Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dead to Sin, Alive with Elohim

 If Yahweh Elohim is for us, 
who can be against us? 

A little insight to apostle Sha'ul (Paul):
Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles, who were known as adult males “uncircumcised” in their flesh. The letter to the Galatians (and other texts) addressed the “law” of adult male circumcision, which had been up to that time a cornerstone for any Gentile converting to the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Further study will reveal that Kepha (Peter) pointed out that Shaul's letters were not easy to understand, but were “twisted” by those who were untaught (2 Peter 3:15,16). Peter warned us to watch, lest we be led away to destruction by the delusion of the lawless. He didn’t include Paul as a lawless one, but stated that his letters were being twisted, as were “the other Writings”. For those who have interpreted that Paul wrote of an “end to the law”, Peter’s warning was written directly to those who live without the Torah.
These are notes I took while reading from the introduction to the Tanakh, the new JPS translation:
The translation of Tanakh, the Holy Scriptures, produced by the Jewish Publication Society, was made directly from the traditional Hebrew text into the idiom of modern English. Bible translations began over 2,200 years ago when the Jewish population in Alexandria Egypt came under the influence of Hellenism. When Greek became the main language of the day, the Hebrew original Torah was translated into Greek, called the Septuagint. Translations into Aramaic became the Targums, not the oldest but the most influential. Martin Luther and William Tyndale made use of the Latin Translations of the classic Jewish commentators Rashi, Ibn Ezra and Kimhi whose works came from the Targums. Tyndale is central to many subsequent English translations, King James 1611 and American Standard Version for example.
from my notes:

It is by the means of their stumbling that deliverance comes to the Gentiles in order to provoke (Israel) to jealousy... (this is intended to bring Israel to her fullness, bringing even more riches to the Messianic Community).

I used to consider myself a Christian of simple faith - all people are able to see their own personal mindset in Scriptures - another mysterious way Yah reaches His own. 

Scriptures are created in a Divine Pattern that is beyond our comprehension, which in turn inspires continued study. The purpose of Scriptures is to awaken the dormant part of the mind that corresponds to the soul and our spiritual nature.  Scriptures are a road map out of this world and into the next.

Satan, the god of this world, will blind people to the true meaning of Yah's Instructions, condemning the Truth and the Way as heresy and in the name of 'Christ' they will promote a lie in the form of Doctrines of Men in place of the truth. Y'shua warned us of these false teachers and prophets.

Y'shua spoke in parables to speak truth to the level of the hearer.

Faith without actions is dead.  Spiritual understanding is restricted to those who have become spiritual. (makes sense to me! I'm still working on that Spiritual part...)

And these are my notes taken while reading Romans, written by Sha'ul to the Messianic Community in Rome:

If you don't have Torah but live your life naturally according to His Instructions, you are living according to Torah and righteous to YHWH- Torah is being written on our hearts. (It's there and we can find it when we let go of our worldly wants and let YHWH fill our needs).

A righteousness comes from Yahweh through the faithfulness of Y'shua the Messiah to all who continue trusting. By Yah's grace, without earning it, all are granted the status of being considered righteous before Him, through the act of redeeming us from our enslavement to sin that was accomplished by the Messiah Yahshua. Our Creator put His Son forward as the atonement for sin through his faithfulness in respect to his arrest and execution. A person comes to be considered righteous by YHWH by faith. 

Let us boast about our troubles because we know
Trouble produces Endurance
Endurance produces Character
Character produces Hope

and this hope does not let us down because Yah's love for us has already been poured out through the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) who has been given to us. What one earns from sin is death, but eternal life is what one receives as a free gift from Yahweh Elohim, in union with Y'shua the Anointed One.

These are the things that try to separate us 
from the Love of the Messiah:
Trouble; Hardship; Persecution; Hunger; 
Poverty; Danger and War
In all these things we are able to persevere 
through the One who has loved us.
It doesn't depend on human desires or efforts, 
but on Yahweh Elohim, who has mercy. 

O the depth of the riches and the wisdom 
and knowledge of Yahweh!
How inscrutable are His judgments!
How unsearchable are His ways!
For who has known the mind of Elohim?
Who has been His counselor?
or who has given Him anything and made Him pay it back?
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
To Him be glory forever! Amen!

Rejoice in your hopes, be patient in your troubles and continue steadfastly in prayer. Share what you have with Yah's people and practice hospitality. Bless those that persecute you- don't curse them! Never seek revenge my friends, instead leave that to Yah's anger for He said, Vengeance is My responsibility. If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If thirsty, give him something to drink. For by doing this you will heap fiery hot coals of shame on his head.

Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with good. Don't commit adultery, don't murder, don't steal, don't covet and His other commandments are summed up in this one rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to your neighbor, therefore, love is the fullness of Torah.

The day is almost here. Lets put aside the deeds of darkness and arm ourselves with the weapons of light. Clothe yourself with Yahshua the Messiah and don't waste your time thinking about how to provide for the sinful desires of your old nature. He who observes a day as special does so to honor Yahweh. Anything not based on trust is a sin. May Yahweh Elohim be the source of hope to fill you completely with joy and shalom (peace) as you continue trusting, so that by the power of the Ruach HaKodesh you may overflow with hope. Yahweh, the source of shalom, will crush the Adversary (satan) under your feet.

Halleluyah! and Amen to that! 
Isn't that a wonderful letter? 
Much seemed to be directed at my life 
as if Paul was speaking to me....
which is The Spirit of Truth speaking to us 
through His disciples.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Way - The Truth - The Life

The Truth Will Set You Free

What is the truth and what will it free us from?

Yahshua is the Truth. We need him to set us free from the bondage of sin, from the shackles Satan put upon us long ago.
John 14:6 
"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
When we are set free from bondage to sin we are given eyes to see the truth. Once delivered we are set upon His Path of Righteousness. Y'shua gave us the Spirit of Truth to help us navigate that path. It doesn't end at Being Saved (delivered from sin)... being saved is the beginning! It is written: If you read Torah you will be pointed in the direction of Y'shua and His ability to make us righteous (to be free of guilt or sin). 

Y'shua has the authority to make us free of sin. Halleluyah! But he doesn't just do this automatically, there's an IF... Take a look at Scripture and you'll find Romans 10:
  • Verse 9- IF you acknowledge publicly with your mouth (confess, speak out loud) our Master Yahshua and believe with your heart that Yah raised him from the dead, you will live. 
  • Verse 10- For the heart that believes in him is made righteous and the mouth that confess him is restored to life.
  • Verse 11- for the Scripture says: Everyone that believes in him will not be ashamed.
If we are sincere in our desire to be free of sin, then we call on the name of Yah-shua, which in essence calls out to the Father, Yah-weh. Talk about it publicly. Tell everyone you know that Yahshua is Son of Yahweh! Give testimony, believe it in your heart that Yahweh raised Yahshua from the dead and We Will Be Delivered! Spread the Good News of the Kingdom of Elohim and live according to His Instructions.
Mark 16:14 
And finally Y'shua appeared to the eleven apostles while they were reclining, and he reviled the lack of their faith and the hardness of their hearts, since those who had seen him, that he had risen, they did not believe. 15-16 And he said to them, "Go into all the world and preach my Hope to all of creation. Whoever believes and is immersed will live, and whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17-20 "These signs will follow those who believe in my name: they will cast out demons and they will speak in new tongues, they will handle serpents and if they should drink a deadly poison it will not harm them. And they will place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed."  After speaking these things Y'shua went up to heaven and sat at the right hand of Elohim. And the eleven went out and preached in all places and Y'shua was helping them and establishing their words by the signs that they were doing.
If you've never read the bible or tried to understand all the fuss about being born of the spirit, you would not know the fact that there are false prophets among us working real hard to keep us from knowing the difference. There are false teachers working for Satan that entrap us, they give us religions that make us feel good now. There are all sorts of diversions in place to keep us from even thinking about our Creator, to keep us from asking questions, to make bible study un-cool. You won't find any answers if you don't ask questions. Y'shua tells us one of the signs before his return is that the Good News will be spread across the world.

The truth will set you free and the truth is- Yahweh is the Creator and one true living Elohim. If it weren't for Him, we wouldn't be here. Think about that... if He didn't create the world, we wouldn't exist.

It's not all about us, it's about Him, our Father, the King of the Universe.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Coincidently... (nothing's a coincident)

In my previous post I mentioned something about the 'Beast Rising its Ugly Head...' and today I came across a blog: The Beast Arises in the Middle East  - what else can I say? except, go check it out and further your education in world history.

I came across the above link while doing research- trying to jog my memory about a piece of prophecy, something Yahweh said about Jerusalem being a 'cup of trembling', or stumbling block and, all nations being against Israel- then I came upon Isaiah 19 (the Egypt Pronouncement) interesting:

 Mounted on a swift cloud
Yahweh will come to Egypt
Egypt's idols shall tremble before Him
And the heart of the Egyptians shall sink within them

I will incite Egyptian against Egyptian
They shall war with each other,
Every man with  his fellow,
City with city
And kingdom with kingdom.
Egypt shall be drained of spirit,
And I will confound its plans
So they will consult the idols and the shades
And the ghosts and the familiar spirits
And I will place the Egyptians
At the mercy of a harsh master
And a ruthless king shall rule them-
declares the Sovereign, Yahweh Elohim

That's only 1/3 of this statement concerning Egypt, but how can I read only that much without thinking about the current Egyptian situation with Mubarak being protested against? Who will replace him? A harsh leader, a ruthless man? Someone with ties to the hood of muslim brothers?

Whatever the outcome, I know it is Yahweh who puts leaders in place and takes them down to make happen what He said would. His Truth becomes more apparent each passing day. If you watch the events occurring in the world today and understand Torah, what Moses was sharing, what our Messiah has been saying, what our Elohim has been telling us, things are as they have been written. Basically, we are His creation, Satan is trying to take us away from Him, to keep us from returning Home. Satan is jealous and wants to be god. Our God is giving all of us every opportunity to seek the truth and become set free from the bondage of Satan's Lies and Deceptions. Satan and his followers will burn forever in that famous lake of fire. Our God, Yahweh, put a time limit on this restoration project. He knows we are hard-headed, stubborn and is not giving us Forever to get on board! He has told us about the sign posts along the way to let us know how close we are to the end so we'll know when we're running out of time. Not everyone is going to make it because of that 'Free Will' thing. It's easier to 'go with the flow' than take the time to find out what the Creator's plan is. Satan loves that aspect of us. Makes us easy targets for his whim. He's been real creative with his spin on Torah and salvation, just look at all the religions in the world! Look at how attractive some of them are, how entertaining they are! The loud music, bright lights, colorful clothing - the feeling of belonging! It's all part of Satan's religion so he can accomplish his goal of being god, that's all.

Those of us who have wanted to return home have asked Y'shua our Messiah, to help us understand, because he said the only way to know Yahweh was 'to know him'.

In John 14 it is written: 

I AM the Way
and the Truth
and the Life
No one comes to the Father 
Except through me
Because you have known me
You will also know my Father

He also said- If you love me you will keep my commands - another request we would rather ignore. He would ask the Father to give us another comforting Counselor, similar to Yeshua, the Spirit of Truth, to be with us forever. I believe it is this Spirit of Truth that helps us to understand His Word as it is written.  Which brings me back to sign posts along the way to the end.

If Isaiah's prophecy about Egypt is for our day and age, this protest that has erupted in that country could be one of those sign posts, especially since it's maybe the last mid east country who's friends with Israel. A new regime could drop that friendship like a hot potato just like America seems to be dropping Mubarak. And our prez isn't that friendly with Netanyahu, either.

OK! Here it is, in Zechariah 12:  Behold, I will make Jerusalem a bowl of reeling for the peoples all around. Judah shall be caught up in the siege upon Jerusalem when all the nations of the earth gather against her. In that day, I will make Jerusalem a stone for all the peoples to lift; all who lift it shall injure themselves. In that day-declares the Lord- I will strike every horse with panic and its rider with madness.

Like I said, I'm just looking for a sign post to check off the road map to that day of YHWH. This 'bowl of reeling' is the same as the 'cup of trembling' and they seem more in tune with Judgment Day than today's unrest in Egypt. I'm looking for signs for the prelude of the Great Tribulation. 

LATER, the next day...
Here's part of an e-mail I received and I was surprised to read some one else has found Isaiah 19 to consider as if it's being fulfilled. Here's the version from his source:

19:1 The burden against Egypt. Behold, YHWH rides on a swift cloud, And will come into Egypt; The idols of Egypt will totter at His presence, And the heart of Egypt will melt in its midst. (when Messiah comes)

Seemingly at present time:

"I will set Egyptians against Egyptians; Everyone will fight against his brother, And everyone against his neighbor, City against city, kingdom against kingdom.

The spirit of Egypt will fail in its midst; I will destroy their counsel, And they will consult the idols and the charmers, The mediums and the sorcerers.

And the Egyptians I will give Into the hand of a cruel master, And a fierce king will rule over them," Says the Lord, the LORD of hosts.

(quote) Through Walid's study of the Bible all what we see is happening Just as YHWH predicted.
Over the next months and years look for the rise of Turkey as the major power in the Middle East and all other Sunni Muslim nations to "fall into submission" to the leadership of Turkey. Here are the verses of the Bible that show us this:

Daniel 11:42 He (The Anti Christ) will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape.11:43 He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Nubians in submission.11:44 But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many.11:45 He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful mountain (Jerusalem). Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Micro Wave

quote from article published in 1985:

Natural Health and Longevity Resource Center

Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking

Recent research shows that microwave oven-cooked food suffers severe molecular damage. When eaten, it causes abnormal changes in human blood and immune systems. Not surprisingly, the public has been denied details on these significant health dangers.

Back in May of 1989, after Tom Valentine first moved to St Paul, Minnesota, he heard on the car radio a short announcement that bolted him upright in the driver's seat. The announcement was sponsored by Young Families, the Minnesota Extension Service of the University of Minnesota:
"Although microwaves heat food quickly, they are not recommended for heating a baby's bottle," the announcement said. The bottle may seem cool to the touch, but the liquid inside may become extremely hot and could burn the baby's mouth and throat. Also, the buildup of steam in a closed container such as a baby's bottle could cause it to explode. "Heating the bottle in a microwave can cause slight changes in the milk. In infant formulas, there may be a loss of some vitamins. In expressed breast milk, some protective properties may be destroyed." The report went on. "Warming a bottle by holding it under tap water or by setting it in a bowl of warm water, then testing it on your wrist before feeding, may take a few minutes longer, but it is much safer."

Valentine asked himself: If an established institution like the University of Minnesota can warn about the loss of particular nutrient qualities in microwaved baby formula or mother's milk, then somebody must know something about microwaving they are not telling everybody.


In early 1991, word leaked out about a lawsuit in Oklahoma. A woman named Norma Levitt had hip surgery, only to be killed by a simple blood transfusion when a nurse "warmed the blood for the transfusion in a microwave oven"! is quite apparent that there is more to 'heating' with microwaves than we've been led to believe.  Blood for transfusions is routinely warmed-but not in microwave ovens! In the case of Mrs Levitt, the microwaving altered the blood and it killed her.

Does it not therefore follow that this form of heating does, indeed, do 'something different' to the substances being heated? Is it not prudent to determine what that 'something different' might do?


In the tiny town of Wattenwil, near Basel in Switzerland, there lives a scientist who is alarmed at the lack of purity and naturalness in the many pursuits of modern mankind. He worked as a food scientist for several years with one of the many major Swiss food companies that do business on a global scale. A few years ago, he was fired from his job for questioning procedures in processing food because they denatured it.


Hans is an intense man, driven by personal knowledge of violations of nature by corporate man and his state-supported monopolies in science, technology and education. ...

Hans Hertel is the first scientist to conceive of and carry out a quality study on the effects of microwaved nutrients on the blood and physiology of human beings. This small but well-controlled study pointed the firm finger at a degenerative force of microwave ovens and the food produced in them. The conclusion was clear: microwave cooking changed the nutrients so that changes took place in the participants' blood; these were not healthy changes but were changes that could cause deterioration in the human systems.


"To control as many variables as possible, we selected eight individuals who were strict macrobiotic diet participants from the Macrobiotic Institute at Kientel, Switzerland," Hertel explained. "We were all housed in the same hotel environment for eight weeks. There was no smoking, no alcohol and no sex."

In intervals of two to five days, the volunteers in the study received one of the food variants on an empty stomach. The food variants were: raw milk from a biofarm (no. 1); the same milk conventionally cooked (no. 2); pasteurised milk from Intermilk Berne (no. 3); the same raw milk cooked in a microwave oven (no. 4); raw vegetables from an organic farm (no. 5); the same vegetables cooked conventionally (no. 6); the same vegetables frozen and defrosted in the microwave oven (no. 7); and the same vegetables cooked in the microwave oven (no. 8). The overall experiment had some of the earmarks of the Pottenger cat studies, except that now human beings were test objects, the experiment's time-frame was shorter, and a new heat form was tested.

Once the volunteers were isolated at the resort hotel, the test began. Blood samples were taken from every volunteer immediately before eating. Then blood samples were taken at defined intervals after eating from the above-numbered milk or vegetable preparations.

Significant changes were discovered in the blood of the volunteers who consumed foods cooked in the microwave oven. These changes included a decrease in all haemoglobin values and cholesterol values, especially the HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol) values and ratio. Lymphocytes (white blood cells) showed a more distinct short-term decrease following the intake of microwaved food than after the intake of all the other variants. Each of these indicators point in a direction away from robust health and toward degeneration. Additionally, there was a highly significant association between the amount of microwave energy in the test foods and the luminous power of luminescent bacteria exposed to serum from test persons who ate that food. This led Hertel to the conclusion that such technically derived energies may, indeed, be passed along to man inductively via consumption of microwaved food.


"There is extensive scientific literature concerning the hazardous effects of direct microwave radiation on living systems," Hertel continued. "It is astonishing, therefore, to realize how little effort has been made to replace this detrimental technique of microwaves with technology more in accordance with nature.

"Technically produced microwaves are based on the principle of alternating current. Atoms, molecules and cells hit by this hard electromagnetic radiation are forced to reverse polarity 1 to 100 billion times a second. There are no atoms, molecules or cells of any organic system able to withstand such a violent, destructive power for any extended period of time, not even in the low energy range of milliwatts.

"Of all the natural substances-which are polar-the oxygen of water molecules reacts most sensitively. This is how microwave cooking heat is generated-friction from this violence in water molecules. Structures of molecules are torn apart, molecules are forcefully deformed (called structural isomerism) and thus become impaired in quality.


"This is contrary to conventional heating of food, in which heat transfers convectionally from without to within. Cooking by microwaves begins within the cells and molecules where water is present and where the energy is transformed into frictional heat."
In addition to violent frictional heat effects (called thermic effects), there are also athermic effects which have hardly ever been taken into account, Hertel added.

"These athermic effects are not presently measurable, but they can also deform the structures of molecules and have qualitative consequences. For example, the weakening of cell membranes by microwaves is used in the field of gene altering technology. Because of the force involved, the cells are actually broken, thereby neutralising the electrical potentials-the very life of the cells-between the outer and inner sides of the cell membranes. Impaired cells become easy prey for viruses, fungi and other micro-organisms. The natural repair mechanisms are suppressed, and cells are forced to adapt to a state of energy emergency: they switch from aerobic to anaerobic respiration. Instead of water and carbon dioxide, hydrogen peroxide and carbon monoxide are produced."

It has long been pointed out in the literature that any reversal of healthy cell processes may occur because of a number of reasons, and our cells then revert from a "robust oxidation" to an unhealthy "fermentation".

The same violent friction and athermic deformations that can occur in our bodies when we are subjected to radar or microwaves, happens to the molecules in the food cooked in a microwave oven. In fact, when anyone microwaves food, the oven exerts a power input of about 1,000 watts or more. This radiation results in destruction and deformation of molecules of food, and in the formation of new compounds (called radiolytic compounds) unknown to man and nature.

Today's established science and technology argues forcefully that microwaved food and irradiated foods do not have any significantly higher "radiolytic compounds" than do broiled, baked or other conventionally cooked foods-but microwaving does produce more of these critters. Curiously, neither established science nor our ever-protective government has conducted tests-on the blood of the eaters-of the effects of eating various kinds of cooked foods. Hertel and his group did test it, and the indication is clear that something is amiss and that larger studies should be funded. The apparently toxic effects of microwave cooking is another in a long list of unnatural additives in our daily diets. However, the establishment has not taken kindly to this work.
The results of erythrocyte, haemoglobin, haematocrit and leukocyte determinations were at the "lower limits of normal" in those tested following the eating of the microwaved samples.

"These results show anaemic tendencies. The situation became even more pronounced during the second month of the study," Hertel added. "And with those decreasing values, there was a corresponding increase of cholesterol values."

Hertel admits that stress factors, from getting punctured for the blood samples so often each day, for example, cannot be ruled out, but the established baseline for each individual became the "zero values" marker, and only changes from the zero values were statistically determined.



"Leukocytosis," Hertel explained, "which cannot be accounted for by normal daily deviations such as following the intake of food, is taken seriously by haematologists. Leukocyte response is especially sensitive to stress. They are often signs of pathogenic effects on the living system, such as poisoning and cell damage. The increase of leukocytes with the microwaved foods was more pronounced than with all the other variants. It appears that these marked increases were caused entirely by ingesting the microwaved substances."

The cholesterol markers were very interesting, Hertel stressed:

"Common scientific belief states that cholesterol values usually alter slowly over longer periods of time. In this study, the markers increased rapidly after the consumption of the microwaved vegetables. However, with milk, the cholesterol values remained the same and even decreased with the raw milk significantly."

Hertel believes his study tends to confirm newer scientific data that suggest cholesterol may rapidly increase in the blood secondary to acute stress. "Also," he added, "blood cholesterol levels are less influenced by cholesterol content of food than by stress factors. Such stress-causing factors can apparently consist of foods which contain virtually no cholesterol-the microwaved vegetables."


So, how has the brilliant world of modern technology, medicine and 'protect the public' government reacted to this impressive effort?


As soon as Hertel and Blanc announced their results, the hammer of authority slammed down on them. A powerful trade organisation, the Swiss Association of Dealers for Electroapparatuses for Households and Industry, known simply as FEA, struck swiftly. They forced the President of the Court of Seftigen, Kanton Bern, to issue a 'gag order' against Hertel and Blanc. The attack was so ferocious that Blanc quickly recanted his support-but it was too late. He had already put into writing his views on the validity of the studies where he concurred with the opinion that microwaved food caused the blood abnormalities.

Hertel stood his ground, and today is steadfastly demanding his rights to a trial. Preliminary hearings on the matter have been appealed to higher courts, and it's quite obvious the powers that be do not want a 'show trial' to erupt on this issue.


The judge is also of the opinion that because the publications are made up to appear as scientific, and therefore especially reliable-looking, they may cause additional bad disadvantages. It must be added that there does obviously not exist a just reason for this publication because there is no public interest for pseudo-scientific unproved declarations. Finally, these ordered measures do not prove to be disproportionate.

The defendant is prohibited, under punishment of up to F5,000, or up to one year in prison, to declare that food prepared in microwave ovens is dangerous to health and leads to pathologic troubles as also indicative for the beginning of a cancerous process.

The plaintiff pays the costs.
(Signed) President of the Court of Seftigen Kraemer."
If you cannot imagine this kind of decision coming from a court in the United States, you have not been paying attention to the advances of administrative law.

Hertel defied the court and has loudly demanded a fair hearing on the truth of his claims. The court has continued to delay, dodge, appeal and avoid any media-catching confrontation. As of this writing, Hans is still waiting for a hearing with media coverage-and he's still talking and publishing his findings.

"They have not been able to intimidate me into silence, and I will not accept their conditions," Hertel declared. "I have appeared at large seminars in Germany, and the study results have been well-received. Also, I think the authorities are aware that scientists at Ciba-Geigy [the world's largest pharmaceutical company, headquartered in Switzerland] have vowed to support me in court."

As those powerful special interests in Switzerland who desire to sell microwave ovens by the millions continued to suppress open debate on this vital issue for modern civilisation, new microwave developments blossomed in the United States.
If there are so many indications that the effects of microwaves on foods can degrade the foods far above the known breakdowns of standard cooking, is it not reasonable to conduct exhaustive studies on living, breathing human beings to determine if it's possible that eating microwaved foods continuously, as many people do, can be significantly detrimental to individual health?

If you wanted to introduce a herbal supplement into the American mainstream and make any health claims for it, you would be subjected to exhaustive documentation and costly research. Yet the microwave-oven industry had only to prove that the dangerous microwaves could, indeed, be contained within the oven and not escape into the surrounding area where the radiation could do damage to people. The industry must admit that some microwaves escape even in the best-made ovens. So far, not one thought has been given by the industry to the possibility that the nutrients could be so altered as to be deleterious to health.

Well, this makes sense in a land that encourages farmers to poison crops and soils with massive amounts of synthesised chemicals, and encourages food processors to use additives that enhance shelf-life of foods regardless of the potential for degrading the health of the consumer.

How many hundreds of pounds of microwaved food per capita is consumed in America each year? Are we going to continue to take it from established authority, without question, on the premise that they know best?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Light of Torah Design

Psalm 91

O you who dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide in the protection of Yahweh- I say of Yahweh, my refuge and stronghold, my Elohim in whom I trust, that He will save you from the fowler's trap, from the destructive plague.  He will cover you with His pinions: you will find refuge under His wings; His fidelity (the quality or state of being faithful) is an encircling shield.  You need not fear the terror by night, or the arrow that flies by day, the plague that stalks in the darkness, or the scourge that ravages at noon. A thousand may fall at your left side, ten thousand at your right, but it shall not reach you.  You will see it with your eyes, you will witness the punishment of the wicked. Because you took Yahweh - my refuge, the Most High - as your haven, no harm will befall you, no disease touch your tent.  For He will order His angels to guard you wherever you go.  They will carry you in their hands lest you hurt your foot on a stone.  You will tread on cubs and vipers, you will trample lions and asps.

Because he is devoted to Me I will deliver him; I will keep him safe for he knows My Name.  When he calls on Me I will answer him, I will be with him in distress, I will rescue him and make him honored.  I will let him live to a ripe old age and show him my salvation -

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Forwarded Email that's one of my Favorites

The way things were... do you remember these things?

A little house with three bedrooms, 
One bathroom and one car on the street.
A mower that you had to push 
To make the grass look neat.

In the kitchen on the wall We only had one phone,
And no need for recording things, Someone was always home.

We only had a living room Where we would congregate,
Unless it was at meal time- In the kitchen's where we ate.

We had no need for family rooms Or extra rooms to dine.
When meeting as a family, Those two rooms worked out fine.

We only had one TV set And channels maybe two,
But always there was one of them With something worth the view.

For snacks we had potato chips That tasted like a chip.
And if you wanted flavor, There was Lipton's onion dip.
Store-bought snacks were rare because My mother liked to cook
And nothing can compare to snacks In Betty Crocker's book.

Weekends were for family trips- Or staying home to play.
We all did things together -Even went to church to pray.
When we did our weekend trips, Depending on the weather,
No one stayed at home because We liked to be together.
Sometimes we would separate, To do things on our own,
But we knew where the others were Without a cell phone.

Then there were the movies With your favorite movie star,
And nothing can compare To watching movies in your car.

Then there were the picnics At the peak of summer season,
Pack a lunch and find some trees And never need a reason.
Get a baseball game together With all the friends you know,
Have real action playing ball --And no game playing video.

Remember when the doctor Used to be the family friend,
And didn't need insurance Or a lawyer to defend?
The way that he took care of you Or what he had to do,
Because he took an oath and strived To do the best for you.

Remember going to the store And shopping casually,
And when you went to pay for it You used your own money?
Nothing that you had to swipe Or punch in some amount,
And remember when the cashier person Had to really count?

The milkman used to go From door to door,
And it was just a few cents more Than going to the store.

There was a time when mailed letters Came right to your door,
Without a lot of junk mail ads Sent out by every store.
The mailman knew each house by name And knew where it was sent;
There were not loads of mail addressed To "present occupant."

There was a time when just one glance Was all that it would take,
And you would know the kind of car, The model and the make.
They didn't look like turtles Trying to squeeze out every mile; 
They were streamlined, white walls, fins And really had some style.

One time the music that you played Whenever you would jive,
Was from a vinyl, big-holed record Called a forty-five.
The record player had a post To keep them all in line
And then the records would drop down And play one at a time.

Oh sure, we had our problems then, Just like we do today
And always we were striving,Trying for a better way.
Oh, the simple life we lived Still seems like so much fun,
How can you explain a game, Just kick the can and run?

And why would boys put baseball cards Between bicycle spokes
And for a nickel, red machines had little bottled Cokes?

This life seemed so much easier and slower in some ways. 
I love the new technology but I sure do miss those days. 
So time moves on and so do we and nothing stays the same,
but I sure love to reminisce and walk down memory lane.