Friday, July 15, 2016

Weights & Measures

Here we have a list of measurements found in Scriptures and their modern day equivalents which will come in handy if the time comes when anyone really wants to know or visualize the actual size of the ark YHWH had Noah build, or how far a Sabbath's day journey is or just how much liquid makes up a hin.

Have some fun and exercise your brain!

Hand's Breadth: Approximately 3 inches (4 fingers, closed/pressed together)
Cubit: 18 inches (elbow to tip of middle finger)
Long Cubit: Approximately 20 inches (also known as a Royal Cubit)
Span: 9 inches (fingers spread, from tip of thumb to pinky)

Fathom: 6 feet
Rod/Reed: 8 feet 9 inches
Furlong: 1/8 of a mile (660 feet)
Sabbath Day's Journey: 7 furlongs (7/8 of a mile)
Day's Journey: 20 miles (a group with women and children: 10 miles)

Log: Shy of a half-pint
Hin: Approximately 1 gallon
Bath: About 6 gallons
Firkin: 2-3 Measures: About 9 gallons

Ephah: About a bushel
Omer: Approximately 5 pints
Homer: Approximately 8 bushels (the amount a donkey can carry)

Shekel: Approximately 1/2 ounce
Talent: Approximately 90 pounds

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