Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Make Room for the Last One

British Bishop: 
'Russia is the Last Obstacle to the One World Government' 

The Bishop believes that “the next tricks of the criminals who rule the world will be artificially created famine” and urges Europeans to stock up on food while they can still buy it. 

On May 15, 2022, controversial British Bishop Richard Williamson spoke out in support of the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. He called Russia the last obstacle to the One World Order. Globalists have longed to rule the world through an authoritarian one-world government that will replace sovereign nation-states. 

“Among the heads of state, there is only one who is standing up to the forces of evil. Don’t count on Boris Johnson in England. Don’t count on Macron in France. Don’t count on Draghi in Italy. It’s Vladimir Putin who may be no angel and no saint, but nevertheless, he is a man of intelligence and great courage. And at the head of Russia, he has the means of standing up against the One World government,” said Bishop Williamson, addressing the parishioners of one of the Warsaw churches. 

According to the Bishop, “the Russians are fighting in Ukraine, but not in such a way to smash or crush and destroy Ukraine.” In this regard, Williamson recalled the purpose of the special operation, voiced by Putin: the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. “But foolish Europe,” the Bishop continued, “follows the orders of the United States in their attempt to crush Russia.” 

Williamson believes that “the next tricks of the criminals who rule the world will be artificially created famine” and urges Europeans to stock up on food while it can still be bought. 

“They played the trick of Covid; they played the trick of Ukraine, which has been provoking Russia since 2014. Russia had to defend itself. The real aggressor is not who he looks like. US agents have been provoking Russia from Ukraine for several years,” said the Bishop. 

Williams lamented that for many Americans, who were mostly Christians, their real religion is now politics, and “many of them out of patriotism want to destroy Russia because Russia is the last obstacle to a United World Order.” 

Bishop Williamson is an English Traditionalist Bishop formerly in communion with the Catholic Church who opposes the changes in the church brought about by the Second Vatican Council. The 82-year-old Priest was originally a member of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX). He was subsequently excommunicated; this was lifted in 2009. Williamson was convicted in German courts of denying the Holocaust and incitement related to those views. 

The Bishop also believes that the September 11 Islamic terror attacks were not carried out by foreigners but staged by the U.S. government. He has also said that the July 7, 2005, London Islamic bombings were an “inside job”. 

A. Mek 

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