Wednesday, March 23, 2022



Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Soylent Green in Today's World

We read in Leviticus 26 Yahweh's promise to those who follow His laws and faithfully observe His commandments.  Verse 14 begins telling us what Yahweh has in store for those who do not obey His commandments and reject His laws and spurn His rules.  Even then He gave fair warning and when that doesn't work He goes on to discipline those people even further.  If those people still do not repent, return and face Yahweh (who will forgive them if they do) and they remain hostile towards Him, He will smite them sevenfold for their sins.

What led me to this study was a news report I came across while surfing the web. It is about home grown meat = Ouroboros Steak (I about gag just writing it).

Quote: 13 November 2020
A group of American scientists and designers have developed a concept for a grow-your-own steak kit using human cells and blood.  Ouroboros Steak could be grown (by anyone) at home using their own cells, which are harvested from the inside of their cheek and fed serum derived from expired, donated blood. 


This horrible thought just came to mind after reading that quote again...... In the beginning of this 'rona crapola many people volunteered to have their cheeks swabbed....  

Leviticus 26:27

But if, despite this, you (continue to) disobey Me and remain hostile to Me, I will act against you in wrathful hostility; I will discipline you again for your sins: You shall eat the flesh of your sons and daughters.  I will destroy your cult places and cut down your incense stands and I will heap your carcasses upon your lifeless fetishes.

Begin reading at Deuteronomy 28:49 -  (I have lightly paraphrased here to apply to today's world)

A nation will come swooping down upon us, a nation whose language we do not understand (doublespeak?).  A ruthless nation that shows no regard for the old and no mercy for the young (vaccinations).  It will devour the offspring of cattle and the produce from our gardens and farms leaving no new grain, seeds or oil and the cattle and flocks will cease to exist.  We have no other natural food sources.

This New World Order will shut us up in our towns everywhere until what and who we trusted for protection is brought down.   And while we are 'held captive in our own towns' and food runs out, people will resort to cannibalism (verse 53).  This NWO, our enemy, will reduce many world wide to dire straits.

(Please read Deuteronomy 28:54 through 57 for yourselves - it's just too sickening and heartbreaking for me to share it here.). It is way to easy to see how this can happen now that we know meat is being grown from people.


 And now this:

"From Silence of the Lambs to Texas Chainsaw Massacre, with more than a hundred movies in between, even more if you count "Zombie" movies and television shows, the idea of humans eating humans has been used to horrify movie-goers for decades, but also used by movie-makers to "normalize" cannibalism in the minds of the populace.

What we never thought we would see though, is Disney making movies about the subject. Then again, since Disney went "woke" they have been promoting a number of things that are not kid friendly.

The movie "Fresh" will be released on Hulu, in what appears to be an attempt to distance Disney from its own product, but Hulu is majority-owned by Disney, with NBCUniversal holding a minority stake.  Premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, Mimi Cave’s “Fresh” is a movie about cannibalism. Yes, cannibalism, the eating of people. It’s a straight up horror film about a charming doctor, played by Sebastian Stan, who seduces women, kidnaps them, and carves out pieces of them for sale to high paying customers. Eventually, they’re all carved up and dead.

 ..... and this.....

Compost is defined as "decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer."

No less than three states have passed laws legalizing human composting. To be as blunt as possible, it is turning the dead into compost rather than burying or cremating them. Those states are Washington State , Colorado and Oregon.

How long before the states that have approved the practice of human composting, will they take that next step and allow that "compost" to be used to grow not just plants, but food as well?

Human composting will be voluntary at first, but how long will that last? Probably about as long as voluntary euthanasia. Doctors are now performing non-voluntary euthanizations. And what comes after non-voluntary human composting? Mandatory human composting.  How long before cannibalism of recently deceased humans is legalized? After all, why waste all that good meat. Maybe we could call it Soylent Green.

All excellent questions and not out of the realm of possibility. In fact, at the rate we are seeing attempts to normalize cannibalism, it is far more likely that the next steps will include eating human beings......

Another manner of treating dead humans as nothing more than fertilizer is what they call "water cremation."  The times we are in open up into this horrible scenario.

A Link to SKYNET


TPTB always seem to use Hollywood to tell us about their future plans. If you don't recall, SKYNET is part of the Cyberdyne Corp., from The Terminator movie.

And now, in today's real world, Elon Musk is part of a business called Neuralink
At Neuralink we value talented and mission-driven individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact through the development of high-bandwidth brain-machine interfaces.

Add this Musk endeavor to his current and expanding Skylink string of satellites, throw in a little 5G and you've got a controllable mass of humanoids. 
All of this should remind us:
Don't Take The Mark or receive anything placed on or in your body that makes it possible to interface with Elon's Skylink' sky net' of satellites.  Elon Musk might not be the final world leader via the UN platform but he is providing the tools necessary to pull off the end times scenario.
At Neuralink they are designing neural implants that let you control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go.  Micron-scale threads are inserted into areas of the brain that control movement. Each thread contains many electrodes and connects them to the implant - the Link.  I don't believe this is a one way street.... if the implanted can control devices anywhere, any device can control the implanted.
As a side note, Facebook's corporate name is now Meta and this is the logo:
And this is the Neuralink logo:

And being the researcher that I am, I see similarity in the two designs and believe they are part of the same
development of high-bandwidth brain-machine interfaces.  
Metaverse =  Zuckerberg wants the metaverse to ultimately encompass the rest of our reality -- connecting bits of real space here to real space there, while totally subsuming what we think of as the real world.....
"The less like humans and more like robots we can be, the more at home in the metaverse we will feel.  In short, instead of making technology more compatible with human beings, these services and experiences slowly make human beings more compatible with technology."

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Holocaust wasn't just about the Jews

Quotes from Ariel's Exegesis

"The Nazi persecution of the physically and mentally disabled was their first step in their quest for racial purity."

The Nazi attempt to eliminate the disabled population began with the introduction of two laws on 14th July 1933:
The Law for Prevention of Progeny With Hereditary Disorders, and the Law for Prevention of Genetically Disabled Offspring. These two laws enforced sterilization for those deemed to be disabled resulting in up to 300,000 sterilizations being performed in the 1930s.
The second major step, for both the disabled community and the Nazi eugenic program, came with the ‘euthanasia’ of the Knauer child in 1939.  This case became the pretext for the development of the child euthanasia program. This program involved the recording of all births which displayed deformity or disease. These reports were sent to a centralized board which decided whether or not the child, under the age of three, shall live or be “cleaned.” Initially, the termination of chosen children was carried out by the local hospital.
The T4 “euthanasia” program predated what is referred to as the Holocaust by two years, but continued informally during it and disabled people were later sent to concentration camps with other groups.

The Gypsies were another group singled out for persecution, and then extermination, under the Nazi eugenic program. The Gypsies, as with the Jews and the disabled, were considered to be a threat to Nazi racial purity.

Thus, the Gypsies were sterilized under the Law for Genetically Diseased Offspring of July 14th 1933. Subsequently, the Gypsies were detained and had their citizenship revoked upon the basis of being defined as “aliens”. From 1936-1939 the Nazies ‘registered’ the Gypsy population resulting in deportation, incarceration, or to be left alone. The Gypsies were among the first to be exterminated after the commencement of the Second World War, whilst in many cases Gypsy deportation preceded Jewish deportation.  They were victims of the Holocaust, selected for sterilization, deportation and extermination on the basis of their racial threat to Aryan blood.

The Nazi attack on homosexuality began in July 14th 1933 with the introduction of the Law for Prevention of Hereditary Diseases and in November 1933 with the introduction of the Law Against Dangerous Habitual Criminals and Sexual Offenders. This situation was augmented in 1935 with the introduced sub-clause A to Paragraph 175, making homosexuality illegal. 
Victims of this 'ethnic cleansing' also included priests as well as communists, trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Poles and other Slavic peoples, blacks and resistance fighters.  Some historians claim there were 5 million besides Jewish people who were killed by the Nazi's attempt at racial purification.
Besides that ....
"Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor at Auschwitz, was fascinated by identical twins and tortured them for horrific experiments, under the precept of furthering his research into genetics.  His procedures included unnecessary amputations, injecting chemicals into eyes to try to change eye color, and intentionally infecting one twin with disease then transfusing blood into the other to see if the second twin survived. A pathologist who worked with him has recalled Mengele personally killing 14 twins in one night, with chloroform injections to their hearts."

I agree with many that this was a time of pure evil — systematic evil, state-sponsored evil, industrialized killing, mass murders — the death camps and the people who served in these camps.  We were shown how evil man can be.

Just for comparison:
Stalin was responsible for over 40 million deaths
Mao Zedong = over 45 million deaths
HIrohito = 6 million
Lenin = 4 million
Saddam Hussein = 2 million

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Nativity Scene

We read in Luke Chapter 2 that the reason Joseph and Mary, who was pregnant, traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem in the first place was because Augustus Caesar decided to have a census taken of all the people in his dominion.  Each man went to the city of his clan to be registered. Joseph was of the house of Ephrath (Bethlehem), least among the clans of Judah.  During their time in Bethlehem is when Mary gave birth.  Because of the census underway there were many people in town and all the usual lodging places were booked up, so she ended up laying her newborn son in a manger.  A Messenger of Yahweh appeared to the shepherds who were out that night watching over their flocks and told them about the birth of the Savior and where to find him.  The sign they were told to look for was that they would find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.  The Messenger went back up to heaven and the shepherds made haste to get to town to see this thing they were told about.  About two years go by before the 'wise men' from the east show up.
By reading Matthew Chapter 2 we learn of the Magi who came from the east to Jerusalem.  They ask: 
"Where is he who has been born the king of the Yehudeans? For we saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
The Magi were astrologers/astronomers from Babylon. This class of men were originally taught by Daniel during the time of the exile and that knowledge had been passed down.  These Magi were believers in Yahweh and were aware of the prophecies telling of the birth of His Son, so when they saw 'the star' they recognized 'the sign' and traveled following this sign, bringing gifts worthy of a king, and to bring the good news back to their homeland.  Scripture does not tell us how many of these magi made the journey.
There are many prophecies in the Old Testament in regards to the Son of the Creator, and here are a couple that the Magi recognized: The Star and the territory of Judah.
The prophecy of Balaam, Numbers 24:
I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near.
A star will come forth from Jacob (Israel),
and a scepter (king) will arise from Israel.
The prophecy in Micah 5:
And you, Bethlehem of Ephrath, least among the clans of Judah, 
from you one shall come forth to rule Israel for Me

Hence they began their journey from their homeland traveling west towards Jerusalem, following 'the star' to their destination: Bethlehem.
Herod wasn't too pleased to hear about a king being born since he was the king.  He gathered all the chief priests and scribes in Jerusalem and was asking the people where this Anointed One would be born.  They let him know it would be in Bethlehem, quoting prophecy. Afterwards he secretly met with the Magi and learned when the star first appeared to them. He let them continue to Bethlehem but asked them to carefully inquire about the boy and come back and tell him where he was. Herod lied and told them he, too, would go and worship him. During this time 'the star' was not visible but reappeared and led the Magi to Bethlehem. It stopped and was above the house where the boy was. They entered the house and saw the boy with Maryam, his mother. They rejoiced and worshipped him and offered their gifts of gold, myrrh and incense.
The magi traveled from 'the east', the area of Babylon (in modern day Iraq) and that would be around 1,000 miles east of Jerusalem. They stopped in Jerusalem asking about the 'king', and then they traveled southward, another 7 miles or so, to Bethlehem. The 'star' they had been following showed up again after their time in Jerusalem, and led them south to Bethlehem where it stopped over the house where Mary, Joseph and their boy were staying.
As for Herod finding out when the Magi first saw the 'star' (that time not precisely recorded in Scriptures) we follow the clue when Herod ordered all boys in Bethlehem and its surrounding area be killed who were two years of age and younger; he wasn't taking any chances.  This tells us the Magi first saw this star two years before they arrived in Jerusalem which means Yahshua was near two years old by the time they came to Bethlehem.  After the Magi left Bethlehem, Yahweh told Joseph in a dream to get up and take the boy and his mother to Egypt because of Herod's plan to kill the boy.  Joseph got up and fled with his family that night.

We often read in Scriptures of situations that do not fit what we know of the world (physical realm), so we must be careful not to carry our own imagination and assumptions into what is written. The 'star' seen by the Magi was a sign given by Yah (spiritual realm). What they had learned from Daniel was becoming a reality and they traveled to bear witness to this 'king' and bring the good news back to their homeland. After first seeing 'the star' they made plans and prepared for the journey, to follow the star by faith and see the boy who would become a future king.

Note: None of this describes a planetary conjunction.
A little research on 'stars':
•Revelation 1:20 says those particular stars are angels
•Revelation 9:1 says a star falls from heaven and is given a key
•In Matthew 2:2 the magi ask about 'the king' because they saw 'his star' rise
•In Job 38:7 we read the morning stars sing together and the angels shout for joy
The star that rose when Yahshua was born was an angel, a Messenger sent by Yahweh. It was the unmistakable sign the magi were waiting for.  It appeared, disappeared and returned again for the magi to see and follow.  The shepherds in the field did not see a star but an angel told them a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes would be found in a manger, that was their sign.

There was no drummer boy, no three kings; there were no three wise men nor any angels hanging around the manger when the shepherds came to witness the event.

FYI: "We Three Kings", also known as "We Three Kings of Orient Are" or "The Quest of the Magi", is a Christmas hymn that was penned by John Henry Hopkins Jr. in 1857. He was the pastor of a Church in Pennsylvania, and composed the hymn for a pageant in New York City.

Saturday, December 25, 2021


Today's chickens are the result of years of 'selective breeding' which created hybrids, some of which were eventually used in the commercial industry for meat and egg production.  The ancestor of them all is the Red Jungle Fowl from southeast Asia.

Red Jungle Fowl, male and female (from google images)

Chickens can be traced back to four species of wild jungle fowl which were originally used in cock fights and sacrifices.  After centuries of 'selective breeding' chickens now exist in many colors, shapes and sizes.

Definition of selective breeding:
The process of modifying the characteristics of living things especially to enhance one or more desirable traits by selection in breeding controlled by humans.

That should be a red flag right there when we read 'desirable traits by selection in breeding controlled by humans'.    Yahweh's creation was good just as it was from the beginning until Satan thought it could be better.  Satan influences mankind using doubt. He causes man to doubt the Word of God, encouraging him to do things his own way. Once man starts interfering with Yahweh's Instructions nothing good comes from it.

My question is, should we be eating chickens and their eggs now that we know they have been altered by man?  To me this is the same as we should not eat any genetically modified foods or crossbred meats. In Leviticus 19 we read Yah says not to let cattle mate with a different kind and not to plant a field with two kinds of seed nor should we wear clothing that is a blended material.  If chickens were originally jungle fowl and became what we are familiar with in today's world, perhaps we should stop eating them.

Add to this the inhumane treatment of animals in the commercial meat industry.  Watch a video or two via YouTube about this subject and that will help you make a decision.  It is a hard habit to break.

(photo from google images)

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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Unclean Beasts


As of Dec. 9, 2021 this statue ^ is at the UN location in NY

The beasts written of in Revelation
One rises from the sea and the other from the land. These beasts represent the final governing system and religion of the world.

The beast that rises from the sea (ten horns, seven heads with names of blasphemy, ten crowns) is a system of ten 'nations' with ten leaders, one will seem to have had a fatal head wound that was healed and three will eventually be removed (leaving seven heads/leaders) to make room for the last one, the eighth king. This symbolic 'beast from the sea' prophecy has attributes like a leopard, a wolf and a lion and its power, authority and throne are given to it by Satan. The people of the world respect and admire this beast for they believe no one would attempt to wage war against it. Now people are deluded into thinking they have "peace and safety". The UN statue is called "the guardian of international peace and safety".
(Note: Job's Leviathan beast, "There is no one on land who can dominate him, made as he is without fear. He sees all that is haughty; he is king over all proud beasts.")

The people will worship The Dragon (the serpent, Satan) because he gave authority to this beast. Another way we will recognize this beast system is how it speaks out against God, His Instructions, against His authority and His host in heaven. Each blasphemous word that comes out of its mouth will make us, the Set Apart Believers, cringe in our souls, but we must endure through all this, as it wages war against us.
In 2016 I posted a study that starts out like this:
Consider the possibility of the United Nations as the seat of the New World Order governing system.  It would be the perfect place for 10 world leaders to meet and fulfill prophecy (whether they know it or not) under the pretext of Sustainable Development for the World. Of those 10 leaders, three will disagree and eventually refuse to follow orders. They will be 'removed' so that their chosen World Leader can take his place. 
I also did some ramblings about the UFO conspiracy in which I included this observation:

In January 2021 it seems that our govt has been officially handed over to Satan with a swearing in ceremony. Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) offered a prayer to open the 117th Congress and this is how he ended it:
“We ask it in the name of the monotheistic god, Brahma, and god known by many names by many different faiths.... Amen … and A-woman."
Emanuel Cleaver is a pastor at St. James United Methodist Church of Kansas City, Missouri (he definitely falls under the 'False Teacher' category). The word 'Amen' is commonly used to "express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion)", and has nothing to do with gender! and what does he mean by A Woman? Is he suggesting Kamala Devi Harris-Emhoff ?!? 
These are just bits and pieces of the big picture but I find it very interesting that the New World Order system is no longer trying to hide - there is really nothing to hide behind any more if y'all have been paying attention over the years.  I wasn't 100% in love with 'the Donald' but saw him more or less as the last stand for this country, even though he was pro-vaxx.  He could be one of those leaders who needed to be 'removed' in order for the NWO to take place.  This country needed to be taken down in order for the hodgepodge of socialism/communism/Islamic law to take over. 
This new UN statue is just a symbol of things to come, a message for all to see - things will never be the same.  It will be a while before it is openly official but this is worth keeping an eye on so we know where we are in the time line of things.  I can easily see the United Nations, who is partnered with the World Government Summit who is partnered with the International Monetary Fund who is mixed in with the World Council of Churches etc.... all being used as the main players in the final world governing system which is represented in Scriptures as the kingdom made up of clay mixed with iron.
This is interesting as well.... the artists who made the statue are inspired by 'Alebrijes' which is Surreal Oaxacan Folk Art and this was a gift to the UN from Oaxaca Mexico.
Native to the Valley of Oaxaca in Mexico, alebrijes are animals that escaped the nightmares of an artist (who had fallen ill and became unconscious due to fever*) and appear as a variety of different species, both real and fantastic. 
In other words, the newest statue standing on UN property is an image of a demon; an image of a beast that escaped from someone's nightmare.....
One more puzzle piece to add and then I will wrap it up and let you continue to study it out for yourself.  Our Creator has told us the end from the very beginning - we are not clueless and should not be taken by surprise by the insanity we see in the world around us.  As long as we continue to read and study His Word we shall stand strong in the faith once delivered and endure.
In Daniel 11 we read this about the final world leader: He will do as he pleases; exalt and magnify himself above every god and speak awful things against Yahweh the only living God. This end times leader will have no regard for the god of his ancestors or the one dear to women. He will honor the god of fortresses with gold and silver, precious stones and costly things, a god that his ancestors never knew (never experienced).   
This leader takes over when he proposes a treaty to stop WWIII from happening and it will appear that world peace has become a reality, but this only lasts for three and a half years.  Then Satan possesses this 'man' and all hell breaks loose. This will be the time of the tribulation which lasts for three and a half years.  This is when the mark of the beast is implemented, image worship and all that goes with it.  At the end of the final three and a half years is when our savior, Yahshua the Anointed One, returns.
Isn't it nice to know what to expect and to prepare for it? 
Think about it: The beginning of 2021 our government swears allegiance to Satan and the NWO; the planned scamdemic taught people worldwide to get in line to be injected, so standing in line to receive 'the mark' in order to buy and sell stuff will seem a natural next step when that time comes. And as this year comes to an end the symbolic beast is erected on the UN's property.  All the while folks worldwide have been divided right on down to those who have received the injection and those who have not.

You might be wondering about the statue's wings.  They say the image is a blend of a jaguar and eagle.  I remembered of one of Daniel's beasts he saw arise from the sea which had wings. This UN Statue could represent the former kingdoms that ruled the earth and lets us know that the new world Kingdom has risen.  More on this, later.

*About the artist who created the original images:

Pedro Linares (1906-1992), a renowned indigenous Mexican artist, first created vividly colorful papier mâché sculptures called alebrijes. As the story goes, Linares became very ill when he was 30 years old. Not having access to medical attention, he laid in bed and lost consciousness. Linares dreamed of a bizarre, peaceful place that resembled a forest. He recounted seeing giant rocks, tall trees, and an expansive sky. The artist felt remarkably healthy again and he felt happy as he walked along trails through the dense foliage of his dreamworld.  (Some say he was arrested for a disease that causes hallucinations. In his delirium he could see a species of beings that inhabited a forest).

Suddenly, the clouds, rocks, and trees began to transform. The land features around him shaped themselves into animals that were familiar and yet like nothing Linares had ever seen before. There were mules with dragonfly wings, roosters with antlers, creatures that resembled gryphons and dragons, just to name a few. They had unnatural colors and patterns swirling over their bodies. These creatures began repeatedly chanting a single word: alebrije...alebrije...alebrije! Linares became fearful of these strange, powerful creatures chanting this nonsense word. He couldn't tell if they were warning or threatening him. However, it was enough to startle him awake in time for his fever to subside. (end quote)

About the artists who made the UN statue: Jacobo and María Angeles are from the village of San Martín Tilcajete, Oaxaca. This village is famous for it's carvers and Jacobo and María are among the finest. They concentrate their carvings around the Zapotec figures of "Tonos" or "Nahuales" known worldwide as "Alebrijes."  Each piece is elaborately decorated using "Mixteca-Zapotec" iconography.
It has also been suggested that the word 'alebrijes' could be a compound word that means “far away witch”.
More of my writings for your further research: