Saturday, December 25, 2021


Today's chickens are the result of years of 'selective breeding' which created hybrids, some of which were eventually used in the commercial industry for meat and egg production.  The ancestor of them all is the Red Jungle Fowl from southeast Asia.

Red Jungle Fowl, male and female (from google images)

Chickens can be traced back to four species of wild jungle fowl which were originally used in cock fights and sacrifices.  After centuries of 'selective breeding' chickens now exist in many colors, shapes and sizes.

Definition of selective breeding:
The process of modifying the characteristics of living things especially to enhance one or more desirable traits by selection in breeding controlled by humans.

That should be a red flag right there when we read 'desirable traits by selection in breeding controlled by humans'.    Yahweh's creation was good just as it was from the beginning until Satan thought it could be better.  Satan influences mankind using doubt. He causes man to doubt the Word of God, encouraging him to do things his own way. Once man starts interfering with Yahweh's Instructions nothing good comes from it.

My question is, should we be eating chickens and their eggs now that we know they have been altered by man?  To me this is the same as we should not eat any genetically modified foods or crossbred meats. In Leviticus 19 we read Yah says not to let cattle mate with a different kind and not to plant a field with two kinds of seed nor should we wear clothing that is a blended material.  If chickens were originally jungle fowl and became what we are familiar with in today's world, perhaps we should stop eating them.

Add to this the inhumane treatment of animals in the commercial meat industry.  Watch a video or two via YouTube about this subject and that will help you make a decision.  It is a hard habit to break.

(photo from google images)

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