Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

In Revelation 1, we read about what Y'shua says regarding the seven assemblies which are in Asia.  These assemblies are represented by seven stars which are the Messengers of the seven assemblies, and seven gold menorahs where Y'shua walks in the midst of. He addresses each group, knowing the works they have done, where they have fallen short and offers advice on how to correct the issues.

He also gives descriptions- seven attributes of himself - as he addresses each assembly:
  • He holds all things, has seven stars in his right hand, walks in the midst of the seven menorahs.
  • He is the First and the Last, who was dead and lives.
  • He has the sharp two-edged sword.
  • He is the Son of Elohim who has eyes like a flame of fire and his feet like fine brass.
  • He has the seven Spirits of Elohim and the seven stars.
  • He is Set Apart and true and has the key of David, who opens and no man shuts, and shuts and no man opens.
  • He is the Amen, the witness, the faithful, the true, the Chief of the creation of Elohim.
I present this study as a 'current day' scenario, with each assembly representing an aspect of us as individuals; how we were, have become and how we should be in order to gain entrance into the Kingdom of God.

He knows our toil and patience and that we cannot endure the wicked.  We test those who claim to be apostles, followers of The Way, to see if they are being truthful or are liars. We have had patience and have shouldered the burden on account of His Name and have not shirked.  Yet he has a matter against us on account of our former love which we have left. We need to remember from where we have fallen and repent and do the former works; or if not He will come quickly and remove our menorah from its place, except we repent. But here is something in our favor: we hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans which he also hates.

To him that is victorious will be allowed to eat of the tree of life which is in the paradise of Elohim.

Note: to leave our 'former love' is to stop putting YHWH Elohim first in all things.  We are to love Elohim with all our heart, souls, mind and might First and Foremost - then we love our neighbors as ourselves.

He knows our affliction and poverty (yet we are rich) and the railing which is from them who say they are Jews and they are not but are of the congregation of Satan.  We should not be terrified at any of the things we are to suffer, for the Accuser will throw some of us into custody that we may be tried and there will be trouble for us for 10 days.  We are to be faithful until death and he will give us the crown of life.

He that is victorious will not be harmed by the second death.

He knows where we dwell, even where the throne of Satan is: and we hold fast to His Name and have not denied the faith of him - in those days when his faithful witness, who was slain among us, was made a spectacle where Satan dwells. Yet he has a small matter against us because among us are those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to throw a stumbling block before the children of Israel that they might eat the sacrifices of idols, and might commit sexual sin.  So also do we have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans - we must repent.  If not, he will come quickly and will war upon us with the sword of his mouth.

To him who is victorious will be given the hidden manna to eat, and he will be give a white counter upon which is written a new name no one know but he that receives it.

He knows our love and faith and service and also our patience, and that these latter works are more then the former. But he has a matter against us because we tolerate that woman Jezebel who says she is a prophetess, and teaches and seduces his servants to temple prostitution, and to eating of the sacrifices of idols.  He gave her a season of repentance and she was not disposed to repent of her sexual sin.  He will cast her into a coffin and them who commit adultery with her into great affliction unless they repent of their deeds.  And her children will die and we will all know that He is the One who seeks minds and hearts and will render to each of us according to our works.  He says to the rest, all who have not received this doctrine, the men who have not known the profound things of Satan, he will lay no other burden up you, but what you have hold fast until I come.  

To him that is victorious, and to him that observes my works to the end, I will give authority over the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron and like vessels of pottery they will be broken as I also have received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star.

He knows our works, that we have a name yet are dead.  We must awaken and preserve the things that remain which are ready to die, for he has not found our works complete before Elohim.  We must remember how we have received and heard - now observe those teachings and turn back, repent.  If we don't wake up, he will come upon us as a thief and we will not know at what hour he will come.  Yet we have a few names who have not defiled their garments and they will walk with him in white, for they are worthy.

He that is victorious will be so clothed in white robes and I will not blot out their name from the book of life and I will confess their name before my Father and before his Messengers.

He has set before us an open door which no man can shut; because we have a little strength and have kept his Word and not denied His Name. He will give us of the assembly of Satan who say they are Jews, and are not, but lie; he will make them submit at our feet, that we know He loves us.  Because we have kept the Word of his patience, he will also keep us from the hour of temptation that is to come on all the inhabited world to try them who live on the earth.  He comes quickly, so hold fast to what we have so that no one takes our crown.

He that is victorious will be made a pillar in the temple of Elohim and he will not again go out. He will write upon him the name of Elohim and the new Jerusalem which descends from heaven from Elohim, and his own new name. 

This is for those who are neither hot nor cold - but lukewarm and he is about to vomit them out of his mouth.  They say, 'I am rich and affluent and have all that I need', but they don't know that they are helpless and miserable and needy and blind and  naked!  He counsels them to buy of him gold tired in the fire that they may become rich, and white robes to be clothing  that the shame of their nakedness may not be seen.  He tells them to put salve on their eyes that they may see.  As many as he loves, he rebukes and disciplines.  Be faithful emulators and repent. He has been standing at the door and will knock.  If any man hears his voice and opens the door he will come in to him and they shall dine together.

To him that is victorious will be given to sit with Y'shua on his throne, even as he was victorious and sat down with his Father on his throne.  He that has ears to hear, let  him hear what the Spirit says to us.


aka: creed, dogma, belief, teaching, ideology:
A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a 
church, political party or other group


In Revelation 2:6, and 2:15, it is stated that the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans is a thing to be hated.  The Nicolaitans believed in the freedom of the flesh and taught that the deeds of the flesh had no effect upon the health of the soul and had no relation to salvation. They believed that faith alone, not obedience to Torah - Instructions of Elohim - was necessary for salvation. They could behave anyway they liked as long as they claimed to have 'faith in god'.  This is a false teaching.

Also is mentioned those who hold to the Doctrine of Balaam. In 2 Peter we read about false prophets and false teachers.  He compares them to nasty beasts that by nature are for slaughter and corruption while engaging in evil speech regarding things they don't know and that they will perish in their own corruption.
2 Peter 1:13 ...they being persons with whom iniquity is the reward of iniquity, and by them rioting in the daytime is accounted delightful; defiled and full of blemishes, indulging themselves at their ease while they give themselves up to pleasure; having eyes that are full of adultery and sins that never end; seducing the unstable souls and having a heart exercised in greed, children of curse...
2 Peter 1:15  And, having left the correct path, they have wandered and gone in the way of Balaam the son of Beor who loved the wages of iniquity... :17 These are wells without water, clouds driven by a storm, persons for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness. :18 While they utter astonishing vanity, they seduce with obscene lusts of the flesh.... :19 They promise liberty while they themselves are the slaves of corruption... 


Here's some info in regards to  The Throne of Satan 

Now, about that Jezebel...

1 Kings 16:29 tells us Ahab became king over Israel in the 38th year of King Asa of Judah.  Ahab reign lasted 22 years. He did what was displeasing to YHWH, more than all the kings that preceded him.  He took as wife Jezebel daughter of King Ethbaal of the Phoenicians, and he served Baal and worshipped him.  He erected an altar to Baal in the temple of Baal which he built in Samaria.
1 Kings 18:4  When Jezebel was killing off the prophets of YHWH, Obadiah had taken a hundred prophets and hidden them, fifty to a cave, and provided them with food and drink. 
1 Kings 18:18  (Elijah is speaking) It is not I who have brought trouble on Israel, but you and your father's House, by forsaking the commandments of YHWH and going after Baalim.  Now summon all Israel to join me at Mount Carmel, together with the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel's table (meaning Jezebel manages these false prophets).
1 Kings 19  When Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done and put all the prophets to the sword, Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah saying, 'Thus and more may the gods do if by this time tomorrow I have not made you like one of them'.
Who are Baalim and Asherah? False gods, idols of stone, wood, metal... diversions brought about by Satan.
The sun-god, under the general title of Baal, or "lord," was the chief object of worship of the Canaanites. Each locality had its special Baal, and the various local Baals were summed up under the name of Baalim, or "lords."
Asherah was the name of a Phoenician goddess, or rather of the idol itself, perhaps referred to as 'groves'. Asherah is closely connected with ASHTORETH and her worship, (Judges 3:7Judges 6:25-30; 2 Kings 23:14)
Now, who are those who say they are Jews, but are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan?  This may need to be a study unto itself, but I find it can also apply to those who say they are Christians, but are not.

So, to wrap this up, Y'shua knows the good, the bad and the ugly of each and everyone of us.  He knows where we came from, what we put up with and what we can't stand as well as what we tolerate.  He tells us in order to keep from having our lampstand removed we must: 
  • remember from where we have fallen and repent and do the former good works
  • hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans
  • not be terrified at any of the things we are to suffer; be faithful until death
  • repent of holding to the doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitans
  • stop tolerating those who claim to be prophets, who teach and seduce believers into believing the profound things of Satan.
  • awaken and preserve the things that remain which are ready to die, for he has not found our works complete before Elohim... remember how we have received and heard - now observe those teachings and turn back, repent
  • keep the Word of his patience so that He will  keep us from the hour of temptation
  • Be faithful emulators of Y'shua as followers of The Way and repent
To him that is victorious will be given to sit with Y'shua on his throne, even as he was victorious and sat down with his Father on his throne.  He that has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to us.

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