Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Not Part of the Problem

How can one be seen as part of 'the problem' 
 simply by appearing not to be part of 'the solution'?
That makes no sense to me.
And while I'm at it:
How can one's silence be construed as consent?

I am beginning to believe that those who spread these catch-phrases are simply pointing the finger at others so as to draw attention away from themselves.

In Lamentations we read:  
"Of what shall a living man complain? 
Each his own sins!"

How could I be part of the problem if I do not see a viable solution to support? and how could I automatically become part of the problem simply because I don't agree with a proposed solution?  I will never choose the lesser of two evils just to make people think that I am not part of the problem.  Choosing evil in any form is no solution to any problem; it only prolongs the inevitable.

Moving on, how can my silence equal consent when I've been verbally beaten down by the very ones accusing me of consenting? They have twisted honest talk into their perceived hate speech. There are times I keep my mouth shut because I have learned that lesson long ago; there are folks who just don't listen; and, for example, when I do point out the truth of a matter I get pushed aside as a conspiracy theorist.

These catchy phrases have been taken way out of context and reflect narrow mindedness by those throwing them out there (to one extent) and look like brainwashed behavior beyond that. Those words are a 'stop sign', a verbal wall put up that allows no further conversation. 

Here is the origin of one of those sayings:
"To be sure I must; and therefore I may assume 
that your silence gives consent."
This is taken from a speech given by Socrates as recorded by Plato.  Please note that it is an 'assumption' made by Socrates, who is standing trial in regards to a religious matter.  I was inspired to do some research and it turned out to be an interesting study.

I learned that the poet Meletus was one of three accusers of Socrates. The affidavit sworn out by Meletus made two related charges against Socrates: "refusing to acknowledge the gods recognized by the State and of introducing new and different gods" and "corrupting the youth."  Here is part of the speech made by Socrates in which his manner of speaking made Meletus look like a fool. I think I would have been temporarily rendered speechless listening to this man bloviate as well:
Did ever man, Meletus, believe in the existence of human things, and not of human beings? I wish, men of Athens, that he would answer, and not be always trying to get up an interruption. Did ever any man believe in horsemanship, and not in horses? or in flute-playing, and not in flute- players? No, my friend; I will answer to you and to the court, as you refuse to answer for yourself. There is no man who ever did. But now please answer the next question: Can a man believe in spiritual and divine agencies, and not in spirits or demigods?
He cannot.
How lucky I am to have extracted that answer, by the assistance of the court! But then you swear in the indictment that I teach and believe in divine or spiritual agencies (new or old, no matter for that); at any rate, I believe in spiritual agencies, so you say and swear in the affidavit; and yet if I believe in divine beings, how can I help believing in spirits or demigods; must I not? To be sure I must; and therefore I may assume that your silence gives consent. Now what are spirits or demigods? Are they not either gods or the sons of gods?
Certainly they are.
But this is what I call the facetious riddle invented by you: the demigods or spirits are gods, and you say first that I do not believe in gods, and then again that I do believe in gods; that is, if I believe in demigods. For if the demigods are the illegitimate sons of gods, whether by the nymphs or by any other mothers, of whom they are said to be the sons--what human being will ever believe that there are no gods if they are the sons of gods? You might as well affirm the existence of mules, and deny that of horses and asses. Such nonsense, Meletus, could only have been intended by you to make trial of me. You have put this into the indictment because you had nothing real of which to accuse me. But no one who has a particle of understanding will ever be convinced by you that the same men can believe in divine and superhuman things, and yet not believe that there are gods and demigods and heroes.
Socrates put a big spin on the accusations against him but was found guilty.  He failed in his attempt to use the words of Meletus against him, and failed to use his silence against him as well. His accusers argued for the death penalty. Socrates was given the opportunity to suggest his own punishment and initially offered the sarcastic recommendation that he be rewarded for his actions. When pressed for a realistic punishment, he proposed that he be fined a modest sum of money. Faced with the two choices, the jury selected death for Socrates. The philosopher was taken to the near-by jail where his sentence would be carried out. Athenian law prescribed death by drinking a cup of poison hemlock.


"If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem."
This saying is attributed to Eldridge Cleaver who was an American writer and political activist. He became a follower of Malcolm X and an early leader of the Black Panther Party as 'minister of information'. In his later years Cleaver proclaimed himself a born-again Christian and a Republican, engaged in various business ventures, and struggled with an addiction to cocaine.  He died of prostate cancer in 1998. It is also noted that this popular saying might not be the full quotation from Soul on Ice, a collection of writings he composed while in Folsom Prison, in which Cleaver traced his political evolution while denouncing American racism. (I haven't read the book to confirm this):
'There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you're going to be part of the problem.'

The observation being made is akin to getting someone to stop sitting on the fence or to quit walking down the middle of the road (staying neutral), as in trying to force someone to take a side. It will only appear a person is part of the problem if they don't readily agree with your view on the matter. I, for one, would rather stay in the neutral zone while I studied out the matter at hand before making any decisions or jumping to any conclusions.

The bottom line of most problems is lack of knowledge which does not make one automatically part of the problem or the solution; just as one's silence doesn't equal consent.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Sodom and Gomorrah

Another one of the things Y'shua lets us know about in regards to the signs that indicate the nearness of his return is recorded in Luke 17:28 when he makes reference to both Noah and Lot:
As it was in the days of Noah, so it was in the days of Lot: they were eating and drinking and buying and selling, growing crops and building. But on the day that Lot went out from Sodom, Master YHWH rained down fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed all of them. Thus it will be in the day that the Son of man is revealed.
Back in the days of Noah folks were living life as usual, eating, drinking, getting married, raising families, buying and selling goods and ignoring the reason Noah and his family were preparing in obedience to the instructions given by YHWH our Creator. Those other folk kept on keepin' on right up until the Noah Family entered the ark. The others did not really understand what was going on until the flood hit and then it was too late to enter the ark, too late to be saved. We are told the signs before the return of Messiah so we will prepare before it's too late to be saved from the coming flood of Wrath of Yahweh, which is contained in the final 7 Bowls of Plagues.

Sodom, Gomorrah and surrounding communities were living life the same way as those in Noah's day, but we learn it was common practice for these folks to welcome strangers/new comers into their town by having sexual intercourse with them, whether male or female or if they were willing or not. Abraham's nephew, Lot, warned the two messengers YHWH had sent to his town not to stay out in the open and to spend the night in his home. In Genesis 19 we read that the townspeople, young and old alike, gathered at Lot's house demanding he bring the visitors out to them so they could be 'intimate' with them. Lot beg the townsfolk to leave them alone and even offered his own virgin daughters to the mob to do to them as they please but to leave those 'men' alone who he was trying to protect. This happened the night before Yah rained down brimstone and fire upon the towns.

Both scenarios are examples of people who are disobedient or rebellious, putting themselves first and God as an afterthought, if they thought about Him at all. They mocked or ignored the ones preparing to be saved from destruction. Today we are called 'conspiracy theorists' or 'bible thumpers' and are mocked or ignored as we continue to study Scriptures and learn how to prepare for those end time events. Back in the days of Noah as in the days of Lot many did not have faith in the Creator and lived life the way they saw fit, sort of the 'Live and let live' mindset many have today. And who can ignore the perverted sexual lifestyles promoted in today's world?
Jude 1:6
And the Messengers (aka Watchers, those angels whose offspring were the Nephilim) that did not keep their first estate but left their station, He has reserved in chains unknown, under darkness to the judgment of the great day. And in like manner, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities which followed sexual sin and went after strange flesh, are also placed beneath eternal fire, being doomed to judgment.
We read in the second letter of Peter that our Master YHWH knows how to rescue from afflictions those who fear Him, and He will reserve the wicked for the day of judgment to be tormented, and especially those who go after the flesh in the lusts of perversions.

In today's world the majority of people live out each day to the best of their abilities: eating, drinking, getting married, raising families, providing for their wants and needs, content to 'live and let live' while turning a blind eye to the evil that has continued to surface throughout the years until 'evil' is now considered good and 'good' is called evil; 'good' is called hate speech and homophobia. The next step Y'shua tells us about is that we will be hated because of him, because of our faith in God the Father, Yahweh our Creator. This is exactly what is happening as if we were the ones building an ark while spreading the Word about the Good News of the Kingdom to come, informing people about choosing the way of salvation. The analogy for us today, however, is that we have been invited to the wedding feast and if we are not prepared to enter, if our lamps are not full of oil and we run off to buy some more, the door to the banquet hall will be shut and locked - it will then be too late to enter, too late to be saved.

In Deuteronomy 32 Moses predicts what will happen speaking poetically when he said: "Ah! The vine for them is from Sodom, from the vineyards of Gomorrah; the grapes for them are poison, their clusters a bitter growth." Yahweh says He is saving it up to be His recompense and vengeance at the time "their foot falters". Their day of disaster will come as destiny rushes upon them. This is pointing towards the end of the world as we know it. Just as He brought an end to creation with The Flood when man's thoughts were on evil continuously, just as He brought an end to Sodom and Gomorrah because of their arrogance and wicked ways, He will bring an end to this world that we know for those same reasons. Likewise, as He saved the righteous and faithful from The Flood and as He saved Lot from destruction, so do we have the opportunity to be saved from death eternal.

Compare today with the writings of Ezekiel in Chapter 16 for example. There are people in these modern times who are arrogant, who have plenty to eat and live without worry or concern but they do not support the poor or needy; in their haughtiness they commit abominations in the eyes of our Creator. Then there are those whose ungodly behavior makes those people appear righteous by comparison. There will be a day of reckoning for us all. Lets remember we can choose to be in His Everlasting Covenant and He will forgive and forget the follies of our youth. For us today it is by acting in obedience to our Creator's Instructions and having the testimony of His Son, Y'shua the Anointed One that we find salvation.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Suicide - the Murder of Oneself

As we continue on His Path we gain understanding and learn how to apply His Instructions to modern day affairs. Many questions arise over time in regards to various topics concerning daily life.  One of the commandments from His Book of Instructions in particular is not to commit murder which has raised the question: "What about suicide?"  How does this affect one's salvation, or was one truly saved at all if they entertain the idea of ending their own life?  Please read my study Always Saved and also take this into consideration as we read Jude 1:5 - Let me remind you that Elohim, after once rescuing the people from Egypt, again destroyed them who did not believe.  Every one who left Egypt that day did so because of 'the blood of the lamb' which saved them from death yet not everyone kept the faith and some stopped believing in Yahweh.

James 1:12 - Blessed is the man who endures temptations so that when he is proved he may receive a crown of life which Elohim has promised to them that love Him. 
Is it temptation that leads one to murder oneself? We are told to resist temptation so that the devil will flee from us. Giving in to suicide is giving in to temptation and in doing so we give up that crown of life. Remember how horrible life became for Job who once was living so comfortably yet never gave up and never blamed Yah for his miseries. By staying committed - faithful - and steadfast Job was rewarded with more than he had before.  So shall it be for us as we endure 'life' and whatever comes our way.  If we stand strong in our faith and remain committed to our Creator and abide by the terms of His contract we shall be rewarded with much more than what we once had.
Revelation 2:10 - Be not terrified at any of the things you are to suffer. The Accuser/Satan will throw some of you into custody (prison) that you may be tried and there will be trouble for you ten days (tortured). Be faithful (right up until the day they kill you) and I will give you the crown of life.  
If we keep our faith in YHWH then death loses its sting; we will not even think about killing ourselves regardless of the state we find ourselves in.  If we are not full of the Word of our heavenly Father then Satan will find ways to fill those empty places allowing demons to do his dirty work.

Scriptures is full of stories that involve killings, murders, accidental deaths, wars etc.... although only a few people are noted as suicides, depending on which version of Scriptures you read from. And in reading Scriptures we find these weren't all suicides. Lets take a look:

1 Samuel 15:35 = YHWH regretted making Saul king over Israel.
1 Samuel 28:6 = Yah stopped talking with Saul and Saul goes as far to break his own law and inquires of 'spirits' by visiting the witch of En-dor.
1 Samuel 31:4 = Saul has been severely wounded in battle and tells his arms-bearer to draw his sword and run him through so that the 'uncircumcised' Philistines wouldn't have the chance to finish him off and make sport of him.  His arms-bearer, in his great awe, refused so Saul grasped the sword and fell upon it.  When his arms-bearer saw that Saul was dead, he too fell on his sword and died with him.

The next day the Philistines came to strip  the slain and they found Saul and his three sons lying on Mount Gilboa. They cut off his head and stripped him of his armor and sent them throughout the land of the Philistines to spread the news in the temples of their idols and among the peoples. They placed his armor in the temple of Ashtaroth and impaled his (head) on the wall of Beth-shan.*

The Amalekite  (Note: this young man's account is a bit different than what is recorded in 1 Samuel 31:4).
2 Samuel 1:1-16 = After the death of Saul, David was in Ziklag when a man, an Amalekite, came from Saul's camp and told David what had happened. He was at Mount Gilboa and saw Saul leaning on his spear. Saul called to him and told him to finish him off, and he did.  He took Saul's crown and armlet to bring back to David.  Later in the evening David says to the Amalekite, "How did you dare lift your hand and kill Yah's anointed?" and he ordered one of his attendants to strike him, which he did, and the Amalekite died. 

I noticed that the Amalekite said he knew Saul would never rise from where he was lying, so maybe he used that as an excuse to 'say' that he finish him off even though Saul was already dead. Because his story is different than what is first recorded in 1 Samuel 31:4 I can imagine this young man watching the battle from afar.  He saw Saul become severely wounded, kill himself and saw his arms-bearer commit suicide soon after.  He saw an opportunity and maybe thought he could win favor with David and save himself from the Philistines so he grabbed Saul's identification (crown and armlet) and headed to Ziklag where David had been hiding out from Saul, and told his version of story. Either way he ended up being killed because of it.
*1 Chronicles 10:8 ~ The next day the Philistines came to strip the slain and they found Saul and his sons lying on Mount Gilboa.  They stripped Saul and carried off his head and his armor and sent them throughout the land of the Philistines to spread the news to their idols and among the people. They placed his armor in the temple of their god (Ashtaroth) and impaled his head in the temple of Dagon (at Beth-shan).
In 2 Samuel 15:31 David was told that Ahithophel was among the conspirators with Absalom.
In 2 Samuel 16:22-23 Ahithophel had advised Absalom to have sex with his father's concubines in full knowledge of all Israel.  In those days Ahithophel's advice was accepted like an oracle sought from YHWH, and Absalom did have intercourse with David's concubines on the roof of the palace. (This also fulfilled one of the things Yah said he would cause to happen).  And we read in 2 Samuel 17:23 that Absalom got a second opinion this time and does not take Ahithophel's advice.  When Ahithophel saw his advice had not been followed he packed up and went to his native town, settled his affairs and then hanged himself.

Judges 9:24
He did not kill himself but his pride and arrogance held true to his end.  During an attack on the tower in Thebez a woman dropped an upper millstone which fell and cracked Abimelech's skull.  He didn't want the world to know he was killed by a woman so he cried out to his attendant to finish him off with his dagger, and he did.  Abimelech knew he was dying and asked his attendant to finish the job.  

Judges 16:25
I don't read his story ending as a suicide as I don't think Samson planned to kill himself.  He had been in captivity long enough for his hair to grow out and he was regaining strength. The event that brought him out of the dungeons to be made fun of gave him the opportunity to seek the revenge he so desired. The collapse of the building did kill him, but this wasn't a planned suicide.  He was consumed with revenge and didn't care if he died along with them or not.

1 Kings 16:18
When Zimri saw that the town of Tizrah was taken, he went into the citadel of the royal palace and set it afire.  He remained inside and the place burnt down upon him.  And so he died because of the sins which he committed and caused Israel to commit, doing what was displeasing to Yah and following the way of Jeroboam.

Judas Iscariot 
Matthew 27:3-5
He regretted betraying Y'shua but wasn't able to handle his remorse.  He did confess that he had shed innocent blood but the same religious leaders who paid him to betray Messiah turned him away, and in his despair he hung himself
2 Peter 2:20 - For if, when they have escaped the pollutions of the world by the knowledge of our Master and Redeemer Y'shua (aka saved), they again become involved in the same (old ways) and are vanquished, their latter state is worse then the former. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after having known it, to turn back from the Set Apart Commandment that was delivered to them.
Having read the examples found in Scriptures I see that these are some of the thoughts and feelings one may have prior to killing themselves (and the reasons affecting people today):
Deep regret, lasting guilt, feeling defeated, wanting the easy-way out, one's perceived self-importance becomes shattered, emptiness, loneliness, repeated failures, alcohol and drug use, lack of faith and doubting Yah as the Creator.

If we allow any one of these mental states to creep in and linger in our thoughts they could eventually tempt one to end their life. If life is a gift from YHWH how could we think it's alright and without consequence if we take our own lives.

It seems that we have a moral obligation to live
and to promote life in others,
as in 'do unto others as you would have them to do unto you'.
Luke 6:31 ~ 
And as you desire how others should treat you, 
you also do likewise to them. 


I agree, in part, with what I read in Answers in Genesis.  Yahweh wants all people to love, obey and hold fast to Him and thereby find life.
“They cry out and He hears and saves them from all their troubles. He is close to the brokenhearted; those crushed in spirit He delivers. Though the misfortunes of the righteous be many, He will save him from them all" (Psalm 34:18-20).  
BUT in order for our Creator to do these things we must take the first step and come into covenant with Him.  In obedience to His Instructions we gain life which is eternal. Choosing death is rebellion against Yahweh. 

Yahweh saw His work of creating Life on this earth as good. Death came into the world as a result of Adam and Eve's disobedience when they both ate from the tree of knowledge of good and bad (Genesis 2:16-17).  And by that act of disobedience sin entered the world and by means of sin death entered (Romans 5:12).  The wages of sin is death; but the gift of Elohim is life eternal through our Master Y'shua the Anointed One (Romans 6:23). 
Deuteronomy 6:24 ~ We are to observe all the laws, to revere YHWH our Elohim, for our lasting good and for our Survival, as is now the case. It will be therefore to our merit before YHWH to observe faithfully this Whole Instruction (found in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) as He has commanded us. 
As far as my research has gone, so far, I have not found one faithful steadfast Set Apart believer in Yahweh who has committed suicide, which is the illegal or immoral taking of one's own life aka: murder. My husband mentioned Judas, but even Judas was not filled with the Spirit of YHWH at that time. We read that murder is sin. Sin is rebelling against our Creator by not living according to His Instructions. If we are rebellious children we shall not inherit the promised land. From what I have read in Scriptures it seems to me that to commit suicide is an rebellious act defying YHWH's gift of life which makes us part of His Creation.

To wrap up this study I think the introduction into the book of Job is appropriate.
Yahweh said to Satan, 
"Have you noticed My servant Job? There is no one like him on earth, a blameless and upright man who fears Me and shuns evil!"

Satan voices his opinion on the subject, and then challenges Yahweh: 
"But lay Your hand upon all that he has and he will surely blaspheme You to Your face." 

Yah takes Satan up on this challenge and allows him do what he will to test Job, but forbids that he lay a hand on him and not to kill him.
Every bad thing that follows is from Satan. Satan is told by Yahweh not to kill Job and as we read, Job did not end up killing himself. No matter how bad things seems in your life it will be worse if you decided to end it all instead of enduring those temptations = lures that Satan uses against our Creator by trying to corrupt His children. Our fear and awesome respect for Yahweh helps us to shun evil and carry on. Be in His Word daily; resist temptation and the devil will flee from you. Do not trade your inheritance for the lies of Satan.

As a side note:
I feel this study isn't 100% complete because of the variables one could come up with, but I am 100% certain that committing suicide goes against our Creator's set of Instructions and affects one's state of perceived salvation.  (I will do a spin-off study later on in regards to one's station in the Kingdom to Come as we read some will be greater and some lesser, which may or may not tie in with this current study). If we are without God it is easy to go the way of the world: abortion, assisted suicide, drugs and alcohol, life support systems, false religions, icons and idolatry etc.....  These are things He warned His people about way back when and there is nothing new in today's world.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mystery of the Evil One

We have been told:
2 Thessalonians 2:9
For the coming of that Evil One is the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all the deceptiveness of iniquity in them that perish because they did not receive the love of the truth by which they might have life. Therefore YHWH will send upon them the strength of a deception that they may believe a lie, and that they all may be condemned who believe not the truth but have pleasure in iniquity.
2 Thessalonians 2:7
For the mystery of the Evil One already begins to be operative and only if that which now hinders will be taken from the midst, then at length will that Evil One be revealed who Master Y'shua will consume by the breath of his mouth and will bring to nothing by the visibility of his coming.
Will this deception build in strength until that time, and what is this strong delusion that befalls those who do not seek the truth?  What is it that hinders this evil mystery from going into full operation?  After that which hinders is taken from the midst, the Evil One will be revealed.  I believe Mr. Evil One is the final world leader who brings a sense of world peace at a critical time, who will be fully revealed 3-1/2 years into the final seven years when Satan possesses Mr. Evil One and he claims to be 'god'.  The deception is building as it is written that it is already in operation.

Folks have been brainwashed from birth (me included) and the time has come for the end times scenario.  Those who search out the truth see this and those who have fallen into one religion or another have been blinded to His Truth.  What was the very first tactic Satan used against Yah's creation?  He caused Eve to Doubt the Word of God.  The example in The Garden is of one doubting the command given by the Creator and causing another to do the same. Would it be fair to apply this same tactic to us? I would say 'Yes' because that exact thing has been going on for years: Christians believe The Law has been nailed to the cross in effect making Torah, Yah's Instructions in Righteousness, null and void and have been teaching others this same false doctrine. They have called into question the truth of our Father and caused people to be uncertain of what is written in Scriptures.

2 Thessalonians begins in regards to the return of Y'shua and our standing strong in our Faith in him, that we should not be uprooted in our mind nor be troubled or deceived. Paul writes that before the Son of Elohim returns, first will come a defection and that man of sin will be revealed; the son of perdition; who is an opponent and exalts himself above all that is called praiseworthy; so that he also sits in the temple of (God) as a deity and displays himself as if he were a deity.

The defection is also called the 'falling away' or the 'great apostasy' which is the fallen state of Churchianity as a whole.  Even in Paul's day there was an all-Gentile church forming which aimed to throw off God's Instructions and reinvent Messiah to put him more in line with Hellenism, polytheism and paganism.  The Defection (which is already in progress) will become most evident when the Final World Leader takes his place.  The Truth of the Matter will be fully evident 3-1/2 years later.

A 'delusion' is something that is falsely believed or propagated. It can be a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary.  It is the act of tricking or deceiving someone. 'Doubt' makes one call into question the truth; to be uncertain and consider something unlikely. If we have been deluded into believing something (lies) while ignoring proof to the contrary (truth) then we have been tricked and deceived which causes us to doubt the truth, becoming uncertain of its reality: if we do not love truth we will be content to accept lies.  That is how Satan, the father of lies, has succeeded and will continue to conquer people right up until the return of Messiah.  I see the first big-time obvious end times result of those who have fallen for the delusion is when they line up to receive the 'mark' in order to continue shopping, buying, selling and all things that require 'money' to complete the transaction.  This will be a strong test for all Set Apart believers; remember, it was money that convinced Judas to betray Y'shua. Remember also that Yahweh removed His hedge of protection from Job so that Satan could test his faith. 
Our love of the truth and our faith in our Creator will see us through these coming trials.  (Read Job again to get an idea of the horrible times we will be facing in the future end times scenario)

Here is a list of a few items that I think are some of the building blocks used in that deception, the strong delusion, which grows in one's mind the longer they go without seeking the truth or ignoring it; they become delusional. These same topics have been successful in causing great divisions amongst all who consider themselves believers, making it easier for Satan to continue his plan.
Our Creator is not slow to keep His Word yet is giving everyone time to repent and return to the faith once delivered - the Way it once was.  He does not want anyone to perish but knows only a remnant will be saved at the return of His Son.  He will, some day, remove His hedge of protection and it will seem we will be fending for ourselves, but never forget, it is always true: with Him all things are possible.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Yehuda Skaryota aka: Judas Escariot

About the only thing that comes to mind about Judas for most people is that he was the one who revealed Messiah to the authorities and committed suicide soon afterwards. We know that Y'shua was in conversation with the Father before choosing his twelve apostles and quite possibly knew the reasons why they were chosen and what part they were to fulfill.

Luke 6:12
And it happened in those days that Y'shua went out to a mountain to pray and there he had spent the night in prayers with YHWH. When the day broke he called his disciples and chose from them twelve, those who he named Shlichim:
Simon who he named Peter, and Andrew his brother; and James and his brother John; and Philip and Bartholomew. And Matthew and Thomas and Ya'akov (James) son of Khalpai; and Simon who is called the Zealot; and Yehuda (Judas) son of Ya'akov and Yehuda Skaryota.

Luke 6:16
.... and Yehuda Skaryota, he who was the betrayer.

John 6:71
He was speaking now concerning Judas Escariot, the son of Simon, for he was about to betray him, being one of the twelve (apostles).

John 13:2
And when supper was done, Satan placed it into he heart of Judas, the son of Simon Escariot, that he would betray him (Y'shua).
Y'shua knew that the Father had given everything into his hands, that he came from the Father and was going back to Him.  Y'shua knew the role Judas was to play.
John 12:3
And Maryam took an alabaster vase of very expensive perfume of the choicest nard and anointed the feet of Y'shua and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. Yehuda Skaryota, one of the disciples (who was to betray Y'shua) said, "Why was not this oil sold for three hundred denarii and it be given to the poor?" (He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief).  He carried the treasury bag with him (he was the financial officer for the group). Y'shua said, "Leave her alone! She has kept it for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor with you but you do not always have me."

Matthew 27:3
Then Yehuda the traitor, when he saw that Y'shua was convicted, he repented and returned those thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and to the elders. He said, "I have sinned because I have betrayed innocent blood." They said, "What is that to us? That's your problem." Yehuda threw the silver into the temple, departed and went and hanged himself.
The priests cleverly cover their own crime by considering the silver Judas threw at them as an offering. These were the same thirty pieces they had paid him, but they also knew it was blood money so they purchase some land for a cemetery with it.
It seems possible that Yehuda was a thief prior to becoming a follower of The Way eventually being named by Y'shua as one of the twelve and put in charge of the money bag. Money was the temptation dangled in front of him by Satan which led to the betrayal of Y'shua. After the fact Yehuda was remorseful and repented but was shunned by the chief priests and the elders.  He ran off and killed himself.  

In Matthew 27 we read that Judas hung himself yet in Act Chapter 1 verse 18 we read:
This is he who obtained a field for himself from the reward of sin; fell upon his face on the ground and burst from his middle and poured out all his insides.

The act of throwing the silver back at the priests did indeed result in the priests buying some land and turning it into a cemetery for strangers (a field for himself). It is possible that after he hung himself and died, he fell resulting in the description given in Acts; that he fell face first into the ground, the impact causing him to split open and his guts fall out. I don't see any real contradiction here; just a lack of detailed information which doesn't affect the matter at hand.

Can one repent and be forgiven their sins yet turn around and commit suicide and expect salvation? I don't think so because suicide is the murdering of one's self, is it not?  And we are commanded not to commit murder.  I shall put this on the list for further study but share it now as thoughts to ponder.



For all who claim to 'stand with Israel' should read the chapter from your copy of Scriptures titled Lamentations to gain a better understanding of the relationship our Creator has with His people.
The Book of Lamentations may not be the most popular book in the Bible but it is an essential ingredient for helping humans to understand an important aspect of their relationship with The Creator – the expression of grief and distress. This special book is a collection of five lament poems recounting the tragic fall of Jerusalem to Babylon.
I provide a paraphrased (shortened) version here and ask that you read from your copy of Scriptures for the full length version.

A city once great among nations sits lonely.
All of her friends and allies have betrayed her and become her foes.
Judah has gone into exile because of misery and harsh oppression.
Zion's roads are empty of festival pilgrims and her gates are deserted.
Her enemies are now the masters and her foes are at ease because
YHWH has afflicted her for her many transgressions.

Gone from fair Zion are all that were to her glory; her leaders were like stags that found no pasture, they could only walk feebly before the pursuer.

Jerusalem recalled all the precious things she once had and in her days of woe and sorrow there was no one to help her.  Jerusalem had greatly sinned and became a mockery and those who once admired her have seen her disgrace.  She has seen her Sanctuary invaded by nations which Yah had once denied entry.  He has afflicted her on His Day of Wrath.  He delivers her into the hands of those she cannot withstand and sets a time against her to crush her young men. Jerusalem has become an unclean thing.

YHWH is right and Jerusalem acknowledges that she has disobeyed Him and sees how wrong she's been to rebel against Him. In His Wrath Yah shames Fair Zion and casts down the majesty of Israel, in blazing anger.  He destroyed His Tabernacle bringing to end festival and sabbath; spurning king and priest; He resolved to destroy the wall of Fair Zion.

Jerusalem's seers prophesied to her in both delusion and folly.  They did not expose her iniquities so as to restore her fortunes. Instead they prophesied oracles of delusion and deception (lies).  She was once called Perfect in Beauty, Joy of All the Earth but now her enemies jeer at her and cry "We've ruined her!"

Yahweh has done what He purposed, that which He ordained long ago.
In all that happens, under His rod of wrath; leaving us numb as we become the laughingstock to all people, the butt of their gibes every day and we begin to feel bitterness as if sated with wormwood.  We feel bereft of peace and forget what happiness is.  But this do I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The kindness of YHWH has not ended, His mercies have not run out - they are renewed every morning - how ample is His Grace! He is my portion I say with a full heart; therefore I hope in Him.  He is good to those who trust in Him. To those who seek Him it is good to wait patiently for rescue.  We bear the yoke, sit alone and be patient.  YHWH does not reject forever, but first afflicts then pardons in His abundant kindness for He does not willfully bring grief or affliction to man, crushing prisoners of the earth. He does not deny us our rights. Of what shall a living man complain? Each his own sins!
Let us search and examine our ways and turn back to our Father; let us lift up our hearts with our hands to our Father in Heaven:
We have transgressed and rebelled, and You have not forgiven. You have clothed Yourself in anger and pursued us, You have slain without pity. You have screened Yourself off with a cloud that no prayer may pass through. You have made us filth and refuse in the midst of the peoples.  My eyes shed streams of water over the ruin of my poor people.
I have called on Your Name O Yahweh, hear my plea; do not shut Your ear to my cry! You have told us not to fear and have redeemed our lives. You see the wrongs that are done.

Those who were once valued as gold are now earthen pots and have turned cruel.  Those who feasted on dainties lie famished in the streets; those who were reared in purple have embraced refuse heaps. The guilt of my poor people exceeds the iniquity of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment without a hand striking it.  With their own hands tenderhearted women cook their children; such has become their fate.  His cup of wrath will also be passed to Fair Edom who dwell in the land of Uz.

O Yahweh, remember us. Our ancestors have sinned and we bear their guilt.  Gone is the joy from our hearts as we mourn; woe to us that we have sinned.  But You are enthroned forever, through the ages. Take us back! Let us come back; renew our days of old for truly You have rejected us, we have made you bitter.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Learn The Truth in order to See The Truth

My Facebook friend's list just got smaller. Mrs. A unfriended me after a 'discussion' I have copied and pasted here to share as another study.

I love her. Both she and her husband have studied the Word but like many before them have followed the rabbit trail into Judaism, which I am beginning to see as the Wide Gate for all religious beliefs to enter. She and I have had several good discussions in the past but I guess me pointing out the facts about the role of Jerusalem as capital of Israel was the last straw.

Mrs. A posted:
The six day war of 1967 led to Israel getting Jerusalem back after 2000 years. Fifty years later Trump becomes President. Could he symbolize a trump being blown? For another Jubilee? "You shall count seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, so that the time of the seven weeks of years shall give you forty-nine years. Then you shall sound the loud trumpet on the tenth day of the seventh month. On the Day of Atonement you shall sound the trumpet throughout all your land." Leviticus 25:8-9

On December 6, 2017, US President Donald Trump announced the United States recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and ordered the planning of the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

My Reply:
Spiritually, Jerusalem is the center of the world according to our Creator. Historically, Jerusalem was capital of the State of Israel beginning again in 1948 although became divided with the western section being the capital. The Six Day War reunited the city. In 1980 the Knesset passed the Basic Law - Jerusalem, which restated Israel's rights and obligations concerning the capital.

All Trump did was acknowledge the existing fact and decide to relocate the American Embassy. Two years later and from what I understand, the ambassador and his staff have moved to the US Consulate in Jerusalem but the main branch is still in Tel Aviv.

(Basically, I pointed out it didn't take 2000 years for Israel to get Jerusalem back. Her reply switches from Israel to the world's opinion of Jerusalem)

Mrs. A:
The world never recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and even today its divided. (seems she copied and pasted the following - I deleted the number references.)
After 1948, since the old walled city in its entirety was to the east of the armistice line, Jordan was able to take control of all the holy places therein. While Muslim holy sites were maintained and renovated, contrary to the terms of the armistice agreement, Jews were denied access to Jewish holy sites, many of which were destroyed or desecrated. Jordan allowed only very limited access to Christian holy sites, and restrictions were imposed on the Christian population that led many to leave the city. Of the 58 synagogues in the Old City, half were either razed or converted to stables and hen-houses over the course of the next 19 years, including the Hurva and the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue. The 3,000-year-old Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery was desecrated, with gravestones used to build roads, latrines and Jordanian army fortifications. 38,000 graves in the Jewish Cemetery were destroyed, and Jews were forbidden from being buried there. The Western Wall was transformed into an exclusively Muslim holy site associated with al-Buraq. Israeli authorities neglected to protect the tombs in the Muslim Mamilla Cemetery in West Jerusalem, which contains the remains of figures from the early Islamic period, facilitating the creation of a parking lot and public lavatories in 1964. Many other historic and religiously significant buildings were demolished and replaced by modern structures during the Jordanian occupation. During this period, the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque underwent major renovations.
To me all that information didn't explain anything about the Jubilee or Trump or really apply to what we were talking about. Mostly it highlights 'holy sites'. After she posted the above she unfriended me and this is the reply I wasn't allowed to post:
Yes, I mentioned it was divided and you have ignored the fact the Trump really hasn't moved the embassy to Jerusalem. The Jubilee Year is a year of release, not one of making Jerusalem the modern day capital of the nation state of Israel.  We are called to come out of the world system (Babylon) so if the world does not recognize Jerusalem then it is no big deal. We who are Set Apart and follow Y'shua do recognize the importance of Jerusalem as we have been told the end from the beginning.
Since I couldn't post any more I messaged her and asked if she closed comments on this thread. Mrs. A sent me a private message telling me why she unfriended me:
The vast majority of the people on my Facebook are Baptist, Christians, and they don’t get any of this. I don’t want them just blowing everything off. It’s not going to help them if someone is making comments that sound like they disagree with what I am saying. It’s important they start reading the Bible for themselves and not just following the path that has taken them away from God. They are going to have to turn back and return to the roots of the Christian faith as what was taught in the very beginning before evil men came in and corrupted it. Act chapter 11 talks about when the Church in Antioch disciples were first called Christians. It was when Peter first went to talk to them after the dream he had to not call what God called clean unclean. It was the beginning of the ministry to the non Jews. So because of where most of these people are if any of them are even reading anything I post I felt I needed to take you off, sorry, I hope you understand the reason behind it.
I was quietly amazed at her choice to take me out of the picture and I responded as such, including: .... but after seeing your Jonathan Cahn promo posted on your timeline I see the time was right. Maybe if I ranted all the time I could understand you not wanting me to be around and disrupting your space - I could understand that. I sound like I disagree because you sometimes cause me to 'raise an eyebrow', which is good because I always take what you reference right back to Scriptures, and that is when I can see where you're coming from and/or offer up comments to help shine the light a little brighter - we all need it from time to time because we are all still learning. Many times you and I are in agreement but sometimes you go a little too deep into the realm of Jewish tradition. You are not going to save your 'christian' friends all by yourself, or by censoring comments that you don't agree with. I thought that we have always had fair discussions, even when we don't see eye to eye on some topics. We both know not everyone is going to 'get it'. Thanks for the time we did have because I love being in conversation about Scriptures and so few take the time.
(sent this message to her 9/13/2019)

I am sorry to see how comfortable she and her husband have become with the tradition ladened  religion of Judaism. Some day, hopefully, they will 'get it', too. It seems she wants folks to just read and accept her opinion without question. Our Heavenly Father has never been about Christianity or the Church nor did Set Apart believers call themselves Christians - it is about Faith, which Y'shua asked if there would be any when he returns.

How can anyone think they are teaching their 'christian' friends about the Hebrew origins of Scriptures while still promoting the church?  I do understand a gentle approach toward Gentiles when trying to introduce them to YHWH but if you can't get them to ask questions, or get their genuine interest, then what is the use other than spreading seeds and letting them fall where they may.  Trying to tie a Jubilee year in with Trump is really far-fetched.

Please Note:
Acts Chapter 11 verse 26 from the Aramaic English New Testament:
When he found him (Paul), he brought him with him to Antiochia. And they gathered as one, a whole year, and they taught many people in the congregation. From that time the disciples in Antioch were first called Kristianay. (The Apostles do not call themselves Kristianay. They are members of The Way, referred to as Netzarim. It was the Gentiles in Antioch who coined the term 'Kristyane' a greek term for "Messianics").
Romans 11:25 ~For I want to let you know about this secret, brothers, so that you will not claim to be wiser than you are: Stubbornness has come to part of Israel until the full number of the Gentiles comes to faith.

Churchianity > Hebrew Roots > Faith

We are still learning as we continue on His Path of Righteousness
Break out of your perceived Comfort Zone
Let Go of Tradition
Jude 1:3 ~
.... while I take all pains to write to you of our common life, it is needful for me to write to you, encouraging you to maintain a conflict for the faith which was once delivered to the Set Apart believers, for some have obtained entrance who, from the beginning, were registered beforehand under this condemnation: wicked men who pervert the grace of Yahweh to impurity and deny him who is the only MarYah Elohim and our Master, Y'shua the Anointed One. And I wish to remind you, though you all know it, after once rescuing the people from Egypt, Yahweh again destroyed them who did not believe.
I know there are still folks coming out of Churchianity as they seek the truth of Scriptures and have gotten too comfortable with the Hebrew roots of things. I know, I was there once upon a time. It is, however, one of the best stepping stones we have leading us in the right direction. But that is where many people take the rabbit trail leading them into another traditional religion (Judaism) instead of continuing on to the faith once delivered. Our Creator was never about religions, various belief systems or churches. His Instructions were given for our health, well being and to guide us to exist as a community, a body of believers = His people, training us up for the return of His Son. Our Heavenly Father was never about 'division' but has called us to be One. Satan, on the other hand, has caused extreme division by using the above mentioned 'wicked men' who pervert the Word of God and teach it to others who have not read Scriptures for themselves or taken the time to search for the truth of His Word as if looking for treasure.
Mark 7:5 ~ The scribes and the Pharisees ask Y'shua, "Why don't your disciples walk according to the traditions of the elders? His short answer is: "You hypocrites... You have left the Commandment of (God) and have embraced the tradition of men. ... And you despise the Word of Elohim because of the tradition that you have handed down..."

Matthew 15:3 records the same... the scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem ask Y'shua why his disciples transgress against the traditions of the elders. He asks them, "Why do you transgress the Commandments of YHWH (God) because of your traditions?"
By reading Scriptures we learn that YHWH's Chosen People are the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob along with those who have been adopted in:  We who come into covenant with the Creator and abide by His Instructions and have the testimony of His Son.

It is no longer a tribal thing because when anyone of any background comes into covenant with our Creator we all become part of the House of Jacob, the commonwealth of Israel. We become one as we worship YHWH in Spirt and in Truth. With this in mind, consider that His People are not just the 'Jews' and His people have not yet been gathered to the promised land. The tiny nation-state of modern day Israel does not represent the 'promised land' as that land includes all of what was the land of Canaan.

There is only one gathering of His chosen people and, according to Scriptures, it occurs at the 7th Shofar Event, when all eyes see the coming of Y'shua in the clouds. Those who are alive at that time will see the dead being risen up, all those believers who have died since the beginning, and then they will be gathered with them. It is at this point we are given bodies that are incorruptible, gathered together in the clouds for the time being.
Matthew 24- All eyes will see the return of Y'shua...
:29 immediately after the suffering of those days...
:30 Y'shua comes upon the clouds of heaven with great power and glory. He sends his Messengers with a large trumpet and they gather his chosen from the four winds.
First Thessalonians 4:16 confirms Y'shua will descend from heaven with the voice of the chief Messenger and the shofar of Yahweh. His Set Apart believers (his chosen, the elect) are caught up together to the clouds to meet Y'shua Messiah and be with him forever.

Revelation 6:12 tells us the 6th Seal is opened and because of the earthquake, darkened sun, red colored moon, falling stars and mountains and islands being moved out of their places Every One Will Know the great day of wrath has come. Revelation 11:15 tells us the world becomes the kingdom of Y'shua after the 7th shofar is sounded (the last trumpet before the final plagues).

After these events and the pouring out of the Cups of Wrath His People receive the promise, the everlasting covenant Yah made with Abraham about the land of Canaan. After we are gathered and changed from corruptible to incorruptible, then we are set down upon our own soil - the promised land of Canaan where we live in the Kingdom ruled by Y'shua for a thousand years.
Jeremiah 23:7 ~ A time is coming when people will say As Yah lives, who brought out and led the offspring of the House of Israel (Jacob) from the north land and from all the lands to which they've been scattered... and they shall dwell upon their own soil.... 16:14 I will bring them back to their land which I gave to their fathers... 30 I will deliver you from far away and make an end to all the nations where you have been....
The gathering has yet to happen but will in His good timing.  There will be no mistaking this event.

1 Peter 1:6-9 ... when you are under some pressure by the various trials that pass over you (it is) so that the proof of your faith may appear more precious than refined gold that is tested by fire, to glory and honor and praise at the manifestation of Y'shua: whom having not seen, you love; and in the faith of whom you rejoice with the joy that is glorious and beyond expression, that you many receive the reward of your faith, the life of your souls...

False Prophets etc...

Jonathan Cahn is not a biblical prophet but resembles a person who uses Judeo-Christianity as a means of personal gain. The Apostle Paul charged Timothy to be on guard against these types of people. 
“If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the foundational words of our Master Y'shua and to the doctrine of the fear of Elohim, he is one who exalts himself while he knows nothing; and he languishes in the search and inquiry about words which come from envy and contentions, and railing and evil suspicions and the constant arguing of men whose minds are corrupt and devoid of the truth, and suppose that they can gain without YHWH. From these men stay away." 1 Timothy 6:3-5
Those who act, think or give the impression of being a "prophet of God" in today's world must consider the biblical consequences of their predictions. “But any prophet who presumes to speak in my name an oracle that I did not command him to utter, or who speaks in the name of other gods - that prophet shall die.” Deuteronomy 18:20 

Jonathan Cahn is just one of many deceivers whom folks have been falling for. He is a "New York Times" best selling author which does not qualify him to be a purveyor of Truth. I (and many  others) debunked his "Harbinger" theory years ago and revealed the Scriptural Truth behind the "Blood Moons" hoopla that Mark Biltz, John Hagee and Cahn stirred up. As I studied it out I came to see these topics became a measuring stick showing the separation between 'believers' and those truly becoming Set Apart. Cahn's latest book being promoted is "The Oracle", the Jubilean Mysteries Revealed. 
Quote: Fans of the Cahn-man will claim that he isn’t a prophet, but that he only “interprets” Biblical prophecy. Of course, Cahn takes a good many Scriptures that aren’t prophetic and wrongly applies them to modern events, thus making them prophetic. Cahn’s horrible track record at prophecy interpretation seems not to bother his biggest fans, who are eager to buy his next book. (end quote)
Folks, there are no unsolved mysteries in Scriptures. Both the Father and the Son used parables and spiritual metaphors to get through to us, to make us use our brain. Most times they explained what they meant. There is nothing we cannot learn if we continue reading Scriptures every day, which allows His Set Apart Spirit to work within us.  His Spirit comforts us with the truth. I will not submit myself to this massaging of Scriptures as Cahn, his followers and others continue to try to make current events fit prophecy.
Matthew 7:15-20 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.  By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
Signs of the end which Y'shua has told us about: Signs
Don't get caught up in the Greater Exodus teaching, either.

One more thing: Yahweh stopped talking to man through his prophets after Y'shua came on the scene. Y'shua gave us his Father's Set Apart Spirit after he left the earth. No one should be claiming that they have heard from God. These days it is His Spirit that reveals the Truth. Prophecy is being fulfilled and there is nothing else to be foretold because our Creator has already told us the end from the beginning.  

Man must not add to nor take away from the Truth of Yah's Word.

Monday, September 9, 2019


:32 ~ The priest who is anointed and ordained to succeed his father as high priest shall make atonement. He will put on the sacred linen garments and make atonement for the Most Set Apart Place, the Tent of Meeting, and the altar, and for the priests and all the people of the assembly. This is to be a permanent statute for you, to make atonement once a year for the people because of all their sins. And all this was done as Master Yahweh had commanded Moses.…
Atonement was necessary because of the impurities and rebellious acts of that mixed multitude that came out of Egypt in regard to all their sins. It is just as necessary for us today and it is Y'shua the Anointed One, Son of the Heavenly Father, who shed his blood for the atonement of our sins. 

Atonement is the act of making amends, offering expiation for a wrong or injury which reconciles believers to Yahweh through the death of His Son, Yahshua, who said no-one comes to the Father except through him. This isn't a catch-all or end game scenario. Y'shua's shed blood only covers those who abide by YHWH's Instructions and have the testimony of His Son. When we come into covenant with our Creator we agree to the terms of that covenant. If we don't we shall not be part of the first resurrection at the return of Y'shua.

In Matthew 26 Y'shua told his 12 apostles: 
"This is my blood of the renewed covenant, which for the sake of many is shed for the forgiveness of sins."
For the sake of many, not for the sake of everybody.

And in John 10 Y'shua tells them: 
"There is no love that is greater than this, that a man lay down his life for the sake of his friends. You are my friends if you do all that I commanded you everything that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.
He laid down his life for those who live by all that he has taught which is everything he has heard from our Creator aka YHWH's Instructions (Genesis through Deuteronomy). This is the blood of the renewed covenant, the writings found in what is commonly called the New Testament.
Revelation 12:11- And they overcame (Satan, the Accuser), because of the blood of the Lamb, (Y'shua, whom they acknowledge openly); and they loved not their own lives, even to death. In Leviticus 17:11 Yah says- "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have assigned it to you for making atonement for your lives. It is the blood, as life, that effects atonement."
When we spend time reading Scriptures it becomes clear as to what our responsibilities are if we desire to spend a thousand years with Y'shua as our king and high priest and have eternal life.  How many times have I thought to myself, "O, to have been there to hear him speak! To reach out and touch the hem of his garment and be healed!" Well folks, in order to be sharing the earth with Messiah for a thousand years there are rules and regulations set forth by the Father. It is by His Set Apart Spirit we see these truths and choose Life, the Blessing, the promise YHWH made with Abraham. We come into covenant with our Creator.  It is a choice, not automatic inclusion. It is made possible by His Son who taught us the Good News of the Kingdom to Come, wherein we find comfort.

Love Yah first and foremost, love your fellowman as yourself and let His Set Apart Spirit comfort you with all truth.  Accept Yahweh and have eyes to see the spoken word and ears that hear the written word. Humble yourself and allow YWHW to lift you up in due time. Recognize the need for atonement, accept the blood of the renewed covenant as necessary for the life of your soul.  We were once carnal Gentiles but are no longer slaves to our old sin nature because we have the testimony of Y'shua Son of Yahweh, and we are in convent with the Creator.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Lost and Found

To set the stage, here are some definitions to aid our understanding of what is meant by parables which both the Father and His Son used in their teachings:
A parable is usually a short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude. Allegory is the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence and a metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable; a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else. 
Y'shua spoke in parables many times, telling stories to illustrate spiritual lessons; stories that are to be understood in order to reveal the hidden meaning of what he was teaching. There is no real mystery. He was teaching us to use our 'brain', to think and reason and not just follow the most popular preacher of the day or what was fashionable at the time.
Matthew 13:34
All these things Y'shua spoke in parables to the crowd, and he would not speak to them without a parable, so might be fulfilled the things which was spoken through the prophet who said, "I will open my mouth with parables and will bring out secrets that were from before the foundation of the world." (Psalms 78:2) 
In Luke 8 we read the Sower of the Seed parable. He tells his apostles that they are given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of Elohim but to the rest of the people it is spoken in parables because although they see, they will not see, and though they hear, they will not comprehend.

In Luke 10 is a short story told as an example of who's one neighbor really is, which was brought on by the questions a scribe was posing to Y'shua. In Chapter 12 the parables are Master/servant related and we are told to seek the Kingdom of Yahweh and not worry about what we will eat or drink or wear. We are likened to those who wait for their Master to return from the wedding feast, so when he knocks we will readily open the door for him.  The explanation of this parable is given: Therefore be ready for when we don't expect it, the Son of man will return.  In Chapter 14 is the parable of the man who made a great supper and called on many to attend and many refused to come making various excuses. The Master sends his servant out to get whoever he can to come to this feast so that his house would be full. Just reading that alone makes me think of the time we are told many will be called but few are chosen. Please take the time to read Luke from your copy of Scriptures when you have time.

Onto Chapter 15 which is the reason for this study as it has been used to prove that the "Prodigal Son" represents Ephraim and that Ephraim and Judah will be reunited (two houses become one).  If you do a word search using the Bible Hub search window you will discover that the word 'prodigal' isn't found in Scriptures, so that tells me somebody attached it to one particular parable so they could spin their own interpretation of it. Also, take into consideration that Y'shua has told us not everyone will understand.

The term prodigal means wasteful expenditure aka a reckless spendthrift.  A spendthrift is someone who is given to spending money freely or foolishly, who is wasteful with money.  So yes one could suppose to call this younger son in the parable the prodigal son compared to his older obedient brother, but why spin it beyond Y'shua's lesson? Some folks use quotes found in the writings of Jeremiah to tie it together but even Yahweh used parables, allegories and metaphors long before His Son came on the scene (Like Father like Son).

In Chapter 15 it is the scribes and Pharisees who are none too happy with Y'shua, mumbling, grumbling and accusing him of un-Torah-like behavior; in this case it disgusted them that Y'shua sat among sinners and even ate with them. So Y'shua told them parable #1
Who among you who has one hundred sheep won't go after the one that has gotten lost, leaving the 99 in the open until you find the one?  And when you find it you take it upon your shoulders to bring it home, calling out to your friends and neighbors - Rejoice with me! I have found my sheep that was lost!
He tells the scribes and Pharisees that is what it will be like in heaven over one sinner who repents. The other 99 righteous ones do not need repentance.  It also points out that Y'shua didn't come to sit among the righteous but to teach the sinners and unrepentant ones.
Mark 2:16 ~ When the scribes and the Pharisees saw Y'shua eating with these people, they asked his disciples, “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Y'shua  told them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
And he told them parable #2:
A women had 10 coins and lost one of them. She does nothing else but search for it carefully until she finds it. And when she does she calls out to her friends and neighbors Rejoice with me! I have found my coin which was lost!
He tells the scribes and Pharisees, likewise, there will be joy before the Messengers of Elohim over one sinner who repents.

To further drive the point home to those hard headed scribes and Pharisees, he tells them parable #3 about a man who had two sons. The younger son asked for his share of dad's estate now instead of waiting for it in due course.  He gathered everything that was his share and went away.  He ended up wasting all his wealth while living lavishly.  He used up everything he had and then famine hit the land and he was in dire straights. He got a job tending swine. He was so hungry he was ready to eat the slop being fed the swine and no one would give to him.  He finally came to his senses and decided to go back to his dad's house where he knew servants were fed and he offered to be one of his servants.  He confessed to his father that he realized he has sinned against him and Heaven and was not worthy to be called his son.  His father's love for him could not be contained as he was elated that his son returned. He put on a feast for the boy.  This didn't go over too well with the elder son who knew he had been faithful to his father, doing all the work that was required of him, but never once was he given anything to celebrate with. Dad reassures his elder son of his love, he knows he has been with him all this time and that everything that he has belongs to him as well. But it was right to call out to their friends and neighbors to Rejoice with them, because his younger son who was lost was found.

From these three stories Y'shua is sharing with the scribes and Pharisees (and us) the same message: Rejoice for what was lost has been found. We should be able to see that this points to our old sin natures, we who were lost but now have been found and forgiven our past sinful ways. We who have become redeemed and Set Apart can be left alone while the Good Shepherd seeks out his other sheep.  The Father's love is steadfast and true for those of us who return. Those who are already in His household no longer require repentance, but what a joy it is even to the Messengers in heaven when another sinner repents and returns.
Romans 11:25 ~
For I want to let you know about this secret, brothers, so that you will not claim to be wiser than you are: Stubbornness has come to part of Israel until the full number of the Gentiles comes to faith.
What is meant by 'fullness'? The definition found in the Webster Dictionary is:
: the quality or state of being full
: at some point : eventually

Apply this to Scripture and understand that at some point, eventually, more Gentiles (non-believers) will repent of their pagan ways, return to Yahweh, abide by His Instructions and have the testimony of His Son, by faith. As we know, there are many non-believers in the world and not all of them will come into this 'fullness'.  The writings in Luke 15 give us a picture of lost souls, sinners who repent, confess their wrongdoings and because of the great love of the Father, they are forgiven and taken back into the fold.
John 10:11 ~ (Y'shua says) I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the flock. But a hireling who is not the shepherd nor are the sheep his, when he sees a wolf coming he leaves the sheep and flees. And the wolf comes and plunders and scatters the flock.
John 10:14 ~ I am the Good Shepherd and I know those who are mine. And those who are mine know me.
John 10:16 ~ And I also have other sheep, those who were not from this sheepfold. And also them, it is necessary for me to bring them and they will hear my voice and all the flocks will become one. And there will be One Shepherd. 
YHWH's Chosen People are the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob along with those who have been adopted in:  We who come into covenant with the Creator and abide by His Instructions and have the testimony of His Son.  It is no longer a tribal thing because when anyone of any background comes into covenant with our Creator we all become part of the House of Israel.  We worship YHWH in Spirt and in Truth.
