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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Models for Sale

The Vigilant Citizen
Published February 21, 2022

Jean-Luc Brunel – said to be Jeffrey Epstein’s “pimp” – was found dead hanging in his jail cell. Several people close to the case do not believe that it was a suicide. Did Brunel know too much?


Jean-Luc Brunel, the notorious fashion agent who was suspected of procuring over 1,000 girls to billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell on February 19th, 2022. The apparent cause of death: Suicide by hanging. Aug. 10, 2019, Jeffrey Epstein was found dead by hanging in his jail cell. In both cases, no camera footage was available.
Brunel’s death occurred only days after Prince Andrew settled his lawsuit with Virginia Giuffre who accused him of sexual abuse while she was a minor. According to the Telegraph, Queen Elizabeth herself will provide money to pay for the settlement – an estimated $20 million. 
Is the occult elite actively silencing anyone who could blow the lid on a massive scandal involving some of the world’s most powerful people?
A year after Epstein’s death, Steve Bing – a billionaire Hollywood director who was close friends with Epstein – died mysteriously by falling from the 27th floor of his apartment building. While the official cause of death was said to be “suicide”, some claim that he was killed because he knew too much.
In Aug. 2022, Steven Hoffenberg was the latest of several Epstein associates found dead. French modeling scout Jean-Luc Brunel, Mark Middleton former special advisor to Bill Clinton with ties to Epstein, was found dead in May. Middleton's death also was ruled a suicide. He was found hanged from a tree with a shotgun wound in his chest.
One key person remains in this sordid affair: Ghislaine Maxwell. Epstein’s long-time partner acted as a “Madame” throughout the years by facilitating the abuse of young girls. She is currently in jail and her family is convinced that Brunel was “suicided”. They also believe she might be next.
Brunel was a prominent model scout who was credited for discovering Sharon Stone and Monica Bellucci. In 2004, he founded MC2, a model management company that was financed by Jeffrey Epstein. Through this company, hundreds of girls were recruited by Brunel to be trafficked and abused by Epstein and his circle of elite friends. According to witnesses, Brunel used his reputation in the fashion industry to lure “poor girls” into a global ring of underage slaves.

In a 2015 affidavit, accuser Virginia Giuffre stated:

A lot of the girls came from poor countries or poor backgrounds, and he lured them in with a promise of making good money. Jeffrey Epstein has told me that he has slept with over 1,000 of Brunel’s girls, and everything that I have seen confirms this claim.
In court documents that were filed in both the United States and France, Guiffre said she had “sexual relations with Brunel on several occasions” when she was aged 16-19. She added that both Brunel and Prince Andrew abused her in Little Saint James – Jeffrey Epstein’s private island.

Brunel’s history of abusing models was known for decades.

“Brunel was the subject of a seven-month investigation by CBS producer Craig Pyes and reporter Diane Sawyer for 60 Minutes. The investigative segment “American Models in Paris”, which aired on 23 October 1988, covered the conduct of Brunel and fellow Parisian modeling agent Claude Haddad. Several American models who worked with Brunel were interviewed by 60 Minutes and described their experiences of the culture Brunel fostered where the models were routinely drugged and sexually abused.”

Despite these accusations, Brunel remained free and kept on running his agency while traveling abroad for scouting assignments.

During that time, Brunel became close friends with Jeffrey Epstein, who shared his obsession with abusing girls. Court documents state that Brunel once sent three 12-year-old girls from Paris to America so they could be abused by Epstein as ‘a birthday present’.

Court documents also show that the modeling agency MC2 was a front for a global underage sex ring organized by Jeffrey Epstein.

On December 16, 2020, Brunel was intercepted by police at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, as he was about to board a one-way flight to Dakar, Senegal. He was then placed under ‘garde à vue’ custody for questioning in relation to rape, sexual assault, criminal conspiracy, and human trafficking, with all of the allegations involving minors.  Since then, Brunel had been incarcerated at La Santé – the notorious maximum-security prison in Paris. On February 19th 2022, Brunel was found dead in bizarre circumstances.
He was found hanging by his bed sheets in his prison cell. French prison authorities told local media that “no breach” in security at the prison had occurred, and an investigation into the cause of death had been launched. 
A few years prior, Jeffrey Epstein was found dead hanging in his jail cell using bed sheets. Due to “technical errors” CCTV footage of his prison cell was said to be lost.
Most prison cells in France are not monitored (for privacy), there is also no footage of Brunel’s suicide. This led some observers to believe that Brunel might have been murdered by the same forces that killed Epstein.  A source told the Daily Mail that there was no indication that Brunel had suicidal tendencies.
"There were no obvious fears for the prisoner’s health, and he was not on a suicide watch, having already been in prison for many months."
In the wake of Brunel’s death, Ghislaine Maxwell’s family also stated that the “suicide” was highly suspicious.
Ian Maxwell added that (his sister) Ghislaine was put into a room at the prison with a psychiatrist and two others, including a guard with everything recorded on camera. Nevertheless, he fears for her safety.  “Despite the psychiatrist advising to the contrary, she was deemed a suicide risk and they are continuing to wake her up every 15 minutes in the night”.  Ian Maxwell insisted that Ghislaine is not suicidal. He also found it “ironic” that Epstein and Brunel, who died of apparent suicides, were not on suicide watches in their respective prisons. Epstein had been taken off suicide watch shortly before his death in August 2019.

In Conclusion

The death of Jean-Luc Brunel mirrors the death of Jeffrey Epstein. He is the latest casualty in an apparent ongoing operation to silence anyone who might expose the occult elite’s sick tendencies. Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs revealed that a great number of prominent celebrities, businessmen, politicians, and elite people were involved in a sex ring of underage slaves that operated across the world – most notably on Epstein’s own private island. 
Jean-Luc Brunel was accused of recruiting girls for this elite ring. Epstein reportedly boasted that he personally slept with over 1,000 girls that were “shipped” to him by Brunel. 
In other words, Brunel knew everything about this sordid affair. And there was a risk that he could spill the beans on several elite psychopaths. And now he’s dead. Ghislaine Maxwell might be next. 
End Quote
But wait! There's more!
John Casablancas met Donald Trump in the 70s. Donald had his modeling agency 'T Models' which he later changed to 'Trump Model Management' and it ran for 18 years, closed in 2017. He was also friends with Mr. Epstein and that is how he met Melania. Donald Trump was quoted as saying he got to know financier Jeffrey Epstein in the late 1980s. “He’s a lot of fun to be with,” Trump famously told New York magazine in 2002. “It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
"Sometime in 1995 when Ivanka Trump was 14 years old, her father signed her up with a modeling gig at his friend John Casablancas' agency, Elite. The president of the company, Monical Pillard, first set his sights on signing Ivanka when she was 11 or 12."
Trump became friends with Casablancas sometime in the 1970s after being introduced by Roy Cohn*. Casablancas personally managed Ivanka’s modeling career.

Ivanka, 9 years old, with her dad


Trump owned his modeling agency for 18 years which closed in 2017, not without controversy.  He also encouraged aspiring fashionistas while presiding over the Miss Universe Organization. 
“I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant,” Trump told Howard Stern in 2005.  "Therefore I’m inspecting it… ‘Is everyone OK?’ You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”


More thoughts to ponder:

Who is Judge Acosta who convicted Epstein of child rape in 2017 but was only sentenced to 13 months in prison due to his friendship with Trump, and Acosta became Trump’s minister of labor, but was forced to resign when Epstein’s case reopened? What did Epstein and Maxwell have to do with Donald and Melania Trump, whose work has led to suicide and arrest?

In New York, Maxwell partnered with sex and drug dealer Epstein to offer a modeling job with the intention of earning astronomical income by giving beautiful young virgins to the rich.

She attended Marlborough College, one of Britain’s most expensive private colleges, and through her father connected with members of Buckingham Palace, had easy access to Britain’s dirtiest rich, including “Prince Andrew”.

Epstein and Maxwell needed to select celebrities in New York and London to start their own sex agency. He convinced Trump, who worked hard to escape financial bankruptcy in 1991 and needed to meet famous people.

Maxwell also considered Prince Andrew, who had good relations with influential people in London and the wealthy princes of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Epstein was introduced to Prince Andrew by Maxwell to host the London Sex Club, and he worked for many years at London and New York Sex Clubs, and Andrew was a regular client of virgin girls.

The American team “Trump-Epstein” and the British team “Andrew-Maxwell” needed to work with a global brand to start an international career to host the sex of the rich.

Trump, a regular at Casablanca nightclubs at his New York mansions, hired John Casablanca, director of the Italian company Elite Model Management, to work with him, and in 1991 signed a business deal with him as an investor and referee for the Elite Model beauty pageant.

With this agreement, the modeling industry and the sex industry of Europe and the United States merged, making it possible for politicians and the rich to have easy and hassle-free sex with teenage and virgin girls at the Trump and Epstein parties, which was welcomed. Even former US President Bill Clinton and Arab princes attended the parties.

Trump and Epstein held the Young Model Girls Contest at the Plaza Hotel in 1993 and in Maralogo in 1993 to advance their work. In these competitions, the top models who were willing to cooperate with the “Elite Model” were selected.

The competition was an important achievement and showed that girls from Eastern Europe and Latin America, and especially Brazil, are more willing to work in the sex industry. Since then, Elite has focused its modeling work on teenage girls identified through fashion brands and fashion magazines in Eastern European countries.

For easier access to Eastern European girls, “Elite Model” selected young supermodels who, while familiar with the Russian language and culture, were more attractive to girls from Eastern European countries, and then could more easily communicate and educate girls, especially from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were transferred to the United States and London.

“Melania” was noticed in these searches among the beautiful girls of Eastern Europe. An unknown figure, she was introduced to Casablanca and Epstein through a man named Paolo Zampolli. From now on, in order for Melania to become international, it was necessary for her to become famous worldwide in collaboration with world-famous brands in France and Italy.
Zampolii started the ID Models agency in the 1990s to attract European girls and coordinated Melania’s work in Italy with “Joseph Mifsud”, who had close ties to Trump and Epstein.

In 1992, with the support of Zampolii and Mifsud, “Jana Magazine” published photos of Melania with 12 beautiful young girls, which eventually selected Melania as the top three models of the year. The yellow press immediately published reports and photos of Melania’s personality and achievements.

After gaining fame in Italy and France in 1995, Melania arrived in New York on an H-1B visa and lived with a sports photographer named “Matthew Atanian” and later with Epstein in an apartment where he worked as a photographer.

The apartment was actually owned by Elite Model and photographed teenage girls exported from Europe to evaluate modeling. It was in this apartment that Jeffrey Epstein was accused of raping a 15-year-old girl after forcing her to undress.

Melania’s main problem during her first years in the United States, however; was the heavy cost of living in New York. From 1995 to 1997, she paid for her expensive living in New York by printing nude photos, especially on Trump’s private jet and escorting some Epstein clients, until some important events occurred in 1999.

Trump, who chose Melania as one of his sexy dolls, divorced his second wife and started T-Models in hopes of expanding the empire of the fashion world. Under Trump and Epstein, the company entered the sex trade and illegally traded virgin girls and minors to the rich.

Melania, who after a few years of sexual slavery had lost her appeal to long-awaited clients, was hired for a second phase of work hosted by young newcomers and forced to maintain her body and set an example for new models. Perform two cosmetic operations on the chest and face during the years 98 and 99.

At T-Models, Melania and Maxwell managed to train girls to photograph and then sleep with the rich, and for models who were reluctant to continue, they persuaded them and even their parents to settle for a lucrative short-term job with a residence and work permit in the United States by showing their own bank accounts and photos of their parties and how they progressed in the fashion market.

In order for the newcomers to start their careers without any embarrassment, Melania and Maxwell forced them to watch a free relationship with rented men to learn how to behave in a variety of sexual ways with guests.
Seeing these scenes, they had to learn the courage and skills to have sex with men of all tastes and ages. In some cases, Melania and Maxwell were even the sex model for rented men.

Accordingly, a U.S. court has charged Maxwell with sexual harassment of underage girls after her arrest, which carries a life sentence under the law.
Although Trump promised to shut down T-Models after his inauguration in January 2016, the agency continued to work until 2017 to remove model girls who were staying in the United States illegally.

To cover up the role of Trump and Melania in the sex club, Epstein has (apparently) committed suicide, Joseph Mifsud disappeared, Prince Andrew has been summoned by the US Attorney, Maxwell has been arrested, the family of US Federal Judge Esther Salas judge have been assassinated, 10 complaints against Trump Silent, Trump’s lawyers have either threatened exponents of Melania’s sexual slavery or collected her nude photos at great expense.

*Roy Cohen 

Cohen started representing the Trumps in 1973 after the Department of Justice sued them for racist rental practices at the thousands of apartments they owned, through the rest of the ’70s and into the ’80s. Cohn became for Trump something much more than simply his attorney. At a most formative moment for Trump, there was no more formative figure than Cohn. Trump loved the guy because he was 'ruthless'.
They were both ruthless....

"Trump boasted that he kept a photo of Roy in his office, to intimidate people. “Roy is a terrible lawyer,” he told the laughing crowd. “But I only need to mention his name and people are too scared to challenge me.”


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Story

 That evening, Yahshua ate a meal with his Apostles.

After this pass-over meal was eaten, Yahshua and his Apostles took a walk to the Mount of Olives. The sun has already gone down, so according to Yah's perfect timing, it is now the 15th day of this month (still dark), this also being the 1st day of Unleavened Bread.

While they are at the Mount of Olives, Yahshua tells his Apostles things that will happen soon and they can't believe they could ever be offended by him. He tells them there is sadness in his soul. They continue walking to the place called Gethsemane. The Apostles eventually fall asleep during the time Yahshua is praying to his Father.

This record of events makes it possible to conclude that Yahshua was not killed during the time that the pass-over offering lambs were being slaughtered. Otherwise he could not have eaten with his beloved twelve that evening, taken a walk afterwards and had more time in fellowship with them. 

When they arrived at Gethsemane, Judas came back and betrayed Yahshua to the chief priests and elders. After a scuffle all the Apostles left their Teacher - they ran away. Those who seized Yahshua wanted to take him to Caiaphas (Matthew 26:50-59) but they could not find him. So they took him to Pilate.

We read in Matthew 27 when it was morning the chief priests and elders took Yahshua to Pilate, who tries to argue for his life as he finds no guilt with him. Pilate realizes the accusers do so out of envy. The angry mob wins. Yahshua is scourged with whips and delivered to be put to death on a stake. He dies around the 9th hour.

When we read the accounts recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we can sum up the day's events.  Please read Scriptures for yourself when you have time.
(Matthew 26:57; Mark 14:53; Mark 15:15; Luke 22:54; John 18:28; John 19)
The chief priests and elders with scribes were taking Yahshua to Caiaphas who was the high priest, but they could not find him.  Scribes and elders were gathered trying to find witnesses against Yahshua, but only false witnesses came forward.  At daybreak, the chief priests and the elders all took counsel against Yahshua, bound him and delivered him to Pilate.
Pilate sent Yahshua to Herod to deal with because Yahshua was from Galilee. Herod was in Jerusalem in those days. Herod questions Yahshua but gets no answers, gives him back to Pilate.
Pilate calls to the chief priests and rulers of the people and says to them: You brought me this man as a deceiver of your people - I have examined him and have not found any fault with him nor has Herod... nothing that is worthy of death has been committed by him. Pilate desired to let Yahshua go but the people were crying out and saying 'Nail him to the stake!' 

Pilate tells the mob to take Yahshua and judge him according to 'their own' Torah and the Yehudeans reply, 'it is not lawful for us to kill a man' this day..... (it was a Shabbat, the 1st day of Unleavened Bread, so of course those religious men couldn't kill him that day.)
Pilate went as far as to offer them a choice of 'criminals' to be executed.  They chose to let Bar Abba (Barabbas) go free.  Yahshua was scourged, and delivered to be executed on a stake.
The Son of God was scourged and mocked. At about the 6th hour Pilate turned him over to be executed. In Matthew it reads Yahshua died about the 9th hour.  The 6th hour is equivalent to mid-day, the 9th hour would be 3:00 pm.

The pass over meal was eaten at twilight, the 14th day of the first month on God's calendar. The accounts agree it was morning, as the day dawned, when Yahshua was bound and brought before Pilate. It is now the 15th day. The 9th hour when Yahshua died is during the 15th day.
This year, 2023, the pope inspired Gregorian calendar days equivalent to the Hebrew calendar days of Passover and Unleavened Bread are April 4th at evening and April 5th with the following six days as the Days of Unleavened Bread.  Do you see how various religions have totally corrupted the events surrounding the death of our Messiah?  There is no Palm Sunday or Holy Week; no Good Friday or sunrise worship; no Passover Seder or stations of the cross.  Just remember how our God freed that mixed multitude from slavery in Egypt by the blood of the lamb; and by faith believe our freedom from our old sin nature was made possible by the shed blood of our Messiah. We observe God's Set Times best we can in this day and age without inventing rituals we think are a good thing to do.
Matthew 27:57 - Now when it became evening, a rich man from Ramtha whose name was Joseph, who had been taught by Yahshua, asked Pilate for the body, to be removed from the stake.  And he wrapped it in a shroud of fine linen and laid it in his new tomb.
Yahshua the Anointed One was placed in a tomb before sundown on that 15th day; where he spent three days and three nights before being resurrected.  He now sits at the right hand of God until the day he returns to gather up believers on the last day.  Then we inherit the promised land on this old earth with the Son of God as our king.
Did you know after his resurrection:
Acts 1:3With numerous signs for 40 days he was seen by them, and he spoke concerning the Kingdom of God ... And while he ate with the 12 Apostles he commanded that "You should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, He whom you have heard about from me. John immersed with water, and you will be immersed by God's Set Apart Spirit.  When His Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power and be witnesses for me in Jerusalem and in all Judah and also among the Samaritan and to the ends of the earth."  After these things he was taken up and a cloud received him and he was hidden from their eyes. 

Ten days later during the set time of Shavuot (Pentecost) the Apostles were immersed (baptized) by God's Spirit, as promised.


Friday, December 30, 2022

John 5:46

•John 5:30 - Y'shua the son of God is speaking:
"I am not able to do anything of my own desire, but as I hear I judge, and my judgment is just, for I don't seek my will, rather the will of Him who sent me. :36 ... For the works that my Father has given to me to complete, those works that I do testify that the Father sent me. :39 Search the Scriptures, because in them you think you have that life that is eternal, and they testify of me. Yet you do not desire to come to me, that you may have that life that is eternal. :43 I have come in the name of my Father, and you have not received me... :46 IF only you had believed in Moses, you would also be believers in me, for Moses wrote concerning me. And if you do not believe the writing of that man, how will you believe my words?"
When Yahshua walked this earth the only Scriptures in existence was the equivalent of the Old Testament.  When he refers to the writings of Moses that would be the first five books of the OT: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.  How can any professed Christian ignore this simple fact, claiming 'Torah' was done away with by the very man who came to do the will of the Father AND believed the writings of Moses.


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Women - Do's and Don'ts

Justice Ruth Ginsburg died.  I knew the name but did not know anything about her. With all the praise given her, by females in particular, I figured a little research was due on my part. To begin I will share a lovely example of womanhood found written in Proverbs.

Proverbs Chapter 31 is an account of King Lemuel of Massa being admonished by his mother, in regards to duties and obligations; being gentle with warnings and urgent in advice. I have lightly paraphrase this chapter so please remember to read from your own Bible when you have time.

No, my son, do not give your strength to a woman, your bodily or mental strength to those who destroy kings.  Wine is not for kings; not for kings to drink, nor any strong drink for princes, lest they drink and forget what has been ordained, and infringe on the rights of the poor. Give strong drink to the hapless and wine to the embittered that they may drink and forget their poverty and put their troubles out of mind. Speak up for the dumb, for the rights of all the unfortunate; speak up, judge righteously, champion the poor and the needy.

What a rare find is a capable wife! Her worth is far beyond that of rubies. Her husband puts his confidence in her and lacks no good thing. She is good to him and never bad, all the days of her life.  She sees to all clothing needs, mending, sewing and various necessities.  She gets up early so as to make ready the daily provisions for her household and those who assists her.

She acquires what she sets her mind to; she girds herself with strength and performs her tasks with both physical and mental strength.  She sees that whatever she does thrives and is always thinking of what is next. She never seems to sleep.  And in all these things she has time to see to the needs of the poor and needy in her community.

She makes useful items to sell to the locals. She is clothed with strength and splendor and looks to the future cheerfully. She speaks wisely; is generous in teachings and known for her sympathetic nature. She oversees the activities of her household and shuns idleness. Her children declare her happiness; her husband praises her saying, "Many women have done well, but you surpass all of them."

Grace is deceptive, beauty is illusory; it is for her fear of Yahweh that a woman is to be praised. Praise her highly for her works and let them be a blessing to the community.

You may be wondering: How can a woman live like that if she has to work two jobs just to pay the bills, or if she is in the military, or is a business woman who clamors for promotions to further her career?  Our Creator's set of Instructions have always been for our health and well being but mankind has tossed them out long ago claiming 'Jesus nailed them to the cross'. Now you can begin to see the mess we are in that began long ago, and how women have forgotten their reason for being. It started in The Garden back when Satan caused Eve to doubt God and she convinced Adam to follow suit. Thousand of years later The Women's Lib era made things even worse. The goal of the Adversary? Dissolve the family unit. Woman has always been the center of the household and all that entails.  If she tends her responsibilities it allows Man to tend to his and together they become one functioning unit - the two become one. Satan has been successful in dividing the family unit.

The very things women praise Ginsburg for are the things women have no business involving themselves with if they profess to love God.  In order to praise Ginsburg one must turn one's back on The Creator.  

Once upon a time I was rather godless (young, reckless and rebellious) and let the wind blow me any which way. I grew up in the wild and wacky 60's, a little too young to be a hippie or understand the Vietnam War but I could sing along with the popular protest songs. I sampled the sex, drugs and rock-n-roll of the era.  I was never a 'feminist' but remember the bra-burning phase of those days.  Now I can see those gals were rebelling against God and His Instructions in the long run, because they didn't know any better.  Many of us didn't know better in the days of our youth. Can you see how this past behavior accepted as 'normal' has brought us into today's world where now men are women and women are men mentally and pseudo-physically.  Good has become Evil and Evil has become Good.

Isaiah 5:20
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Never doubt the Commandments given us by our Creator as they were given for our benefit; abide by them best you can, have the testimony of His Son and continue to love and search out the truth.
2 Thessalonians 2:9
For the coming of that Evil One is the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all the deceptiveness of iniquity in them that perish because they did not receive the love of the truth by which they might have life. Therefore Yahweh will send upon them the strength of a deception that they may believe a lie, and that they all may be condemned who believe not the truth but have pleasure in iniquity. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Apostles called out from the Disciples

This map shows the approximate boundaries of the promised land, Canaan, which was divided among the descendants of Jacob (
whose name was later changed to 'Israel' by Yahweh).  Here we can see the tribal territories that surround the Sea of Galilee: Napthali, Manasseh to the east, the northern bit of Gad, Issachar and Zebulun to the west.  This area referred to as Galilee is quite a bit north of the territory of Judah.  None of the Apostles were 'Jews' meaning residents of Judah.

The men who were called by Yahshua to follow him were from this region called Galilee. In Matthew Chapter 4 we read of Yahshua telling them instead of fishing the Sea of Galilee he would make them fishers of men - men caught up to Life unlike fish which are caught and die.
🐟  🐟  🐟

Prior to his ministry Yahshua was immersed by John his cousin son of Zachariah and Elizabeth who were Levites*. It was then that he became fully filled with the Set Apart Spirit of his Father. Afterwards, he spent 40 days in the wilderness being tempted by Satan the Accuser. Thereafter, Messengers (angels) tended to him. Later he heard that his cousin John had been arrested which is when he went to Galilee. He left Nazareth and stayed in Capernaum on the northwest side of the Sea of Galilee. In his outings he called those who were to become his Apostles: the Shlichim (Sent Ones; Emissaries) who would be taught during the following three years by Master Yahshua, being made ready to go out and proclaim the Kingdom to come, after receiving the Set Apart Spirit of Yahweh (Acts Chapter 2).
Acts 2:7 .... These, all of them who are speaking, are Galileans.
In conducting this study on the Apostles I have come across the different names relating to the same man which gave me a bit of a struggle in connecting who's who.  I use the Aramaic English New Testament at home which includes Hebrew names for the twelve.  Then I use Bible Hub online to check the various 'Bible' versions for the common names used in our times.  In various versions of Scriptures, which ignore the Hebrew origins, you will find not only Greek names but sainthood given where is does not belong.  With that said, where information seems to be lacking it is because not much was available per The Written Word.
*The mother of Yahshua, Maryam, was a cousin to Elizabeth. They were of the tribe of Levi.
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It is recorded that Peter and his brother Andrew were the first ones Yahshua called out to follow him. They are sons of Jonah and from Bethsaida. They had knowledge of Scriptures (Torah, the prophets and the writings) having been taught by John son of Zachariah a Levite priest, and aware of the prophecies, they immediately recognized who Yahshua was. Without hesitation they dropped their nets and went after him. Later, Yahshua saw two other brothers, James and John, who were in a boat with their father Zebedee fixing their nets when he called to them. They, being followers of John, were also aware of the prophecies and dropped what they were doing to follow Yahshua. Thus began Yahshua's ministry in all of Galilee. He preached the Hope of the Kingdom and healed every disease and sickness among the people. His fame became know in all Syria. A great many began to follow him, those from Galilee and from the Ten Cites and from Jerusalem and from Judah across the Jordan.
The Ten Cities were in the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire (aka The Decapolis) in the first centuries BC and AD. They formed a group because of their language, culture, location, and political status each functioned as a city-state dependent on Rome. 

The Sea of Galilee was famous for its fishing industry. The town of Magdala had a reputation for the best dried fish in the area. Mary of Magdala came from a family in the fish business which is where her wealth came from. Four of the apostles had been brought up as fishermen on the Sea of Galilee: Peter and his brother Andrew; James and his brother John sons of Zebedee, whom Yahshua called the Sons of Thunder.

Yahshua had many disciples and gained crowds of followers.  In Luke Chapter 6 we read he went out to a mountain to pray and spent the night in divine communication with his Father.  When day broke he called his disciples together and from them he chose those he called his Shlichim - Sent Ones - aka the Apostles.
Peter; Andrew; James; John; Philip; Nathaniel son of Tulmay (aka Bartholomew); Levi (aka Matthew); Thomas; James son of Alphaeus; Simon the Canaanite; Judas son of James (aka Thaddeus) and Judas Iscariot.
Peter and his brother Andrew were fishermen from Bethsaida on the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee which puts it in the territory of Naphtali very near the Manasseh border. Capernaum is where Yahshua was staying, which is in the territory of Naphtali, but his outings took him various places in the area.
James and his brother John were sons of Zebedee and they were all in the fishing business.  It seems Yahshua found them not long after calling to Peter and Andrew to follow him. 

Philip was also from Bethsaida and when he came upon Bartholomew he was excited to share the news:
".... he whom Moses wrote about in Torah and the prophets, we have found him! He is Yahshua, the son of Joseph of Nazareth!" Bartholomew doubted anything good could come from Nazareth, but after meeting Yahshua he knew for certain that he was the one written about.
Levi (aka Matti; Matthew, the son of Khalpai/Alphaeus, Mark 2:14) and was sitting at the house of customs when Yahshua called to him. He, too, simply left everything to follow him.  Matthew ended up making a great feast for Yahshua at his house and there was a large crowd of publicans and others reclining with them.  This irritated the scribes and Pharisees so much that they asked Yahshua why he was eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners.  He told them that he did not come to call the righteous, but to call the sinners to repentance.
The “taxman” was called a “publicanus” meaning “public revenue.” Publicans bid at the Roman Senate open auctions for the right to collect taxes for a certain city or area under Rome’s rule. The publican’s bid was commensurate with what was thought to be the possible income from that place. If he bid on Jerusalem, the income would be high and his bid was high. If he bid on the small fishing village of Portofino, the incoming revenue would be small and his bid would be small. He made his money by making sure the expected revenue exceeded his bid. He paid the government the bid and pocketed the rest.
Thomas, whose name in Hebrew is 'Tooma' and means 'Thyme', was later nicknamed 'the Twin'.  He is also known as 'Doubting Thomas' because he wanted to see the resurrected Son of God for himself instead of taking others word for it.  When he did witness his resurrected friend and teacher Yahshua said to him: "Now that you have seen me you have believed. Blessed are those who do not see me and believe." (John 20:29)
James son of Alphaeus (Matthew 10). Although James and Matthew's fathers' names are the same, the boys are never referred to as 'brothers' as Peter and Andrew sons of Jonah or James and John sons of Zebedee are, so it is safe to say they are not related.
Simon (the Canaanite - Matthew 10). 'Canaan' means subdue or humble.  It can also mean a merchant who carries a heavy load, and is brought low by it.  In other places he is called Simon the Zealot. A zealot is devoted to a cause, which this Simon was.
Judas son of James (aka Yehuda Luke 6:16) aka Levi who is called Taddi (aka Thaddeus, Matthew 10:3).  I just don't have any more information to share about this Apostle at this time.
Judas Iscariot, the treasurer.  Money ended up being his downfall. The temptation of 30 pieces of silver caused him to betray Yahshua, which he regretted so badly that he committed suicide.  (Afterwards he was replaced by Matthias, Acts 1:26
Acts 2:7 .... These, all of them who are speaking, are Galileans.
Some time after Judas (Yehuda) committed suicide the remaining eleven Apostles prayed asking Yah to reveal one of two men, Joseph Bar Shaba and Matthias who was named Yostos, as to who was to replace Judas.  These two men had been disciples with the rest of them from the beginning, when Yahshua was immersed by John until his resurrection.  
Acts 1:24 ~~ You Master Yahweh know that which is in the hearts of all. Reveal one, the one that You have chosen from these, the two of them, that he might receive a portion of the ministry and the office of emissary from which Yehuda departed, that he might take his place.
They cast lots and Matthias was chosen.
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In Mark 6 verses 1 and 2 Yahshua has been teaching the assembly. Many were amazed at his knowledge and wisdom and miracles. In verse 3 they ask: "Is this not the carpenter, the son of Maryam and the brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon? and aren't even his sisters here with us?"
His half-brothers are not to be confused with the Apostles: neither one of the James - one the son of Zebedee, the other the son of Alphaeus; Judas son of James nor Simon.  Joseph and Mary had children together some time after Yahshua was born.
In Acts Chapter 12 we read that James, brother of John, was killed by King Herod who was also known as Agrippa.  When he saw that this pleased the Yehudeans he sent word out to capture Peter.  It was during the days of Unleavened Bread when Peter was kept in prison and a Messenger sent by Yah freed Peter from being chained in prison and led him to safety. The next morning there was quite an uproar among the soldiers who had been guarding Peter.
We have read in the book of Matthew that Messiah said the 12 Apostles will be given positions at his return so they may judge. Here we get a peek at our Messiah's government taking shape.  Matthew 19:28 ~ Truly I say to you, that you who have come to follow me in this world, when the Son of man sits new upon the throne of his glory, you will also sit upon twelve seats and you will judge the twelve tribes of Israel."

Acts 1
•Petros (Peter whom Yahshua named The Rock and has nothing to do with a church).
•Yochanan (John, Peter's brother)
•Ya'akov (James)
•Andraus (Andrew, James' brother who Yahshua called Sons of Thunder)
•Peleepos (Philip)
•Tooma (Thomas)
•Mattai (Matthew)
•Bar-Tulmay (Bartholmew)
•Ya'akov Bar-Khalpai (James son of Alphaeus)
•Shimon the zealot (Simon the Canaanite)
•Yehud Bar-Ya'akov (Judas son of James)
Matya (Matthias) replaces Judas Iscariot 

Later on Saul (Paul) joins the twelve, three years after his meeting with Yahshua on the road to Damascus.

There are many lessons for us to learn from what is written in Scriptures including the struggles and challenges the Apostles faced.  We deal with similar scenarios as we continue along Yah's Path of Righteousness. For example, in Luke 22 we read that Peter denied knowing Yahshua three different times after the arrest of Yahshua while being taken to the house of the high priest. Yahshua even told this to Peter beforehand and he couldn't believe he would do such a thing.  But it happened. 

Regardless of the shortcomings the Apostles may have had, even after three years of being taught by the Son of God, once they were filled with the Set Apart Spirit of Yahweh (at Shavuot aka Pentecost) they became truly empowered as emissaries of Yahshua and teachers of The Word. Just as Yahshua was immersed by John and the Spirit of Yahweh came to him, so did he give this same Spirit to his Apostles. 

In Acts Chapter 2 we read, "From that day onward they (the Apostles) were all steadfast in their teaching and were in fellowship in prayer and breaking of bread. Signs and mighty deeds were performed by the Apostles in Jerusalem. And all those who had believed shared everything they owned with one another. Those who had a possession would sell it and divide evenly to each according to their needs. Every day they were steadfast in the temple as one soul. While they received food and rejoiced in the simplicity of their hearts, they were praising Yahweh and finding favor with the people."

It is this same Spirit we receive when made ready through the study of His Word, reading Scriptures. It is the Comforter, this Spirit of Truth, that teaches us if we allow it.  It is this same Spirit by which we are born again.

Keep the Apostles in mind whenever you feel you're not worthy or that you have fallen short.  Our Father may know what is in our hearts but He tests us, and it is up to us to show him our intentions are true.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Scripture Interprets Itself

We are most capable of understanding the instructions left for us by our Creator and should shun the temptation of 'discovering deeper meanings'.  He does expect us to make an effort, such as reading Scriptures and studying in fellowship with other Set Apart believers. When we show Him our intent and abide by His Instructions, best we can in this day and age, He gives us understanding as we are comforted with the truth revealed to us by His Set Apart Spirit. This would be akin to Y'shua explaining to his Apostles the gist of the parables wherein they gained a better understanding. 

Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, rabbis, preachers and all the church fathers lose their perceived power, importance, money and control over the common folk when the common folk start reading Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament, Yah's Instructions in Righteous Living, for themselves.

'Types and Shadows' are not deeper things. They are examples written of (foretold) in the OT and usually revealed (fulfilled) in the NT, or yet to be fulfilled - this would be an example of Scripture interpreting itself and why we need to read The Book as a whole. There is much written in the 'Old Testament' that offers explanations for what is written in the 'New Testament'.  Also, the rule of thumb mentioned throughout Scriptures, the 'Two or Three Rule', is a key to better understanding. It is nice and comforting to say "wherever two or three are gathered Messiah is there too" but that's not the end of it.

Second Corinthians 13, Paul says:  "This is the third time that I have prepared to come to you; that by the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established." (The Corinthians wanted proof that Paul was teaching The Way of Y'shua.). First Timothy 5:19 we read the instruction pertaining to a complaint against an elder of the assembly that there needs be two or three witnesses supporting this complaint.  And in Matthew 18:20 Y'shua says: "Wherefore two or three are assembled in my Name* there I am also among them."

Here are more references to support the Two or Three Rule:

1 Corinthians 14:27, 29:
If any speak in a foreign language, let two speak or at most three and let them speak one by one; and let someone interpret.  If there is no one to interpret, let he who speaks be silent in the assembly, but let him speak to himself and Yahweh.  And as to prophets, let two or three speak and let the rest judge.
In the studies of Andrew G. Roth I have read: A Torah principle for establishing a House of Judges requires that two or more parties petition Yahweh to obtain His Judgment rather than following man's judgment.  This is a legal requirement which ensures that the Will of Yah is being sought and followed to bring perfect unity. 
Numbers 35:30; Deuteronomy 17:6 ~ The death sentence can be executed only on the evidence of witnesses; the testimony of a single witness shall not suffice for a sentence of death.  

Deuteronomy 19:15 ~ A single witness may not validate against a person any guilt or blame for any offense that may be committed; a case can be valid only on the testimony of two witnesses or more.  
Several times in my studies I have come across two or three verses scattered throughout Scriptures that witness to the same 'idea' or lesson and relate to the same instructions. These are those "Ah-Hah!" moments when The Light goes on and it all makes sense. This is evidence of His Set Apart Spirit revealing Truth which Comforts me. This is the Two or Three Rule in action.

In our day to day affairs there will be times when we need to make difficult decisions.  Just remember to address the decision making process by searching out two or three other guidelines found in Scriptures or consulting with a couple of trusted Set Apart Believers. This makes me think of Moses ruling the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt.  Eventually he set up reliable men to handle the day-to-day problems and challenges of the people, while anything that went beyond their abilities was brought before him.  It also brings to mind the purpose of the Urim and Thummin as the instrument of decision:
Exodus 28:30 ~ Inside the breast piece of decision you shall place the Urim and Thummim so that they are over Aaron's heart when he comes before YHWH. Thus Aaron shall carry the instrument of decision for Yah's People over his heart at all times.

There are many things that we handle day by day, some tougher than others, but most times we can handle it and make the proper decisions if we are Scripture Smart.  Other things need to be handed off to those more qualified than ourselves to help make the decision. Regardless, in the end, our Father in heaven gives the final answer to all things. Since we no longer have a high priest on earth, we still rely on Yahweh to tell us 'yes or no' via His Set Apart Spirit.  Scriptures have temporarily replace the Urim and Thummin as our instrument of decision until the day that Y'shua takes his place as our king and high priest.

*We gather together in His Name:  Yah-weh the Father is the Most High, Almighty, our Creator whose name He gave to His Son.  Yah-shua is His Son and it is by his Name we pray; it is in his Name two or three can gather together and he is there via Yah's Spirit. Y'shua called this Spirit another Redeemer, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth.   It is a harmonious connection of Oneness.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Did Jesus Spend Time in Hell?

If you have ever heard anything like this, it originated from The Apostles' Creed, which was not written by the Apostles.... it was written about 140 years after the death of Y'shua. It seems that the early church fathers wanted to put their 'faith' in words.

And here is that creed for your further research and study:
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell; The third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; The Holy catholic Church, the Communion of Saints; The Forgiveness of sins; The Resurrection of the body, And the Life everlasting. Amen.
Please note that the use of the word 'catholic' in this creed means 'universal' as in the church being fellowship in the body of 'christ'; and not specifically the Roman Catholic Church at that time.  Today it is easy to see the RCC as the universal church, or at least they think they are.

Chapter and Verse used to support this claim:
Ephesians 4:8 - Therefore it is said: He ascended on high and carried captivity away, and gave gifts to men. Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also previously descended deep into the heart of the earth?  He who descended is also the same that ascended up high above all the heavens, that he might fulfill all things. (He who died was resurrected)
Now we know that when we die we don't go to heaven or hell; we sleep until the return of Messiah. It makes no sense that Y'shua would make a visit to hell - there is no one there to preach to.  The fallen angels have been locked away in chains until judgment day.

First Peter 3:18 - For the Anointed One also once died for our sins .... that he might bring you to Yahweh. And he died in body but lived in spirit. And he preached to those souls which were detained in Sheol (the grave? Hades?) which were formerly disobedient in the days of Noah when the long suffering of Elohim commanded an ark to be made, in hope of their repentance; and eight souls only entered into it and were kept alive in the waters.
Second Peter 2:5 - And if Elohim did not spare the former world but preserved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness...

Take this into consideration: 
The Spirit of Yahweh is the same spirit of His Son which was the same Spirit in Noah who preached to those souls who were disobedient up until the Flood came.

What, then, does 1 Peter 3:18 teach?
The passage affirms that The Spirit during the days of Noah, proclaimed Yah’s truth to the evil, pre-flood generation. How did He do that? He was operating through Noah, a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5).

In this same letter Peter stated that the “Spirit” was in the Old Testament prophets as they declared Heaven’s message (1:11). This is a key verse in explaining First Peter 3:18. When Y'shua, through Noah, preached to those evil people, they were alive and on the earth. But at the time Peter wrote his letter, they had long been dead.

Acts 2:31 ~ And he (David) foresaw and spoke concerning the resurrection of Y'shua and that he was not left in 'the grave/tomb' nor did his body see corruption.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

That Beastly Mark

There is a lot of guesswork in regards to what the 'mark of the beast' will be, but Scriptures tell us exactly what will happen to those who accept this mark:

Revelation 13:13 (The end times False Prophet has been bringing about great signs, even to make it appear that fire comes down from heaven) - And he seduced them that dwell on the earth to erect an image to the beast who had the wound from a sword and recovered from it. And it was given to him to put life into the image of the beast and to cause that all who would not worship the image of the beast should be slain; and to (instruct that) all people should receive a mark on their right hands or upon their foreheads so that no one might be able to buy or to sell, except those who had the mark of the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom: let him that has intelligence compute the number of the beast of prey for it is the number of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty and six.

Revelation 14:9 ~ And another, a third Messenger (angel) followed the other two, saying with a loud voice: If any man will worship the beast of prey and its image and will receive its mark upon his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of Elohim which is poured undiluted into the cup of his indignation, and will be tormented with fire and sulfur before the Set Apart Messengers and before the throne. The smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever and there is no rest, by day or by night for those that worship the beast of prey and its image.

Revelation 15:1 ~ I saw another sign in heaven, great and wonderful: Seven Messengers having seven plagues, the last in order, because with them the wrath of Elohim is completed. I saw as it were, a sea of glass mixed with fire and they who had been innocent over the beast of prey and over its image and over the number of its name were standing on the sea of glass. They had the harps of Elohim and sang the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb*.

Revelation 16:1 ~ I heard a voice which said to the seven Messengers: Go forth and pour those seven cups of the wrath of Elohim upon the earth; (this caused) a malignant and painful sore upon those who had the mark of the beast and who worshipped its image.

Revelaton 19:20 ~ The beast was captured along with the False Prophet who did those amazing things before him, whereby he seduced those who had received the mark of the beast and who worshipped his image. They were both cast alive into the lake of fire which burns with sulfur. The rest were slain by the sword of him that sat on the horse (at the return of Messiah), by that sword which issues from his mouth and all the fowls were satiated with their flesh.

Revelation 20:4 (It is the beginning of Y'shua kingdom on earth; Satan is bound and cast into the abyss for a thousand years) I saw thrones and persons sat on them and judgment was given to them and to the souls that were beheaded for the testimony of Y'shua and for the Word of Elohim, and these are they who had not worshipped the beast of prey nor its image neither had they received the mark upon their forehead or on their hand; and they lived and reigned with Y'shua the Anointed One those thousand years.


After reading what happens to those who receive the mark, for whatever reason or whatever the mark will be, why o' why would we choose to accept it? How can anyone justify being marked knowing that decision condemns us to the second resurrection**?  As far as we can tell by Scriptures, anyone who decides to receive the mark of the name of the beast or the number will not be gathered with Messiah at the sounding of the seventh trumpet. These folks will remain with the others who refused to repent and continue to blame God for their problems.

Preparing for the days ahead is not a bad thing to do. Storing emergency supplies is not a bad thing to do. Stocking your pantry with water, assorted canned goods, rice and beans is not a bad thing. Moving out of big cities is a good thing to consider.  Remember, Noah was the first prepper whilst stocking the ark. He had enough supplies to last at least a year. Joseph was a prepper, stashing extra grains for the hard times coming their way, which would last seven years. Both these men knew what was coming and prepared to endure. They knew because Yah told them and by faith they did what needed to be done. The same goes for us now. We read and study Scriptures, the Word of Yahweh Elohim Almighty, and know what is to happen, so we should prepare for it, now. By faith we prepare and rely on our Creator to see us through. 

For us, the event that triggers the final 3-1/2 years is when the world leader steps up and claims to be 'god'.  This is when those living in 'Judea' are told to head for the hills and don't look back.  So it would be best to be prepared before then. Yes, we are still a ways from that timeline but it gets closer every day. If we have enough set aside and stand strong in our faith, we will get by. Start downsizing now so its not that big of a challenge when time runs out and chaos is king. Be prepared and knowledgeable now so as not to think it's going to be alright if you stand in line in order to be marked.

Y'shua tells us it will be like the days of Noah, preceding his return. Folks back then were living life as usual, eating, drinking, getting married, raising families, and ignoring the reason Noah and his family were preparing as they obeyed the instructions given by Elohim. The Nephilim walked the earth, too, back then and evil had permeated the earth. Those other folks kept on keepin' on right up until the Noah Family entered the ark. The others did not know until the flood hit and took them. It was too late to be saved, too late to enter the ark. This is why we are told the signs before the return of Messiah, so we will prepare before it's too late to be saved from the coming flood of Wrath from Elohim, which is contained in the final 7 Bowls of Plagues.
*They sang the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb, saying: Great and marvelous are your deeds, Master YHWH Elohim Almighty, just and true are Your ways, O King of the worlds. Who will not fear You, O Master YHWH, and glorify Your Name? Because You only are Set Apart and just; because all nations will come and worship before You, since your righteousness has been revealed.
**Y'shua is the judge of the living and the dead.... the first resurrection is of those who choose the Blessing: Set Apart believers from the beginning of time who have died and are seen rising by other believers still alive when that time comes. This is the gathering of Yah's people after the 7th shofar is sounded. This is the 'living' time line we want to be part of, as this is eternal life. The second resurrection, the Curse, is after the thousand years come to an end, and is known as the second death. 
Revelation 20:5 ~ This is the first resurrection. Blessed and Set Apart is he that has part in this first resurrection; over them the second death has no dominion, but they will be and are priests of Elohim and of his Mashiyach and they will reign with him the thousand years. 20:14 ~ And death and the grave were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, namely, this lake of fire. And if any one was not found enrolled in the book of life, he was cast into this lake of fire.
