Saturday, September 17, 2022

Ice Age Theory

Do you believe Yahweh did His work of creation in six days?  
Our Father began His work about 6,000 years ago. Lucifer convinced 200 angels to leave heaven and live on this earth (perverting Yah's Creation) and all the resulting evil angered Yahweh. He brought The Flood about 4,000 years ago to cleanse the earth.

This planet earth was void and without form before our Creator began working with it. We do not know how long it existed as 'void and without form' but we do know about 6,000 years ago is when Yahweh spoke creation into existence. No life as we know it existed on this planet 'millions of years ago'. Nothing He created 'evolved' into something else.  Neither is there an indication of an Ice Age following the The Flood recorded in Scriptures.

It has been taught that an Ice Age carved out the lakes and moved boulders from here to there.  This idea totally ignores Scriptures wherein it is written there was a world wide flood.  Water is heavy, about eight pounds per gallon, so a world wide flood would result in the crust of the earth being compressed forming depressions which became lakes when the flood waters receded. The force of water moved rocks, boulders and other surface materials from one place to another.  The sinking of land and the rising of mountains changed the appearance of earth from its former self.  It is thought that a flood of this magnitude would set up conditions for an ice age, and it is guesstimated it lasted 700 years.  But, once again, if we read Scriptures and believe our Creator, we learn of no ice age, no dark winter. 
Psalm 104:6 ~ You made the deep cover it as a garment; the waters stood above the mountains. The waters fled at your blast, rushed away at the sound of Your thunder, mountains rising, valleys sinking, to the place You established for them.  You set bounds they must not pass so that they never again cover the earth.
After the ark landed in the mountains of Ararat there is no follow-up report recorded in Scriptures of an ice age occurring as Noah's family branched out.
Genesis 10:32 - These are the groupings of Noah's descendants, according to their origins, by their nations; and from these nations branched out over the earth after the flood.
As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be before the return of Messiah Yahshua. Mostly it is the anger = Wrath of God = that many humans incite by not searching out the truth. They entertain ideas outside of Scriptures causing them to Doubt the Word of Yahweh, just as Satan caused Eve to Doubt the Word of Yahweh and look where that got her.

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