Saturday, September 17, 2022

Damascus Syria

I have lightly paraphrased this prophecy so please read from your own copy of Scriptures to verify the point being made and be a witness to the truth.

Isaiah 17: The Damascus Pronouncement

Damascus shall cease to be a city; it shall become a heap of ruins.  The towns of Aroer shall be deserted and become a place for flocks to lie down without being disturbed. 

Fortresses shall cease from Ephraim (Aram) and the sovereignty of Damascus; the remnant shall become like the mass of Israelites, says our Creator Yahweh.

In that day the mass of Jacob shall dwindle, the fatness become lean after being like standing grain harvested by the reaper (who reaps ears by the armful); he shall be like the ears that are gleaned in the Valley of Rephaim.  Only gleanings shall be left of him, as when one beats an olive tree, two berries or three on the topmost branch, four or five on the boughs of the many branched one, declares Yahweh God of the Hebrews house of Israel.

In that day men shall turn to their Maker, looking to the Set Apart One of Israel, turning their backs on their homemade altars, sacred posts and incense stands.  Their fortress cities shall be like the deserted sites which the Horesh and the Amir (Amorites and Hivites) abandoned because of the Israelites and there shall be desolation.

Truly you have forgotten The One who save you and have not remembered the Rock who shelters you.  That is why, though you plant a delightful sapling, what you sow proves a disappointing slip.  On the day that you plant you will see it grow; the morning you sow you see it bud, but the branches wither away on a day of sickness and mortal agony.

The roar of many people sounds as a roaring sea, the rage of nations that rage like massive waters!  He shouts at them and they flee far away, driven like chaff by the winds in the hills.  At evening shall be terror and by morning it is no more.  Such is the lot of our despoilers, the portion of them that plunder us.


Friday, August 12, 2022

Orbs - Dust - Bugs

"When in low light settings, your camera may pick up ghost-like "orbs". These orbs are called backscatter, or near-camera reflection. Backscatter happens when dust, water droplets, or other particles are present on or very close to the lens, causing light to reflect through the unfocused images.
If the "orbs" appear to be moving, it is likely dust particles in the air floating by closely to the camera lens. This is a perfectly normal occurrence and there is no way to completely eliminate it. However, you can get rid of stationary or persistent particles by carefully cleaning your lens."
Another version folks call orbs are actually flying insects.  They appear bright because of how close they are to the lens of the camera and they reflect the light.  We know light attracts bugs at night and that is what these cameras do.
This image is from another blog and it is a composite of 'bugs' flying around a camera at night:
The irregular shapes help set these apart from the round dust particulates and some are unmistakably flying insects.  This is a very helpful visual aid.

 Our atmosphere is full of particulates these days; 
normal stuff along with chemtrail residue etc....

No where in Scriptures are angels described as 'orbs'.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Read the Small Print

A few years ago I read the 'small print' in the agreement form one signs when submitting their DNA for testing, as in  What I discovered was once you submit your DNA sample it becomes property of the business you sent it to. They can do whatever they want with it.  
I came across this article today, July 29, 2022:
"Lawmakers who attended the recent Aspen Security Forum warned that DNA testing services which identify ancestry could be fronts to harvest information for ethnicity-tailored bio-weapons programs.

U.S. Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, is one such lawmaker who says there are already bio-weapons programs in development that are “designed to target specific people,” and that this would not have been possible if not for DNA testing services."

Crow wants the United States to create a new set of guidelines for the protection of personal health data because in his view, “that data is actually going to be procured and collected by our adversaries for the development of these systems.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin agrees, having stated back in 2017 that biological samples were being harvested “purposefully and professionally” all over Russia by various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other groups for unknown purposes.

The Pentagon (Pentagram), meanwhile, is actively collecting DNA and using it to develop biological weapons, which is exactly what Putin is worried about – and could be one of the reasons why Putin invaded Ukraine and is now challenging the Western globalist matrix of control.

Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Force, announced back in May that the Pentagon has “significantly expanded its research potential not only in the field of creating biological weapons, but also obtaining information about antibiotic resistance and the presence of antibodies to certain diseases in populations of specific regions.”

The Pentagon is also involved, Russia says, in funding and developing biolaboratories throughout Ukraine, having poured some $224 million into the country for such purposes between 2005 and early 2022.

After initially denying the existence of these biolabs, the globalist controllers of the United States now admit that there are, in fact, 46 biological research facilities littering the Ukrainian landscape, but that they are supposedly being used for a “peaceful public health project.”

Anyone who says otherwise, insist U.S. officials, is “spreading disinformation and sowing mistrust.” Such disinformation spreaders include Russia, China and other enemies of the U.S. military-industrial complex.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) is in agreement with Crow that customized bioweapons made from harvested DNA are a threat. A member of the Senate’s Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities and Armed Services Committee, Ernst says such bioweapons could be used to target livestock and crops throughout America.

“There’s a number of ways we can look at biological weapons and the need to make sure not only are we securing human beings, but then also the food that will sustain us,” she is quoted as saying. 

The latest news about data mining, DNA collection and bioweapons development programs can be found at

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Silent Killers





by Marco Torres

October 18, 2010

from PreventDisease Website


Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles.

He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.


The biggest killers, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and many other diseases are largely man-made and iatrogenic in origin, yet we ignorantly dismiss their growing incidence to factors which we assume are not preventable.

Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide and deaths are projected to continue rising, with an estimated 12 million in 2030.


The claim by the World Health Organization is that only 30% of cancer deaths can be prevented. There is largely a misguided and misinformed statistic since cancer was a rarity more than 200 years ago, making the majority of cancer deaths 100% preventable since they have little to do with genetics or factors beyond our control.

A recent study of ancient remains has found that cancer is a man-made disease fuelled by the excesses of modern life. Tumors were rare until recent times when man-made environmental pollution and chemical-laced nourishment were introduced into the food supply.

Michael Zimmerman, a visiting professor at Manchester University, said:

'In an ancient society lacking surgical intervention, evidence of cancer should remain in all cases.


'The virtual absence of malignancies in mummies must be interpreted as indicating their rarity in antiquity, indicating that cancer-causing factors are limited to societies affected by modern industrialization.'

The first reports in scientific literature of distinctive tumors only occurred in the past 200 years or so, including scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps in 1775 and nasal cancer in snuff users in 1761.

Professor Rosalie David, who presented the findings to Professor Mike Richards, the UK's cancer tsar and other oncologists at a conference earlier this year, said:

'In industrialized societies, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as a cause of death. But in ancient times, it was extremely rare.

'There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer.

Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the second biggest killer worldwide. Heart attacks and strokes make up the largest portion of CVD deaths and they are largely preventable.

Perhaps one of the biggest health myths propagated in western culture and certainly in the United States, is the misuse of an invented term "bad cholesterol" by the media and medical community. Moreover, a scientifically-naive public has been conned into a fraudulent correlation between elevated cholesterol and cardiovascular disease (CVD).


Cholesterol has not been shown to actually cause CVD. To the contrary, cholesterol is vital to our survival, and trying to artificially lower it can have detrimental effects, particularly as we age.

There are also a number of underlying determinants of CVDs, or, if you like, "the causes of the causes". These are a reflection of the major forces driving social, economic and cultural change including globalization and incremental population reduction policies which are keeping most of the sick indefinitely.

Epidemiologic research estimates that 280,000 die each year from iatrogenic causes in the United States. One of the largest determinants of CVD death is the advancement of the pharmaceutical industrial complex and long-term medications.

Drugs such as Vioxx, Lipitor, Mevacor, Crestor are causing and have caused millions of deaths worldwide and the number of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed in cardiology to promote and market these types of medications continues to grow.


Current day cardiologic interventions and procedures are far more deadly to patients than lack of exercise or poor dietary habits, yet this is rarely if ever discussed in mainstream discussion.

Researchers have spent decades looking for genes that cause diabetes, but there is increasing evidence that diabetes is really caused by viral infections.


In particular, type I diabetes was assumed to be genetic, but there is a fairly large amount of evidence that it is caused by viruses such as as Coxsackie B4 and other which may be linked to vaccines.


The incidence of type 1 diabetes is increasing throughout the world, which cannot be explained by genetics.

Modern food processing has also been blamed in the rising incidence of Type II diabetes. Food processing can produce glycation end products, oxidised ascorbic acid and lipoic acid, all of which may cause diabetes.


Infant formula in particular has high levels of glycation products, and added ascorbic acid.

Vaccines - A Major Cause of Disease
Type I insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is a disease that has now been linked to vaccines, as is Parkinson Disease, Tourette's syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and several other neuropsychiatric disorders.

All vaccines are causing immediate and delayed, acute and chronic, increasing and decreasing, impairments to blood flow, throughout the brain and body. This IS causing us all to become chronically ill, sick, and brain damaged along a continuum of other symptoms, some of which are clinically silent until death.


Vaccines are causing ischemic "strokes". Since the damages are microscopic, we cannot see them as they occur. However, we can now see the neurological aftermath of these damages - within hours and days of vaccination - all vaccinations. (Read Vaccines Are One Big Experiment Causing Hundreds of Diseases In The Modern World)

There is a direct and statistical correlation between the diseases that affect a given population (in developed nations) and the frequency of vaccines administered.


That being said, there is an excellent probability that hundreds of diseases in the modern world are simply a by-product of the harmful effects of vaccines.

Man-Made Pollution and Chemicals Linked to 200 Diseases
A US study by doctors from the Boston Medical Center and the University of California San Francisco working on behalf of The Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE) stated that,

“More than 80,000 chemicals have been developed, used, distributed, and discarded into the environment over the past 50 years.”

Pollution has been connected to about 200 human diseases, from cerebral palsy to testicular atrophy, and more than 37 kinds of cancer, the CHE study called “Chemical Contaminants and Human Disease” reported.


Even as the disease-rate intensifies, a New York Times article reports Americans’ shunning traditional medicine in favor of $27 billion spent on alternative therapies last year.

Classic Man-Made Diseases - Dengue Fever & Pandemic Flu
South America has faced one of the largest dengue fever epidemics on record.


Health alerts were declared in several countries since the outbreak began in earlier this year.

The recent outbreak of dengue fever is being portrayed by the media as a fortuitous reemergence of the disease in Florida and elsewhere in the United States after 75 years.

Dengue fever is a virus-based disease spread by the bites of mosquitoes. It can be caused by any one of four separate but related viruses carried by infected mosquitoes, most commonly the mosquito Aedes aegypti, found in tropic and subtropic areas.

Dengue fever has been the intense focus of U.S. army and CIA biological warfare researchers for over fifty years. As early as the 1950s, the army’s Fort Detrick in partnership with the CIA launched a multi-million dollar research program under which dengue fever and several addition exotic diseases were studied for use in offensive biological warfare attacks.

A University of Illinois international law professor Francis Boyle charged the Fort Detrick work would include,

“acquiring, growing, modifying, storing, packaging and dispersing classical, emerging and genetically engineered pathogens.”

Those activities, as well as planned study of the properties of pathogens when weaponized,

“are unmistakable hallmarks of an offensive weapons program.” (Read Wanted For Bio-Terrorism, Genocide and Conspiracy To Commit Mass Murder)

In early 2009, Czech newspapers questioned if the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus which were distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.

Baxter flu vaccines contaminated with H5N1 - otherwise known as the human form of avian flu, one of the most deadly biological weapons on earth with a 60% kill rate - were received by labs in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Slovenia.

The swine flu H1N1 virus had three parents from two continents and appeared suddenly without warning, evading all routine flu surveillance and quarantine; sequence data suggest it may have been created from a faulty vaccine given to pigs in North America.

The CDC isolated and genetically altered (engineered) the H1N1 flu virus so that it could be used to make hundreds of millions of doses of the bio-terrorism agent. The new genetically engineered (novel) A-H1N1 virus then contained a lethal combination of bacteria, viruses, and toxins.

The CDC has also conducted experiments in which they infected ferrets with both the H1N1 swine virus and the H5N1 bird flu virus to see if they would "reassort" and create a new hybrid flu virus. (Read CDC Playing With Fire: Mixing H1N1 Swine Flu and H5N1 Bird Flu To Create For Super Flu)

Unexpected Natural Death of Iatrogenic Origin
So how do the pharmaceutical and chemical industrial complexes continue getting away with poisoning the population? One word...proof.

There is a high index of suspicion that an unexpected apparently natural death may be iatrogenic due to the medicines administered before death. The true adverse effects induced by drug interactions are rarely known in the medical community, especially relating to the extremes of age on the potency of drugs.


These are "biochemical deaths" and as such are difficult to prove at post mortem examination especially if the forensic pathologist has not been made aware of the identity of drugs administered before death. There are far too many Physicians in all corners that continue to use unnecessary drugs without the full awareness of the mechanisms whereby they can become lethal.

Iatrogenic causes of death are easily the number killer of humanity worldwide.


When any death occurs, the coroner will list the specific cause of death (i.e. heart attack) but never the "cause of the cause" (i.e. statins). Yet the "cause of the cause" is the single most important factor creating illness and death in our society today.


The hidden killers that evade detection to protect profits and expand disease are the biggest threats of all.



Friday, April 29, 2022


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

He Anoints My Head with Oil

In the Tanakh, Psalm 23, we read King David's writings - a song, a prayer, a declaration to and about Yahweh:

Yah is my Shepherd; I lack nothing.  He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me to water in places of repose; He renews my life; He guides me in the right paths as befits His Name.  Though I walk through a valley of deepest darkness I fear no harm for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff comfort me.  You spread a table for me in the full view of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my drink is abundant. Only goodness and steadfast love shall pursue me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the House of Yahweh for many long years.

Psalm 89 was written by Ethan the Ezrahite who sings about Yahweh's steadfast love.  In verse 21 it is recorded that David was anointed with Yah's Sacred Oil.  In Exodus 30:23 we discover what this Sacred Anointing Oil is and what it is used for:

The specific measurements of choice spices: myrrh, cinnamon, aromatic cane and cassia were expertly mixed with pure olive oil.  This blended oil was used to anoint the Tent of Meeting, the Ark of the Pact (Covenant), the table, utensils, lamp stand, the alter of incense,  the alter of burnt offerings and its utensils, the laver and its stand. Yah said this would consecrate them, set them apart.  Also this sacred oil was poured upon the head of Aaron consecrating him as high priest, and his sons, who would serve Yahweh as priests.  The use of this sacred anointing oil symbolized that which was anointed was devoted to the worship of the only Living God, Yahweh.

Yahweh warns not to make any oil blends by the same measurements used for the Sacred Anointing Oil:

This shall be an anointing oil sacred to Me throughout the ages. It must not be rubbed on any person's body and you must not make anything like it in the same proportions, it is sacred and to be held sacred by you. Whoever compounds it by the same measurements or puts any of it on a layman shall be cut off from his kin.

Common folk were not to be 'anointed' with this special blend of oils. It was specifically made according to Yah's Instructions to set apart His 'house' and all the 'furniture and utensils' as well as the priesthood associated with the Tent of Meeting and later the Temple built in Jerusalem. Also, when the Israelites began to be ruled by kings, those kings were anointed as such from the oil kept in the temple.

The sheep/head anointing idea folks get is about David being anointed as King which was with the Sacred Anointing Oil; none of which applies to sheep or us.  It is misleading to share memes in today's cyber world showing a sheep getting oil poured on its head to protect it from flies. I can understand the analogy being attempted but it is still misleading. David was the psalmist and his anointing was the sacred oil setting him apart as King. This oil was not used on sheep.

Quote: If you want to try oils as a fly repellent, a modern day equivalent of the types of oils used by biblical shepherds can be made by combining equal amounts of linseed oil, sulfur and tar.

Yah is our protector and our deliverer but it is through our Faith in Him that we can become anointed by His Spirit.  Yahshua was anointed by His Father's Spirit after John immersed him.  And a few years later the 12 Apostles were anointed with Yah's Spirit.  This is the same Spirit that anoints us in this day and age symbolizing our being born again of the Spirit so we now worship our Father in spirit and truth.  It seems that Sacred Anointing Oil ceased to exist after the destruction of the temple, as well as the priesthood and all other services related to the temple.  

Yah sets the pattern from the beginning:

Prior to the building of the Tent of Meeting, the mixed multitude who were set free from Egypt believed in the Word of Yahweh and obeyed His Instruction; they painted the blood of the lamb on their doorposts and lintels as a sign to God for protection and deliverance, which set them apart from everyone else; a foreshadow of 'sacred anointing oil' and anointing oil was a foreshadow of being anointed with His Spirit. Yahweh would not anoint us common folk with Oil but He will fill us with His Spirit if we accept His Instructions, just as Noah, Moses and Abraham all faithfully obeyed Yah's commands. 

Consider that “anointing with oil" established the pattern and since the death of His Son oil has been replaced by God's Holy Spirit; we become born again of the Spirit for deliverance and healing by accepting Yahshua who laid down his life for the sake of atonement in which we choose to come into covenant with our Creator.  After his death he sent us another Redeemer, the Spirit of Truth which comforts us.  This is not something to ask God about as in asking Him to 'anoint our heads with oil'.... we are not worthy of this sacred oil but the day will come when His Son sets up His Kingdom and we will see things differently.
John 16:13
But when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you in all truth.  He will not speak from himself but speaks everything he hears from the Father (Yahweh).   And future things he will make known to you.
This is not to be confused with the term 'anoint' when one is grooming themselves or as a medical treatment or preparing a burial.

•Ruth 3:3 ~ Naomi, Ruth's mother-in-law, tells her to prepare to meet Boaz: So bathe, anoint yourself, dress up, and go down to the threshing floor.
•Matthew 6:17 ~ But whenever you fast, wash your face and anoint your head....
•Luke 10:30 ~ Yahshua is speaking a parable in regards to 'loving one's neighbor'.  A priest passed by a wounded man who was left lying on the side of the road and did nothing for him; a Levite passed by this man and did nothing; then a Samaritan man came along and had compassion on the wounded man. He bandaged and treated the wounds with wine and oil.  Besides that, he took the wounded man to an inn and paid for his upkeep, then went on his way.  He promised the innkeeper he would pay for anything else when he returned.  (This is the kind of person we consider as our neighbor) 
•Mark 16 ~ And when the Shabbat had passed, Mary of Magdala and Mary the mother of Ya'akov (James) and Shalom (Salome) bought spices that they might come to anoint him (Yahshua).
Yahshua is the 'Mashiach', the Hebrew  word for 'Anointed One'.  He was anointed by God's Set Apart Spirit after being immersed in the Jordan River by his cousin John.  Yahshua will be our Priest and King in the kingdom to come, when we receive our heritage: The Promised Land here on this earth.