Sunday, November 20, 2016

Modern Day Twist on Mysticism

Here's a new one for me... Splankna Therapy

A friend recently asked what I thought about it, and my gut feeling was that it was something from the new-age religion. So I 'googled' it and this is the first info I came upon:
Quote The basic problem with splankna is that it takes the methods and doctrines of Eastern mysticism and tries to “Christianize” them. Splankna is wholly based on New Age spirituality, and the Splankna Therapy Institute admits as much on their website: “The only developers of these tools have come from a New Age perspective.”Discerning Christians know that it’s impossible to put a Christian face on paganism. End Quote

So, what is splankna? The word splankna has Greek roots. It means literally “bowels” or “intestines.” I have read that "The modern concept of splankna therapy is based on a mind-body connection and supposed “energy fields” within the body. Splankna is akin to Reiki, but with a Christian twist in that splankna identifies the “life force” within us as the Holy Spirit and it incorporates prayer into the treatment." 

Let me be clear: including prayer does not automatically make any behavior 'right' or acceptable in the eyes of Yahweh.

This statement is from the Splankna Therapy website:
Splankna Therapy is the first Christian protocol for energy psychology. Energy psychology utilizes the same system in the body that acupuncture and chiropractic are based on to alleviate emotional trauma that is physically stored. The Splankna Protocol incorporates elements from three different energy psychology protocols: Thought Field Therapy, EMDR and Neuro-Emotional Technique.
What is a protocol?
  • A system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situations 
  • A plan for a scientific experiment or for medical treatment
"Christian Protocols" seem akin to the 'doctrines of men". Yahweh has already given us His system of rules, laws and commandments which show us the proper conduct in regards for our health and well being; He tells us if we live accordingly, He will protect us from disease. He didn't tell us this was a scientific experiment or to seek other avenues of medical treatment. His Son gave us the Ruach haKodesh: the Spirit from Yahweh aka the Comforter aka the Spirit of Truth, not some mystical life force.


Reiki- A Japanese form of alternative medicine believed to involve transferring chi through one's palms.

Thought Field Therapy is a fringe psychological treatment developed by an American psychologist, Roger Callahan. Its proponents say that it can heal a variety of mental and physical ailments through specialized "tapping" with the fingers at meridian points on the upper body and hands. The theory behind TFT is a mixture of concepts "derived from a variety of sources. Foremost among these is the ancient Chinese philosophy of chi, which is thought to be the 'life force' that flows throughout the body".

EMDR - Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is a psychotherapy developed by Francine Shapiro that emphasizes disturbing memories as the cause of psychopathology. It is used to help with the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder. According to Shapiro, when a traumatic or distressing experience occurs, it may overwhelm normal coping mechanisms

Neuro-Emotional Technique A therapy developed in the late 1980s by an American chiropractor, Scott Walker, which is a synthesis of acupuncture (meridian therapy), kinesiology (muscle testing), chiropractic activator technique, nutritional support and homeopathy. NET is based on Walker’s belief that many physical conditions (e.g., myofascial tension, pain, TMJ syndrome and others) are due to the long-term effects of negative emotions. 

Allowing ourselves to experiment with mysticism opens a portal for demons to enter. We are called to come out of this world system just as His People were called to come out of Egypt (they had a choice). We are called to come out of Babylon, a hot bed of paganism, and in the later days it is Mystery Babylon we need to cut ties with.

Our Faith is our Trust in the Living Elohim, we trust His Instructions. We should not let our pride and arrogance get in the way of His Truth. If He says do not eat lobster, I will not eat lobster. I do not need a scientific reason to obey the One who created me. 

There are places we just aren't suppose to go. Take that tower they tried to build in Babylon. Those folks wanted to make a name for themselves. It was because of their pride and arrogance that Yahweh scattered them. If He didn't want a tower built to reach the heavens back then, should man be so adamant about space travel now? If He gave us commandments not to do certain things, things that the pagans did, why on earth would we think it was O.K. to experiment with 'new age' mysticism now? Justifying it because, well, we prayed while dabbling in it. 

There is nothing new under the sun.

Yahweh our Elohim has warned, more than once, not to 'mix or mingle' with non-believers and traditions of men. Read this quote from the Splankna website and tell me, should Set Apart believers go through this door?
Typically when Christians look for the concept of vital energy in the Bible they land on the idea of the “breath of life” in the Genesis account. Most of the time when the Old Testament speaks of the “breath of life” it uses the Hebrew word “Ruwach.” ... it means “spirit” or “breath.” As spirit, it is used to denote the Spirit of God in the Old Testament and occasionally the spirit of a person or even an evil spirit. Another possibility for where the Bible references “energy” is in the Hebrew word “Chay” (pronounced “Kai”.) It means “alive,” “life,” or “living” in the Hebrew. It is used in conjunction with the Ruwach scriptures where it uses the phrase “the breath of life.” Ruwach is the “breath” and Chay is the “life.” 
However, the circuitry + intention of Energy Psychology is not manipulating one’s life force per se. At Splankna we believe that John 1 speaks more directly to what is happening in Energy Psychology. John explains to his audience that the Logos (typically translated “word” but also accurately translated “active will/intention”) sustains all things. Johns’ audience was familiar with the term “Logos.” They used it culturally to refer to the universal life force, the cosmic animating principle. John was operating much like Paul in Athens by saying in effect, “What you think is a force, I introduce to you as the person of Jesus.” It is Jesus who animates all things by his constant will. Hebrews reiterates this idea… that all things exist, the particles are buzzing, because God actively wills them to. 
Quantum physics shows us that our attention also affects those particles. One of the many mysterious properties of the quantum level is that sub-atomic particles cannot be observed with objectivity. As soon as we look at them, our observation changes them. The quantum level gives us some insight into the mechanism behind what we know intuitively; our thoughts affect reality. God has built partnership into humanity. Every thought we think, every emotion we feel contributes to the quantum field around us. When we employ “circuitry + intention” we are just doing it on purpose. It is merely a property of God’s own creation, and we are so grateful for the myriad of ways He has given us to heal.

They are trying to take the awesome power of the Creator and quantify Him with science. We are not to tempt our Elohim. Quantum physics is still a mystery and man isn't smart enough to figure it out. A mystery we contribute to? come on... And as for what John was relating...

The Word is the Manifestation of the Ruach haKodesh (Spirit of Elohim) within Y'shua.

This Light of Truth is the substance of Yahweh which He caused to become flesh, born of a pure woman. Yahweh is full of Grace and Truth and His Glory is seen in His Son. Torah (Instructions given to us from Yahweh) is the Word of Yahweh but Grace and Truth revealed in Y'shua are the impelling forces that uphold all righteousness and keep the Word of Elohim positioned in our hearts; these are complimentary, not opposite, nor does one replace the other. It is according to the Grace of the Father that Messiah is revealed in a person's heart.

The Apostle John is a witness and testifies concerning the light that we may believe the truth.  That Light shines as the Son of Elohim - Yahshua the Mashiyach (the Anointed One) - who is the Light, the Truth and the Way. 

It is up to us to choose to believe, to act in Faith and not by the dictates of science or the philosophies of man. 


Another angle brought up was that since Yahweh has made everything, some of which was perverted by those pagans of yore, it is His Spirit within us so it should be alright to do this therapy. I ask, where in Scriptures does it even hint at this being O.K. for Set Apart believers? Are we saying that 'forgiveness' isn't enough? love isn't enough? When we are set free of sin our health improves both mentally and physically. Again, it is by Faith we trust Yahweh.

The Divine Beings, because of their pride and arrogance, left their stations in heaven to create offspring using human women. They also taught these women charms, pharmacies, root cutting and uses of plants - secret knowledge humans weren't suppose to know. Not All Things Created by Yahweh were intended for our use... so naming the life force and claiming it as a tool for healing is not according to the will of our Creator. 

Once we know right from wrong =good from evil= we must always choose the right way. His Spirit cannot be quantified by science - He is beyond our total understanding because we are still separated from the spiritual by physical realms. 

This therapy idea is like man trying to build a tower to reach the heavens.


Who is the Master of Confusion? Who is so subtle as to make one question the Word of Yahweh Elohim? Doubt is a device expertly used by Satan to turn us from our Creator. As we patiently wait for the return of Y'shua we must continue to withdraw from those who walk wickedly.

What are 'body flow meridians'?

In a form of alternative medicine that originated in China, meridians are invisible energy pathways or channels that run through the body. Our vital life energy is thought to flow along these meridians, and anything that disrupts the smooth flow of chi is said to cause illness. 
If you do some more research you'll find that treatments for this invisible energy include specific stretching and breathing routines: Hatha Yoga and I quote:
Hatha Yoga stresses mastery of the body as a way of attaining a state of spiritual perfection in which the mind is withdrawn from external objects. Hatha Yoga traces its origins especially to Gorakhnath, the legendary 11th-century founder of the Kanphata Yogis, but it grew out of yogic traditions dating back at least as far as Patanjali, author of the Hindu classics the Yoga-sutras and the Mahabhasya (“Great Commentary”). Hatha Yoga places great importance on diet, purificatory processes, regulation of breathing (Pranayama), and the adoption of bodily postures called asanas, which structure a program of physical exertion. A common asana is the padmasana (“lotus posture”), in which the crossed feet rest on the opposite thighs. This is the position in which many Hindu and Buddhist gods are often depicted, but it is only one of dozens described in Hatha Yoga treatises. The “salute to the sun” is a well-known sequence of 12 asanas performed in a fluid movement.

Please read this carefully:

Hatha Yoga has grown in popularity in the West as a form of exercise that develops strength, flexibility, bodily relaxation, and mental concentration. Its true object, however, is to awaken the dormant energy (shakti) of Shiva that animates the subtle body but is concealed behind the gross human frame. The subtle anatomy containing it is usually described as a series of lotiform chakras (“wheels”) rising from the anal or genital area to the top of the head. Through the forceful suppression of physical and mental activity, the female shakti is enabled to rise along the chakras and unite with the male Shiva in the uppermost chakra, a union indistinguishable from enlightenment and even immortality.

Let that sink in.

Now... Do you think it's O.K. to align the idea of chakras to the Menorah? To the Son of Elohim? Are we to be a light that blinds or a light to shine upon the darkness of this world?

Do not subject yourselves to energy therapy. By doing so you are putting other 'gods' before the one true Elohim. Most folks do so unknowingly, seeking only alternative health treatments, and will possibly be destroyed for lack of knowledge. The purpose of 'yoga' is to subdue the physical and mental aspects of a person in order to "awaken the energy of Shiva", one of the main deities of Hinduism = Energy Therapy. In essence making you bow down to other gods whether you know it or not...

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