Friday, August 6, 2021

What in tarnation is "Reincarnation"

The theory of reincarnation has its roots in Hinduism. Later on Greek philosophers taught that after death the soul could own another body, human or animal. In the 1800s a Frenchman believed he was reincarnated and wrote a book about it which spawned a new religion: Spiritualism.
Remember that one of Satan's desires is to be worshiped as a god... the belief in reincarnation plays right into his hands. All religions point in Satan's direction to one degree or another as they are instruments of division.
Continuing our study in Scriptures we learn the truth about what happens after we die: we rest in peace, sleep, until Yahshua returns. There is not even a hint of 'reincarnation' attached to any of this. This is affirmed by what is recorded in Scriptures.  We also know we are to be one, as the Father and Son are One, by His Set Apart Spirit.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 ... the living know they will die but the dead know nothing, they have no more recompense.... Their loves, hates, jealousies have long since perished and they have no more share till the end of time in all that goes on under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 ~~ Whatever is in your power to do, do with all your might. For there is no action, no reasoning, no learning, no wisdom in Sheol (the grave) where you are going.
Taking these verses into consideration one could say the bible mentions reincarnation by not mentioning it, but by teaching us about physical death; as if asleep with no knowledge of the passage of time; and being gathered from the grave and among the living when Yahshua returns.

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