Saturday, August 7, 2021

Women, repectfully, know when to be Silent

1 Corinthians 14:34 ~

Let your women be silent in the assembly for it is not permitted them to speak but to be in subjection as also Torah says. And if they wish to be informed on any subject let them ask their husbands at home for it is unbecoming for women to speak in the assembly.

Genesis 3:16 ~ To the woman He said:
‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception;
In pain you shall bring forth children;
Your desire shall be for your husband,
And he shall rule over you

Paul refers back to this incident in his first letter to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:11-15:
“Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to be assuming over the man, but let her remain in stillness. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not seduced, but the woman was and transgressed the command. Yet she will live by means of her children, if they continue in the faith, and in love, and in being Set Apart and in wisdom."
“Let all things be done decently and in order” 
(1 Corinthians 14:40)

It is not forbidden for women to talk about Scriptures but when they are gathered in the assembly where men are teaching, women respectfully remain silent. It is not her place to become a preacher etc... but she is a helper: Genesis 2:18 Yah says "it is not good for man to be alone; I will make a fitting helper for him."

Examples of women in Scriptures are used by some women to support their idea that women can be ordained ministers etc.... but they are just skimming the surface of those verses, trying to justify their own opinions. I am a woman who shares what I have learned from my research and study of Scriptures. I am a suitable helper for my husband and remain respectfully silent when in an assembly of believers. But I am happy to share the good news of the kingdom to come, and any knowledge I have gained by His Spirit with anyone who will listen, in the real world or in cyber space. I am scattering seeds.
Here are a few biblical women used to support females in ministries:

2 Kings 22:14 ~ Hulda was a prophetess married to Shallum. She lived in Jerusalem and was consulted by priests, sent by King Josiah, in regards to a scroll recently found. She did not have her own ministry. She spoke for Yahweh in response to the inquiries made.

Judges 4:4 ~ Deborah was married to Lappidoth, and was a prophetess. The Israelites once again did what was offensive to Yahweh and He gave them to King Jabin of Canaan. They were oppressed ruthlessly for 20 years. At this time Deborah led the Israelites. She could be found sitting under the palm tree in the hill country and the Israelites would come to her for decision making. Deborah was trusted and held in high esteem so much so that Barak wanted her to be there when he went to battle, else he wouldn't go. She did not have her own ministry.

Romans 16:1 ~ Phoebe was a servant of the assembly in Cenchrea and an assistant to many, including Paul. She was not a bishop, nor a minister. She was a helper.

Philippians 4:3 ~ Paul is making note of all the women who have worked hard with him sharing the Good News of the Kingdom to come, along with Clement and the rest of his helpers. These people are 'helpers' and not preachers nor do they have their own ministries.

Setting the perceived power trip aside, women who are just as noteworthy are Rahab, for one example. She married Salmon, they had a son named Boaz. Ruth, a Moabite, was adopted into the house of Israel, married Boaz and they had Obed, who fathered Jesse who fathered David, future king of Judah and the royal lineage which qualifies Yahshua to be our future king in the promised land of Canaan.

Many women were important, or served a necessary purpose throughout Scriptures but none of us should use them, thinking we can raise ourselves up beyond what Our Father has Instructed.

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