Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Way - The Truth - The Life

The Truth Will Set You Free

What is the truth and what will it free us from?

Yahshua is the Truth. We need him to set us free from the bondage of sin, from the shackles Satan put upon us long ago.
John 14:6 
"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
When we are set free from bondage to sin we are given eyes to see the truth. Once delivered we are set upon His Path of Righteousness. Y'shua gave us the Spirit of Truth to help us navigate that path. It doesn't end at Being Saved (delivered from sin)... being saved is the beginning! It is written: If you read Torah you will be pointed in the direction of Y'shua and His ability to make us righteous (to be free of guilt or sin). 

Y'shua has the authority to make us free of sin. Halleluyah! But he doesn't just do this automatically, there's an IF... Take a look at Scripture and you'll find Romans 10:
  • Verse 9- IF you acknowledge publicly with your mouth (confess, speak out loud) our Master Yahshua and believe with your heart that Yah raised him from the dead, you will live. 
  • Verse 10- For the heart that believes in him is made righteous and the mouth that confess him is restored to life.
  • Verse 11- for the Scripture says: Everyone that believes in him will not be ashamed.
If we are sincere in our desire to be free of sin, then we call on the name of Yah-shua, which in essence calls out to the Father, Yah-weh. Talk about it publicly. Tell everyone you know that Yahshua is Son of Yahweh! Give testimony, believe it in your heart that Yahweh raised Yahshua from the dead and We Will Be Delivered! Spread the Good News of the Kingdom of Elohim and live according to His Instructions.
Mark 16:14 
And finally Y'shua appeared to the eleven apostles while they were reclining, and he reviled the lack of their faith and the hardness of their hearts, since those who had seen him, that he had risen, they did not believe. 15-16 And he said to them, "Go into all the world and preach my Hope to all of creation. Whoever believes and is immersed will live, and whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17-20 "These signs will follow those who believe in my name: they will cast out demons and they will speak in new tongues, they will handle serpents and if they should drink a deadly poison it will not harm them. And they will place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed."  After speaking these things Y'shua went up to heaven and sat at the right hand of Elohim. And the eleven went out and preached in all places and Y'shua was helping them and establishing their words by the signs that they were doing.
If you've never read the bible or tried to understand all the fuss about being born of the spirit, you would not know the fact that there are false prophets among us working real hard to keep us from knowing the difference. There are false teachers working for Satan that entrap us, they give us religions that make us feel good now. There are all sorts of diversions in place to keep us from even thinking about our Creator, to keep us from asking questions, to make bible study un-cool. You won't find any answers if you don't ask questions. Y'shua tells us one of the signs before his return is that the Good News will be spread across the world.

The truth will set you free and the truth is- Yahweh is the Creator and one true living Elohim. If it weren't for Him, we wouldn't be here. Think about that... if He didn't create the world, we wouldn't exist.

It's not all about us, it's about Him, our Father, the King of the Universe.

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