Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Soylent Green in Today's World

We read in Leviticus 26 Yahweh's promise to those who follow His laws and faithfully observe His commandments.  Verse 14 begins telling us what Yahweh has in store for those who do not obey His commandments and reject His laws and spurn His rules.  Even then He gave fair warning and when that doesn't work He goes on to discipline those people even further.  If those people still do not repent, return and face Yahweh (who will forgive them if they do) and they remain hostile towards Him, He will smite them sevenfold for their sins.

What led me to this study was a news report I came across while surfing the web. It is about home grown meat = Ouroboros Steak (I about gag just writing it).

Quote: 13 November 2020
A group of American scientists and designers have developed a concept for a grow-your-own steak kit using human cells and blood.  Ouroboros Steak could be grown (by anyone) at home using their own cells, which are harvested from the inside of their cheek and fed serum derived from expired, donated blood. 


This horrible thought just came to mind after reading that quote again...... In the beginning of this 'rona crapola many people volunteered to have their cheeks swabbed....  

Leviticus 26:27

But if, despite this, you (continue to) disobey Me and remain hostile to Me, I will act against you in wrathful hostility; I will discipline you again for your sins: You shall eat the flesh of your sons and daughters.  I will destroy your cult places and cut down your incense stands and I will heap your carcasses upon your lifeless fetishes.

Begin reading at Deuteronomy 28:49 -  (I have lightly paraphrased here to apply to today's world)

A nation will come swooping down upon us, a nation whose language we do not understand (doublespeak?).  A ruthless nation that shows no regard for the old and no mercy for the young (vaccinations).  It will devour the offspring of cattle and the produce from our gardens and farms leaving no new grain, seeds or oil and the cattle and flocks will cease to exist.  We have no other natural food sources.

This New World Order will shut us up in our towns everywhere until what and who we trusted for protection is brought down.   And while we are 'held captive in our own towns' and food runs out, people will resort to cannibalism (verse 53).  This NWO, our enemy, will reduce many world wide to dire straits.

(Please read Deuteronomy 28:54 through 57 for yourselves - it's just too sickening and heartbreaking for me to share it here.). It is way to easy to see how this can happen now that we know meat is being grown from people.


 And now this:

"From Silence of the Lambs to Texas Chainsaw Massacre, with more than a hundred movies in between, even more if you count "Zombie" movies and television shows, the idea of humans eating humans has been used to horrify movie-goers for decades, but also used by movie-makers to "normalize" cannibalism in the minds of the populace.

What we never thought we would see though, is Disney making movies about the subject. Then again, since Disney went "woke" they have been promoting a number of things that are not kid friendly.

The movie "Fresh" will be released on Hulu, in what appears to be an attempt to distance Disney from its own product, but Hulu is majority-owned by Disney, with NBCUniversal holding a minority stake.  Premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, Mimi Cave’s “Fresh” is a movie about cannibalism. Yes, cannibalism, the eating of people. It’s a straight up horror film about a charming doctor, played by Sebastian Stan, who seduces women, kidnaps them, and carves out pieces of them for sale to high paying customers. Eventually, they’re all carved up and dead.

 ..... and this.....

Compost is defined as "decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer."

No less than three states have passed laws legalizing human composting. To be as blunt as possible, it is turning the dead into compost rather than burying or cremating them. Those states are Washington State , Colorado and Oregon.

How long before the states that have approved the practice of human composting, will they take that next step and allow that "compost" to be used to grow not just plants, but food as well?

Human composting will be voluntary at first, but how long will that last? Probably about as long as voluntary euthanasia. Doctors are now performing non-voluntary euthanizations. And what comes after non-voluntary human composting? Mandatory human composting.  How long before cannibalism of recently deceased humans is legalized? After all, why waste all that good meat. Maybe we could call it Soylent Green.

All excellent questions and not out of the realm of possibility. In fact, at the rate we are seeing attempts to normalize cannibalism, it is far more likely that the next steps will include eating human beings......

Another manner of treating dead humans as nothing more than fertilizer is what they call "water cremation."  The times we are in open up into this horrible scenario.

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