Showing posts with label seven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seven. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Shabbat Shalom, Y'all 

Our Creator rested on the seventh day after He saw all He created was good. 

The 4th Commandment of the Ten tells us to Observe the sabbath day and keep it Set Apart (holy). Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to Elohim (God); you shall not do any work, none of you.  Remember you were a slave in Egypt  and YHWH freed you from bondage, therefore observe the sabbath day.

He set His people free from slavery in Egypt back in the day. In the time of Messiah, He set His people free from bondage to sin, as it is with us today if we choose to follow Y'shua Messiah.  By keeping the seventh day set apart God will see the intention of our heart and He will begin to reveal the Truth that will makes us free from bondage to the world system.

"Shabbat is primarily a day of rest and spiritual enrichment. The Hebrew word 'Shabbat' comes from the root Shin-Beit-Tav, meaning to cease, to end, or to rest. "

The seventh day is what most know as satur-day, but don't stop there! Learn how our Creator counts the days and the months - click here.

So how did this change? Who changed God's day of rest from the 7th day to the 1st day of the week and teach us that was the correct day?  He warned about taking from or adding to His Word which turns His Truth into a deception. His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. I have read that the Catholic church takes credit for changing our Creator's sabbath day from the 7th day to sun-day. 

Sun Worship was the official religion of the Roman Empire, known as Mithraism. It had its own organizations, temples, priesthood etc... and the first day of the week was when special homage was given to the sun, called The Venerable Day of the Sun. It is where the name Sunday comes from.

Now, Emperor Constantine, after seeing a 'vision' felt he must become a Christian and claimed all his pagan soldiers were, too, although they remained pagan at heart. In order to get all those pagan sun worshipers into the church, he accepted their day of worship, sun-day, instead of the seventh day sabbath kept by believers in God, followers of The Way taught by Y'shua Messiah.

So let's get back to the Truth of the Word of Yah and obey His commands. Changing what He says to fit man's perceived needs is wrong and probably an abomination to Him. False teachings have led many astray for many years. How on earth can we keep His commands if we won't take the time to discover what they are? Satan hopes we're too complacent to take notice.

Seek and ye shall find.