Saturday, April 17, 2021

Assorted News Links

These are not your usual nightly news sources although many topics of interest are shared amongst them.  The truth isn't always evident in main stream media nor can it be easily found during an internet search which is how I came across many of these alternative sites.  I share them here for your further research and study whether it's world news or local, political or religious.

I do not promote or subscribe to ANY of the advertisements that show up on these sites. Nor do I suggest you sign up with any of these sites to receive emails from them. I pray that knowledge will be increased so that we are not destroyed for lack of it.  
Viewer Discretion is Advised 😁
Now these following links go to sites that have some real good reports, links and interesting articles worth sharing, but also mixed in is other-worldly stuff that I do not believe in nor promote.  

💥 Click at your own Risk 💥

Before News 


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