Friday, December 30, 2022

Unformed and Void = Another Thought to Ponder

In the beginning the earth was unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep.
Unformed defined:: not arranged in regular shape; undeveloped
Void defined:: containing nothing; not occupied; vacant; not inhabited

Before Yahweh did His work of creation, the earth was undeveloped, not arranged in a shape.  It contained nothing, it was not inhabited.  We don't know how long the old blob of the earth was void and unformed, but we know Yah set creation in motion about 6,000 years ago - nothing existed on the earth prior to creation; there are no millions or billions of years of evolution.  There are no fossil records representing millions or billions of years.

About 4,000 years ago was The Flood.  About 1,992 years ago Yahshua was murdered.

Using the Hebrew Calendar as a time frame yardstick, we are approximately 5,782 years from the time of Creation and nothing existed on the earth prior to 'the beginning'.  

Yes, I will research this yardstick scenario later as it will require reading Scriptures in reverse just to even get hold of how many years since.... (thanks for your patience).  However, just by reading  Scriptures and trusting Yahweh we are half-way there!

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