Saturday, September 17, 2022
God Does Not have a Sense of Humor
You talkin' to me?
"I saw his face"
Beware, let no man deceive you. For many will come in my name and will say that 'I am the Anointed One' and many they will deceive. For you are bound to hear of revolutions and rumor of wars. Watch out and do not be disturbed for it is necessary that all these things happen - but it is not yet the end. Nation will rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines and plagues and earthquakes in different places But all these things are only the beginning of sorrows.
Do not believe those who say they saw Yahshua (Jesus) 'here or there', for false teachers (preachers/messiahs/prophets/regular old folks you trust) will produce signs and wonders in order to help with the deception, if possible even the chosen.
We are told beforehand so that we may recognize the times we are living in. Yahshua will be seen just as everyone sees the sun rise out of the east and it is seen even in the west, so shall the Son of God be seen.
Taking this to heart, how can we be certain of those folks who claim God talked to them, or they saw Jesus in a vision. Who was the last person Yah talked to? Where is Yahshua now? Remember, Yahshua gave his Apostles another Redeemer, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. This is the same Spirit that works in us if we let him do his job. Yahshua is sitting on his throne next to Our Father until his enemies become his footstool. It is His Spirit that makes us as One, just as the Father and Son are One.
I am aware of many people who claim to have 'seen the face of Jesus' and/or heard God talking to them. I am suspicious of these claims in light of what we read in Scriptures. Besides that, none of us know what Yahshua looks like, we've never seen him, there are no photographs of him, only artwork by artists using their own imaginations. We do not know what 'Jesus' looked like while living as a man on earth since the Bible does not tell us, however, a most meaningful description that gives us an indication of his appearance is from this prophecy in Isaiah 53.
Isaiah 53Who can believe what we have heard? Upon whom has 'the arm of the Father' been revealed? For he has grown, by His favor, like a tree crown; like a tree trunk out of arid ground.He had no stately form or beauty that we should look at him; no charm that we should find him pleasing. He was despised, shunned by men, a man of suffering, familiar with disease. As one who hides his face from us (like a leper does) he was despised; we held no account of him. Yet it was our sickness that he was bearing, our suffering that he endured. We believed him plagued, smitten and afflicted by God; but he was wounded because of our sins, crushed because of our iniquities, our evil ways. He bore the chastisement that made us whole, and by his bruises we were healed. We all went astray like sheep, each going his own way and Yahweh visited upon him the guilt of all of us.He was maltreated, yet he was submissive, he did not open his mouth; like a sheep being led to slaughter, like a ewe, dumb before those who shear her, he remained silent.By oppressive judgment he was taken away. Who could describe his abode? He was cut off from the land of the living through the sin of my people who deserved the punishment. And his grave was set among the wicked and the rich, though he had done no injustice and had spoken no falsehood.But Yahweh chose to crush him by suffering, that if he made himself an offering for guilt he might see offspring and have long life and that through him Yah's purpose might prosper. But out of his anguish he shall see his vindication; he shall enjoy it to the full through his devotion.My righteous servant makes the many righteous, it is their punishment that he bears; assuredly, I will give him the many as his portion, he shall receive the multitude as his spoil. For he exposed himself to death and was numbered among the sinners; whereas he bore the guilt of many and made intercessions for sinners.
"I heard His voice"
The Bible records Yahweh speaking audibly to people many times (Exodus 3:14; Joshua 1:1; Judges 6:18; 1 Samuel 3:11; 2 Samuel 2:1; Job 40:1; Isaiah 7:3; Jeremiah 1:7; Acts 8:26; 9:15—this is just a small sampling). There is no biblical reason why He could not speak to a person audibly today. With all the times Scripture records Yahweh speaking, remember that they occur over the course of some 6,000 years and Yahweh speaking audibly is the exception, not the rule. Even in the biblically recorded instances of His speaking, it is not always clear whether it was an audible voice, an inner voice, or a mental impression.
God more often than not “speaks” via His Set Apart spirit. His Spirit guides us and becomes more obvious as we continue to spend time in Scriptures. His Spirit helps us to discern right from wrong so we make the right decisions (1 Timothy 1:5; 1 Peter 3:16). We come out of the world system being transformed by the renovation of our thought process as we discern what is good and acceptable to Yahweh (Romans 12:2). Yah allows events to occur in our lives to direct us, change us, and help us to grow spiritually (James 1:2–5; Hebrews 12:5–11). First Peter 1:6–7 reminds us:
“In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith, of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Yahshua is revealed.”It is possible that Yah may sometimes speak audibly to people. It is highly doubtful, though, that this occurs as often as some people claim. Even in Scriptures, Yahweh speaking audibly is the exception, not the rule. If anyone claims that God has spoken to them, always compare what is said with what the Bible says. If Yah were to speak today, His words would be in full agreement with what He has said in the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16–17). He does not contradict Himself.
Ash Wed•Lent•Palm Sun
Read Acts when you have time.
•Chapter 1 relates to the 40th day after the resurrection of Yahshua son of God and the remaining nine days until Shavuot
Religion copied the 40 day routine from the time women wept for Tammuz and renamed it the time Jesus spent in the wilderness. They celebrate the time leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus ending with the pagan celebration of Easter.
Yah's set time is the 40 days after the resurrection of His Son when he was taken up to sit on his throne next to his Father; and the 10 days until His Spirit was given to the 12 Apostles.
Damascus Syria
Isaiah 17: The Damascus Pronouncement
Friday, August 12, 2022
Orbs - Dust - Bugs
"When in low light settings, your camera may pick up ghost-like "orbs". These orbs are called backscatter, or near-camera reflection. Backscatter happens when dust, water droplets, or other particles are present on or very close to the lens, causing light to reflect through the unfocused images.If the "orbs" appear to be moving, it is likely dust particles in the air floating by closely to the camera lens. This is a perfectly normal occurrence and there is no way to completely eliminate it. However, you can get rid of stationary or persistent particles by carefully cleaning your lens."
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Read the Small Print
U.S. Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, is one such lawmaker who says there are already bio-weapons programs in development that are “designed to target specific people,” and that this would not have been possible if not for DNA testing services."
The Pentagon (Pentagram), meanwhile, is actively collecting DNA and using it to develop biological weapons, which is exactly what Putin is worried about – and could be one of the reasons why Putin invaded Ukraine and is now challenging the Western globalist matrix of control.
Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Force, announced back in May that the Pentagon has “significantly expanded its research potential not only in the field of creating biological weapons, but also obtaining information about antibiotic resistance and the presence of antibodies to certain diseases in populations of specific regions.”
The Pentagon is also involved, Russia says, in funding and developing biolaboratories throughout Ukraine, having poured some $224 million into the country for such purposes between 2005 and early 2022.
After initially denying the existence of these biolabs, the globalist controllers of the United States now admit that there are, in fact, 46 biological research facilities littering the Ukrainian landscape, but that they are supposedly being used for a “peaceful public health project.”
Anyone who says otherwise, insist U.S. officials, is “spreading disinformation and sowing mistrust.” Such disinformation spreaders include Russia, China and other enemies of the U.S. military-industrial complex.
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) is in agreement with Crow that customized bioweapons made from harvested DNA are a threat. A member of the Senate’s Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities and Armed Services Committee, Ernst says such bioweapons could be used to target livestock and crops throughout America.
“There’s a number of ways we can look at biological weapons and the
need to make sure not only are we securing human beings, but then also
the food that will sustain us,” she is quoted as saying.
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Silent Killers
by Marco Torres October 18, 2010 from PreventDisease Website
The biggest killers, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and many other diseases are largely man-made and iatrogenic in origin, yet we ignorantly dismiss their growing incidence to factors which we assume are not preventable.