Showing posts with label scriptures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scriptures. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Name above All Names

I am not a Hebrew scholar nor a linguist 
or much of an expert on anything.
I am, however, a follower of Y'shua and read Scriptures 
almost every day.
I am a believer in the one true Elohim, our heavenly Father, 
the Creator.
It was over fifteen years ago that I learned He had a Name, 
Yahweh (YHWH). 
(I always thought His Name was 'God'). 
Then I learned His son's name isn't 'Jesus' but is Yahshua (Y'shua).

I know there are many discussions out there in cyber-land and elsewhere debating the 'spelling of' and 'pronunciation of' these Names. I do not disregard their studies and research but I prefer not to let this be a matter of contention which blinds us to the fact that there is a Name above all names. In my studies and keeping the ancient Hebrew texts in mind, I have come to respectfully call the Father and His Son by their names: Yahweh (YHWH) and Yahshua (Y'shua).

Philippians 2:9
Elohim has highly exalted him and given him a name which is more excellent than all names, that at the name of Y'shua every knee should bow, of beings in heaven and on earth and under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Master YHWH is Y'shua Mashiyach to the glory of Elohim his father.

I agree with Andrew G. Roth when he states:

Y'shua reveals the Name of YHWH, the Name above all names! Y'shua has the Name and the reputation of the Father YHWH within him. Y'shua means 'YHWH is salvation' therefore the Will and Spirit of Yah-weh is manifest in Yah-shua as the Arm of YHWH.

Isaiah 52:10  YHWH will bare His arm in the sight of all the nations, and the very ends of the earth shall see the victory of our Elohim
Isaiah 52:13  Behold, My servant will prosper, he will be high and lifted up and greatly exalted.
Daniel 7:14  And to him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations and men of every language might serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed.
John 17:11  I will no longer be in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to You, Kadosh Father, protect them by Your name, the name You gave me, so that they may be one as We are one.
John 17:12  While I was with them, I protected them and guarded them by Your Name, the name You gave me.
Psalm 80:18   Grant Your help to the man at Your right hand, the stem You have taken as Your own.  We will not turn away from You; preserve our life that we may invoke Your Name. O Yahweh Elohim of hosts, restore us; show us Your favor that we may be delivered.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Rest in Peace

We don't Die and go to Heaven

Once again Scriptures, the Word of God, answers our question about what happens when we physically die.

Quote from Life Hope and Truth:
While it may be comforting to those struggling to cope with the death of loved ones to think of them as 'looking down from heaven, this belief is false. Instead, God’s Word comforts us with the fact that there is no suffering in the grave. And since there is no thought for those in the grave, there can be no awareness on their part of the passage of time. When they are resurrected, it will be as though they have awakened from sleep.
End Quote

Psalm 146:3 Put not your trust... in mortal man who cannot save. His breath departs (physical death) he returns to the dust (in the grave) on that day his plans come to nothing
Ecclesiastes 9:5 ... the living know they will die but the dead know nothing, they have no more recompense, for even the memory of them has died. Their loves, hates, jealousies have long since perished and they have no more share till the end of time (when Y'shua returns) in all that goes on under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever is in your power to do,do with all your might. For there is no action, no reasoning, no learning, no wisdom in Sheol (the grave) where you are going.

John 6:39-40: (Y'shua is speaking) “This is the will of the Father who sent me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

It is appointed for all of us to die, but when Y'shua returns to the earth at the last day, his followers who have died will be raised from their graves and given eternal life.

1 Thessalonians 4:13 ... you should not mourn over them who have fallen asleep (died), like other people who have no hope... :14 For if we believe that Y'shua died and rose again, even those who sleep, will Elohim, by Y'shua bring with him. :15 and this we say to you by the word of Messiah, that we who may survive and be alive at the coming of Messiah, will not precede them who have slept. :16 Because our Master Y'shua will himself descend from heaven with a mandate and with the voice of the chief Messenger (angel) and with the trumpet of God; and the dead who are in Messiah will rise first and then we who survive and are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet our Messiah... And so comfort yourselves one another with these words...

We cannot 'rise' to meet Messiah when he returns If we are already in heaven... The dead rise first and the living witness this before they are gathered up as well.

Job 3 (he's about had enough and curses the day he was born and asks why he did not die at birth) ... :13 for now I would be lying in repose, asleep and at rest (dead and buried with those who have died before me)

Y'shua, Son of God, says in John 3:12 - I have explained earthly things and you do not believe. How then will I explain heavenly things? And no man has ascended into Heaven except he who descended from Heaven.

Quote from Bible Info: The Bible compares death to sleep more than fifty times. After death we are asleep, we are unconscious; we are not aware of the passing of time or of what is going on around us. That is what death is like as well. The Bible says, “for the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing… their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, NKJV, see also Psalm 146:4; 115:17). It makes sense that after Lazarus was raised from the dead, he doesn’t share what he saw or experienced. He didn’t have anything to tell, except that once he was dead, and now he is alive! He didn’t experience hell or heaven. He was simply “sleeping” in his tomb. Peter on the Day of Pentecost said the same of King David. “Men and brethren, let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day…For David did not ascend into the heavens…(Acts 2:29, 34).

John 5:28 Do not marvel at this for the hour is coming when all those who are in the grave will hear his voice!

Once you realize we don't die and go to heaven but we Rest in Peace here in the earth for a time, some questions on other topics may arise. Let me know and we can do another study.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

ONE is not a Lonely Number

Quotes from the AENT and Andrew G. Roth 
and composed by yours truly.

In the beginning was the Miltha, the instance of the manifestation of the Word in its substance: Yahweh.

In Him was Life and the life was the Light of men: Yahshua.

The Light was of Truth that shines on all who come into the world, but not all receive him or believe in his name.

The Word is the Manifestation of the Ruach haKodesh (Spirit of Elohim) within Y'shua.

This Light of Truth is the substance of Yahweh which He caused to become flesh, born of a pure woman.  Yahweh is full of Grace and Truth and His Glory is seen in His Son. Torah (Instructions given to us from Yahweh) is the Word of Yahweh but Grace and Truth revealed in Y'shua are the impelling forces that uphold all righteousness and keep the Word of Elohim positioned in our hearts;  these are complimentary, not opposite, nor does one replace the other.   It is according to the Grace of the Father that Messiah is revealed in a person's heart.

Yahweh keeps us by His Name (YAH) which He gave to His Son (YAHshua) that we may be One as they are One.  

When we call upon YHWH in Y'shua's name we are calling on YHWH for Salvation.  Y'shua pleads for us because YHWH gave us to him, those who have kept the Word of Elohim.

As followers of Y'shua we are to walk according to his righteousness, observe the Father's Instructions and walk in the anointing of the Ruach haKodesh as Mashiyach demonstrated for us.

Father, sanctify us by your Truth, for Your Word is Truth.

John 16:27 ...the Father loves you because you have loved me and you have believed that I have proceeded from the presence of the Father... and have come into the world and will return to the Father.  :31 ... Believe. For behold the hour is coming... :33 I have spoken these things to you that (you may find peace in me).  In the world will be affliction but take courage, I have conquered the world.

John 17: Y'shua says, " My Father the hour has come. Glorify your Son so that your Son might glorify You." 

Elohim has given all authority to Y'shua by which we gain life that is eternal.  Verse 3 tells us that Life that is Eternal is that we come to know YHWH the Elohim of Truth and know that He alone set Y'shua  who has glorified YWHW on earth.  The Work Yah gave His Son to do is finished.  Through Y'shua Messiah we come to know YHWH Elohim and if we choose to follow Y'shua, love the Father and obey His Commandments, we gain Life Eternal.

Yahweh created all things.  Part of His plan of salvation was to send Y'shua to do His Work.  The Father is telling His Son, "I am going to give you My People who are lost - they have forgotten Me and the promise I made to Abraham.  I give you these people, and I want you to show them who I am, teach them My Ways and remind them where they came from and where they are  going .  Reveal the Truth by shinning Light in to the darkness."

I am inspired to write my short summary from these related writings found in:
Numbers 1:1- 4:20; Hosea 2:1-11 and Revelation 7:1-17.

We, in order to function as one people, are designated, each to our abilities, duties ascribed by our Creator, that we may live as Set Apart people (to Him) and be an example to the nations/world; a light showing the Way as we follow His Son.  When we function in an orderly way we move according to His Will.  His shalom/peace is apparent through our harmonious behavior.

YHWH is at the center of our lives just as the Tabernacle, His Tent of Meeting, was at the center of the camp during the 40 years the Hebrews spent traveling the wilderness. Everyone knew their place and their responsibilities. They trusted YHWH, His instructions given through Moses, and obeyed out of reverence and love.

In this day many still want their ears tickled instead of hearing the harsh truth and many have gone a-whoring after false gods, idols and follow the doctrines of men. YHWH our Elohim will end all our rejoicing, our festivals, new moons and sabbaths, all our festive seasons because of it.

We must become as little children, void of worldly pollution, mind altering ways, and man made distractions, if we desire to see His Way, know His path, trust His Word and choose to follow His Son.

YHWH will coax us back, guide us through this wilderness and eventually restore all things. We will be, once again, His People, lovingly accepted. It's His promise but our choice.