Friday, December 30, 2022

What it means to 'Speak in Tongues'

My native tongue is English.
If I go to Mexico not everyone will understand me if I am speaking in my native tongue, English, as I will not understand those speaking Spanish.  I should not try speaking to those who don't understand what I am saying unless I have an interpreter or I may be misunderstood.  There are several different languages world wide known as 'tongues'. Not everyone speaks a foreign language, another 'tongue'.  
It is written in Scriptures, which I have lightly edited here to stay on point, so please read from your own copy of Scriptures when you have time.
1 Corinthians 12
Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans, you were influenced and led astray to mute idols....
There are different gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ministries, but the same El (our God). There are different ways of working, but the same El works all things in all men. 
Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in various languages (tongues), and still to another the interpretation of languages/tongues. 
All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, who apportions them to each one as He determines.
Yah's Set Apart Spirit works in believers according to his determination.  Not everyone is given all the gifts of the Spirit - Set Apart Believers are the spiritual body of Yahshua who is the head, the cornerstone of the foundation of Truth.  We each represent a different part of that body but we all need each other to function as one people of one faith in one God whose name is Yahweh.
This study was inspired by something I read in an online group.  The man stated it was important to 'pray in tongues'.  Well, I do know Pentecostals, when uttering gibberish, believe they are speaking in 'tongues' - the language of angels etc.....  This is a man-made tradition, not required by our Creator as a way to speak to Him in prayer.  Whenever we read of a Messenger (angel) from Yah speaking to a human it is in the language of that person they are speaking to - not some pretend made up language.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Fact or Fiction - Truth or Deception - Old News Today

March 27th, 2021
It is time to update this 'cartoon' to the possible 'mandatory vaccine rollout' stage

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Make Room for the Last One

British Bishop: 
'Russia is the Last Obstacle to the One World Government' 

The Bishop believes that “the next tricks of the criminals who rule the world will be artificially created famine” and urges Europeans to stock up on food while they can still buy it. 

On May 15, 2022, controversial British Bishop Richard Williamson spoke out in support of the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. He called Russia the last obstacle to the One World Order. Globalists have longed to rule the world through an authoritarian one-world government that will replace sovereign nation-states. 

“Among the heads of state, there is only one who is standing up to the forces of evil. Don’t count on Boris Johnson in England. Don’t count on Macron in France. Don’t count on Draghi in Italy. It’s Vladimir Putin who may be no angel and no saint, but nevertheless, he is a man of intelligence and great courage. And at the head of Russia, he has the means of standing up against the One World government,” said Bishop Williamson, addressing the parishioners of one of the Warsaw churches. 

According to the Bishop, “the Russians are fighting in Ukraine, but not in such a way to smash or crush and destroy Ukraine.” In this regard, Williamson recalled the purpose of the special operation, voiced by Putin: the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. “But foolish Europe,” the Bishop continued, “follows the orders of the United States in their attempt to crush Russia.” 

Williamson believes that “the next tricks of the criminals who rule the world will be artificially created famine” and urges Europeans to stock up on food while it can still be bought. 

“They played the trick of Covid; they played the trick of Ukraine, which has been provoking Russia since 2014. Russia had to defend itself. The real aggressor is not who he looks like. US agents have been provoking Russia from Ukraine for several years,” said the Bishop. 

Williams lamented that for many Americans, who were mostly Christians, their real religion is now politics, and “many of them out of patriotism want to destroy Russia because Russia is the last obstacle to a United World Order.” 

Bishop Williamson is an English Traditionalist Bishop formerly in communion with the Catholic Church who opposes the changes in the church brought about by the Second Vatican Council. The 82-year-old Priest was originally a member of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX). He was subsequently excommunicated; this was lifted in 2009. Williamson was convicted in German courts of denying the Holocaust and incitement related to those views. 

The Bishop also believes that the September 11 Islamic terror attacks were not carried out by foreigners but staged by the U.S. government. He has also said that the July 7, 2005, London Islamic bombings were an “inside job”. 

A. Mek 

Deceptive Spirits•Demons

First Timothy 4 - But His Spirit says explicitly that, in the latter times, some will depart from the faith and will go after deceptive spirits and after the doctrine of demons. These will seduce by a false appearance and will speak a lie and will be seared in the conscience

Jude 1:3 ~ While I take all pains to write to you of our common life, it is needful for me to write to you, encouraging you to maintain a conflict for the faith which was once delivered to the Set Apart believers.

What does that mean, the faith once delivered, and why do we need to fight for it? Keep reading:

Jude 1:4 ~ For some have obtained entrance who, from the beginning, were registered beforehand under this condemnation: wicked men who pervert the grace of Yahweh our God to impurity and deny Him who is the only MarYah (Master Yahweh), and our Master, Yahshua the Anointed One.

Long before the days of Yahshua, wicked men had been infiltrating assemblies of Yah and continue to teach lies to this very day. It is up to us as Set Apart believers to remind folks of the faith that was delivered long before men began to pervert it. All religions have perverted the Word of our Creator to one degree or another.

1 John 4 ~ Do not believe all spirits, but discriminate among spirits whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world...

It seems there is the Spiritual realm in which our Creator and His Host exist and there is the demonic realm where Satan and his minions operate.  We know Satan is the ruler of this world so it should be no surprise that his deceptive spirits are also active in day to day affairs.  Both the heavenly host and the evil spirits exist in the same spiritual realm, beyond our physical limitations.

Some people like to say the closer we get to God the more Satan attacks us and this just doesn't seem to be the case at all.  It is their own weakness and lack of trust in the God they say they believe and are close to that leaves them open to temptations.  It is their lack of faith which causes them to stumble and get caught in those traps and snares Satan has scattered among us.  Satan isn't doing anything different or anything new.  The closer we are to our Creator the further we are from Satan's tactics.

The False Messiah

The Beast from the Sea

Revelation 13:2....

The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast appeared to be mortally wounded but the wound was healed and the whole world marveled and followed the beast. They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?"

The statue recently installed at the United Nations location in NY looks eerily like a leopard, lion and bear mixed together. Did the powers that be show us who is in charge and what is to come? The wings have yet to be ripped off and that is when the 'beast' stands on two legs like a man.

Daniel 7

In the first year of the reign of Belshazzar over Babylon, Daniel had a dream, and visions passed through his mind as he lay on his bed. He wrote down the dream, and this is the summary of his account.

Daniel declared: “In my vision in the night I looked, and suddenly the four winds of heaven were churning up the great sea. Then four great beasts came up out of the sea, each one different from the others:

•The first beast was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and given the mind of a man.

•another beast appeared, which looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. So it was told, ‘Get up and gorge yourself on flesh!’

•another beast appeared. It was like a leopard, and on its back it had four wings like those of a bird. The beast also had four heads, and it was given authority to rule.

•After this, as I watched in my vision in the night, suddenly a fourth beast appeared, and it was terrifying—dreadful and extremely strong—with large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed; then it trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the beasts before it, and it had ten horns. 8While I was contemplating the horns, suddenly another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like those of a man and a mouth that spoke words of arrogance.

Yahweh instructs Gabriel to explain this vision to Daniel, and tells him it refers to the time of the end:

Chapter 8 verse 20
The two horned ram signifies the kings of Media and Persia and the he-goat the king of Greece with the large horn being the first king. The four that came mean four kingdoms arise out of a nation but without its power. When their kingdoms are at an end, when the measure of transgression has been filled, then a king will arise, impudent and versed in intrigue. He will have great strength but not through his own strength. He will be extraordinarily destructive; he will prosper in what he does and destroy the mighty and the people of holy ones. By his cunning he will use deceit successfully. He will make great plans, will destroy many taking them unawares, and will rise up against the chief of chiefs, but will be broken, not by human hands.

Satan is called the Dragon. The Dragon is in the world now and is behind the final world system taking shape: both government and religion. Similar events that befell Job will befall us in the end times and the final world system will be a big test for all of us. If we go along with it, believing Science instead of God; yearning for immortality and the promises of men; worship the Image, take its mark etc... we essentially turn our backs on our Creator and fail.  If we moan and groan and cry and wish we'd never been born yet keep our faith in the one true living God, He will sustain us and restore all things. Then we receive the gift - the life of our soul. No matter when and how this all comes about, we must stand strong in our Faith and Endure until the End.

We read about an image to be made of the 'beast' which ties in with folks choosing to receive its mark or name:

Revelation 13:13 (The end times False Prophet (religious leader) has been bringing about great signs, even to make it appear that fire comes down from heavenAnd he seduced them that dwell on the earth to erect an image to the beast who had the wound from a sword and recovered from it. And it was given to him to put life into the image of the beast and to cause that all who would not worship the image of the beast should be slain; and to (instruct that) all people should receive a mark on their right hands or upon their foreheads so that no one might be able to buy or to sell, except those who had the mark of the name of the beast or the number of his name.
To paraphrase: We read of the second beast that comes out of the earth. This beast will appear to us as as a spiritual leader but ends up speaking for Satan, the Dragon. He has all the authority as the first beast (he is government sponsored) and will perform great signs, even to bring fire down from heaven to earth (he has a demonic spirit working in him). This false prophet/religious leader will convince people to make an image, a statue, of the first beast. After they do, this religious leader will appear to have given life to the Image and command all to worship it. Those who refuse will be killed. It is during this time that the Law to be Marked (in order to buy or sell, conduct commerce) will be enforced. Everyone will be required to have this mark on their right hand or upon their forehead in order to shop or sell goods (groceries, gas, clothing, pay bills etc...)
So here we have an image being built that looks like the person who had received a deadly head wound but was able to recover from it... brought back to life, perhaps as in having its conscious uploaded to its cloned image by this false religious leader/scientist. Or maybe E.Musk's brain/machine interface will be perfected for this purpose. No wonder our Creator warned us long ago about making images that we would be tempted to bow down to and worship.  This one comes with a death sentence for anyone who refuses to bow down to it.

I have yet to find a detailed physical description of The Antichrist but we do read about all his attributes - there should be no mistaking him for anyone else when that time comes. He will become the world leader, a powerful dictator who is charismatic yet speaks out arrogantly against Yahweh.  In Daniel 7:20 we read his appearance is 'imposing' = grand and impressive.  In 2 Thessalonians 2 we read he is referred to as 'the man of lawlessness' and the 'son of destruction':
He will oppose and exalt himself above every so-called god or object of worship. So he will seat himself in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

It is very important for us to understand this:

The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Ice Age Theory

Do you believe Yahweh did His work of creation in six days?  
Our Father began His work about 6,000 years ago. Lucifer convinced 200 angels to leave heaven and live on this earth (perverting Yah's Creation) and all the resulting evil angered Yahweh. He brought The Flood about 4,000 years ago to cleanse the earth.

This planet earth was void and without form before our Creator began working with it. We do not know how long it existed as 'void and without form' but we do know about 6,000 years ago is when Yahweh spoke creation into existence. No life as we know it existed on this planet 'millions of years ago'. Nothing He created 'evolved' into something else.  Neither is there an indication of an Ice Age following the The Flood recorded in Scriptures.

It has been taught that an Ice Age carved out the lakes and moved boulders from here to there.  This idea totally ignores Scriptures wherein it is written there was a world wide flood.  Water is heavy, about eight pounds per gallon, so a world wide flood would result in the crust of the earth being compressed forming depressions which became lakes when the flood waters receded. The force of water moved rocks, boulders and other surface materials from one place to another.  The sinking of land and the rising of mountains changed the appearance of earth from its former self.  It is thought that a flood of this magnitude would set up conditions for an ice age, and it is guesstimated it lasted 700 years.  But, once again, if we read Scriptures and believe our Creator, we learn of no ice age, no dark winter. 
Psalm 104:6 ~ You made the deep cover it as a garment; the waters stood above the mountains. The waters fled at your blast, rushed away at the sound of Your thunder, mountains rising, valleys sinking, to the place You established for them.  You set bounds they must not pass so that they never again cover the earth.
After the ark landed in the mountains of Ararat there is no follow-up report recorded in Scriptures of an ice age occurring as Noah's family branched out.
Genesis 10:32 - These are the groupings of Noah's descendants, according to their origins, by their nations; and from these nations branched out over the earth after the flood.
As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be before the return of Messiah Yahshua. Mostly it is the anger = Wrath of God = that many humans incite by not searching out the truth. They entertain ideas outside of Scriptures causing them to Doubt the Word of Yahweh, just as Satan caused Eve to Doubt the Word of Yahweh and look where that got her.

Dinosaurs and Cavemen

Dinosaurs were wiped out along with most of life on this planet about 4,000 years ago when Yahweh brought about the Flood. But, according to the folks who run the Museum of Natural History:
Dinosaurs are a group of reptiles that first appeared about 245 million years ago. They dominated the planet until an extinction event wiped out a large swath of life on Earth about 66 million years ago. But now we know that the Age of Dinosaurs never ended. Instead, a group of dinosaurs gave rise to a new, small airborne form: birds.
And what was this alleged extinction event?  Many say it was when a comet or asteroid crashed into the earth.  The Museum of Natural History states:
"The extinction that occurred 65 million years ago wiped out some 50 percent of plants and animals."  
They seem to think there were 5 major events, the first one occurring 440 Million Years Ago.  I think you must believe in the evolution theory, setting God aside, to justify all this happened millions of years ago.  To actually believe that we evolved from monkeys is darn right blasphemous, aka:
  • impious: lacking in reverence or proper respect
  • irreverent: having or showing a lack of respect for someone or something that is usually treated with respect
  • profane: to treat something sacred with abuse, irreverence, or contempt
I can hear you saying, 'What about the fossil record?' And I reply: 
What about the Word of God?  

Satan's sharpest tool is Doubt which he successfully used against Eve and has continued to use throughout the years.  If you believe this evolution theory then you do not believe Yah our Creator or trust what He says is true.  Satan lured you to his side of the fence by causing you to doubt the Word of our Creator.

Quote, lightly edited for length:
Darwin famously said .... there would be fossils of transitional forms (missing links) which would provide irrefutable evidence of such gradual progressive change. However, as many even renown Evolutionists have had to admit, such transitional forms have not been found, despite the many claims to the contrary, which have been and are constantly being touted as “missing links”. In the not too distant past we had the Neanderthal Man, the Peking Man, the Cro-Magnon Man, the Piltdown Man, the Nebraska Man, all of which have been shown to be fraudulent claims, as admitted by no less than the famous Paleontologists Evolutionist Dr. Donald Johansson in his book Lucy. He claimed his find, Lucy, to be the real missing link between apes and humans, which also has been debunked as being anything more than an extinct variety of ape. So the very legitimate question Scientific Creationists pose is, when is the evidence Darwin admitted would be absolutely necessary to support his theory, going to be forthcoming?

Scientific Creationists have a competing model to explain the observed phenomenon, i.e. the fossil record. According to their theory there won’t be any “missing links” or “transitional forms” because they are merely figments of the imagination of the Evolutionists. According to [Scriptures] there are created kinds which are essentially the same as they were originally in the beginning, and there has never been any transitional forms naturally evolving from one kind to another – they are all essentially the same as originally created by God.

The entire article can be read here: The Fossil Record

We need to completely change our Neanderthal thinking. We are on a downward path as a species. This goes contrary to the theory of evolution, but it fits nicely within the framework of biblical knowledge about our ancestry and our current path as a society.

This planet earth was void and without form before our Creator began working with it.  We do not know how long it existed as void and without form but we do know that almost 6,000 years ago is when Yahweh spoke creation into existence. No life as we know it existed on this planet 'millions of years ago'.

Keep this in mind as you ponder this lesson: 

The Nephilim existed prior to The Flood.

Genesis 6 -- When men began to increase on the earth and daughters were born to them, the Divine Beings saw how beautiful they were and took wives from among those that pleased them.  It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on the earth (as a result of sexual relations between the Divine Beings and human women).  They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
From then on man's wickedness pervaded the earth and every plan devised by his mind was nothing but evil. Yahweh was so saddened - He regretted that He made them. Then came the Flood.  

I understand the Nephilim being renown: the condition of being known or talked about by many people - but I never quite got how these genetic mutants could be referred to as 'heroes': someone who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities - were they cute little half-breed babies who grew up to hero status but when they didn't stop growing (upwards to 300 cubits = 450 feet!)  is that when folks became intimidated by them?

The Flood swelled upon the earth and the mountains were covered, then the waters swelled another 15 cubits (another 22 and half feet above the tallest mountain). Makes sense that this much water would be needed to drown giants along with the rest of the unsaved souls.
Taking this information into consideration, can you see how various 'human remains' in the so-called fossil record could be the remains of the Nephilim and their experiments?  This wasn't millions of years ago and the event which buried it all was The Flood.  Add to this the fact that pre-flood humans lifespan was hundreds of years - physical, skeletal changes would likely occur and give rise to modern day man's imagination while ignoring God's account of Creation.  Humans were and always have been according to Yah's Creation from the beginning.