Friday, November 25, 2016


I believe the first mention of 'knowledge' is in Genesis 2:9 "And from the ground Yahweh caused to grow every tree that was pleasing to the sight and good for food, with the Tree of Life in the middle of the garden, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad." Then Yahweh gives the command to Adam- 2:17 "but as for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, you must not eat of it; for as soon as you eat of it, you shall die."
Right there in the 2nd chapter of creation we learn that we were not meant to know everything. We should allow our Faith in the Creator to be sufficient. Self awareness might not be a good thing, a stumbling block at least and a snare at most.
Amos 8:11 - A time is coming, declared Yahweh, when He will send a famine upon the land: not a hunger for bread and thirst for water, but for hearing His Words... Men shall wander from sea to sea and from north to east seeking His Word but shall not find it...

Daniel 12:4 - But you Daniel, keep the words secret and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will range far and wide and knowledge will increase.

Daniel heard but did not understand.  He was told that these words are secret and sealed unto the time of the end.  And here's what most folks overlook:
4:10 - Many will be purified, purged and refined; the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand; but the knowledgeable will understand.

Even if we have knowledge not all will understand the impact or implications of said knowledge. Those who have been purified, purged and refined will understand. While it is true that the vast majority of the world will be without Yahweh and without hope when Y'shua returns, it is written also that many people will understand, prepare, and be ready.

Purify: to clear from material defilement or imperfection
>to free from guilt or moral blemish >to free from undesirable elements
Purge: to free from moral or ceremonial defilement
Refine: free from impurities
We are freed from guilt by accepting the shed blood of Y'shua. We follow Y'shua as we walk towards perfection, removing materialism and other impurities from the path. We choose to love and obey the Creator which frees us from undesirable elements, ceremonial defilement.  We, in this process, become 'knowledgeable'.  
The context of "knowledge increased" is in reference to people understanding the prophecies of the book of Daniel, however, many Bible scholars believe that this prophecy also applies to an increasing knowledge of science, medicine and technology.  The two views may be connected. Those using these scientific breakthroughs gain knowledge leading to the prophecy that, as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be prior to the return of Mashiyach. These people are gaining knowledge, albeit from that Tree Yahweh said not to eat of. This would include genetic manipulation and other experiments, some of which result in the trend of forcing 'the next step of evolution': transhumanism.

As it was in the days of Noah, man was evil and his wicked ways had permeated the world, to the point Yahweh brought about the Flood.  And what brought about those wicked evil ways?  
Genesis 6 -- When men began to increase on the earth and daughters were born to them, the Divine Beings saw how beautiful they were and took wives from among those that pleased them. It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on the earth. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
Divine beings caused human women to become pregnant. Their mutant, genetic offspring are called the Nephilim. These Rebel Angels also taught the secrets of heaven to these human woman - knowledge that was not intended for humans, fruit not to be eaten.
According to Enoch there were 200 of these angels who left their station in heaven to achieve their desires on earth. They defiled themselves by having sexual relations with these women. They also taught these women charms, pharmacies, root cutting and uses of plants - secret knowledge humans weren't suppose to know. These women became pregnant and gave birth to what is called the Nephilim, who grew to 300 cubits in height. They ate every thing produced for them and when that ran out they turned against mankind and ate them. The Nephilim sinned against birds, beasts, reptiles and fish (more genetic manipulations? crossbred mutants?) and began to eat each other's flesh and drink their blood. They were lawless ones (they did not abide by the Instructions of Elohim). They taught men metallurgy in the making of swords, shields, knives and breastplates as well as bracelets and ornaments. They taught the use of antimony (A metalloid element having many forms, the most common of which is a hard, very brittle, shiny, blue-white crystal) and the use of paints and dyes, the use of make up to beautify eyes, the use of gemstones - then did all godlessness increase and everything was corrupt.
There are things we're just not supposed to know in this lifetime.

This is similar to knowing about the Jews planning on building another Temple in Jerusalem which just might be the one Satan enters and claims to be 'god'- it's prophecy, it's going to happen, we just need to separate ourselves from it because we know right from wrong. We have gained knowledge of Scriptures and learned discernment enabling us to make the right choice. The knowledge is of Good and Bad. The Ruach haKodesh enables us to recognize which is which so that we may act accordingly. The Spirit gives us the ability to 'understand knowledge'.

Knowledge is expanding in all directions, but this isn't necessarily a good thing. It is simply prophesy coming to life in our day and age, as we enter the end days scenario. Knowledge of everything can cause confusion, division, misunderstandings and man thinking he is god: a know-it-all with an inflated ego. 
1 Corinthians 8:1 - And concerning sacrifices to idols, we know that in all of us there is knowledge; and knowledge inflates the ego, but love uplifts the spirit.

Ephesians 1:15 - Therefore, since I heard of your Faith in our Master Y'shua the Anointed One and of your love towards all the Set Apart believers; I do not cease to give thanks on your account, and to remember you in my prayers that the Elohim of Y'shua the Mashiyach, the Father of glory, may give to you the Spirit of Wisdom and of revelation in the recognition of him (spiritual knowledge).
Ah! How excellent is the majesty of His power, in us who believe, according to the efficiency of the strength of His power which He put forth in the Mashiyach...
Proverbs 18:15 - The mind of an intelligent man acquired knowledge; the ears of the wise seek out knowledge

If we always Love Yahweh first and foremost we will remain on His Path through all that is yet to come. Love one another accordingly. Walk in the footsteps of His Son and keep His Instructions in Righteousness.
Ephesians 3:13 - Therefore, I pray that I may not be discouraged by my afflictions which are for your sakes; for this is your glory. And I bow my knees to the Father of our Master Y'shua from whom the whole family in heaven and on earth is named, that He would grant you according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit; that in your inner man the Mashiyach may dwell by Faith, and in your hearts by love, while your root and your foundation increases greatly in strength; and that you may be able to explore with all the Set Apart believers what is the height and depth and length and breadth, and know the greatness of the Mashiyach's love and that you may be filled with all the fullness of Elohim.
Colossians 2 - And I wish you to know how I have struggled for you, and for them of Laodicea and others who have not seen me, that their hearts may be comforted and they, by love, may come to all the riches of assurance and to the understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of Elohim the Father and of the Mashiyach in who are hid all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge.
2 Peter 1:5 - And while you apply all diligence in the matter, add to your Faith moral excellence and to moral excellence, knowledge, and to knowledge perseverance, and to perseverance patience, and to patience the Fear of Elohim and to the Fear of Elohim sympathy with the brotherhood and to that, love.
It is by first having Faith, then all things will be added to us, according to His Set Apart Spirit.
Ecclesiastes 1:18 - For as wisdom grows, vexation grows; to increase learning is to increase heartache.
1 Corinthians 13:2 - And if there should be in me the gift of prophecy, and I should understand all the mysteries, and every science, and if there should be in me all faith so that I could move mountains... and if love isn't in me, I should be nothing.
Luke 11:52 - Woe to you scribes because you have taken away the keys of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed because of your disobedience! Because you have rejected obedience, I reject you as My priest; because you have spurned the teaching of Elohim, I will spurn your children.
Knowledge is defined in the dictionary as the fact of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association; the range of one's information or understanding; the circumstance of recognizing truth through reasoning; the condition of having information or of being learned.

Our knowledge is gained from becoming familiar with Scriptures, the Word of Elohim, and our range of understanding will increase as time goes on, if we continue to read, study, pray and love Elohim and one another.  By way of the Ruach haKodesh, we are given the ability to recognize truth as we reason together. From this I deduce science and technology have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge Yah said not to, and have gone the way of the Divine Beings who were in rebellion against the Instructions of the Creator, seeking to be 'gods' themselves and dabble in their own re-creations.

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