Saturday, April 17, 2021

"Genetic Bottleneck"

A friend brought this up and it was the first time I heard the term "genetic bottleneck", so I looked it up and here is the basic definition:

A dramatic reduction in the size of a population (as of a species) that results in a decrease in genetic variation.

If you trust 'wiki.pedia' the definition includes: adapting to 'climate change'; mentions a group of Australopithecina as they transitioned into the species known as Homo erectus two million years ago; and the term 'genetic bottleneck' can also be found among other evolutionists. These are red flags for me as I do not concur with the global warming theory or the theory of evolution nor do I believe this old earth is much older than 7,000 years.  That may make one think I might be biased in this study, but as in all topics that I have researched over the years I look at all angles in order to let Him shine His Light a little brighter in order to bring us together in understanding. I always keep Scriptures as the foundation for any study I spend time on and I always suggest others do the same before walking on the wild side.
My friend is thinking along these lines:
The human population has crashed before, maybe a couple of times. Once with Noah. The people "saved" could be the survivors of such a crash. Adam/Eve/Cain.... The humans to survive a crash [Rapture] previous to Adam/Eve/Cain were not all in one place, "the land of others". I don't know that my thoughts are being adequately expressed.... in my mind, it sorta makes sense. It does kinda fill the hole in Cain's story, and the reproductive problems with 2 males and one female in Adam/Eve/Cain.

Adam and Eve were physically perfect human beings living in paradise, the Garden of Eden, Yah's Creation. They want for nothing until Satan caused Eve to doubt the word of their Creator.  They were 86'd from Eden and now had to fend for themselves for the most part.  The history recorded in the Book of Jasher lets us know that after Yah drove them away to the east of the Garden is when Adam and Eve began to have children: two sons and three daughters (for starters).  We also read in Scriptures that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters in their lifetime.  With that in mind it is most likely that the boys 'married' their sisters.  The 'gene pool' is in perfect condition and they are abiding the Creator's command to 'go forth and multiply'.
"Genesis is the record of Yahweh the Creator who was there as history happened. It is the Word of One who knows everything and who is a reliable Witness from the past. Thus, when we use Genesis as a basis for understanding history, we can make sense of evidence which would otherwise be a real mystery. You see, if evolution is true, science has an even bigger problem than Cain’s wife to explain—namely, how could man ever evolve by mutations (mistakes) in the first place, since that process would have made everyone’s children deformed? The mere fact that people can produce offspring that are not largely deformed is a testimony to creation, not evolution".
Back to those first two sons: Cain grew up to be a farmer and Abel a sheepherder.  The boys were grown up when Adam gave them a possession in the land and a few years later the boys prepared to make an offering to the Creator.  Cain brought offerings from his crops and Abel brought from his flock.  The reason Yah favored Abel was because he offered the best of the first born from his flock; Cain had brought from his harvest things of poor quality. Cain became jealous of his brother and ends up killing him. Cain left and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.  The Hebrew word, Nod, translates to 'wanderer; exile or fugitive' which is what Cain had become.
"Scripture doesn’t tell us how many children were born to Adam and Eve, but considering their long life spans (Adam lived for 930 years—Genesis 5:5), it would seem logical to suggest there were many. Remember, they were commanded to “be fruitful, and multiply” (Genesis 1:28)."
In trying to understand what my friend thinks may have happened I ask for a bit more information from him.  He shared this:
"In a genetic bottleneck, the population is severely reduced (crashes). Humans nearly became extinct. When Cain left, he went to the "land of others".  If there weren't more people, somewhere, there would be a problem with inbreeding. Same problem with Noah. According to what I read on bottleneck theory, there was one population crash between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago and there may have been one or two other "events" also, leading me to wonder if this "isn't our first rodeo".  Melding bottleneck theory with biblical references just came to me the day before I brought it up to you. But the description of a bottleneck, as you noticed, sounds biblical."
My first thoughts were if something sounds 'biblical' then it is most likely that God said it first. Take time to read from your copy of Scriptures to see the rest of the story.  Man is famous for taking bits and pieces of "God's Word" to weave them into their imaginations in order to prove their 'theories' and prop up science falsely called.  Secondly, and I made note of this earlier, the Hebrew word 'Nod' translates to 'wanderer; exile or fugitive' which is what Cain had become.  In Scriptures the land of Nod is the region Cain went to after being convicted of murder by Yahweh; the land the wandering fugitive was exiled to. In the account recorded in Jasher we read he took all that belonged to him, including his wife.  When his first son was born Cain began to build a city which he named after his son, Enoch.  Seems to me there were no 'others' existing at this time.  It was Cain and his offspring who populated the area and the city Enoch.
Definition of theory
•A plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena
•An ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances
•An hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation
•An unproved assumption; conjecture
•Abstract thought; speculation
Many things happened leading up to the days of Noah, his sons and the building of the ark.  The Creator gave the call to repentance 120 years prior to The Flood and Noah started building the ark 115 years later, after his father Lamech died. Destruction came because of the Nephilim and how great man's wickedness had become (Genesis 6).  Noah was 600 years old when he and his family entered the ark. They weren't 'raptured' but they were saved from physical death because they followed the Instructions given by the Creator.  Noah was faithful and righteous and the perfect example for us in today's world.  If we remain faithful and righteous we will be saved from spending eternity in Fire Lake.

Not much more is said about Noah and his wife, but his sons Japeth, Shem and Ham, along with their wives go forth and multiply. Thus begins another phase of Yah's Creation.  His action to cause a "dramatic reduction in the size of a population" did not result in a decrease of genetic variation.  There were no variations to begin with (aside from the Nephilim whom Yah did not create), the original 'gene pool' was still clean and the idea of marriage to be between one man and one woman became written law much later. 
There was no problem with 'inbreeding' back then. Adam and Eve were the perfect clean gene pool from which the population got its beginning. It was the divine beings/angels who polluted Yah's Creation which is why He brought The Flood as a ritual cleansing so as to start over with Noah and his family along with the assorted critters.  The next do-over comes at the return of His Son.  Instead of an ark we have been invited to the wedding feast.  We become ritually cleansed when we accept the Spiritual Gift of Salvation from Yahshua.  Those are the ones who become Set Apart and will inherit this earth after Yah's wrath has been poured out.

One thing is for certain... if we don't trust that Yahweh our heavenly Father created this earth both land and sea, animals and man; gave us an Instruction Manual (Scriptures) and then provided us an escape plan by following His Son's example of obeying those same Instructions... if we don't have Faith in the Good News of His Kingdom to come and life eternal, it becomes very difficult to see the big picture of what is happening in the world today - and the imaginings of man have become very entertaining and enticing. Satan uses weapons of mass distraction that lead many down yond rabbit trail.

Wedding Feast

Too Late 

Sodom and Gomorrah 

The Last Day 

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