Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Take a Good Look around

Quote, lightly edited:

.... the fall of Kabul painted a vivid picture of the crumbling of the United States of America. The US military, hell bent on going “woke” with transgenderism and gays in the military, is utterly unable to protect its own personnel overseas....

As Biden’s rigged regime is ending, so is the United States of America as a “united” nation. With outrageous levels of fiat currency money printing, the collapse of the rule of law, blatantly rigged elections, government-enforced censorship of conservative views, media-fomented racial animosity, left-wing efforts to defund the police, racist CRT indoctrination in the schools and even a CDC director “doctor” who cannot admit that only women can get pregnant, the once great United States of America has fallen into a pathetic state of collapse.

The military cannot defend the country, the “President” cannot run the country, the Treasury cannot fund the country and the “science” establishment can’t even bring itself to recommend vitamin D to save the country from a pandemic that was launched by the scientists themselves. The United States government now functions by waging war against its own people with forced shots, engineered food shortages, massive government looting via money printing, and the designation of anti-lock/vax/mask protesters as terrorists.

There is now no federal government agency that serves any real interest of the public. ATF, DEA, FBI, FDA, CDC, IRS, HHS, DHS and more, they only now exist to enhance their own power by waging war against the very people they claim to represent. The FBI runs the terror plots… the CDC runs the biowarfare attacks… the FDA attacks supplements… the ATF tries to banish the Second Amendment… the DEA runs the drugs… and HHS, which is supposed to stand for Health and Human Services, has a decidedly anti-human agenda.

Above all, the federal government under Biden now sees the American people as their enemy.

Beyond the incredible corruption that now characterizes the US federal government, the United States of America remains steeped in a dark, demonic world stemming from mass abortions, infanticide, organ harvesting from babies, the transgender indoctrination and mutilation of children, the rejection of God and the embracing of Lucifer across pop culture, censorship attacks on 'believers' and the embracing of depopulation bioweapons on a national scale, disguised as a public health program.

God knows what's going on, and while He is patient, His patience will run out. We must be prepared for the collapse of civilization as we know it.

Those who are spiritually prepared will be able to walk through that shadowy valley of death and fear no evil. Be prepared both spiritually and physically. Physical preparedness means having our pantries stocked, emergency supplies on hand and readiness for the collapse of food distribution, electricity, telecommunications and the rule of law. Spiritual preparedness means living by the Instructions originally given us by the Creator, standing strong in faith and following in the footsteps of His Son.
America has collapsed into a nation of sin, and that sin will eventually be wiped from the Earth at the return of the Son of God - but it is not the end yet.

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