Saturday, September 17, 2022

Damascus Syria

I have lightly paraphrased this prophecy so please read from your own copy of Scriptures to verify the point being made and be a witness to the truth.

Isaiah 17: The Damascus Pronouncement

Damascus shall cease to be a city; it shall become a heap of ruins.  The towns of Aroer shall be deserted and become a place for flocks to lie down without being disturbed. 

Fortresses shall cease from Ephraim (Aram) and the sovereignty of Damascus; the remnant shall become like the mass of Israelites, says our Creator Yahweh.

In that day the mass of Jacob shall dwindle, the fatness become lean after being like standing grain harvested by the reaper (who reaps ears by the armful); he shall be like the ears that are gleaned in the Valley of Rephaim.  Only gleanings shall be left of him, as when one beats an olive tree, two berries or three on the topmost branch, four or five on the boughs of the many branched one, declares Yahweh God of the Hebrews house of Israel.

In that day men shall turn to their Maker, looking to the Set Apart One of Israel, turning their backs on their homemade altars, sacred posts and incense stands.  Their fortress cities shall be like the deserted sites which the Horesh and the Amir (Amorites and Hivites) abandoned because of the Israelites and there shall be desolation.

Truly you have forgotten The One who save you and have not remembered the Rock who shelters you.  That is why, though you plant a delightful sapling, what you sow proves a disappointing slip.  On the day that you plant you will see it grow; the morning you sow you see it bud, but the branches wither away on a day of sickness and mortal agony.

The roar of many people sounds as a roaring sea, the rage of nations that rage like massive waters!  He shouts at them and they flee far away, driven like chaff by the winds in the hills.  At evening shall be terror and by morning it is no more.  Such is the lot of our despoilers, the portion of them that plunder us.


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