Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A Link to SKYNET


TPTB always seem to use Hollywood to tell us about their future plans. If you don't recall, SKYNET is part of the Cyberdyne Corp., from The Terminator movie.

And now, in today's real world, Elon Musk is part of a business called Neuralink
At Neuralink we value talented and mission-driven individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact through the development of high-bandwidth brain-machine interfaces.

Add this Musk endeavor to his current and expanding Skylink string of satellites, throw in a little 5G and you've got a controllable mass of humanoids. 
All of this should remind us:
Don't Take The Mark or receive anything placed on or in your body that makes it possible to interface with Elon's Skylink' sky net' of satellites.  Elon Musk might not be the final world leader via the UN platform but he is providing the tools necessary to pull off the end times scenario.
At Neuralink they are designing neural implants that let you control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go.  Micron-scale threads are inserted into areas of the brain that control movement. Each thread contains many electrodes and connects them to the implant - the Link.  I don't believe this is a one way street.... if the implanted can control devices anywhere, any device can control the implanted.
As a side note, Facebook's corporate name is now Meta and this is the logo:
And this is the Neuralink logo:

And being the researcher that I am, I see similarity in the two designs and believe they are part of the same
development of high-bandwidth brain-machine interfaces.  
Metaverse =  Zuckerberg wants the metaverse to ultimately encompass the rest of our reality -- connecting bits of real space here to real space there, while totally subsuming what we think of as the real world.....
"The less like humans and more like robots we can be, the more at home in the metaverse we will feel.  In short, instead of making technology more compatible with human beings, these services and experiences slowly make human beings more compatible with technology."

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