levites and say to them, When you receive from the Israelites their tithes, which I have assigned to you as your share, you shall set aside from them one-tenth of the tithe as a Gift to YHWH... (the best of the best of the best always goes to the Creator)  :29 You (the priests) shall set aside (one-tenth of) all Gifts due to Elohim from everything that is Donated to you, from each thing the Best portion...  :31 You and your households may eat it anywhere for it is your recompense for your Services in the Tent of Meeting

YHWH's own definition of 'tithes' is that tithes are Donations of Gifts that are given to the priesthood In Return for the services they provide (of which they and their households may eat). He is taking care of their needs through the assembly they minister to.

In today's world if you find a teacher of The Word, whether in a home study group, a small assembly or good sized congregation, who has helped you along the Path of Righteousness by increasing your understanding of Scriptures, and IF you are so moved in your heart, I see no reason why you should not help him with his needs (feed, clothe, give drink) and not his wants (car, new church, house, vacation...) in return for his service of doing God's Work, teaching and preaching and ministering to His People.

Our Creator says Tithes are Donations of Gifts to Him, handled by ministers of His Work... We choose to give, with the best intentions of our hearts, the best of the best of what we have, whether you want to call it a tithe, gift, donation or offering. If He is not please with what He sees, our 'giving' is of no pleasure to Him.

I also like to take into consideration how Y'shua Messiah instructed his 12 apostles: 
Mark 6:7 - And he called his twelve and began to send them two by two... And he commanded them that they are not to take anything for the road except a staff - no bag, no bread and no money in their purses. Rather that they wear sandals and not wear two tunics. (travel light and take only a Walking Stick-- no baggage, no food, and no money makes them reliant upon YHWH and the households who receive them). 

In Luke 10:1 Y'shua also appointed 70 from his other disciples and sent them out in pairs as 'sheep among wolves', to prepare the way for Messiah to come.

When YHWH gave instructions for the Levitical priesthood to be established, they were taken care of by the people they ministered to, with food, drink and other necessities, so they were able to tend to temple duties and take care of their families. They were sustained by the tribes (community) as commanded by Elohim God. No plate was passed, no can was set up for 'love' donations, nor was there a Paypal button asking for donations. In today's world, how many teachers of the Word do you see freely giving and humbly receiving? how many travel without convenient accommodations? how big are their purses/bank accounts? how big are their mega-churches? How far are they from the Truth of His Word?

'Tithes' were originally described by Master Yahweh in Leviticus 27:30 as  being from the land, whether seed from the ground or fruit from the tree... 27:32 of the herd or flock.  It was seldom money that was tithed, unless you lived far off and you were bless with so much cattle and produce that transporting them was unreasonable, then you could sell them and take the money with you to the place YHWH chose to establish His Name (Deuteronomy 14:24) and purchase livestock or food or drink when you got there. But at no time neglect the Levite in your community for he has no hereditary portion as you have. Every 3rd year the full tithe of the yield for that year was left in the settlement. Then the Levite, AND the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow in your settlements shall come and eat their fill, so that YHWH your Elohim may bless you in all the enterprises you undertake. (Tithes, since they are of the field or herd or flock, aka Food, also provide for the poor, widows, orphans and sojourners among us.) Also, in Malachi 3:10 YHWH Himself refers to our tithes as food brought into the storehouse of His House...

Quote from Exposing the Tithe Lie: 
 1) What is the tithe? The tithe is 10% of the increase, established in Leviticus 27:30-33 as an offering Holy to the Lord. The scripture identifies the tithe as grain and fruit, herd and flock. The tithe is food! An example of the tithe can be seen in a shepherd with a flock of 100 sheep who is blessed with the birth of 50 lambs in the spring. Five of the lambs must be offered to the Lord as a tithe. The tithe was brought to the temple in Jerusalem in acknowledgement and appreciation of God’s provision for His people.

2) What was the tithe for? God doesn’t need the food – God doesn’t eat. God doesn’t desire sacrifices or offerings ( Psalm 40:6 and Hosea 6:6 ) – He desires mercy. God doesn’t need us to give Him a 10th of everything – when He already owns everything ( Psalm 24:1 and Job 41:11b ). The tithe was used to feed the Levite priests (and their families) who were required to work in the temple day and night ministering to God on behalf of God’s people ( 1 Chronicles 9:33 ). Without the tithe, the Levite priests would have needed to raise their own food, thereby taking them away from ministering before God. Hence the reference in Malachi 3:10 "…that there may be food in my house". Nehemiah 13:10-13 records a time when the Levite priests were not receiving the tithe wherein they abandoned their daily temple responsibilities to work the farms to feed their families. The reference to ‘robbing God’ in Malachi 3:8 is in fact robbing God of ministry and worship by failing to take care of God’s priests through the tithe of food items. Unlike the other tribes of Israel who were given land as their inheritance, the Levites were not given any land – only a few cities in which to live. God was their inheritance ( Numbers 18:20-21 ). Thus, the remaining tribes were obligated to provide the Levites with food since they had no land on which to grow their own.

3) What is the storehouse? 2 Chronicles 31 teaches that the storehouse is the Temple in Jerusalem. When the tithe was re-instituted under King Hezekiah, the king gave orders to prepare storerooms in the temple to hold the tithe. Apparently the grain "tithe" was heaped up in the streets, which caused a traffic jam of sorts. King Hezekiah had the storehouse built to relieve a bad case of urban congestion in ancient Jerusalem.
End Quote

Let us get back to the origins of Faith and the Plan our Creator set forth for us.