Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Reset the Wild

Biden's '30 by 30 conservation plan' is nothing new. It is part of the UN's Agenda 2030 which has been in play since at least 2015. 'They' want to achieve their 'sustainable development' goals by 2030; forcing worldwide compliance more or less, and China Joe is just following along. Biden's foot-in-the-door plan is lacking details such as "how the government will fund the campaign and what kind of land will be considered as part of the 30 percent". "How much US land and water will fall under that new definition (of conservation)? No one knows yet."

As most 'sales pitches' it has that 'feel good' appeal, but just wait and see how the tables turn in the days ahead. As noted in an article there are already conservation contributions "of tribal nations, farmers, ranchers, forest owners, fishing communities, and others" and that seems a much better community approach than to have the govt come in with it's idea and definition of 'conservation'.
"..... according to the U.S. Geological Survey, only 12 percent of the land in the United States qualifies as 'protected,' including wilderness areas, national parks and monuments, state parks, and some private lands under conservation easements. To achieve an additional 18 percent, we would need to conserve an extra 440 million acres—an area more than four times the size of California—in the next nine years."
It's the 're-wilding of America' plan. This United Nations biodiversity map is nothing new and may be the layout Biden has agreed to:

I've said it before and it is looking more and more like it may be true: The United Nations will be the ruling end times govt. From my studies I have come to see that things aren't much different in today's world from what they were when our Messiah walked this earth. He fought against false religions and corrupt governments while teaching about love and obedience. He was the victim of a 'hate crime' in a society that embraced worldly things while shunning the rules that had been given by the one true God- YHWH. Things were such that the Apostles thought that they were living in the end times. A couple thousand years later and it looks like we are living in the end times.

There have been famines, wars and rumors of wars going on for a very long time. Nations and kingdoms have risen up and fought each other as the years go by. There have been plagues and diseases then as well as now. The only thing different is that all these 'signs' have been getting worse, like labor pains which begin with a twinge now and again, becoming closer together and building in intensity as time goes by. Things are bad now, and they will get worse.

Another facet of this time frame is the government system that will be in place as recorded and described in the writings of Daniel concerning the visions he was given. The 'signs' play into these visions of the future which Y'shua referred to while talking with his Apostles when telling about what will happen prior to his return.

Please read scriptures for more details, including Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11; Joel 2:2.
I'm tellin' ya - if everyone would have just stuck with the Creator's Instructions from the beginning, we wouldn't be in the mess we see today. Man has replaced His simple set of rules, commandments and teachings with thousands of his own ideas of what 'The Law' should be, making us 'slaves to the system'.

Monday, April 26, 2021

2020-21 Wolf's View of Events

From N.Wolf's Book
  1. Emergency measures in many states, which suspend due process of law. This is the hallmark of a police state. COVID-19 is invoked as the reason for the introduction of emergency law — but there is no endpoint for lifting these emergency laws.
  2. The closures of schools, which break the social contract with the next generation.
  3. Bills being passed for "vaccine passports," which bypass the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution by allowing the government and Big Tech companies to intrude on medical privacy, and to create a comprehensive digital surveillance state. (Indeed, the fact that tech stocks rose by 27% each quarter of the pandemic shows one driver of this war against the human: Every minute human beings spend in a classroom, at the pub or restaurant or in a church or synagogue, is time that tech companies lose money by being unable to harvest that data. COVID-19 policies driven by "COVID-19 Response" — actually, by Big Tech companies — ensure that humans are not allowed to connect except via digital platforms. The reason is profit as well as social control).
  4. Forced closures of businesses. By intervening directly in the economy and allowing certain businesses to flourish (Amazon, Walmart, Target) at the expense of small businesses, Main Street shops, restaurants and sole proprietor businesses in general, the State has merged government and corporations in a way that is characteristic of Italian fascism and modern Chinese communism.
  5. Restrictions on assembly. Some states such as California are fining people for seeing their friends in their homes, and making it unlawful for kids to have play dates with their friends. Massachusetts restricted gatherings of more than 10 people at a time, forcing synagogues and churches to stay closed, in spite of a Supreme Court ruling against states forcing churches to close. Parks and playgrounds and beaches have been closed. In countries such as Britain, people are fined for leaving their homes for more than an hour’s exercise a day.
  6. Forced face coverings. In Massachusetts, people are fined if they are not wearing masks outdoors — even children as young as 5 are forced to do so by law. Again, this mandate has not been (supported) by peer-reviewed studies showing medical necessity. And there is no endpoint proffered for these extraordinary violations of personal freedom.
  7. Suppression of free speech. Big Tech companies are censoring critics of COVID-19 policy and vaccine policy, as well as censoring views that are on the right hand of the political spectrum. Incitement, a word that has a long history in the 20th century for closing down free speech, has been weaponized by the left to shut down First Amendment freedoms of expression. In other forms of censorship and management of speech and public debate, tycoons such as Bill Gates have been funding major news outlets, with millions of dollars directed to "COVID-19 education." As a result, dissenting voices are marginalized and shamed, or even threatened with legal action or job losses.
  8. Science being hijacked in the interests of "biofascism." By heavily funding scientific commentators such as Dr. Fauci in the United States, Imperial College and SAGE in the U.K. and Dr. Christian Drosten in Germany, a dominant set of policies and pronouncements about COVID-19 that benefit a small group of bad actors — notably tech and pharmaceutical interests, acting in concert with governments — have built an army of secured, credentialed supporters. But when other scientists or institutions seek debate or transparency, they are threatened with job loss or (their reputations attacked), as in the case of Dr. Simon Goddeke of the Netherlands, who was told to keep quiet by his university when he challenge the flawed COVID-19 PCR test protocols.
  9. Data being hijacked to serve the interests of this biofascism. This manipulation of truth, which I foreshadowed in "The End of America," is typical of the Soviet censors. COVID-19 platforms such as the COVID Tracking Project and Johns Hopkins University, funded by technocrats such as Michael Bloomberg, serve unverifiable COVID-19 data that directly affect the stock markets. Again, while this un-American merger of corporate interests and public policy is reminiscent of Italian fascism, the twist provided by digital data presentation and its relationship to the stock market is very much of the 21st century.
  10. Attacks on religious minorities (that) have been singled out for punishment if they do not follow COVID-19 rules — a targeting of religion that is characteristic of communist policies on the left, especially in China.
  11. Policies that weaken bonds between human beings and weaken the family being introduced and policed. This is the most serious development of all.
The new biofascism, very much driven by Big Tech leaders, is a war against human beings and the qualities that make us human. Masks break human beings’ ability to bond face to face and enjoy human contact, smiles and jokes. Masks turn down the effectiveness of human "technology," essentially, by making it hard for us to "read" each other and to pick up social cues. Forbidding assembly keeps us from forming human alliances against these monstrous interests. Forbidding human assembly also prevents new cultures, new heroes and new business models from arising. We are all stuck with the Rolodex and the ideas we had in March of 2019. Forcing kids to distance at school and wear masks ensures a generation of Americans who don’t know how to form human alliances, and who don’t trust their own human instincts. Those are counterrevolutionary training techniques. Driving all learning onto (already prepared) distance-learning platforms ensures that kids do not know how to behave in human space, space not mediated by technology. Many COVID-19 policies seem designed to ensure that humans will have no "analog" space or "analog" culture left — no way to feel comfortable simply gathering in a room, touching one another as friends or allies, or joining together. Lastly, driving all human interaction onto Zoom (which is a window for the Communist China Party, as China owns the platform) is not only a way to harvest all of our tech, business secrets and IP, it is a way to ensure that intimacy and connection in the future will be done online and that human face-to-face contact will be killed off. Why is this? Why develop policies that punish, encumber and restrict human contact in analog (un-surveilled, unmediated) spaces? Because human contact is the great revolutionary force when it comes to human freedom and resistance to this form of comprehensive biofascism — the biofascism represented by the New Normal — the medico-fascist "Step Ten."
Here is a link to a 20 min. video related to this topic:

Monday, April 19, 2021

Eden and the Garden

Where was Eden?

In the beginning Yah spent time doing some separation which was necessary because what He was working with was unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep.  He separated light from darkness; the expanse separated the water which was now above and below this expanse; the lights in the expanse (Sky) separated day from night.  By Day Seven Yah was finished with His work and rested.  He blessed the Seventh Day and set it apart because that is the day He ceased from all the work of creation.  That is why we do all our work in six days and rest on the seventh.  This is a sign between us and our Creator and has nothing to do with the Gregorian calendar the world uses today.

Genesis 2:8 ~ Yah planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and that is where He placed Adam.
2:10 ~ A river issues from Eden to water the Garden and then divides becoming four branches: Pishon which winds through the whole land of Havilah, where the gold is along with bdellium and lapis lazuli. The second river is the Gihon that winds through the whole land of Cush. The third river is the Tigris that flows east of Asshur and the fourth is the Euphrates.
The course of these rivers were affected years later by The Flood yet both the Tigris and Euphrates are on the maps of today's world. The Pishon and the Gihon could have both been washed out during The Flood or renamed as years went by, maybe known only as streams and creeks in comparison to the rivers they once were.  The land associated with the river Pishon was known for its Gold, Bdellium and Lapis lazuli and called the land of Havilah, while the river Gihon went through the land of Cush.

According to modern day geology the Tigris and Euphrates have their sources within 50 miles of each other in eastern Turkey near Armenia and travel southeast through northern Syria and Iraq to the Persian Gulf.  The Pishon and Gihon would have their source near the same area since one river became four after watering The Garden.  In my research I have learned that the Tigris-Euphrates river system runs through the territory of four countries: Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria and that the Tigris has it's beginning in Armenia.

•Land of Havilah, where the Pishon ran, was known for its gold, bdellium and lapis lazuli.  Havilah is a descendant of Cush. Bdellium is a fragrant gum resin obtained from a tree (Commiphora africana) found in NW Africa and Arabia.

•Land of Cush is where the Gihon flowed. We read in Genesis 10 that Cush, a descendant of Ham, is the father of Nimrod who lived in the land of Shinar.  The Land of Shinar was a general geographic term for what is today Iraq, known in ancient times as Mesopotamia. There, two ancient empires, Assyria and Babylon, were centered.
•The Tigris flowed east of Asshur.  In Genesis 25:12 we read of Abraham's first born, Ishmael, his 12 sons and their offspring who populated the region from Havilah by Shur which was close to Egypt, all the way to Asshur.  Asshur was a son of Shem and from him came the Assyrian people (Syria).

•The Euphrates was simply called 'the fourth' without a land associated with it.  However its path is much like the Tigris, both flowing through Mesopotamia to what is now called the Persian Gulf.
In modern times this area is referred to as the Mideast or Middle East which includes: Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.  

Eden was somewhere in the Mideast, maybe in the area of eastern Turkey near Armenia. I do not have any more details in regards to the original location of Yah's Garden. However, many years later when The Flood began to recede the ark eventually settled on the mountains of Ararat (not thee Mount Ararat) and from Noah's three sons the whole world branched out from that area.  The mountains of Ararat are located within the southern end of the Ararat Plain halfway between Lake Van to the southwest in Turkey and Lake Sevan to the northeast in Armenia.  The mountain range straddles the borders of what are present-day Turkey, Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan  
Consider this coincident: Days earlier while I was researching data for this study, using Google Maps I had traced the Euphrates River from the Persian Gulf and eventually came near Lake Van in Turkey. Could it be that Yahweh set the ark down in an area where His pre-flood Garden was? The resulting Ararat Plain is a fertile agricultural zone with a temperate climate which would have made it an ideal place to restart humankind.  I also traced the Tigris River but lost track of it when I got to the area of Ormanardi, Turkey.  There are two or three streams feeding into the 'lake' where I lost the Tigris. Were they, once upon a time, the Pishon and Gihon?  Thoughts to ponder but not to be sidelined by.

While this has been a most interesting study, the end result is that I cannot pinpoint where the Garden was but am pretty sure of the general location. I used the evidence provided in Scriptures and used modern day maps along with the Atlas option provided by Bible Hub. The so called Cradle of Civilization is somewhere in the mountains of Ararat, somewhere between Turkey and Armenia. 
There are things we don't need to know else the bible would be way to big to carry around. Even in John 21:25 it is written: "Now there is much more that Yahshua did. If every one of them were written down, I think that the world itself would not contain the written books." The basics are recorded and have been preserved throughout the years. Granted, many versions of the 'bible' are fraught with error when compared with the ancient Hebrew texts, but it is by our sincere intentions as we search for Yahweh by reading Scriptures and being in study with other believers that His Spirit reveals the truth to us. By Faith we know Yah created man and man did go forth and multiply.  Yah told Abraham his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Yah told Jacob his offspring would be as the sands of the sea which are too numerous to count.  And here we are.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

"Genetic Bottleneck"

A friend brought this up and it was the first time I heard the term "genetic bottleneck", so I looked it up and here is the basic definition:

A dramatic reduction in the size of a population (as of a species) that results in a decrease in genetic variation.

If you trust 'wiki.pedia' the definition includes: adapting to 'climate change'; mentions a group of Australopithecina as they transitioned into the species known as Homo erectus two million years ago; and the term 'genetic bottleneck' can also be found among other evolutionists. These are red flags for me as I do not concur with the global warming theory or the theory of evolution nor do I believe this old earth is much older than 7,000 years.  That may make one think I might be biased in this study, but as in all topics that I have researched over the years I look at all angles in order to let Him shine His Light a little brighter in order to bring us together in understanding. I always keep Scriptures as the foundation for any study I spend time on and I always suggest others do the same before walking on the wild side.
My friend is thinking along these lines:
The human population has crashed before, maybe a couple of times. Once with Noah. The people "saved" could be the survivors of such a crash. Adam/Eve/Cain.... The humans to survive a crash [Rapture] previous to Adam/Eve/Cain were not all in one place, "the land of others". I don't know that my thoughts are being adequately expressed.... in my mind, it sorta makes sense. It does kinda fill the hole in Cain's story, and the reproductive problems with 2 males and one female in Adam/Eve/Cain.

Adam and Eve were physically perfect human beings living in paradise, the Garden of Eden, Yah's Creation. They want for nothing until Satan caused Eve to doubt the word of their Creator.  They were 86'd from Eden and now had to fend for themselves for the most part.  The history recorded in the Book of Jasher lets us know that after Yah drove them away to the east of the Garden is when Adam and Eve began to have children: two sons and three daughters (for starters).  We also read in Scriptures that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters in their lifetime.  With that in mind it is most likely that the boys 'married' their sisters.  The 'gene pool' is in perfect condition and they are abiding the Creator's command to 'go forth and multiply'.
"Genesis is the record of Yahweh the Creator who was there as history happened. It is the Word of One who knows everything and who is a reliable Witness from the past. Thus, when we use Genesis as a basis for understanding history, we can make sense of evidence which would otherwise be a real mystery. You see, if evolution is true, science has an even bigger problem than Cain’s wife to explain—namely, how could man ever evolve by mutations (mistakes) in the first place, since that process would have made everyone’s children deformed? The mere fact that people can produce offspring that are not largely deformed is a testimony to creation, not evolution".
Back to those first two sons: Cain grew up to be a farmer and Abel a sheepherder.  The boys were grown up when Adam gave them a possession in the land and a few years later the boys prepared to make an offering to the Creator.  Cain brought offerings from his crops and Abel brought from his flock.  The reason Yah favored Abel was because he offered the best of the first born from his flock; Cain had brought from his harvest things of poor quality. Cain became jealous of his brother and ends up killing him. Cain left and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.  The Hebrew word, Nod, translates to 'wanderer; exile or fugitive' which is what Cain had become.
"Scripture doesn’t tell us how many children were born to Adam and Eve, but considering their long life spans (Adam lived for 930 years—Genesis 5:5), it would seem logical to suggest there were many. Remember, they were commanded to “be fruitful, and multiply” (Genesis 1:28)."
In trying to understand what my friend thinks may have happened I ask for a bit more information from him.  He shared this:
"In a genetic bottleneck, the population is severely reduced (crashes). Humans nearly became extinct. When Cain left, he went to the "land of others".  If there weren't more people, somewhere, there would be a problem with inbreeding. Same problem with Noah. According to what I read on bottleneck theory, there was one population crash between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago and there may have been one or two other "events" also, leading me to wonder if this "isn't our first rodeo".  Melding bottleneck theory with biblical references just came to me the day before I brought it up to you. But the description of a bottleneck, as you noticed, sounds biblical."
My first thoughts were if something sounds 'biblical' then it is most likely that God said it first. Take time to read from your copy of Scriptures to see the rest of the story.  Man is famous for taking bits and pieces of "God's Word" to weave them into their imaginations in order to prove their 'theories' and prop up science falsely called.  Secondly, and I made note of this earlier, the Hebrew word 'Nod' translates to 'wanderer; exile or fugitive' which is what Cain had become.  In Scriptures the land of Nod is the region Cain went to after being convicted of murder by Yahweh; the land the wandering fugitive was exiled to. In the account recorded in Jasher we read he took all that belonged to him, including his wife.  When his first son was born Cain began to build a city which he named after his son, Enoch.  Seems to me there were no 'others' existing at this time.  It was Cain and his offspring who populated the area and the city Enoch.
Definition of theory
•A plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena
•An ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances
•An hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation
•An unproved assumption; conjecture
•Abstract thought; speculation
Many things happened leading up to the days of Noah, his sons and the building of the ark.  The Creator gave the call to repentance 120 years prior to The Flood and Noah started building the ark 115 years later, after his father Lamech died. Destruction came because of the Nephilim and how great man's wickedness had become (Genesis 6).  Noah was 600 years old when he and his family entered the ark. They weren't 'raptured' but they were saved from physical death because they followed the Instructions given by the Creator.  Noah was faithful and righteous and the perfect example for us in today's world.  If we remain faithful and righteous we will be saved from spending eternity in Fire Lake.

Not much more is said about Noah and his wife, but his sons Japeth, Shem and Ham, along with their wives go forth and multiply. Thus begins another phase of Yah's Creation.  His action to cause a "dramatic reduction in the size of a population" did not result in a decrease of genetic variation.  There were no variations to begin with (aside from the Nephilim whom Yah did not create), the original 'gene pool' was still clean and the idea of marriage to be between one man and one woman became written law much later. 
There was no problem with 'inbreeding' back then. Adam and Eve were the perfect clean gene pool from which the population got its beginning. It was the divine beings/angels who polluted Yah's Creation which is why He brought The Flood as a ritual cleansing so as to start over with Noah and his family along with the assorted critters.  The next do-over comes at the return of His Son.  Instead of an ark we have been invited to the wedding feast.  We become ritually cleansed when we accept the Spiritual Gift of Salvation from Yahshua.  Those are the ones who become Set Apart and will inherit this earth after Yah's wrath has been poured out.

One thing is for certain... if we don't trust that Yahweh our heavenly Father created this earth both land and sea, animals and man; gave us an Instruction Manual (Scriptures) and then provided us an escape plan by following His Son's example of obeying those same Instructions... if we don't have Faith in the Good News of His Kingdom to come and life eternal, it becomes very difficult to see the big picture of what is happening in the world today - and the imaginings of man have become very entertaining and enticing. Satan uses weapons of mass distraction that lead many down yond rabbit trail.

Wedding Feast

Too Late 

Sodom and Gomorrah 

The Last Day 

Assorted News Links

These are not your usual nightly news sources although many topics of interest are shared amongst them.  The truth isn't always evident in main stream media nor can it be easily found during an internet search which is how I came across many of these alternative sites.  I share them here for your further research and study whether it's world news or local, political or religious.

I do not promote or subscribe to ANY of the advertisements that show up on these sites. Nor do I suggest you sign up with any of these sites to receive emails from them. I pray that knowledge will be increased so that we are not destroyed for lack of it.  
Viewer Discretion is Advised 😁
Now these following links go to sites that have some real good reports, links and interesting articles worth sharing, but also mixed in is other-worldly stuff that I do not believe in nor promote.  

💥 Click at your own Risk 💥

Before News 


Thursday, March 11, 2021

More Bad Dancing

There's a new 'feel-good' video being shared across facebook-land of a dance challenge to the song Jerusalema. This one particular video I watched is of nuns, fathers and brothers in a monastery doing the dance and viewers are praising it as something good during this lock down. The lyrics are in African so I had to take a look-see for the translation and then I looked for the origins of such a song and dance.
Jerusalem, my home.
Rescue me,
Join me,
Don't leave me here!
My place is not here,
My kingdom is not here,
Rescue me!
Come with me!
Save me, save me,
Don't leave me here....
My place is not here,
My kingdom is not here,
Rescue me Come with me

To me, this does not sound like a song of praise being offered to the Creator, Yahweh. It should sound confusing to anyone who knows Jerusalem is the center of the universe according to our Creator; it is where His Son will set up the kingdom to come, on this earth. And the choreographed dance steps sort of kind of remind me of a study I did on Messianic dancing - not a good thing either.   Come to find out Mbende Jerusarema Dance is the original fertility dance which has evolved into what folks are seeing today as this Jerusalema dance challenge. If those dancing nuns knew they were dancing to a fertility ritual, do you think they'd be smiling?

Here is a quote from the UNESCO website:

The Mbende Jerusarema Dance is a popular dance style practiced by the Zezuru Shona people living in eastern Zimbabwe, especially in the Murewa and Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe districts.

The dance is characterized by acrobatic and sensual movements by women and men, driven by a polyrhythmic drummer accompanied by men playing woodblock clappers and by women hand clapping, yodelling and blowing whistles. Unlike other drum-based East African dance styles, the Mbende Jerusarema does not rely on intricate foot stamping or a large number of drummers. Instead, the music is performed by one master drummer, and no songs or lyrics are involved.

In the course of the dance, men often crouch while jerking both arms and vigorously kicking the ground with the right leg in imitation of a burrowing mole. The dance’s curious name reveals much about its vicissitudes over the centuries. Before colonial rule, this ancient fertility dance was called Mbende, the Shona word for “mole”, which was regarded as a symbol of fertility, sexuality and family. Under the influence of Christian missionaries, who strongly disapproved of this sexually explicit dance, the dance’s name was changed to Jerusarema, deriving from the Shona adaptation of the name of the city of Jerusalem, to endow it with a religious connotation. Both names are commonly used today. In spite of its condemnation by the missionaries, the dance remained popular and became a source of pride and identity in the struggle against colonial rule.

The dance is changing its character and meaning as its enactment as an exotic animation for tourist audiences becomes more widespread. It is also increasingly used at political party rallies, where it is removed from all its original intentions. The mitumba drum, rattles and whistles, which used to accompany the dance, have successively been replaced by instruments of poor quality, contributing to the loss of the uniqueness of the Mbende music.
 Here is a link to a study I did a few years back in regards to dancing:

Time is running out for us to become fully Set Apart.  I share various topics about pagan origins so as to help others make the choice to 'come out of Babylon', that old feel good worldly system that pleases Satan and makes him feel like a 'god'.


Definition of Plague:
: a disastrous evil or affliction; calamity
: a destructively numerous influx or multiplication of a noxious animal; infestation
: an epidemic disease causing a high rate of mortality; pestilence
: a virulent contagious febrile disease that is caused by a bacterium (Yersinia pestis) and that occurs in bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic forms (called black death)
: a cause of irritation; nuisance
: a sudden unwelcome outbreak 
We have read in Scriptures about the plagues that befell Egypt prior to the mixed multitude being set free from Pharaoh, who was so stubborn, hard headed and stiff necked that Yah had to take extreme measures to convince him to let His people go.
1. The water in the Nile River was turned into blood which caused all the fish to die resulting in a stench so strong that the Egyptians could not drink the water and there was blood throughout the land.
2. Seven days later Yah plagued the land with frogs. The Nile swarmed with frogs and they spread throughout. Pharaoh was a little taken aback for a moment and begged Moses to plead with Yah on his behalf, which he did and Yah complied.  When Pharaoh saw relief, he became stubborn again and refused to set the people free.
3. So now the dust of the earth was turned into lice throughout the land of Egypt and the vermin infected man and beast.  This was something Pharaoh's magicians could not duplicate and they told Pharaoh that this was indeed the "God of the Hebrews" at work. This only hardened Pharaoh's heart and he refused to take heed.
4. Once again Moses pleads with Pharaoh to set the people free and once again he refuses resulting in swarms of insects being let loose against him and his courtiers, the people and their houses and the very ground they stand on were filled with swarms of insects.  Part of this event was to set Goshen apart, where the Hebrews had been living, and no swarms of insects were found there so that others would know that Yahweh was in the midst of the land; making a distinction between His people and Pharaoh's people.  Pharaoh was shaken up again, begged Moses to plead with Yah, and He removed the swarms. Once again, after seeing relief, Pharaoh refused to let the people go.
5. Next up is a very severe pestilence which struck Pharaoh's livestock out in the fields: horses, donkeys, camels, cattle and sheep. Once again Yah made a distinction between Pharaoh's livestock and that of the Hebrews - nothing of theirs died.
6. After that, soot from the kiln was thrown into the sky which became as a fine dust all over the land of Egypt and caused an inflammation to break out in boils on both man and beast and this affected the magicians as well.  Pharaoh heart was hardened and he refused to let Yah's people go.
7. We read this in Exodus 9 verse 14:
"For this time I will send all My plagues upon your person (Pharaoh), your courtiers, and your people, in order that you may know that there is none like Me in all the world. I could have stretched out My Hand and stricken you and your people with pestilence and you would have been caused to vanish from the earth.  Nevertheless, I have spared you for this purpose: in order to show you My power, and in order that My fame may resound throughout the world. Yet you continue to thwart My people and do not let them go! This time I will rain down very heavy hail such as has not been in Egypt from the day it was founded until now. Therefore, order your livestock and everything you have in the open brought under shelter; every man and beast that is found outside shall perish when the hail comes down upon them."
This was enough of a warning that those among Pharaoh's courtiers who had begun to fear the God of the Hebrews brought their slaves and livestock indoors to safety; but those who payed no regard to His Word left their slaves and livestock out in the open.  Yah sent thunder and hail, and fire streamed down to the ground.  The hail was very heavy and had fire flashing in its midst.  It struck down all who were out in the open, and the grasses and trees of the field.  Only the region of Goshen was set apart and no hail fell there.
8. Yahweh explains He has hardened the hearts of Pharaoh and his courtiers in order to display His signs among them and that future generations would remember how He made a mockery of the Egyptians in order that they would know that He is the one and only Creator.  He asks how long will they refuse to humble themselves and let His people go to worship Him.  Yet they refuse to let them go and here come the locust.  They ate what the hail didn't destroy out in the field and fruit of the trees, and they got into the houses and palaces of Egypt.  They covered the land.  As we know, Pharaoh still refused Yah's terms.

9. Now a thick darkness fell on the land of Egypt, so dark that it could be felt.  For three days people could not see one another, no one could safely move, but all the Hebrews enjoyed light in their dwellings.  Yet, Pharaoh still wants to bargain with God.
10. One last plague and Pharaoh finally lets Yah's people go. Once again instructions are given and those who desire to be saved sacrifice a lamb and paint its blood on the lintel and doorposts of their dwelling - a sign to the angel of death to 'pass over' those dwellings. As for the rest, towards midnight every first-born in the land of Egypt died, both man and beast, including the first born of Pharaoh, who finally tells Moses to leave, and take all the Hebrews and anyone else who worshipped the God of the Hebrews with him, along with their flocks and herds and begone.
•••  •••  •••
If we use Yah's list of the plagues He used against Pharaoh and the Egyptians, a plague in our day and age could translate to:
•Lack of fresh water and the pollution that kills off our fish as a food source
•Demonic influence in everyday life
•Parasites affecting both man and animals
•An increase in swarms of insects
•A contagious disease that is virulent and devastating which affects all livestock, horses, donkeys, camels, cattle and sheep
•Serious air pollution that causes boils to breakout on man and animal, possibly chemtrail related
•Severe weather via Weather Control techniques
•Locust eat whatever is left that severe weather didn't destroy
•Spiritual Darkness - His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
•Spiritual Death for not choosing His Blessing from the very beginning.
Our water supplies are contaminated and even the purification process contaminates our drinking water with fluoride (as one known culprit). Fish as a food source is being contaminated from all the pollution and radio active waste flushed into the waterways. Farmed fish is not a healthy option.  Our ranch and farm grown food sources have been contaminated with genetically modified organisms, chemtrail residue, weed killers, fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics, and topped of with assorted additives. Take all that and throw it in the microwave oven for a full fledged franken-meal.  Our immune systems have been further compromised over the years from being exposed to all the above mentioned contaminates which makes us even more vulnerable to various diseases. Weather manipulation has been sold to us as global warming or climate change and has been used as a weapon, creating and manipulating storms. Mix into all this the lack of knowledge about Scriptures.  Satan's demons use that 'spiritual darkness' against us at every turn.
Exodus 15:26 - If you will diligently listen to the voice of Yahweh your Creator, and do that which is right in ​H​is eyes, and give ear to ​H​is commandments and keep all ​H​is statutes, He will put none of the diseases on you that He put on the Egyptians 
(for I am ​Yahweh​ your healer)
All these calamities are the side effects of Satan's plan to make things seem better than what Yahweh said was good to begin with. Satan used 'doubt' to cause Eve to disregard the Father's Instruction about eating from one particular tree. Satan caused Eve to question Yah's authority, the Creator of all things good, and seduced her into believing a lie; led astray by subtle persuasion and false promises.  Thousands of years later we find ourselves living in the aftermath.

Yahweh included mankind in His creation and provided a Set of Instructions, an Owner's Manual, to be used in daily affairs as well as spiritual matters.  In following these Instructions mankind would do well, live long and eventually inherit the promised land. Instead, mankind throws out the first half of the Owner's Manual because he thinks he is smart enough and can do it all by himself now, and uses the second half of the Owner's Manual to his advantage once he realized he could control other people who haven't studied the Set of Instructions for themselves.  Therein is the basis for all the assorted religions, beliefs, churches and cults.  Throw out the Instructions and folks will believe anyone who looks and sounds like they know what they're doing.  Satan is very clever.  By not having faith in the One who created us, who gave us everything we need, we trail after Satan's doctrine of progressive behavior, always looking to improve that which has already been good, but by Satan's standards not good enough.  Do you see how mankind has gotten trapped into the 'modern world'?  The ways of Satan have gotten folks back in bondage to the 'system' just as that mixed multitude were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt.

Take a look around the world today and notice all the various plagues that exist.
Folks who do not believe in the Word of Yahweh will consider the words of Satan as a basis for truth. As I mentioned earlier, Satan caused Eve to doubt the Word of God and y'all know what happened next - bye bye paradise.  This is the biggest reason I continue to remind you to read Scriptures for yourself. Study them out and find other truth seeking believers who are not afraid to stand in the faith once delivered as set apart believers in the one true living God Yahweh our Father of heavenly lights. 
Various scientist and their followers do not believe in the Word of God but they do believe in the money accrued as funding to further their love of science-fiction.