Wednesday, March 23, 2022

He Anoints My Head with Oil

In the Tanakh, Psalm 23, we read King David's writings - a song, a prayer, a declaration to and about Yahweh:

Yah is my Shepherd; I lack nothing.  He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me to water in places of repose; He renews my life; He guides me in the right paths as befits His Name.  Though I walk through a valley of deepest darkness I fear no harm for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff comfort me.  You spread a table for me in the full view of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my drink is abundant. Only goodness and steadfast love shall pursue me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the House of Yahweh for many long years.

Psalm 89 was written by Ethan the Ezrahite who sings about Yahweh's steadfast love.  In verse 21 it is recorded that David was anointed with Yah's Sacred Oil.  In Exodus 30:23 we discover what this Sacred Anointing Oil is and what it is used for:

The specific measurements of choice spices: myrrh, cinnamon, aromatic cane and cassia were expertly mixed with pure olive oil.  This blended oil was used to anoint the Tent of Meeting, the Ark of the Pact (Covenant), the table, utensils, lamp stand, the alter of incense,  the alter of burnt offerings and its utensils, the laver and its stand. Yah said this would consecrate them, set them apart.  Also this sacred oil was poured upon the head of Aaron consecrating him as high priest, and his sons, who would serve Yahweh as priests.  The use of this sacred anointing oil symbolized that which was anointed was devoted to the worship of the only Living God, Yahweh.

Yahweh warns not to make any oil blends by the same measurements used for the Sacred Anointing Oil:

This shall be an anointing oil sacred to Me throughout the ages. It must not be rubbed on any person's body and you must not make anything like it in the same proportions, it is sacred and to be held sacred by you. Whoever compounds it by the same measurements or puts any of it on a layman shall be cut off from his kin.

Common folk were not to be 'anointed' with this special blend of oils. It was specifically made according to Yah's Instructions to set apart His 'house' and all the 'furniture and utensils' as well as the priesthood associated with the Tent of Meeting and later the Temple built in Jerusalem. Also, when the Israelites began to be ruled by kings, those kings were anointed as such from the oil kept in the temple.

The sheep/head anointing idea folks get is about David being anointed as King which was with the Sacred Anointing Oil; none of which applies to sheep or us.  It is misleading to share memes in today's cyber world showing a sheep getting oil poured on its head to protect it from flies. I can understand the analogy being attempted but it is still misleading. David was the psalmist and his anointing was the sacred oil setting him apart as King. This oil was not used on sheep.

Quote: If you want to try oils as a fly repellent, a modern day equivalent of the types of oils used by biblical shepherds can be made by combining equal amounts of linseed oil, sulfur and tar.

Yah is our protector and our deliverer but it is through our Faith in Him that we can become anointed by His Spirit.  Yahshua was anointed by His Father's Spirit after John immersed him.  And a few years later the 12 Apostles were anointed with Yah's Spirit.  This is the same Spirit that anoints us in this day and age symbolizing our being born again of the Spirit so we now worship our Father in spirit and truth.  It seems that Sacred Anointing Oil ceased to exist after the destruction of the temple, as well as the priesthood and all other services related to the temple.  

Yah sets the pattern from the beginning:

Prior to the building of the Tent of Meeting, the mixed multitude who were set free from Egypt believed in the Word of Yahweh and obeyed His Instruction; they painted the blood of the lamb on their doorposts and lintels as a sign to God for protection and deliverance, which set them apart from everyone else; a foreshadow of 'sacred anointing oil' and anointing oil was a foreshadow of being anointed with His Spirit. Yahweh would not anoint us common folk with Oil but He will fill us with His Spirit if we accept His Instructions, just as Noah, Moses and Abraham all faithfully obeyed Yah's commands. 

Consider that “anointing with oil" established the pattern and since the death of His Son oil has been replaced by God's Holy Spirit; we become born again of the Spirit for deliverance and healing by accepting Yahshua who laid down his life for the sake of atonement in which we choose to come into covenant with our Creator.  After his death he sent us another Redeemer, the Spirit of Truth which comforts us.  This is not something to ask God about as in asking Him to 'anoint our heads with oil'.... we are not worthy of this sacred oil but the day will come when His Son sets up His Kingdom and we will see things differently.
John 16:13
But when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you in all truth.  He will not speak from himself but speaks everything he hears from the Father (Yahweh).   And future things he will make known to you.
This is not to be confused with the term 'anoint' when one is grooming themselves or as a medical treatment or preparing a burial.

•Ruth 3:3 ~ Naomi, Ruth's mother-in-law, tells her to prepare to meet Boaz: So bathe, anoint yourself, dress up, and go down to the threshing floor.
•Matthew 6:17 ~ But whenever you fast, wash your face and anoint your head....
•Luke 10:30 ~ Yahshua is speaking a parable in regards to 'loving one's neighbor'.  A priest passed by a wounded man who was left lying on the side of the road and did nothing for him; a Levite passed by this man and did nothing; then a Samaritan man came along and had compassion on the wounded man. He bandaged and treated the wounds with wine and oil.  Besides that, he took the wounded man to an inn and paid for his upkeep, then went on his way.  He promised the innkeeper he would pay for anything else when he returned.  (This is the kind of person we consider as our neighbor) 
•Mark 16 ~ And when the Shabbat had passed, Mary of Magdala and Mary the mother of Ya'akov (James) and Shalom (Salome) bought spices that they might come to anoint him (Yahshua).
Yahshua is the 'Mashiach', the Hebrew  word for 'Anointed One'.  He was anointed by God's Set Apart Spirit after being immersed in the Jordan River by his cousin John.  Yahshua will be our Priest and King in the kingdom to come, when we receive our heritage: The Promised Land here on this earth.

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