Friday, November 25, 2016


I believe the first mention of 'knowledge' is in Genesis 2:9 "And from the ground Yahweh caused to grow every tree that was pleasing to the sight and good for food, with the Tree of Life in the middle of the garden, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad." Then Yahweh gives the command to Adam- 2:17 "but as for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, you must not eat of it; for as soon as you eat of it, you shall die."
Right there in the 2nd chapter of creation we learn that we were not meant to know everything. We should allow our Faith in the Creator to be sufficient. Self awareness might not be a good thing, a stumbling block at least and a snare at most.
Amos 8:11 - A time is coming, declared Yahweh, when He will send a famine upon the land: not a hunger for bread and thirst for water, but for hearing His Words... Men shall wander from sea to sea and from north to east seeking His Word but shall not find it...

Daniel 12:4 - But you Daniel, keep the words secret and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will range far and wide and knowledge will increase.

Daniel heard but did not understand.  He was told that these words are secret and sealed unto the time of the end.  And here's what most folks overlook:
4:10 - Many will be purified, purged and refined; the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand; but the knowledgeable will understand.

Even if we have knowledge not all will understand the impact or implications of said knowledge. Those who have been purified, purged and refined will understand. While it is true that the vast majority of the world will be without Yahweh and without hope when Y'shua returns, it is written also that many people will understand, prepare, and be ready.

Purify: to clear from material defilement or imperfection
>to free from guilt or moral blemish >to free from undesirable elements
Purge: to free from moral or ceremonial defilement
Refine: free from impurities
We are freed from guilt by accepting the shed blood of Y'shua. We follow Y'shua as we walk towards perfection, removing materialism and other impurities from the path. We choose to love and obey the Creator which frees us from undesirable elements, ceremonial defilement.  We, in this process, become 'knowledgeable'.  
The context of "knowledge increased" is in reference to people understanding the prophecies of the book of Daniel, however, many Bible scholars believe that this prophecy also applies to an increasing knowledge of science, medicine and technology.  The two views may be connected. Those using these scientific breakthroughs gain knowledge leading to the prophecy that, as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be prior to the return of Mashiyach. These people are gaining knowledge, albeit from that Tree Yahweh said not to eat of. This would include genetic manipulation and other experiments, some of which result in the trend of forcing 'the next step of evolution': transhumanism.

As it was in the days of Noah, man was evil and his wicked ways had permeated the world, to the point Yahweh brought about the Flood.  And what brought about those wicked evil ways?  
Genesis 6 -- When men began to increase on the earth and daughters were born to them, the Divine Beings saw how beautiful they were and took wives from among those that pleased them. It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on the earth. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
Divine beings caused human women to become pregnant. Their mutant, genetic offspring are called the Nephilim. These Rebel Angels also taught the secrets of heaven to these human woman - knowledge that was not intended for humans, fruit not to be eaten.
According to Enoch there were 200 of these angels who left their station in heaven to achieve their desires on earth. They defiled themselves by having sexual relations with these women. They also taught these women charms, pharmacies, root cutting and uses of plants - secret knowledge humans weren't suppose to know. These women became pregnant and gave birth to what is called the Nephilim, who grew to 300 cubits in height. They ate every thing produced for them and when that ran out they turned against mankind and ate them. The Nephilim sinned against birds, beasts, reptiles and fish (more genetic manipulations? crossbred mutants?) and began to eat each other's flesh and drink their blood. They were lawless ones (they did not abide by the Instructions of Elohim). They taught men metallurgy in the making of swords, shields, knives and breastplates as well as bracelets and ornaments. They taught the use of antimony (A metalloid element having many forms, the most common of which is a hard, very brittle, shiny, blue-white crystal) and the use of paints and dyes, the use of make up to beautify eyes, the use of gemstones - then did all godlessness increase and everything was corrupt.
There are things we're just not supposed to know in this lifetime.

This is similar to knowing about the Jews planning on building another Temple in Jerusalem which just might be the one Satan enters and claims to be 'god'- it's prophecy, it's going to happen, we just need to separate ourselves from it because we know right from wrong. We have gained knowledge of Scriptures and learned discernment enabling us to make the right choice. The knowledge is of Good and Bad. The Ruach haKodesh enables us to recognize which is which so that we may act accordingly. The Spirit gives us the ability to 'understand knowledge'.

Knowledge is expanding in all directions, but this isn't necessarily a good thing. It is simply prophesy coming to life in our day and age, as we enter the end days scenario. Knowledge of everything can cause confusion, division, misunderstandings and man thinking he is god: a know-it-all with an inflated ego. 
1 Corinthians 8:1 - And concerning sacrifices to idols, we know that in all of us there is knowledge; and knowledge inflates the ego, but love uplifts the spirit.

Ephesians 1:15 - Therefore, since I heard of your Faith in our Master Y'shua the Anointed One and of your love towards all the Set Apart believers; I do not cease to give thanks on your account, and to remember you in my prayers that the Elohim of Y'shua the Mashiyach, the Father of glory, may give to you the Spirit of Wisdom and of revelation in the recognition of him (spiritual knowledge).
Ah! How excellent is the majesty of His power, in us who believe, according to the efficiency of the strength of His power which He put forth in the Mashiyach...
Proverbs 18:15 - The mind of an intelligent man acquired knowledge; the ears of the wise seek out knowledge

If we always Love Yahweh first and foremost we will remain on His Path through all that is yet to come. Love one another accordingly. Walk in the footsteps of His Son and keep His Instructions in Righteousness.
Ephesians 3:13 - Therefore, I pray that I may not be discouraged by my afflictions which are for your sakes; for this is your glory. And I bow my knees to the Father of our Master Y'shua from whom the whole family in heaven and on earth is named, that He would grant you according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit; that in your inner man the Mashiyach may dwell by Faith, and in your hearts by love, while your root and your foundation increases greatly in strength; and that you may be able to explore with all the Set Apart believers what is the height and depth and length and breadth, and know the greatness of the Mashiyach's love and that you may be filled with all the fullness of Elohim.
Colossians 2 - And I wish you to know how I have struggled for you, and for them of Laodicea and others who have not seen me, that their hearts may be comforted and they, by love, may come to all the riches of assurance and to the understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of Elohim the Father and of the Mashiyach in who are hid all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge.
2 Peter 1:5 - And while you apply all diligence in the matter, add to your Faith moral excellence and to moral excellence, knowledge, and to knowledge perseverance, and to perseverance patience, and to patience the Fear of Elohim and to the Fear of Elohim sympathy with the brotherhood and to that, love.
It is by first having Faith, then all things will be added to us, according to His Set Apart Spirit.
Ecclesiastes 1:18 - For as wisdom grows, vexation grows; to increase learning is to increase heartache.
1 Corinthians 13:2 - And if there should be in me the gift of prophecy, and I should understand all the mysteries, and every science, and if there should be in me all faith so that I could move mountains... and if love isn't in me, I should be nothing.
Luke 11:52 - Woe to you scribes because you have taken away the keys of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed because of your disobedience! Because you have rejected obedience, I reject you as My priest; because you have spurned the teaching of Elohim, I will spurn your children.
Knowledge is defined in the dictionary as the fact of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association; the range of one's information or understanding; the circumstance of recognizing truth through reasoning; the condition of having information or of being learned.

Our knowledge is gained from becoming familiar with Scriptures, the Word of Elohim, and our range of understanding will increase as time goes on, if we continue to read, study, pray and love Elohim and one another.  By way of the Ruach haKodesh, we are given the ability to recognize truth as we reason together. From this I deduce science and technology have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge Yah said not to, and have gone the way of the Divine Beings who were in rebellion against the Instructions of the Creator, seeking to be 'gods' themselves and dabble in their own re-creations.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Don't Mimic those Pesky Pagans

When Yah says not to 'boil a kid in its mother's milk' we are being taught not to partake in a popular tradition. Yes, He is the creator of all things including the goat and the young goat, but it was the pagan practice of cooking this way that we are told not to do.

Pagan defined:
  • one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods 
  • a heathen
  • Pagan was used at the end of the Roman Empire to name those who practiced a religion other than Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Early Christians often used the term to refer to non-Christians who worshiped multiple deities

Deuteronomy 18
When you enter the promise land... you shall not learn to imitate the abhorrent practices of those nations. Let there not be found among you anyone who: sends their children to the fire; or who is an augur (one who foretells events by omens), a soothsayer (someone who makes predictions about what is going to happen in the future), a diviner (a person who uses special powers to predict future events), a sorcerer (a person who practices sorcery; a wizard or warlock), one who casts spells or one who consults with ghosts or familiar spirits, or one who inquires of the dead.

  • the use of magical powers that are obtained through evil spirits
  • the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining
  • magic

Could Energy Therapy be derived from any of these practices? All Set Apart believers should ask this question and find Yah's answer before letting themselves become a participant.  I pray this information I have gathered will help one make the right decision.
From 1 Corinthians 10... all our fathers were under the cloud, and they passed through the sea, and they were all immersed by Moses in the cloud and in the sea. The all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink... from the spiritual rock that attended them and that rock was the Mashiyach.  But with a multitude of them, Elohim was not pleased. These things are an example for us so that we won't covet after evil things as they did.  Neither should we serve idols as some of them did nor commit sexual sin. Neither let us tempt the Mashiyach as some of them tempted and serpents destroyed them. (Numbers 21:4)  Nor should we complain as some of them did and they perished by the destroyer.  All these things that befell them were for an example to us and they are written for our instruction on whom the end of the world has come.  Flee from idolatry... do not associate with demons... we cannot partake at the table of our Master Y'shua and sit at the table of demons.
From Numbers 20
Moses took the rod as Yah had commanded.  Moses and Aaron assembled the congregation in front of the rock and he said to them, "Listen you rebels! shall we get water for you out of this rock?" And Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod.  Out came copious amounts of water... But Yahweh wasn't happy with this, He had told Moses to 'speak' to the rock, to order it to give its water, not strike it a couple of time ... He said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust Me enough to affirm My sanctity in the sight of the people, you shall not lead this congregation into the land I have given them.
Moses tried to accomplish this task on his own instead of following the instructions from Yahweh.  Are we guilty of taking matters into our own hands regarding health and medical treatments?  I'm not talking about using the items mentioned in Scriptures, which are Yah Approved, the oils and clay, hyssop, spices and dietary guidelines, etc. But should we be dabbling in the spiritual realm thinking we have power over the Ruach haKodesh?  I think not.

Matthew 13:14And in them prophecy is fulfilled (Isaiah 6:9;10) 'Hearing, and you will not understand what you hear, and seeing you will not know what you see.'  For hardened is the heart of this people, and they were hard of hearing and their eyes are blinded (by science?) that they should not see or hear or understand in their heart, and return, and I heal them...
Energy Therapy (quote)
In a world where people are constantly grasping for deeper meaning, deeper spirituality, and a higher purpose, energy healing is one more New Age philosophy that presents itself as very desirable to human beings. Born with sin, we all come into the world with the strong belief that we are the center of the universe—that we are in control of our health, our bodies, our lives, our circumstances, and our destinies. Those who have not turned to (Yahweh) for Truth have no choice but to search for it within themselves.The practice of energy healing is not in itself a religion, but it is a pathway to one's own spirituality. It leads us on a personal journey that encourages us to focus on ourselves and how our energy is in sync with the energies of the cosmos, the earth, and all other life. Through this, we can supposedly be taught to heal ourselves by using clairvoyance to “visualize” where the negative energy is in order to determine the cause of the problem, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual.
The main thread I have found in researching energy therapy are the claims that it works by 'removing obstructions to the flow of life force energy throughout the body'. These obstructions are allegedly caused by negative thoughts, actions, or feelings, which some believe are the fundamental cause of illness. I believe that much to be true - harboring negativity will cause illness - no matter where in the body you think that negativity is stored. The negativity we hang onto can be released when we begin to forgive those who have done us wrong. That is the first step. As we forgive those who have caused us pain, anger, or caused us to regret our actions and carry guilt, so shall the Father forgive us the wrongs we have done. When this connection is made a lot of that negativity is lifted as if the world has been taken off our shoulders. We begin to breathe again, blood flow is improved and a level of better health is evident.

The idea of energy healing is a temptation for us to put our trust in ourselves and our own bodies, which is a form of worship. The temptation dangled by the Adversary in front of Eve was 'to become like divine beings'. First he caused her to Doubt the Instruction of the Creator. This doubt allowed her to desire and eat that forbidden fruit. A Lie opened the door and bye-bye paradise. We can all be tripped up by doubt and deceit if we are not firmly grounded in His Word. For most who participate in energy healing, no recognition is given to the one true Elohim, nor does He receive any praise for healing. They say: "Our Soul is the connection between our physical body and our Spirit, and provides communication between the two. It is our consciousness, and forever remains connected to the Creator, God, or whatever term you like to use. 

The soul connects the physical body and our Spirit? providing communication between the two? come on now...  

Chi, Kundalini, Prana, the life force, New Age healing, Vital Force, and psychic healing... These all are names for the same thing: occult energy.
*Note on the occult and occult healing: The occult is a set of practices involving reading hidden meanings in ordinary images or in natural sources, the attempt to receive information or aid from disembodied beings, and/or manipulation of unquantifiable forces or powers. The three broad categories are divination, spirit contact, and sorcery. Healing is one of the most common occult activities but these methods are counterfeit to true healing. New Age healing is, in actuality, based on occult healing principles.
The folks at Splankna are mixing and mingling a bit of Scripture with new age philosophy, painting this therapy to look good to Christians, claiming that 'life force' is the 'holy spirit'. Isn't this a device used by Satan? He makes evil look good and good seem like an evil thing, with an end result of turning us away from Yahweh. A simple lie opens the door and then we're kicked out of paradise.

Getting involved in energy healing is spiritually dangerous, to say the least.

Daniel 12:4
"But you, Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will range far and wide and knowledge will increase."
And what knowledge would that be?
2 Peter 2:18
But be you growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Master and Redeemer Y'shua the Mashiyach and of Elohim the Father: who is the glory now and always and to the days of eternity. Amen.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Tall as the Anakites

A friend posed this idea:
"Isn't it interesting that Abraham lived amongst the Philistines and never mentioned them being giants? In fact they feared him because of the God he served. How is it that when the ten spies went into the Land to explore it that they became so BIG? Maybe it's all in the perspective." end quote

This challenged me to further research those commonly called 'giants' as they are recorded in Scriptures.

Genesis 14 tells us about the Rephaim, Zuzim*, and Emim** battling with others at the Valley of Siddim (Dead Sea) and word reaching Abram the Hebrew that his nephew was taken captive... 
Deuteronomy 2:10 explains that the **Emim were as tall as the Anakites. Both the Emim and Anakites were considered as Rephaim. The Rephaim were called *Zamzummim, also as tall as the Anakites. 
Deuteronomy 9 tells us about cities with sky high walls around them inhabited by the Anakites, a people great and tall = the descendants of Anak...
Numbers 13:22 (there were Anakites living in Hebron) 13:28 ... the people who inhabit the cities are powerful... we saw the Anakites there... 13:32 ...The country that we traversed is one that devours its settlers. All the people that we saw in it are men of great size, 13:33 we saw the Nephilim there - The Anakites are part of the Nephilim - and we looked (small in size in comparison) like grasshoppers...

The Emim and the Anakites were also known as Rephaim which were called Zamzummim (possibly same genetic line of giants called by different names in different locations?)

Here's our tall and powerful peoples list:
Nephilim - Genetic Mutants
Anakites - also considered as Rephaim
Rephaim - aka Zamzummim
Zumim - Zamzummim = Rephaim
Emim - aka Rephaim

It appears the original genetically modified beings were the Nephilim. Next we have those called the Anakites, descendants of Anak who was of the Nephilim.  The rest are different names for the same ones called Rephaim.

Deuteronomy 2:11
(The Emim) Like the Anakites, they are counted as Rephaim; but the Moabites call them Emim.

Who was Anak? A descendant of the Nephilim; another genetically modified human? In Joshua 15:13 we learn Arba was the father of Anak, founder of Hebron (Kiriath-arba). As noted above, there were Anakites living in Hebron.  The Anakites were giants the other ones were measured against, 'being as tall as the Anakites'.  It seems as though the Nephilim were the original giants - the tallest of them all - and some how the height of this breed was toned down in the recreation process.

Who was King Og, the king of Bashan? In Deuteronomy 3:11 we read that he was the only one left of the Rephaim. He reigned over Bashan at Ashtaroth and at Edrei.  We don't know his real height but his bedstead, made of iron, was 9 cubits long and 4 cubits wide, by the standard cubit! (Cubit: approximately 18 inches ) His bed was about 13-1/2 feet long by about 6 feet wide. The whole Argob district, all that part of Bashan was called Rephaim country.  This area was eventually given to the tribe of Manasseh.

And lets not forget about Goliath the Philistine of Gath, who was 6 cubits and a span tall. (1 Samuel 17:4) A Span is about 9 inches, making Goliath about 9 feet and 9 inches tall.  These guys were not as tall as the ones seen by the scouting party who felt as though they looked like grasshoppers in comparison, so was the Nephilim 'gene' being further manipulated?  A twelve foot tall person would not need to eat as much as a 300 foot tall person... -(👀)-

These women became pregnant and gave birth to what is called the Nephilim, who grew to 300 cubits in height (450 feet?). They ate every thing produced for them and when that ran out they turned against mankind and ate them. The Nephilim sinned against birds, beasts, reptiles and fish (more genetic manipulations? crossbred mutants?) and began to eat each other's flesh and drink their blood (cannibals and vampires?). They were lawless ones. They taught men metallurgy in the making of swords, shields, knives and breastplates as well as bracelets and ornaments. They taught the use of antimony (A metalloid element having many forms, the most common of which is a hard, very brittle, shiny, blue-white crystal) and the use of paints and dyes, the use of make up to beautify eyes, the use of gemstones - then did all godlessness increase and everything was corrupt.

Guess we didn't need Abraham to tell us every detail.  If tall powerful people were commonplace in his day it makes sense that he didn't mention it - but it was written down and preserved for us to read in this day and age. The more we read, the more we find that Scripture does interpret Scripture.

John 20:30
Now Y'shua did many other miracles before his disciples that are not written in this book. Indeed, these things are but written that you might believe...

John 21:25
And there are many other things that Y'shua did, which if those were written one by one, not even the world as I suppose would be sufficient for the books that would be written...

photo copyright 2000 Candus Cornett

For more info, read my study: Nephilim, then and now

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Modern Day Twist on Mysticism

Here's a new one for me... Splankna Therapy

A friend recently asked what I thought about it, and my gut feeling was that it was something from the new-age religion. So I 'googled' it and this is the first info I came upon:
Quote The basic problem with splankna is that it takes the methods and doctrines of Eastern mysticism and tries to “Christianize” them. Splankna is wholly based on New Age spirituality, and the Splankna Therapy Institute admits as much on their website: “The only developers of these tools have come from a New Age perspective.”Discerning Christians know that it’s impossible to put a Christian face on paganism. End Quote

So, what is splankna? The word splankna has Greek roots. It means literally “bowels” or “intestines.” I have read that "The modern concept of splankna therapy is based on a mind-body connection and supposed “energy fields” within the body. Splankna is akin to Reiki, but with a Christian twist in that splankna identifies the “life force” within us as the Holy Spirit and it incorporates prayer into the treatment." 

Let me be clear: including prayer does not automatically make any behavior 'right' or acceptable in the eyes of Yahweh.

This statement is from the Splankna Therapy website:
Splankna Therapy is the first Christian protocol for energy psychology. Energy psychology utilizes the same system in the body that acupuncture and chiropractic are based on to alleviate emotional trauma that is physically stored. The Splankna Protocol incorporates elements from three different energy psychology protocols: Thought Field Therapy, EMDR and Neuro-Emotional Technique.
What is a protocol?
  • A system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situations 
  • A plan for a scientific experiment or for medical treatment
"Christian Protocols" seem akin to the 'doctrines of men". Yahweh has already given us His system of rules, laws and commandments which show us the proper conduct in regards for our health and well being; He tells us if we live accordingly, He will protect us from disease. He didn't tell us this was a scientific experiment or to seek other avenues of medical treatment. His Son gave us the Ruach haKodesh: the Spirit from Yahweh aka the Comforter aka the Spirit of Truth, not some mystical life force.


Reiki- A Japanese form of alternative medicine believed to involve transferring chi through one's palms.

Thought Field Therapy is a fringe psychological treatment developed by an American psychologist, Roger Callahan. Its proponents say that it can heal a variety of mental and physical ailments through specialized "tapping" with the fingers at meridian points on the upper body and hands. The theory behind TFT is a mixture of concepts "derived from a variety of sources. Foremost among these is the ancient Chinese philosophy of chi, which is thought to be the 'life force' that flows throughout the body".

EMDR - Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is a psychotherapy developed by Francine Shapiro that emphasizes disturbing memories as the cause of psychopathology. It is used to help with the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder. According to Shapiro, when a traumatic or distressing experience occurs, it may overwhelm normal coping mechanisms

Neuro-Emotional Technique A therapy developed in the late 1980s by an American chiropractor, Scott Walker, which is a synthesis of acupuncture (meridian therapy), kinesiology (muscle testing), chiropractic activator technique, nutritional support and homeopathy. NET is based on Walker’s belief that many physical conditions (e.g., myofascial tension, pain, TMJ syndrome and others) are due to the long-term effects of negative emotions. 

Allowing ourselves to experiment with mysticism opens a portal for demons to enter. We are called to come out of this world system just as His People were called to come out of Egypt (they had a choice). We are called to come out of Babylon, a hot bed of paganism, and in the later days it is Mystery Babylon we need to cut ties with.

Our Faith is our Trust in the Living Elohim, we trust His Instructions. We should not let our pride and arrogance get in the way of His Truth. If He says do not eat lobster, I will not eat lobster. I do not need a scientific reason to obey the One who created me. 

There are places we just aren't suppose to go. Take that tower they tried to build in Babylon. Those folks wanted to make a name for themselves. It was because of their pride and arrogance that Yahweh scattered them. If He didn't want a tower built to reach the heavens back then, should man be so adamant about space travel now? If He gave us commandments not to do certain things, things that the pagans did, why on earth would we think it was O.K. to experiment with 'new age' mysticism now? Justifying it because, well, we prayed while dabbling in it. 

There is nothing new under the sun.

Yahweh our Elohim has warned, more than once, not to 'mix or mingle' with non-believers and traditions of men. Read this quote from the Splankna website and tell me, should Set Apart believers go through this door?
Typically when Christians look for the concept of vital energy in the Bible they land on the idea of the “breath of life” in the Genesis account. Most of the time when the Old Testament speaks of the “breath of life” it uses the Hebrew word “Ruwach.” ... it means “spirit” or “breath.” As spirit, it is used to denote the Spirit of God in the Old Testament and occasionally the spirit of a person or even an evil spirit. Another possibility for where the Bible references “energy” is in the Hebrew word “Chay” (pronounced “Kai”.) It means “alive,” “life,” or “living” in the Hebrew. It is used in conjunction with the Ruwach scriptures where it uses the phrase “the breath of life.” Ruwach is the “breath” and Chay is the “life.” 
However, the circuitry + intention of Energy Psychology is not manipulating one’s life force per se. At Splankna we believe that John 1 speaks more directly to what is happening in Energy Psychology. John explains to his audience that the Logos (typically translated “word” but also accurately translated “active will/intention”) sustains all things. Johns’ audience was familiar with the term “Logos.” They used it culturally to refer to the universal life force, the cosmic animating principle. John was operating much like Paul in Athens by saying in effect, “What you think is a force, I introduce to you as the person of Jesus.” It is Jesus who animates all things by his constant will. Hebrews reiterates this idea… that all things exist, the particles are buzzing, because God actively wills them to. 
Quantum physics shows us that our attention also affects those particles. One of the many mysterious properties of the quantum level is that sub-atomic particles cannot be observed with objectivity. As soon as we look at them, our observation changes them. The quantum level gives us some insight into the mechanism behind what we know intuitively; our thoughts affect reality. God has built partnership into humanity. Every thought we think, every emotion we feel contributes to the quantum field around us. When we employ “circuitry + intention” we are just doing it on purpose. It is merely a property of God’s own creation, and we are so grateful for the myriad of ways He has given us to heal.

They are trying to take the awesome power of the Creator and quantify Him with science. We are not to tempt our Elohim. Quantum physics is still a mystery and man isn't smart enough to figure it out. A mystery we contribute to? come on... And as for what John was relating...

The Word is the Manifestation of the Ruach haKodesh (Spirit of Elohim) within Y'shua.

This Light of Truth is the substance of Yahweh which He caused to become flesh, born of a pure woman. Yahweh is full of Grace and Truth and His Glory is seen in His Son. Torah (Instructions given to us from Yahweh) is the Word of Yahweh but Grace and Truth revealed in Y'shua are the impelling forces that uphold all righteousness and keep the Word of Elohim positioned in our hearts; these are complimentary, not opposite, nor does one replace the other. It is according to the Grace of the Father that Messiah is revealed in a person's heart.

The Apostle John is a witness and testifies concerning the light that we may believe the truth.  That Light shines as the Son of Elohim - Yahshua the Mashiyach (the Anointed One) - who is the Light, the Truth and the Way. 

It is up to us to choose to believe, to act in Faith and not by the dictates of science or the philosophies of man. 


Another angle brought up was that since Yahweh has made everything, some of which was perverted by those pagans of yore, it is His Spirit within us so it should be alright to do this therapy. I ask, where in Scriptures does it even hint at this being O.K. for Set Apart believers? Are we saying that 'forgiveness' isn't enough? love isn't enough? When we are set free of sin our health improves both mentally and physically. Again, it is by Faith we trust Yahweh.

The Divine Beings, because of their pride and arrogance, left their stations in heaven to create offspring using human women. They also taught these women charms, pharmacies, root cutting and uses of plants - secret knowledge humans weren't suppose to know. Not All Things Created by Yahweh were intended for our use... so naming the life force and claiming it as a tool for healing is not according to the will of our Creator. 

Once we know right from wrong =good from evil= we must always choose the right way. His Spirit cannot be quantified by science - He is beyond our total understanding because we are still separated from the spiritual by physical realms. 

This therapy idea is like man trying to build a tower to reach the heavens.


Who is the Master of Confusion? Who is so subtle as to make one question the Word of Yahweh Elohim? Doubt is a device expertly used by Satan to turn us from our Creator. As we patiently wait for the return of Y'shua we must continue to withdraw from those who walk wickedly.

What are 'body flow meridians'?

In a form of alternative medicine that originated in China, meridians are invisible energy pathways or channels that run through the body. Our vital life energy is thought to flow along these meridians, and anything that disrupts the smooth flow of chi is said to cause illness. 
If you do some more research you'll find that treatments for this invisible energy include specific stretching and breathing routines: Hatha Yoga and I quote:
Hatha Yoga stresses mastery of the body as a way of attaining a state of spiritual perfection in which the mind is withdrawn from external objects. Hatha Yoga traces its origins especially to Gorakhnath, the legendary 11th-century founder of the Kanphata Yogis, but it grew out of yogic traditions dating back at least as far as Patanjali, author of the Hindu classics the Yoga-sutras and the Mahabhasya (“Great Commentary”). Hatha Yoga places great importance on diet, purificatory processes, regulation of breathing (Pranayama), and the adoption of bodily postures called asanas, which structure a program of physical exertion. A common asana is the padmasana (“lotus posture”), in which the crossed feet rest on the opposite thighs. This is the position in which many Hindu and Buddhist gods are often depicted, but it is only one of dozens described in Hatha Yoga treatises. The “salute to the sun” is a well-known sequence of 12 asanas performed in a fluid movement.

Please read this carefully:

Hatha Yoga has grown in popularity in the West as a form of exercise that develops strength, flexibility, bodily relaxation, and mental concentration. Its true object, however, is to awaken the dormant energy (shakti) of Shiva that animates the subtle body but is concealed behind the gross human frame. The subtle anatomy containing it is usually described as a series of lotiform chakras (“wheels”) rising from the anal or genital area to the top of the head. Through the forceful suppression of physical and mental activity, the female shakti is enabled to rise along the chakras and unite with the male Shiva in the uppermost chakra, a union indistinguishable from enlightenment and even immortality.

Let that sink in.

Now... Do you think it's O.K. to align the idea of chakras to the Menorah? To the Son of Elohim? Are we to be a light that blinds or a light to shine upon the darkness of this world?

Do not subject yourselves to energy therapy. By doing so you are putting other 'gods' before the one true Elohim. Most folks do so unknowingly, seeking only alternative health treatments, and will possibly be destroyed for lack of knowledge. The purpose of 'yoga' is to subdue the physical and mental aspects of a person in order to "awaken the energy of Shiva", one of the main deities of Hinduism = Energy Therapy. In essence making you bow down to other gods whether you know it or not...

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Armor of Elohim

Ephesians 6:13 
Therefore, put on the whole armor of Yahweh that you many be able to meet the evil one and, being in all respects prepared, may stand firm.
🌱 🌱 🌱

Clothing ourselves with
the Spiritual Armor of our Creator consists of:
•The Good News of Peace
•Faith which gives Confidence
•The Sword of the Spirit (Truth)
•Constant Prayers for Set Apart Believers

In all these things we are prepared 
to defeat the evil one, Satan 
and his various deceptions.

John 17:17
Father, sanctify them by your •Truth,
for Your Word is Truth•

Acting in a just, upright manner, 
doing what is morally right

Isaiah 52:7
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him 
who brings •Good News•, who announces Peace 
and brings good news of happiness, 
who announces Salvation, 
and says to Zion, "Yahweh is king!"

Romans 1:17
For in the Good News is revealed 
the righteousness of Elohim, from faith to faith, 
as it is written, •the righteous by faith will live•

Isaiah 12:2
Behold, Yahweh is my •Salvation•
I will trust, and will not be afraid; 
For YHWH Elohim is my strength and song; 
And He is become my Salvation.

Hebrews 4:12
•For the Word of Yah is living and all-efficient
and sharper that a two-edged sword•

1 Thessalonians 1
I, Paul and Sylvanus and Timothy, to the assembly 
of the Thessalonians which is in Elohim the Father 
and in our Master Y'shua the Mashiyach: 
Grace be with you, and peace.
We give thanks to Elohim at all times 
on account of you all, 
•and remember you continually in our prayers•
 and we call to mind before the Father 
the works of your faith and the toil of your love 
and the patience of your hope in our Master Yahshua.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Behemoth and Leviathan

The other day I was researching the topic of fallen angels, reading from the Books of Enoch about 'the Watchers' and their offspring the nephilim, when I came across a reference to large creatures by the names of Behemoth and Leviathan. These creatures were originally combined as one and then separated: one lives in the sea and the other on land.  In the book of Job beginning in chapter 40 we read about a couple of very large creatures. It would be easy to picture them as dinosaurs, but one is definitely a fire breathing dragon! One beast is associated with water and the other a land dweller. This reminded me about the two beasts written of in Revelation: one rises from the sea and the other from land.  Those three accounts, seemingly related, are the inspiration for this study.

Job 40:15 
Take now Behemoth, whom I made as I did you; he eats grass like the cattle. His strength is in his loins, his might in the muscles of his belly. He makes his tail stand up like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are knit together. His bones are like tubes of bronze, his limbs like iron rods. He is the first of My works; only his Maker can draw the sword against him. :21 He lies down beneath the lotuses, in the cover of the swamp reeds (sounds big but not all that threatening)

In Job 40:25 YHWH goes on to say:
Can you draw out Leviathan by a fish hook? Can you press down his tongue with a rope? Can you put a ring through his nose, or pierce his jaw with a barb? :32 Lay a hand on him, and you will never think of battle again. 
Job 41:6 
Who can pry open the doors of his face? His bared teeth strike terror. His protective scales are his pride, locked with a binding seal. One scale touches the other; not even a breath can enter between them. Each clings to each; they are interlocked so they cannot be parted. His sneezings flash lightning, and his eyes are like the glimmering of dawn. Firebrands stream from his mouth, fiery sparks escape. Out of his nostrils comes smoke as from a steaming, boiling cauldron. His breath ignites coals, flames blaze from his mouth. Strength resides in his neck; power leaps before him. The layers of his flesh stick together; he is as though cast hard; he does not totter. :17 Divine beings are in dread as he rears up; as he crashes down,they cringe. No sword or missile or lance can prevail against him. He regards iron as straw, bronze as rotted wood. No arrow can put him to flight... :22 His under part is jagged shards; it spreads a threshing-sledge on the mud. He makes the sea boil like an ointment pot. His wake is a luminous path; he makes the deep seem white-haired. There is no one on land who can dominate him, made as he is without fear. He sees all that is haughty; he is king over all proud beasts.

Back when I first read this description I had made 'margin notes' indicating my thoughts were leaning towards a genetically modified creation via the Nephilim. It is mentioned that even the 'divine beings' were in dread of Leviathan. Were those divine beings the Watchers, written of in the Books of Enoch, who saw the evil their offspring perpetrated?  By the way, it was the 'divine beings', noted in Genesis, who left their station in the heavens to create offspring with human women. YHWH says He made Behemoth, but what about Leviathan?

Here is a shortened account from what is recorded in Enoch, a fragment from the Book of Noah, 60:1-24:
Enoch has seen a vision which terrorized him. He saw the heavens were shaken and that thousands and thousands of angels, the host of heaven were agitated. He saw MarYah on His throne of glory. The angel Michael says to Enoch, "The time of His mercy lasted until now, and He has been merciful and long-suffering towards all the sons of the earth. But the day will come when the power, the punishment and the judgment will take place... That day has been prepared for the chosen as a day of covenant, and for sinners as a day of inquisition. On that day two monsters will be separated from one another, a female named Leviathan, to live in the depth of the sea, above the springs of waters, and a male named Behemoth, which moves on its chest, and occupies a large wilderness named Dendayen in the east of the garden, where the chosen and the righteous live. These two monsters are prepared by the power of YHWH so that His punishment will not be in vain. Then sons will be slain with their mothers, and sons with their fathers. When the punishment of YHWH comes on them it will continue and the punishment will not be in vain. After that, judgment will contain mercy and patience.
Continue on to the beasts written of in Revelation: one rises from the sea and the other from the land. These beasts represent the final governing system and religion of the world. 

The beast that rises from the sea (ten horns, seven heads with names of blasphemy, ten crowns) is a system of ten 'nations' with ten leaders, one will seem to have had a fatal head wound that was healed and three will be removed (leaving seven heads/leaders) to make room for the last one, the eighth king. This 'beast from the sea' has attributes like a leopard, a wolf and a lion and its power, authority and throne are given to it by Satan. The people of the world respect and admire this beast for they believe no one would attempt to wage war against it. Now people are deluded into thinking they have peace and security.

(Note: Job's Leviathan, "There is no one on land who can dominate him, made as he is without fear. He sees all that is haughty; he is king over all proud beasts.")

The people worship The Dragon (the serpent, Satan) because he gave authority to this beast. Another way we will recognize this beast system is how it speaks out against Elohim, His Instructions, against His authority and His host in heaven. Each blasphemous word that comes out of its mouth will make us, the Set Apart Believers, cringe in our souls, but we must endure through all this, as it wages war against us. 

The second beast comes out of the earth. This beast (Behemoth) will appear to us as as a spiritual leader but ends up speaking for Satan, the Dragon. He has all the authority as the first beast and will perform great signs, even to bring fire down from heaven to earth (he has a demonic spirit working in him).

This land beast, the false prophet, will convince people to make an image, a statue, of the first beast (Leviathan). After they do, the land beast (Behemoth) will appear to have given life to the Image and command all to worship this Image.  Those who refuse will be killed. It is during this time that the Law to be Marked (in order to buy or sell, conduct commerce) will be enforced. Everyone will be required to have this mark (forbidden by Elohim) on their right hand or upon their forehead in order to shop or sell goods (groceries, gas, clothing, pay bills etc...).

As in Job, Behemoth the male, grass eating land dweller, doesn't sound so threatening just as the end time beast that come out of the earth appears as a spiritual leader to be trusted. Leviathan, the sea dwelling female, fire breathing dragon,  has always produced fear in those who have seen her, yet a woman rides this beast in Revelation, who will eventually be hated by the world and destroyed. Is she one of the three leaders to be removed prior to the final world leader?

Revelation 12:7 And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his messengers fought against the dragon... the old serpent who is called the Deceiver and Satan, who seduces all the inhabited world...

Leviathan's description fits that of a dragon. Satan is called the Dragon. The Dragon is in the world now and is behind the final world system taking shape: both government and religion. 

Job had everything he needed and more because of his faith in YHWH. Satan was allowed to test the faith of Job and it was just horrible, to the point Job wished he had never been born... yet he did not turn his back on YHWH. In the end Yah restored health and wealth to Job - a reward for his faith in Elohim - the gift of life for his soul.  

The same scenario will be for us in the end times.  This final world system will be a big test for all of us.  If we go along with it, worship the Image, take its mark etc... we essentially turn our backs on Elohim and fail.  If we moan and groan and cry and wish we'd never been born yet keep our faith in the one true living Elohim, He will sustain us and restore all things. Then we receive the gift - the life of our soul.  No matter when and how this all comes about, we must stand strong in our Faith and Endure until the End.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Ten Summarized

Throughout the book of Genesis Yahweh pretty much established Himself as the Creator and the only Living Elohim.  He had to do this early on because He knew of the future 'no-gods' that would spring from the non-believers whose imaginations became steeped in pagan traditions.  

Since Yahweh is the only Elohim and is the Maker of all things He saw fit to include an Owner's Manual for His Creation.  He knew we would need it.  From the time Satan interfered in the Garden and to this very day YHWH's Instructions are vital to knowing the difference between the righteousness of Truth and the deceptions of paganism.  He gave us a choice between Good and Evil - we follow YHWH or Satan, there is no middle of the road.

Many lessons have been taught His people and by the time we get to the book of Exodus He is ready to round them up and move them out.  It hasn't been easy because His people are 'stiff necked', stubborn and hard headed.  They say one thing and do another.  They (His created) anger Elohim to the point that He just as soon be done with them.  He is reminded of His promise and life goes on.  He really does love us and wants that no one would perish.

More lessons, types and shadows are given and by Exodus 15:8 He makes a fixed rule and puts the people (He had set free) to the test. Yah says:

"If you will heed Me, your Elohim, diligently, doing what is upright in My sight, giving ear to My commandments and keep all My laws, then I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon the Egyptians, for I Am your healer."

And here is what Yahweh our Elohim has to say as it is recorded in Exodus 20:

I am YHWH your Elohim who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage: You shall have no other gods besides Me.
You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth.  You shall not bow down to them or serve them.
I YHWH am your Elohim, impassioned, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children upon the third and the fourth generations of those who reject Me, but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
You shall not swear falsely by My Name for I will not clear one who does.
Remember the sabbath day and keep it set apart.  Six days you shall do all your work but the seventh day is a sabbath of Mine. You, your family, your hired hands or your work animals or the stranger who is visiting your town shall do no work.  I made heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them in six days and on the seventh I rested, therefore I blessed the sabbath day and set it apart.
Honor your mother and father that you may long endure in the Promised Land that I am giving you.
You shall not murder, or commit adultery or steal or bare false witness against one another.  You shall not covet your neighbor's house or wife or anything that belongs to him.
Even though He had established Himself as the one true living Elohim from the beginning, many years later He needs to remind His people of who they are and how to live set apart from the rest of humanity.  

There is only One Elohim and His Name is Yahweh who made heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them.  It is by Faith in this Being that we trust what He says to be true. Spending every day reading His Word helps to reveal this Truth.  Anything else is a false god, idol, image that has its origins in deception and its purpose is to distract us from our Father and His Instructions in Righteousness.


Don't cut yourself short by saying it's impossible to live by the 'laws' our Creator gave us. Just because we 'believe' doesn't mean- in a snap of His fingers -we instantly become Torah Observant - even those who claim to be Torah observant fall short. BUT if we continue on His path we Learn how to live by His rules and regulations and Choose to Obey... in obedience we are an example of what it means to love Yah with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. He has not given us anything we cannot bear. By Faith we do as He says. This is a very chaotic world we live in and distractions are many, yet we know we have been called to leave worldly things behind so as not be be caught up in the sins and plagues of Mystery Babylon. I think the condensed version of His Instructions (The Ten) was very generous of Him, so as not to overwhelm His people as they journeyed on. It those same Ten that are applied to us in today's world. When I compare myself to His commands I see where I had fallen short in the past, but this does not stop me from continuing to learn and obey; and this is by Faith, my commitment to our Creator. Satan has been so subtle to cause us to unwittingly sin - for example: My husband and I are now in the process of deprogramming from calling the days and months by names - some of which are names of pagan gods, which, as you know, are not to even be heard coming from our mouths. By Faith I heed His Instructions and have been learning how to live by them. His Spirit does indeed reveal the Truth in all things as long as we continue on His Path and do not limit ourselves by thinking it's impossible. Doubt is the most successful tool Satan uses against us.