Biden's '30 by 30 conservation plan' is nothing new. It is part of the UN's Agenda 2030 which has been in play since at least 2015. 'They' want to achieve their 'sustainable development' goals by 2030; forcing worldwide compliance more or less, and China Joe is just following along. Biden's foot-in-the-door plan is lacking details such as "how the government will fund the campaign and what kind of land will be considered as part of the 30 percent". "How much US land and water will fall under that new definition (of conservation)? No one knows yet."
As most 'sales pitches' it has that 'feel good' appeal, but just wait and see how the tables turn in the days ahead. As noted in an article there are already conservation contributions "of tribal nations, farmers, ranchers, forest owners, fishing communities, and others" and that seems a much better community approach than to have the govt come in with it's idea and definition of 'conservation'.
"..... according to the U.S. Geological Survey, only 12 percent of the land in the United States qualifies as 'protected,' including wilderness areas, national parks and monuments, state parks, and some private lands under conservation easements. To achieve an additional 18 percent, we would need to conserve an extra 440 million acres—an area more than four times the size of California—in the next nine years."
It's the 're-wilding of America' plan. This United Nations biodiversity map is nothing new and may be the layout Biden has agreed to:

I've said it before and it is looking more and more like it may be true: The United Nations will be the ruling end times govt. From my studies I have come to see that things aren't much different in today's world from what they were when our Messiah walked this earth. He fought against false religions and corrupt governments while teaching about love and obedience. He was the victim of a 'hate crime' in a society that embraced worldly things while shunning the rules that had been given by the one true God- YHWH. Things were such that the Apostles thought that they were living in the end times. A couple thousand years later and it looks like we are living in the end times.
There have been famines, wars and rumors of wars going on for a very long time. Nations and kingdoms have risen up and fought each other as the years go by. There have been plagues and diseases then as well as now. The only thing different is that all these 'signs' have been getting worse, like labor pains which begin with a twinge now and again, becoming closer together and building in intensity as time goes by. Things are bad now, and they will get worse.
Another facet of this time frame is the government system that will be in place as recorded and described in the writings of Daniel concerning the visions he was given. The 'signs' play into these visions of the future which Y'shua referred to while talking with his Apostles when telling about what will happen prior to his return.
Please read scriptures for more details, including Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11; Joel 2:2.
I'm tellin' ya - if everyone would have just stuck with the Creator's
Instructions from the beginning, we wouldn't be in the mess we see
today. Man has replaced His simple set of rules, commandments and
teachings with thousands of his own ideas of what 'The Law' should be,
making us 'slaves to the system'.
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