Thursday, December 20, 2018

What Would YOU Do?

The Kingdom of Heaven is Near

If you knew the 'end of the world as we know it' would arrive in, oh, say the year 2055, what would you do to prepare? Would you do anything? Do you care? I suppose the answer would depend on your belief system or lack of belief. If you knew you could choose life after this life, would you pursue it? Would you seek out information on how to go about achieving this? Or would you choose to just wing it, go with the flow and wait to see what happens? Would you be concerned about what would happen to your children, parents, family and friends?

I am guessing that the majority of people who read this blog have heard about Scriptures as in Old and New Testaments, and have some knowledge about the events that are to take place at the end of days leading up to Judgment Day, even if some of this awareness has been learned from the movies. Most of us are familiar with the phrase, "Repent for the end is near!" Repent means to turn from sin. When you turn from sin you turn towards our Elohim/God, Yahweh. 'The end is near' has been a warning to people for thousand of years, so it's easy to see why many are indifferent or don't concern themselves with it because they don't think it could happen in their life time.

Lets say it does happen in our life time. Lets say several events that are unfolding in this day and age mimic events foretold by scriptures. People who study Scriptures are lining up current events with prophecy with accuracy. Key elements are being confirmed. Believers are on high alert, waiting for specific signs as told by Y'shua that are yet to be fulfilled. When this happens, the final time line begins and we will know there are seven years left until the end is finally here and the Thousand Year Reign of Y'Shua on earth begins.

If you don't believe in YHWH (Yahweh) Elohim (God) our Creator then none of this really matters. Yet He is giving the Gentiles (pagan, non believers) every opportunity to get on board. If you're not on board you'll find yourself in that lake of fire, for eternity. There will be and is a lot of deception going on. If you haven't prepared for the times to come, how will you know what to do and who to trust?

Just something to think about... and I pray you do.

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