Friday, June 2, 2023

What is Salvation

Definition from the Webster Dictionary-
  • deliverance from the power and effects of sin
  • liberation from ignorance or illusion
  • preservation from destruction or failure
  • deliverance from danger or difficulty 

What has Yahweh told us about being delivered from sin, liberated from ignorance, preserved from destruction and delivered from danger? 
Deuteronomy 4:35- YHWH has clearly demonstrated that He alone is God and there is none beside Him - He is God in heaven above and on earth below - there is no other. Observe His laws and commandments that it may go well with you and your children. 
Is baptism necessary?  Has the Church really distorted what is means to be immersed? Baptism is a physical portrayal of a spiritual reality. Yahshua was killed, placed in a tomb then raised by God.  Before this, before he started his ministry, Yahshua was immersed by John in the the Jordan River which was when he received the Spirit and authority of his Father.  And prior to this event, in the old testament days, personal cleansing and purity were important. "Ritual purity was mandated in order to enter the tabernacle or temple, before making a sacrifice, and for receiving the benefit of a priestly offering". 
In Exodus 19:10–11, God commanded Moses, "Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments and be ready for the third day. For on the third day Yahweh will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people." This is the first time God commanded the people to wash themselves and it was in preparation for entering His presence. Similarly, in Exodus 29:4 God commanded that Aaron and his sons be washed with water in preparation for their service as priests. These men would be mediating in God's presence on behalf of the people and this symbolic washing was necessary for them to be ritually clean.  
One must be 'ritually clean' in order to come into the presence of Yahweh.  In our day, His Son Yahshua is the way to the Father and by accepting his shed blood of the renewed covenant we become born again of the Spirit.... one publicly displays their commitment to the Creator and exhibits they have the testimony of His Son by being immersed. 

1 Peter 3:21

And you also, by a like figure (Noah) are made alive by immersion (not when you wash your bodies from filth, but when you confess God with a pure conscience and by the the resurrection of Yahshua the Anointed One, who is taken up to heaven and is on the right hand of God and Angels;  and authorities and powers are subject to him.
 In Ephesians 2:8 we read it is by God's grace we are rescued (saved) and this is because of our faith in Him.  This gift of His is the life of our souls if we follow in the Way of Yahshua. We don't take any credit for ourselves as all praise belongs to Yahweh.  The good works we do are the same we have learned from His Son so no one can boast about themselves and what they have done out of their own pride and arrogance. (Please read Ephesians from your own copy of Scriptures when you have time).

What it boils down to is our salvation depends on two things: Faith in Yahweh and acceptance of His Son's shed blood of atonement.

The origin of being 'baptized in water' is from thousand of years ago, before Jesus walked this earth, as the ritual of purification of oneself by immersion in water.  The faithful would immerse themselves in a 'mikveh bath' before entering the temple.  Some of these 'baths' have been uncovered in Jerusalem at the foot of where the temple stood.  In today's world we see the results of man's imagination making baptism into something mandatory, and not something one does by choice.  When we choose to be baptized it is a physical act representing our faith in "putting off the old man and turning our hearts toward praise and worship of Yahweh God".  It is an act of faith not an act of being saved and immediately 'filled with the holy Spirit'.  Remember, the Apostles were not filled with His Spirit until after 3 years of being taught by our Messiah, and then ten days later they received His Spirit as promised by His Son.  They had been in training, being prepared to receive Yah's Set Apart Spirit.

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