Thursday, February 25, 2021

Women - Do's and Don'ts

Justice Ruth Ginsburg died.  I knew the name but did not know anything about her. With all the praise given her, by females in particular, I figured a little research was due on my part. To begin I will share a lovely example of womanhood found written in Proverbs.

Proverbs Chapter 31 is an account of King Lemuel of Massa being admonished by his mother, in regards to duties and obligations; being gentle with warnings and urgent in advice. I have lightly paraphrase this chapter so please remember to read from your own Bible when you have time.

No, my son, do not give your strength to a woman, your bodily or mental strength to those who destroy kings.  Wine is not for kings; not for kings to drink, nor any strong drink for princes, lest they drink and forget what has been ordained, and infringe on the rights of the poor. Give strong drink to the hapless and wine to the embittered that they may drink and forget their poverty and put their troubles out of mind. Speak up for the dumb, for the rights of all the unfortunate; speak up, judge righteously, champion the poor and the needy.

What a rare find is a capable wife! Her worth is far beyond that of rubies. Her husband puts his confidence in her and lacks no good thing. She is good to him and never bad, all the days of her life.  She sees to all clothing needs, mending, sewing and various necessities.  She gets up early so as to make ready the daily provisions for her household and those who assists her.

She acquires what she sets her mind to; she girds herself with strength and performs her tasks with both physical and mental strength.  She sees that whatever she does thrives and is always thinking of what is next. She never seems to sleep.  And in all these things she has time to see to the needs of the poor and needy in her community.

She makes useful items to sell to the locals. She is clothed with strength and splendor and looks to the future cheerfully. She speaks wisely; is generous in teachings and known for her sympathetic nature. She oversees the activities of her household and shuns idleness. Her children declare her happiness; her husband praises her saying, "Many women have done well, but you surpass all of them."

Grace is deceptive, beauty is illusory; it is for her fear of Yahweh that a woman is to be praised. Praise her highly for her works and let them be a blessing to the community.

You may be wondering: How can a woman live like that if she has to work two jobs just to pay the bills, or if she is in the military, or is a business woman who clamors for promotions to further her career?  Our Creator's set of Instructions have always been for our health and well being but mankind has tossed them out long ago claiming 'Jesus nailed them to the cross'. Now you can begin to see the mess we are in that began long ago, and how women have forgotten their reason for being. It started in The Garden back when Satan caused Eve to doubt God and she convinced Adam to follow suit. Thousand of years later The Women's Lib era made things even worse. The goal of the Adversary? Dissolve the family unit. Woman has always been the center of the household and all that entails.  If she tends her responsibilities it allows Man to tend to his and together they become one functioning unit - the two become one. Satan has been successful in dividing the family unit.

The very things women praise Ginsburg for are the things women have no business involving themselves with if they profess to love God.  In order to praise Ginsburg one must turn one's back on The Creator.  

Once upon a time I was rather godless (young, reckless and rebellious) and let the wind blow me any which way. I grew up in the wild and wacky 60's, a little too young to be a hippie or understand the Vietnam War but I could sing along with the popular protest songs. I sampled the sex, drugs and rock-n-roll of the era.  I was never a 'feminist' but remember the bra-burning phase of those days.  Now I can see those gals were rebelling against God and His Instructions in the long run, because they didn't know any better.  Many of us didn't know better in the days of our youth. Can you see how this past behavior accepted as 'normal' has brought us into today's world where now men are women and women are men mentally and pseudo-physically.  Good has become Evil and Evil has become Good.

Isaiah 5:20
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Never doubt the Commandments given us by our Creator as they were given for our benefit; abide by them best you can, have the testimony of His Son and continue to love and search out the truth.
2 Thessalonians 2:9
For the coming of that Evil One is the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all the deceptiveness of iniquity in them that perish because they did not receive the love of the truth by which they might have life. Therefore Yahweh will send upon them the strength of a deception that they may believe a lie, and that they all may be condemned who believe not the truth but have pleasure in iniquity. 

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