Monday, November 21, 2016

Tall as the Anakites

A friend posed this idea:
"Isn't it interesting that Abraham lived amongst the Philistines and never mentioned them being giants? In fact they feared him because of the God he served. How is it that when the ten spies went into the Land to explore it that they became so BIG? Maybe it's all in the perspective." end quote

This challenged me to further research those commonly called 'giants' as they are recorded in Scriptures.

Genesis 14 tells us about the Rephaim, Zuzim*, and Emim** battling with others at the Valley of Siddim (Dead Sea) and word reaching Abram the Hebrew that his nephew was taken captive... 
Deuteronomy 2:10 explains that the **Emim were as tall as the Anakites. Both the Emim and Anakites were considered as Rephaim. The Rephaim were called *Zamzummim, also as tall as the Anakites. 
Deuteronomy 9 tells us about cities with sky high walls around them inhabited by the Anakites, a people great and tall = the descendants of Anak...
Numbers 13:22 (there were Anakites living in Hebron) 13:28 ... the people who inhabit the cities are powerful... we saw the Anakites there... 13:32 ...The country that we traversed is one that devours its settlers. All the people that we saw in it are men of great size, 13:33 we saw the Nephilim there - The Anakites are part of the Nephilim - and we looked (small in size in comparison) like grasshoppers...

The Emim and the Anakites were also known as Rephaim which were called Zamzummim (possibly same genetic line of giants called by different names in different locations?)

Here's our tall and powerful peoples list:
Nephilim - Genetic Mutants
Anakites - also considered as Rephaim
Rephaim - aka Zamzummim
Zumim - Zamzummim = Rephaim
Emim - aka Rephaim

It appears the original genetically modified beings were the Nephilim. Next we have those called the Anakites, descendants of Anak who was of the Nephilim.  The rest are different names for the same ones called Rephaim.

Deuteronomy 2:11
(The Emim) Like the Anakites, they are counted as Rephaim; but the Moabites call them Emim.

Who was Anak? A descendant of the Nephilim; another genetically modified human? In Joshua 15:13 we learn Arba was the father of Anak, founder of Hebron (Kiriath-arba). As noted above, there were Anakites living in Hebron.  The Anakites were giants the other ones were measured against, 'being as tall as the Anakites'.  It seems as though the Nephilim were the original giants - the tallest of them all - and some how the height of this breed was toned down in the recreation process.

Who was King Og, the king of Bashan? In Deuteronomy 3:11 we read that he was the only one left of the Rephaim. He reigned over Bashan at Ashtaroth and at Edrei.  We don't know his real height but his bedstead, made of iron, was 9 cubits long and 4 cubits wide, by the standard cubit! (Cubit: approximately 18 inches ) His bed was about 13-1/2 feet long by about 6 feet wide. The whole Argob district, all that part of Bashan was called Rephaim country.  This area was eventually given to the tribe of Manasseh.

And lets not forget about Goliath the Philistine of Gath, who was 6 cubits and a span tall. (1 Samuel 17:4) A Span is about 9 inches, making Goliath about 9 feet and 9 inches tall.  These guys were not as tall as the ones seen by the scouting party who felt as though they looked like grasshoppers in comparison, so was the Nephilim 'gene' being further manipulated?  A twelve foot tall person would not need to eat as much as a 300 foot tall person... -(👀)-

These women became pregnant and gave birth to what is called the Nephilim, who grew to 300 cubits in height (450 feet?). They ate every thing produced for them and when that ran out they turned against mankind and ate them. The Nephilim sinned against birds, beasts, reptiles and fish (more genetic manipulations? crossbred mutants?) and began to eat each other's flesh and drink their blood (cannibals and vampires?). They were lawless ones. They taught men metallurgy in the making of swords, shields, knives and breastplates as well as bracelets and ornaments. They taught the use of antimony (A metalloid element having many forms, the most common of which is a hard, very brittle, shiny, blue-white crystal) and the use of paints and dyes, the use of make up to beautify eyes, the use of gemstones - then did all godlessness increase and everything was corrupt.

Guess we didn't need Abraham to tell us every detail.  If tall powerful people were commonplace in his day it makes sense that he didn't mention it - but it was written down and preserved for us to read in this day and age. The more we read, the more we find that Scripture does interpret Scripture.

John 20:30
Now Y'shua did many other miracles before his disciples that are not written in this book. Indeed, these things are but written that you might believe...

John 21:25
And there are many other things that Y'shua did, which if those were written one by one, not even the world as I suppose would be sufficient for the books that would be written...

photo copyright 2000 Candus Cornett

For more info, read my study: Nephilim, then and now

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