Showing posts with label OT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OT. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Covenant Renewed

In a discussion about those who think the New Testament is not part of Scriptures, I was asked to find in just the Old Testament (Tanakh) any place where Yah said He had a son. This is challenging because the New Testament (Renewed Covenant) answers each point I have found in the Old Testament.

If we read just the Tanakh and ignore the Renewed Covenant, we are left with many unanswered questions which leave us open to speculation. The same goes for reading the NT only- if one doesn't know the circumstances, rules and regulations spoken of in the OT much of the NT writings won't make sense. It is what's referred to as 'types and shadows' of thing to come. Just as Yahweh gave the pattern of the Tabernacle to Moses, we have the pattern to understand the renewed covenant writings. 

In the course of this study I have found Scriptures to be one whole book, and that it truly does interpret itself- it just takes effort on our behalf.

Yahweh used Nathan to speak to David:

2 Samuel 7:12- and when your days are done, I will raise up your offspring after you, one of you own issue (Solomon), and I will establish his kingship. He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish his royal throne forever. I will be a father to him and he shall be a son to me.

This is part of David's reply to Yahweh:
7:23- And who is like Your people Israel, a unique nation on earth, whom Yahweh redeemed as His people, winning renown for Himself and doing great and marvelous deeds for them and for Your land- driving out nations and their gods before Your people, whom You redeemed for Yourself from Egypt. You have established Your very own people forever and You, Yahweh, have become their Elohim.

Psalm 2:6- "But I have installed My king on Zion, My holy mountain!" Let me tell of the decree: Yahweh said to me, 
"You are My son, I have fathered you this day."

2:11- Serve Yahweh in awe; tremble with fright, pay homage in good faith, lest He be angered, and your way be doomed in the mere flash of His anger. Happy are all who take refuge in Him.

Proverbs 30:4- Who has ascended heaven and come down? Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of his hand? Who has wrapped the waters in his garment? Who has established all the extremities of the earth? What is His Name or His son's name, if you know it? Every word of Yahweh is pure, a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He indict you and you be proved a liar.

Isaiah 7:14- Assuredly, Yahweh Elohim will give you a sign of His own accord! Look, the young woman is with child and about to give birth to a son. Let her name him Immanuel. (this prophecy was given about 700 years before Y'shua was born)

Isaiah 9:5- For a child has been born to us, a son has been given us.  And authority has settled on his shoulders. He has been named "The Mighty Elohim is planning grace; the Eternal Father, a peaceable ruler" - In token of abundant authority and of peace without limit upon David's throne and kingdom, that it may be firmly established in justice and in equity now and evermore.

Hosea 11:1- I fell in love with Israel when he was still a child; and I have called him My son ever since Egypt. Thus were they called (out of Egypt), but they went their own way; they sacrificed to Baalim.

Micah 5:1- And you, O Bethlehem of Ephrath, least among the clans of Judah, from you one shall come forth to rule Israel for Me- one whose origin is of old, from ancient times. Truly, he will leave them helpless until she who is bear has borne, then the rest of his countrymen shall return to the children of Israel. He shall stand and shepherd by the might of Yahweh, by the power of the Name 'Yahweh' his Elohim

These Scripture quotes point towards a future event, something we cannot realize until we read the Renewed Covenant (NT). Now we can connect the dots between what was, what is and what is to come.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The 2 The 10 and The Rest Follow Naturally

Matthew 22 tells us that Yah's Instructions (Torah) and the (writings of the) prophets hold onto these two commandments: 
  • Love Master Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, soul, might and mind 
  • Love your neighbor as yourself 
Earlier, we read in Deuteronomy 6:5
  • You shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart and all your soul and with all your might.
and in Leviticus 19:18
  • Do not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow as yourself.
You see, those "two great commands" do not replace anything else - they come straight from the Old Testament, the part referred to as Torah. If you love Yah with your entire being then it should be no problem for you to understand and follow His Instructions.
I am YHWH your Elohim who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage: You shall have no other gods besides Me. You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them. I YHWH am your Elohim, impassioned, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children upon the third and the fourth generations of those who reject Me, but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments. You shall not swear falsely by My Name for I will not clear one who does.
If you love your fellowman as yourself, you will treat him with the same respect as you would like to be treated. You should have no problem following the Instructions of Yahweh.
Honor your mother and father that you may long endure in the Promised Land that I am giving you. You shall not murder, or commit adultery or steal or bare false witness against one another. You shall not covet your neighbor's house or wife or anything that belongs to him.
Those who do the commandments are those who love Yahweh. 
Without love, observing His Instructions is vanity and 
without His Instructions one's love is vanity.
Remember the sabbath day and keep it set apart. Six days you shall do all your work but the seventh day is a sabbath of Mine. You, your family, your hired hands or your work animals or the stranger who is visiting your town shall do no work. I made heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them in six days and on the seventh I rested, therefore I blessed the sabbath day and set it apart.
All of His Instructions are recorded in the the first five books of Scriptures: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. This is His Instruction Manual provided for His Creation.  Sure, it takes some study time to even begin to understand what was going on back in those days and to learn that it still applies to us today; just as any owner's manual needs to be read a few times before the instructions make sense, become clear.

Nothing was done away with when Yahshua came on the scene, in fact, he clarifies and even raises the standard a few times, but he did not put an end to what the Father started.

Exodus 20:

I am YHWH your Elohim who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage: You shall have no other gods besides Me.
You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them.
I YHWH am your Elohim, impassioned, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children upon the third and the fourth generations of those who reject Me, but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those w ho love Me and keep My commandments.
You shall not swear falsely by My Name for I will not clear one who does.
Remember the sabbath day and keep it set apart. Six days you shall do all your work but the seventh day is a sabbath of Mine. You, your family, your hired hands or your work animals or the stranger who is visiting your town shall do no work. I made heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them in six days and on the seventh I rested, therefore I blessed the sabbath day and set it apart.
Honor your mother and father that you may long endure in the Promised Land that I am giving you.
You shall not murder, or commit adultery or steal or bare false witness against one another. You shall not covet your neighbor's house or wife or anything that belongs to him.