Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Yah is in Control

Romans 11:33 ~ 
O the depth of the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of Yahweh! Man has not searched out His judgements and His ways are inscrutable. For who has known the mind of Master Yahweh? Or who has been a counselor to Him? Or who has first given to Him and then received from Him? Because all is from Him and all by Him and all through Him, to whom be praises and prayers for divine help, blessing and guidance for ever and ever.

Yahweh is in control yet Man is responsible for his choices.

'Omniscience' means all-knowing. Our heavenly Father knows everything, and His knowledge is infinite. It is impossible to hide anything from Him. Everything that He has promised will come to pass. His faithfulness guarantees this fact. He does not lie. What He has said about Himself is true, as recorded in Scriptures.
1 Peter 1:14 ~~
So obey God because you are His children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of doing evil; you didn’t know any better then. But now you must be set apart in everything you do, just as Yahweh—who chose you to be His children—is Set Apart.  For He Himself has said, “You must be set apart because I am Set Apart. ”



Sound Advice for this Day and Age

Matthew 6:25

That’s why I’m telling you to stop worrying about your life
what you will eat or what you will drink 
or about your body
what you will wear. 
Life is more than food, isn’t it, and the body more than clothing?
Look at the birds in the sky. They don’t plant or harvest or gather food into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. You are more valuable than they are, aren’t you?
Can any of you add a single hour to the length of your life by worrying? And why do you worry about clothes? Consider the lilies in the field and how they grow. They don’t work or spin yarn, but I tell you that not even Solomon in all of his splendor was clothed like one of them.
Now if that is the way Yah clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and thrown into an oven tomorrow, won’t He clothe you much better—you who have little faith?
So don’t ever worry by saying, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ because it is the unbelievers who are eager for all those things. Surely your heavenly Father knows that you need all of them! But first seek His kingdom and His righteousness, and all of these things will be provided for you as well.
So never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


Harmonius Cycle

I have begun to see a harmonious cycle formed by our Faith in the One who created us as we abide by His plan to save us from death and adversity. He had to do all of this because Satan became a thorn in His Side which will eventually be removed. And Doubt is a thorn Satan tries to stick into our thoughts continually.

As you know, Satan caused Eve to Doubt the Instructions of Yahweh way back when, and paradise was placed just out of reach. If we want to get back to the Garden we must choose Life and all the rules and regulations that go with it according to the Creator who had it all recorded in His Owner's Manual = Scriptures.

He has told us the end from the very beginning.


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

UFO Conspiracy

We learn from reading Ephesians 2 that before we knew right from wrong we were unaware of our sins and offenses; we didn't know any better. We behaved according to the customs, traditions, religions and material mindset of this world, and lived according to the will of the prince and power of the air, that spirit which is active in those who are rebellious and disobedient (shunning the Creator).  We gave into temptations and desires of the flesh and our thoughts. We were acting just like the rest of the people we grew up with, friends and family, influenced by the community lived in.
First Timothy 4
But His Spirit says explicitly that, in the latter times, some will depart from the faith and will go after deceptive spirits and after the doctrine of demons. These will seduce by a false appearance and will speak a lie and will be seared in the conscience
Ephesians 6:12
For our conflict is not with flesh and blood but with principalities and with those in authority, and with the possessors of this dark world, and with the evil spirits that are subject to heaven.

John 12:31 tells us when Judgment Day comes, the ruler of this world will be cast out.  But until That Day comes we best love the truth else we be taken in by the delusion which has been brewing. To me it looks like this growing delusion is part of the UFO conspiracy.
First John 4 ~ Do not believe all spirits but discriminate among the spirits whether they are of Yahweh; for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Second Corinthians 4:4
There are those whose minds have been blinded by the god of this world in order that they will not believe, for if they did believe, the light of the flame of the glory of Yahshua who is in likeness of Yahweh, should dawn upon them.
James 2:19 ~ You believe that there is one God; you do well; the demons also believe and tremble.
Who is presently the 'god of this world'? 
Ephesians 2
You who were dead in your sins and in your offenses in which you once walk, according to the worldliness of this world and according to the will of the prince and power of the air, that spirit which is active in the children of disobedience: in which deeds we formerly spoke of in the cravings of our flesh and we found pleasure of our flesh and mind, and we were altogether the children of wrath like the rest of them.

All that I have shared so far is to hopefully prepare you for a better understanding of what the ET alien UFO agenda is about.  If you set God aside you will believe anything and that is what Satan is all about.

What recently came to my attention is that there are groups of people world wide who have been misled by a Mr. Greer (a long time ufologist) into assembling in order to make contact with these unknown beings by meditating and asking them to show up. Funny thing is, something is showing up but it's not ET, my friends. This new age type gathering is absolutely no different than getting together for a seance to call up spirits of the dead or playing with a ouija board. These are forbidden practices we become aware of by reading Scriptures. They are forbidden because all they do is open a pathway for demons to enter.

Scientific Communities say:
Space exploration is the future. It satisfies the human urge to explore and to travel, and in the years and decades to come it could even provide our species with new places to call home - especially relevant now, as Earth becomes increasingly crowded.
Scripture Says
May you be blessed by Yahweh, Maker of heaven and earth. The heavens belong to Yahweh but the earth He gave over to man. (Psalm 115:15, 16

In Genesis 11 we read that Yah wasn't pleased with those men who, because of their pride and arrogance, were building a tower to reach the heavens to make a name for themselves. They all spoke one language and to put a stop to their behavior, Yah confounded their language.  If He put an end to that endeavor what makes us think it's alright now to try to reach the heavens via the space programs? Consider this possible connection: 

Out of their pride and arrogance the UN has come together to form the final world governing system. Modern technology has brought all languages back as one, so all can understand each other and continue planning and building as they rebel against YHWH.  The final world leader will take his position as the head of this organization in the near future.... Welcome back, Nimrod.

Exodus 20:
I am YHWH your Elohim who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage: You shall have no other gods besides Me.
When I was a kid Outer Space was big food for my young imagination! There were plenty of TV shows that kept me hooked.  Life on other planets and beyond our galaxy was real to me in those days.  I would stare out into the sky trying to see as deep into space as I could, both daylight hours and nighttime, wishing a starship would come and take me away. I used to draw pictures of flying saucers, beaming down a ray of light that would levitate frightened young girls, still in their night gowns, taking them up into their ships. I had come to believe that aliens came to earth, genetically impregnated the apes mixing their DNAs and created man, the man of evolution stature. Of course, at that time, I had no idea I was standing at the doorway and peering into the void - a world without God the Creator; and this is another successful tool of mass distraction used by Satan. I now understand this was all part of the plan to precondition us into accepting life on other planets or in other galaxies. Satan is very clever in orchestrating deceptions and demons are more than happy to play along.

The heavens are the spiritual realm and the earth is the physical realm, which is where man was placed and should remain until the return of Messiah.  Man was made a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8:6) the difference being that angels are of the spiritual realm and man is of the physical realm.  We have no business attempting to leave earth before the appointed time.

And now this:
Quote: In December 2020, President Trump signed a coronavirus relief bill that included an interesting stipulation – the bill set into motion a 180-day time frame in which US intelligence agencies must tell Congress everything they know about UFO sightings, via an unclassified report. (end quote)

I think the 'release date' has changed to June 1st but this is not the point I am about to make: There is no such thing as life on other planets, extraterrestrials or other space oddities. There are, however, unidentified flying objects which, if not made here on this earth, are inner dimensional objects.
Think about that for a moment or two.
As believers in the one true God, Yahweh the Creator, and our continued study of Scriptures, we know a grand delusion has been brewing for some time. We know demons exist and that Satan is the prince of the power of the air; the ruler of this earth. His sharpest tool is 'doubt' which causes folks to question the Word of our Father, leading them away from the Truth.  Scripture has told us about these days to come.
First Timothy 4
But His Spirit says explicitly that, in the latter times, some will depart from the faith and will go after deceptive spirits and after the doctrine of demons. These will seduce by a false appearance and will speak a lie and will be seared in the conscience....
Ephesians 6:12
For our conflict is not with flesh and blood but with principalities and with those in authority, and with the possessors of this dark world, and with the evil spirits that are subject to heaven.

Lets go back to the beginning of 2021 and connect some dots:

In January 2021 it seems that our govt has been officially handed over to Satan with a swearing in ceremony. Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) offered a prayer to open the 117th Congress and this is how he ended it:
“We ask it in the name of the monotheistic god, Brahma, and god known by many names by many different faiths.... Amen … and A-woman."

Emanuel Cleaver is a pastor at St. James United Methodist Church of Kansas City, Missouri (he definitely falls under the 'False Teacher' category). The word 'Amen' is commonly used to "express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion)", and has nothing to do with gender! and what does he mean by A Woman? Is he suggesting Kamala Devi Harris-Emhoff ??

The false god Brahma is the highest god of Hinduism and "Kamala" is one of the names for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi who was married to Vishnu. "Devi" is Sanskrit for goddess.
Quote: Brahma is the Hindu creator god. He is also known as the Grandfather and as a later equivalent of Prajapati, the primeval first god. In early Hindu sources such as the Mahabharata, Brahma is supreme in the triad of great Hindu gods which includes Shiva and Vishnu."
Many believe Biden will follow up on his suggestion that he could get a deadly disease and have to step down from his position, which would mean Kamala Devi would step up and become POTUS. This would compliment Cleaver's prayer to Brahma and A Woman. Furthermore, in regards to pagan Hindu gods, I recalled that there is statue representing Shiva at the underground collider facility CERN. Shiva is called the 'destroyer' and is part of the 'godhead' Hindu trinity, along with Vishnu and Brahma. Again I point out that the name 'Kamala' is one of the names of the goddess who was married to Vishnu.

This can't be a coincident and I am trying to hold back from speculating what this could mean other than just another sign of the times as to how far from Yahweh this world has strayed, ready to worship nothing but a bunch of dung hill deities, no-gods holding sway over mankind's imagination. Yet, here it is over a month later from when I first made these notes and I can still see this as a possibility.
Consider this:
1. Shiva is worshiped at CERN
2. Brahma was 'worshiped' at the 117th Congress
3. Is Vishnu waiting to be reunited with Kamala?
To follow up on my speculation and to tie this in with the recent 180 days deadline until all UFO information is declassified, the possible appearance of Vishnu could be a staged ET event. Vishnu by any other name would be presented to the world as its savior, the one who stops WWIII from happening.
There will be a final 7 year time period (of life as we know it) that will begin when a charismatic rich man makes a "firm agreement with many".  This is the guy referred to as the Antichrist and it is his 'peace treaty' that triggers the final 7 years. (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24). All fighting will stop and the first 3-1/2 years will seem peaceful and good. At the midway point is when Satan takes full possession of this world leader, puts an end to all that seemed good and goes after to kill anyone who has the testimony of Yahshua, believing he is the son of Yahweh.

Re-cap: We have be told of the strong delusion which has been in progress for a long time, becoming more obvious as the years roll by. If we don't bother to seek out the truth we will be taken in by this delusion - brainwashed, duped, hornswoggled - becoming part the deception.
Our Creator will remove His "hedge of protection" as the story of Job replays in this modern world. There will be a defection which is also called the 'falling away' or the 'great apostasy' which is the fallen state of Churchianity as a whole. Even in Apostle Paul's day there was an all-Gentile church forming which aimed to throw off God's Instructions and reinvent Messiah to put him more in line with Hellenism, polytheism and paganism.
We know it's coming, and I repeat what is recorded in First Timothy 4:
But His Spirit says explicitly that, in the latter times, some will depart from the faith and will go after deceptive spirits and after the doctrine of demons. These will seduce by a false appearance and will speak a lie and will be seared in the conscience.
The doctrine of demons (UFO conspiracy) fool people into thinking they (ETs) are lifeforms from another planet, another world, who have been watching earth and its inhabitants and have come to save us from ourselves. This plays into Scriptures where we read about that charismatic fella who worships a god no one knows and offers a 'peace treaty' which stops World War III from going full scale.

If you set God aside you will believe anything and that is what Satan is all about.
•Matthew 24:24 ~ False Messiahs and lying prophets will arise and they will produce signs and great wonders in order to deceive if possible even the chosen... I have told you beforehand....
•Mark 13:21 ~ If at that time a man should say to you Look! Here is the Messiah! or Look! There he is! do not believe him for false Messiahs and lying prophets will give signs and wonders and will deceive even the elect if it is possible. But you take heed - I have told you everything beforehand.
We have been told the end from the beginning so we would know what to expect and will be able to separate the truth from the lies. Those who are living during the final years of the end times scenario will see things that will blow our minds and pierce our hearts. Remember to stand strong in the Faith once delivered to the Set Apart believers.
ps.... Kamala Devi has been made head of the National Space Council in May 2021.

Reset the Wild

Biden's '30 by 30 conservation plan' is nothing new. It is part of the UN's Agenda 2030 which has been in play since at least 2015. 'They' want to achieve their 'sustainable development' goals by 2030; forcing worldwide compliance more or less, and China Joe is just following along. Biden's foot-in-the-door plan is lacking details such as "how the government will fund the campaign and what kind of land will be considered as part of the 30 percent". "How much US land and water will fall under that new definition (of conservation)? No one knows yet."

As most 'sales pitches' it has that 'feel good' appeal, but just wait and see how the tables turn in the days ahead. As noted in an article there are already conservation contributions "of tribal nations, farmers, ranchers, forest owners, fishing communities, and others" and that seems a much better community approach than to have the govt come in with it's idea and definition of 'conservation'.
"..... according to the U.S. Geological Survey, only 12 percent of the land in the United States qualifies as 'protected,' including wilderness areas, national parks and monuments, state parks, and some private lands under conservation easements. To achieve an additional 18 percent, we would need to conserve an extra 440 million acres—an area more than four times the size of California—in the next nine years."
It's the 're-wilding of America' plan. This United Nations biodiversity map is nothing new and may be the layout Biden has agreed to:

I've said it before and it is looking more and more like it may be true: The United Nations will be the ruling end times govt. From my studies I have come to see that things aren't much different in today's world from what they were when our Messiah walked this earth. He fought against false religions and corrupt governments while teaching about love and obedience. He was the victim of a 'hate crime' in a society that embraced worldly things while shunning the rules that had been given by the one true God- YHWH. Things were such that the Apostles thought that they were living in the end times. A couple thousand years later and it looks like we are living in the end times.

There have been famines, wars and rumors of wars going on for a very long time. Nations and kingdoms have risen up and fought each other as the years go by. There have been plagues and diseases then as well as now. The only thing different is that all these 'signs' have been getting worse, like labor pains which begin with a twinge now and again, becoming closer together and building in intensity as time goes by. Things are bad now, and they will get worse.

Another facet of this time frame is the government system that will be in place as recorded and described in the writings of Daniel concerning the visions he was given. The 'signs' play into these visions of the future which Y'shua referred to while talking with his Apostles when telling about what will happen prior to his return.

Please read scriptures for more details, including Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11; Joel 2:2.
I'm tellin' ya - if everyone would have just stuck with the Creator's Instructions from the beginning, we wouldn't be in the mess we see today. Man has replaced His simple set of rules, commandments and teachings with thousands of his own ideas of what 'The Law' should be, making us 'slaves to the system'.

Monday, April 26, 2021

2020-21 Wolf's View of Events

From N.Wolf's Book
  1. Emergency measures in many states, which suspend due process of law. This is the hallmark of a police state. COVID-19 is invoked as the reason for the introduction of emergency law — but there is no endpoint for lifting these emergency laws.
  2. The closures of schools, which break the social contract with the next generation.
  3. Bills being passed for "vaccine passports," which bypass the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution by allowing the government and Big Tech companies to intrude on medical privacy, and to create a comprehensive digital surveillance state. (Indeed, the fact that tech stocks rose by 27% each quarter of the pandemic shows one driver of this war against the human: Every minute human beings spend in a classroom, at the pub or restaurant or in a church or synagogue, is time that tech companies lose money by being unable to harvest that data. COVID-19 policies driven by "COVID-19 Response" — actually, by Big Tech companies — ensure that humans are not allowed to connect except via digital platforms. The reason is profit as well as social control).
  4. Forced closures of businesses. By intervening directly in the economy and allowing certain businesses to flourish (Amazon, Walmart, Target) at the expense of small businesses, Main Street shops, restaurants and sole proprietor businesses in general, the State has merged government and corporations in a way that is characteristic of Italian fascism and modern Chinese communism.
  5. Restrictions on assembly. Some states such as California are fining people for seeing their friends in their homes, and making it unlawful for kids to have play dates with their friends. Massachusetts restricted gatherings of more than 10 people at a time, forcing synagogues and churches to stay closed, in spite of a Supreme Court ruling against states forcing churches to close. Parks and playgrounds and beaches have been closed. In countries such as Britain, people are fined for leaving their homes for more than an hour’s exercise a day.
  6. Forced face coverings. In Massachusetts, people are fined if they are not wearing masks outdoors — even children as young as 5 are forced to do so by law. Again, this mandate has not been (supported) by peer-reviewed studies showing medical necessity. And there is no endpoint proffered for these extraordinary violations of personal freedom.
  7. Suppression of free speech. Big Tech companies are censoring critics of COVID-19 policy and vaccine policy, as well as censoring views that are on the right hand of the political spectrum. Incitement, a word that has a long history in the 20th century for closing down free speech, has been weaponized by the left to shut down First Amendment freedoms of expression. In other forms of censorship and management of speech and public debate, tycoons such as Bill Gates have been funding major news outlets, with millions of dollars directed to "COVID-19 education." As a result, dissenting voices are marginalized and shamed, or even threatened with legal action or job losses.
  8. Science being hijacked in the interests of "biofascism." By heavily funding scientific commentators such as Dr. Fauci in the United States, Imperial College and SAGE in the U.K. and Dr. Christian Drosten in Germany, a dominant set of policies and pronouncements about COVID-19 that benefit a small group of bad actors — notably tech and pharmaceutical interests, acting in concert with governments — have built an army of secured, credentialed supporters. But when other scientists or institutions seek debate or transparency, they are threatened with job loss or (their reputations attacked), as in the case of Dr. Simon Goddeke of the Netherlands, who was told to keep quiet by his university when he challenge the flawed COVID-19 PCR test protocols.
  9. Data being hijacked to serve the interests of this biofascism. This manipulation of truth, which I foreshadowed in "The End of America," is typical of the Soviet censors. COVID-19 platforms such as the COVID Tracking Project and Johns Hopkins University, funded by technocrats such as Michael Bloomberg, serve unverifiable COVID-19 data that directly affect the stock markets. Again, while this un-American merger of corporate interests and public policy is reminiscent of Italian fascism, the twist provided by digital data presentation and its relationship to the stock market is very much of the 21st century.
  10. Attacks on religious minorities (that) have been singled out for punishment if they do not follow COVID-19 rules — a targeting of religion that is characteristic of communist policies on the left, especially in China.
  11. Policies that weaken bonds between human beings and weaken the family being introduced and policed. This is the most serious development of all.
The new biofascism, very much driven by Big Tech leaders, is a war against human beings and the qualities that make us human. Masks break human beings’ ability to bond face to face and enjoy human contact, smiles and jokes. Masks turn down the effectiveness of human "technology," essentially, by making it hard for us to "read" each other and to pick up social cues. Forbidding assembly keeps us from forming human alliances against these monstrous interests. Forbidding human assembly also prevents new cultures, new heroes and new business models from arising. We are all stuck with the Rolodex and the ideas we had in March of 2019. Forcing kids to distance at school and wear masks ensures a generation of Americans who don’t know how to form human alliances, and who don’t trust their own human instincts. Those are counterrevolutionary training techniques. Driving all learning onto (already prepared) distance-learning platforms ensures that kids do not know how to behave in human space, space not mediated by technology. Many COVID-19 policies seem designed to ensure that humans will have no "analog" space or "analog" culture left — no way to feel comfortable simply gathering in a room, touching one another as friends or allies, or joining together. Lastly, driving all human interaction onto Zoom (which is a window for the Communist China Party, as China owns the platform) is not only a way to harvest all of our tech, business secrets and IP, it is a way to ensure that intimacy and connection in the future will be done online and that human face-to-face contact will be killed off. Why is this? Why develop policies that punish, encumber and restrict human contact in analog (un-surveilled, unmediated) spaces? Because human contact is the great revolutionary force when it comes to human freedom and resistance to this form of comprehensive biofascism — the biofascism represented by the New Normal — the medico-fascist "Step Ten."
Here is a link to a 20 min. video related to this topic:

Monday, April 19, 2021

Eden and the Garden

Where was Eden?

In the beginning Yah spent time doing some separation which was necessary because what He was working with was unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep.  He separated light from darkness; the expanse separated the water which was now above and below this expanse; the lights in the expanse (Sky) separated day from night.  By Day Seven Yah was finished with His work and rested.  He blessed the Seventh Day and set it apart because that is the day He ceased from all the work of creation.  That is why we do all our work in six days and rest on the seventh.  This is a sign between us and our Creator and has nothing to do with the Gregorian calendar the world uses today.

Genesis 2:8 ~ Yah planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and that is where He placed Adam.
2:10 ~ A river issues from Eden to water the Garden and then divides becoming four branches: Pishon which winds through the whole land of Havilah, where the gold is along with bdellium and lapis lazuli. The second river is the Gihon that winds through the whole land of Cush. The third river is the Tigris that flows east of Asshur and the fourth is the Euphrates.
The course of these rivers were affected years later by The Flood yet both the Tigris and Euphrates are on the maps of today's world. The Pishon and the Gihon could have both been washed out during The Flood or renamed as years went by, maybe known only as streams and creeks in comparison to the rivers they once were.  The land associated with the river Pishon was known for its Gold, Bdellium and Lapis lazuli and called the land of Havilah, while the river Gihon went through the land of Cush.

According to modern day geology the Tigris and Euphrates have their sources within 50 miles of each other in eastern Turkey near Armenia and travel southeast through northern Syria and Iraq to the Persian Gulf.  The Pishon and Gihon would have their source near the same area since one river became four after watering The Garden.  In my research I have learned that the Tigris-Euphrates river system runs through the territory of four countries: Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria and that the Tigris has it's beginning in Armenia.

•Land of Havilah, where the Pishon ran, was known for its gold, bdellium and lapis lazuli.  Havilah is a descendant of Cush. Bdellium is a fragrant gum resin obtained from a tree (Commiphora africana) found in NW Africa and Arabia.

•Land of Cush is where the Gihon flowed. We read in Genesis 10 that Cush, a descendant of Ham, is the father of Nimrod who lived in the land of Shinar.  The Land of Shinar was a general geographic term for what is today Iraq, known in ancient times as Mesopotamia. There, two ancient empires, Assyria and Babylon, were centered.
•The Tigris flowed east of Asshur.  In Genesis 25:12 we read of Abraham's first born, Ishmael, his 12 sons and their offspring who populated the region from Havilah by Shur which was close to Egypt, all the way to Asshur.  Asshur was a son of Shem and from him came the Assyrian people (Syria).

•The Euphrates was simply called 'the fourth' without a land associated with it.  However its path is much like the Tigris, both flowing through Mesopotamia to what is now called the Persian Gulf.
In modern times this area is referred to as the Mideast or Middle East which includes: Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.  

Eden was somewhere in the Mideast, maybe in the area of eastern Turkey near Armenia. I do not have any more details in regards to the original location of Yah's Garden. However, many years later when The Flood began to recede the ark eventually settled on the mountains of Ararat (not thee Mount Ararat) and from Noah's three sons the whole world branched out from that area.  The mountains of Ararat are located within the southern end of the Ararat Plain halfway between Lake Van to the southwest in Turkey and Lake Sevan to the northeast in Armenia.  The mountain range straddles the borders of what are present-day Turkey, Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan  
Consider this coincident: Days earlier while I was researching data for this study, using Google Maps I had traced the Euphrates River from the Persian Gulf and eventually came near Lake Van in Turkey. Could it be that Yahweh set the ark down in an area where His pre-flood Garden was? The resulting Ararat Plain is a fertile agricultural zone with a temperate climate which would have made it an ideal place to restart humankind.  I also traced the Tigris River but lost track of it when I got to the area of Ormanardi, Turkey.  There are two or three streams feeding into the 'lake' where I lost the Tigris. Were they, once upon a time, the Pishon and Gihon?  Thoughts to ponder but not to be sidelined by.

While this has been a most interesting study, the end result is that I cannot pinpoint where the Garden was but am pretty sure of the general location. I used the evidence provided in Scriptures and used modern day maps along with the Atlas option provided by Bible Hub. The so called Cradle of Civilization is somewhere in the mountains of Ararat, somewhere between Turkey and Armenia. 
There are things we don't need to know else the bible would be way to big to carry around. Even in John 21:25 it is written: "Now there is much more that Yahshua did. If every one of them were written down, I think that the world itself would not contain the written books." The basics are recorded and have been preserved throughout the years. Granted, many versions of the 'bible' are fraught with error when compared with the ancient Hebrew texts, but it is by our sincere intentions as we search for Yahweh by reading Scriptures and being in study with other believers that His Spirit reveals the truth to us. By Faith we know Yah created man and man did go forth and multiply.  Yah told Abraham his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Yah told Jacob his offspring would be as the sands of the sea which are too numerous to count.  And here we are.