Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Void and without Form

Let me open this study by making it perfectly clear that it does not matter to me if the earth is a sphere, or flat, round, bowl shaped or square. I believe that because of the popularity of this topic it has become a distraction. I can, however, imagine this earth sitting at the center of our solar system regardless of shape, which does not affect my faith or trust in the Creator.

I have ignored flat earth theorists longer than I put off tackling the calendar discrepancies, so now must be the time for me to dive in.

Genesis Chapter One

When MarYah began to create heaven and earth - the earth being unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep and a wind from Yah over the water - He said 'Let there be light." He separated the light (Day) from the darkness (Night) and there was evening and there was morning, a first day.

Yah said: "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the water to separate water from water." The expanse He called Sky. Now there is water above the sky and below the sky. (2nd day)

He gathered the waters below the sky into one area (Seas) so that dry land (Earth) could appear.  The earth sprouted vegetation. (3rd day)

Yah said: "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day from night; they shall serve as signs for the set times - days, years - and to shine upon the earth." He made the sun and the moon and the stars, setting them in the expanse of the sky. (4th day)

The waters brought forth swarms of living creatures and birds that fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky. He created great sea monsters, and all the living creatures that creep, which the waters brought forth in swarms, and all the winged birds of every kind. (5th day)

Now the earth brings forth every kind of living creature: cattle; creeping things; wild beasts of every kind.  Last but not least He creates man, male and female, He created them to master the earth. (6th day)

When Yahweh finished His work, He rested on the 7th day. He blessed the 7th day and declared it Set Apart. (7th day)
  • Unformed defined:: not arranged in regular shape, order, or relations; undeveloped
  • Void defined:: containing nothing :not occupied :vacant :not inhabited :being without something specified
  • Expanse defined by Scripture = Sky 
  • Expanse defined from the dictionary:: firmament: great extent of something spread out
Just a reminder that this description is how things were BEFORE the flood. So now we know where all that water came from, in the time of Noah, that covered the earth upwards to several feet above the tallest mountain.

In reading the first chapter in Genesis, I see no indication of shape in regards to the earth. It was without form, not inhabited and without any specifics to start with. Yahweh changed all that! He separated light from darkness; water from water; water from dry land; day from night. Then He set apart the 7th day.  
I accept Yah at His Word and am amazed at His awesome power! He exists in a realm we can only imagine, and I'm afraid it is our imagination that gets in the way from time to time. But who can blame us? Look at the world we've grown up in. 
Reading that He placed the sky between the waters does make one see in a linear way, but could this take place regardless of the shape of the earth? Think of concentric circles rippling outwards when a pebble is dropped into the midst of a puddle of water. A type of separation occurs in a circular pattern.

Flat Earthers believe that a dome covers a circular, flat earth, with its edge resting on the earth beyond the ice wall of Antarctica. The stars are affixed to this dome, while the sun and moon are above the earth but beneath the dome. 

If that is what they believe, how do they explain the reference 'the four corners of the earth', which is also found written in Scriptures... ?

The use of the phrase "four corners of the earth" is another picturesque use of language that usually means from a far distance, not actual corners of the earth.

Heaven is generally understood as being above us. Depending on the context, the word can refer to that which is immediately above us, where flying birds, clouds, and rain are. It also can refer to the realm of astronomical bodies. Finally, it often refers to the Spiritual realm of Yahweh Elohim. “Heaven” has all these meanings, both in modern use and in the Bible. Does the word 'firmament' also have all of these meanings?

Answers in Genesis
Nearly everyone understands that a sphere does not have an edge. Indeed, we can travel indefinitely around a sphere and never reach a boundary or edge. On the other hand, if the earth is flat, it must have an edge somewhere, unless the earth is an infinite plane. (end quote)
If I had a high-tech aircraft that could perform my experiment, and I took off from Phoenix Arizona, headed west and continued flying, would I run into this dome effect? Would I find Antarctica lying in the west? What if I went by boat, would I find this edge?  This brings to mind old world maps with sea monsters threatening sailing ships as they got too close to the edge of the 'known world'.

Let's move on.

Here are a couple of verses referencing the earth sitting upon pillars, which the flat earthers visualize as true structures resembling pillars.  I will keep the verses in context and highlight what has been picked out for their purpose. Taken as a whole, can you see the poetic choice of words to get the point across?

Job 9- Indeed I know that it is so; Man cannot win a suit against Yahweh. If he insisted on a trial with Him, He would not answer one charge in a thousand. Wise of heart and mighty in power-- who ever challenged Him and came out whole? He who moves mountains without them knowing it, Who overturns them in His anger; 9:6 Who shakes the earth from its place, till its pillars quake; Who commands the sun not to shine; Who seals up the stars; Who by Himself spread out the heavens, and trod on the back of the sea; Who made the Bear and Orion, Pleiades, and the chambers of the south wind; Who performs great deeds which cannot be fathomed, and wondrous things without number.

Psalm 75- We praise You O Elohim; we praise You; Your presence is near; men tell of Your wondrous deeds. At the time I choose, I will give judgment equitably. 75:4 Earth and all its inhabitants dissolve; it is I who keep its pillars firm. To wanton men I say, "Do not be wanton!" to the wicked, "Do not lift up your horns!"

Now over to 1 Samuel 2:8. To be fair and in context He was talking about people = the poor, the needy granting them seats of honor - they are the pillars of the earth, He has set His world upon them, guarding the steps of His faithful. (Probably where 'pillars of the community' came from.)
Pillar definitons:
:a firm upright support for a superstructure
:a usually ornamental column or shaft
:a supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part
:a fundamental precept
I think folks miss the 'poetic language' used many time throughout Scriptures to make a point. For example: Yahweh said His throne is Heaven and the earth is His footstool = which means He as the Creator has complete power over the spiritual and physical elements. It is not an attempt to confine our Creator in a physical shape or size. The word is used again in Hebrews 1:13- “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” Would you think He was going to wad up a bunch of enemies and form them into a footstool? I don't 'read it' that way, but certainly enemies can be conquered,  and 'put under one's feet' - Yahweh is speaking figuratively.  
Isaiah 40:22- It is He who is enthroned above the vault of the earth, so that its inhabitants seem as grasshoppers; Who spread out the skies like gauze, stretched out like a tent to dwell in. 
Yahweh's throne is in Heaven, above the sky that we see, beyond our atmosphere, into His Spiritual Realm, another dimension. Again, this is not an attempt to place Yahweh into a physical shape or size so that we appear small as grasshoppers to Him.  How foolish does that sound? Yahweh performs great deeds which cannot be fathomed, and wondrous things without number. 

Quote from Mike Clayton:
No other passage of scripture has been picked apart and ridiculed as much as Genesis One. In this chapter we read of the creation of the heavens, the earth and all that is in them. We read the order of creation and the astounding words that it was done in six days. We then count from this time period using subsequent scripture and find all this was accomplished about six thousand years ago! Could that really be so? Could He really mean it as He states it here? Is this not merely code language for six million days or maybe six billion years? Did He really mean what He said?  "Did He really say?" 
Men have done their best through the years using junk science and fuzzy logic to ridicule and prove wrong the words of Genesis One. They have come up with evolution (which makes a monkey out of them), big bang theories and any number of ridiculous thoughts to place doubt in the words of Scripture. This so called teaching has produced a generation of Godless thought and Godless actions in the world around us. (end quote)
This may or may not be the subtle reason behind the Flat Earth Theory - to cause doubt, specifically to call Yahweh into question.  This is not a good thing.

I will leave this study as it is for the time being as there is more to research behind the idea of a flat earth. The Books of Enoch are used in part to support this theory and I do have copies of these books but I always use Scripture first in all things placing the Word of Yahweh above all. Referring to writings quoted in Scriptures (Enoch; Jasher) are worth investigating and can prove to add understanding in certain circumstances.

It is not a matter of importance to know the shape of the earth but it is important to absolutely trust Yahweh and the truth revealed by His Spirit.

(to be continued...)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Abiding by His Instructions Today = Sukkot

This study spun off a discussion in regards to getting time off from work/school in order to keep the feast of Sukkot. Folks seemed to think they need the whole eight days off, when Yah's Instructions state the 1st and 8th days are set part as Sabbaths of complete rest, and we are not to work at our occupations, so those 2 days should be easy enough to plan ahead for.

The discussion led me on to think about this: if we truly desire to follow His Instructions, and take into consideration that the temple nor priesthood exist and Jerusalem is the last known place Yahweh attached His Name... should we be substituting other behaviors to make up the difference? For example, in the case of Sukkot, Yah's states only the males gathered in Jerusalem bringing the appropriate gifts and offerings, but every 7th year, the year of remission, the whole family and household got to attend. Animal sacrifices, burnt offerings and gifts brought to the temple in Jerusalem can no longer be done, but keeping the specified days set apart as Shabbats can be done. Do we know which year count we're in? Most folks don't even know what day it is let alone what year it is, so why 'just do it' when by doing so we could be incurring His anger? Could this be what He meant:
Isaiah 7:11 What need have I of all your sacrifices... I have no delight that you come to appear before Me - trample My courts no more. Bringing your offerings is futile, incense is offensive to Me. New moon and sabbath you proclaim solemnities and assemble with wickedness I cannot tolerate. Your new moons (months) and your fixed seasons (man's traditions and substitutes for Yah's moedim) fill Me with loathing - they have become a burden to Me, no longer a joy. When you lift up your hands in false praise and worship I will turn My Eyes away from you.
Many have been taught that Sukkot points towards the day of Messiah's return when his Set Apart believers will be gathered. I am seeing more as when YHWH is in the midst of His People after the thousand year Kingdom ends. In the meantime we rejoice and remember the awesome power of our Creator. We remember what He has done by reading Torah and see the behavior of the people back then. All of it was written as instructions for us! If we can build a hut (succah) in our backyards and spend time in it, there's no harm done as long as it is to teach others about Yahweh setting folks free from slavery, bondage to sin. If you have members in your community who would like to gather and read from Exodus, that is a good thing and acknowledges our awesome Elohim. Put Him first in all things. But trying to 'celebrate' in our own ways brings to mind Nadab and Abihu, who were sons of Aaron and trained to be priests. They ended up adding to the Instructions given by Yahweh and they died because of it.

A more appropriate example would be the actions of Jeroboam after the tribes split up. When the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) drew near, Jeroboam feared if he let the people go to Jerusalem to celebrate (as per the command of YHWH) that he would lose them and perhaps lose his own life. So he had 2 temples built- one near Bethel and one near Dan -and made Two Golden Heifers, one in each temple and convinced the people that "God was everywhere" and hears and sees those who worship him and that it was O.K. if they didn't go to Jerusalem to worship Elohim according to His rules but could worship him the way they saw fit. Jeroboam succeeded in deluding the people which caused them to go against Elohim and transgress Torah. (Are we part of this delusion today?)
Why are entire families - men, women and children - signing up, paying big bucks to spend a camping trip anywhere USA each year to celebrate Sukkot?
Deuteronomy 12 beginning with verse 20 we read that Yahweh allows an option for taking offerings from the herd and flock (meat) as He knows the population will grow and folks will live farther and farther away from the place He chose. It wouldn't be logical to drive herds such a distance. It's alright to eat at home and take care of the local community.... But (verse 26) "such sacred and votive donations as you may have shall be taken by you to the site the Yahweh will choose..." There is still a place to go that Yahweh has chosen and we aren't there yet.

2 Chronicles 33:4-  ".... Yahweh had said, My name will be in Jerusalem forever."

I realize that when His Instructions for the Set Times were given, the people were not in the Land yet. By the time we get to Deuteronomy 4, He says: "You shall not add anything to what I command you or take anything away from it, but keep the commandments of Yahweh your Elohim..." In Deuteronomy 6 Moses points out the Instruction- laws and rules -are to be observed in the land they were soon to cross into.... and I mention that it was those 40 years they traveled the wilderness as a test (Deuteronomy 8) Yah tested them by hardships to learn what was in their hearts: whether they would keep His commandments or not. - I apply that to us today, and ask, are we being tested to see if we are going to keep His commandments or not? 

Most are aware that when our Creator says things like "forever" He means forever
  • 2 Chronicles 6:6 "But then I chose Jerusalem for My name to abide there...." 
  • 6:9 ".... your son shall build the House for My name." 
  • 33:4 ".... Yahweh had said, My name will be in Jerusalem forever." 
  • 33:7 ".... In this House and in Jerusalem, which I chose out of all the tribes of Israel, I will establish My name forever." 
The House that David wanted to build but Solomon accomplished is the House of Elohim aka 'the temple'. Yes, the physical temple was finally destroyed and yes, Yahshua said our bodies are the temple where in the Spirit of Yahweh dwells.... but where was the last place Yah placed His Name? Jerusalem.

We truly cannot think we are honoring Yahweh by choosing to do things our own way, can we? Who and what are we delighting in - ourselves and our own festivities or Yahweh and His Instructions in Righteous Living?

Genesis through Deuteronomy are Instructions for us... a complete set Yah gave His Creation which includes all mankind. His Set Times (feast days) serve as reminders of His awesome power, how the blood of the lamb saves us from death (Passover); how leaven can affect the whole batch either for good or bad (Unleavened Bread); how to be thankful and rejoice as He provides for our needs and that we share our bounty with those in our communities (First Fruits); that we can allow His Spirit to dwell within, who comforts us with Truth (Shavuot); they teach us to be alert and aware of the times we are living in (Day of Trumpets); to humble ourselves and profess His Son as the Way back to the Father (Day of Atonement) and to look forward to the Promise when He gathers us and calls us His people and we acknowledge Him as our Elohim. He sets us upon our soil- the land of Canaan and fulfills the covenant He made with Abraham so long ago. One thousand years later He restores all things. We are His people and He is our Elohim, in our midst (Sukkot).
⇇ ⇉ ⇇ ⇉
Yah's Instructions for all aspects of life can be found in Genesis through Deuteronomy.  We naturally abide by about 1/3 of them as a result of living decent moral lives. Of the remaining rules, laws, teachings and commandments, not all apply to each of us as individuals.  Some pertain to the Temple, priesthood and all duties required as part of their service. Some pertain to farmers and ranchers in regards to agriculture, animal husbandry and land management. Some pertain to judges and the entire justice system.  Some are intended for women and some are for men. Some are about health, foods, and family; but all of them are for treating one another in fairness, truth and loving kindness.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Seal Six

Seals One through Five have been opened.
They have been open for a very long time.

We are waiting for the fulfillment of 
Seal Five before the breaking of Seal Six.

There has always been war somewhere on this planet, revolutions and rumors of war. There has always been sickness, disease, food shortages and famines.  And there have always been earthquakes along the fault lines and elsewhere.  In this modern age we are more aware of their occurrences. There has always been the rich and the poor. Believers have always been persecuted, especially since Yahshua came on the scene. Yet the number of Set Apart believers to be killed has yet been reached. When this happens, then Seal Six will be opened.

Yes, we are in the time Yahshua called The Beginning of Sorrows. As each year passes these labor pains increase.  All the things that The Son spoke of must happen and are happening, but it's not the end, yet.
Then we will be hated, delivered to afflictions and killed because we believe in Y'shua, Son of Elohim. Many stumble, hate each other and will report 'believers' to the authorities to save their own lives (betray one another). Many false prophets arise and deceive many. Because of the spread of wickedness, lawlessness, the love of many grows cold. BUT whoever has patience until the end, he will have life. And this Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all the nations - then the end will come.
Here is the list of Seals 1 through 5, and noted how they relate to what Yahshua said would be the signs pointing to his return and the end of life as we know it:

Seal #1

White horse being ridden by one who goes out to conquer (Wars and rumors of war)
Seal #2
Rider of the red horse carrying a great sword, takes peace from the earth causing people kill one another  (Nations and kingdoms will rise up against each other, fight each other.)
Seal #3
The rider of the black horse carries a balance, the price of food goes up and the oil wine (luxury items) are protected.  (There will be famine, food shortages)
Seal #4
Pale horse whose rider is Death and is followed by the grave. He has authority over a quarter of the world's population to kill by wars, famine, death and wild beasts. (plagues, diseases and earthquakes in various places)
Seal #5
Under the altar are seen the souls of them who were slain on account of the Word of Elohim and on account of the testimony to the Lamb which was with them. They cry out asking YHWH how much longer will it take before He judges and avenges their blood. He tells them to be quiet yet a little while until the consummation of their fellow servants and Brothers who were to be killed as they had been. (we will be hated, delivered to afflictions and killed because we believe in the Son of Elohim. Many stumble, hate each other and will report 'believers' to the authorities to save their own lives [betray one another]. Many false prophets arise and deceive many. Because of the spread of wickedness, lawlessness, the love of many grows cold)

The opening of the sixth seal causes a great earthquake and the sun to look black like sackcloth and the whole moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell on the earth as a fig tree casts its unripe figs. The heavens separate as a scroll is rolled up and all mountains and islands were moved out of their places. All the kings, nobles and captains, rich men, men of valor and every servant and free man hide for they know the day of their wrath is come and who is able to stand? 

Where else do we read of the sun becoming dark and moon darkened looking like blood?

Joel 2:31The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of Yahweh comes.
Isaiah 13:10- For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not flash forth their light; The sun will be dark when it rises and the moon will not shed its light.
Acts 2:20- ... the sun will be changed into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of Master YHWH

These verses all tie in with the opening of that sixth seal and point toward Judgment Day, the day of Yah's Wrath, which is yet to happen.

It is still during this 6th Seal time frame that the four angels/Messengers held the four winds and another Messenger had the seal of Elohim to seal His servants upon their foreheads - 144,000 = 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel = the first fruits of the harvest of the earth. There many preparations made before the opening of  Seal 7 which triggers the 7 Shofars Event. It's not the end, yet.

From these accounts written in Scriptures, as of this date, Seal Six has yet to be broken. There will be no mistaking the signs when it is opened.

I'd like to point something out. Just because someone claims to be a 'christian' does not make them a 'believer' and this is the same example we read of in Revelation, that there are Jews who call themselves "Jew" but they are not, they are of the synagogue of Satan. Yahweh wants us to be Set Apart because He is Set Apart. When we choose to follow the Way, the Teachings, the Rules and Laws of our Creator we find ourselves on His Path of Righteousness. We get strange looks from friends and family. We get accused of 'going Jew' when in truth we are simply obeying the Instructions of Yahweh Elohim, something even today's "Jews" don't do. He was never about religions, church, denominations and other traditions that cause division. Once we start reading Scriptures for ourselves we realize His plan is for all creation and that includes all humanity.


I have talked about distractions before but have recently experienced one that has opened up another look at this topic from a different angle.
I was attending to some work and watching a trash removal truck picking up the dumpster we use. The next thing I knew I was on the ground. I had stepped into a deep rut and it threw me to the rocky ground below. Just a few microseconds of wordless thought I interpreted as "What? How'd I get down here?" and I forcefully picked myself up, making note that nothing felt broken. I tried to brush off the dust as I continued on my way to meet with the driver of the truck. 
The palm of my hand was gouged, bruised and bleeding, there was a hole in my pant leg where my knee crashed into jagged rocks. I felt like I had been kicked by a mule, but I approached the driver as if nothing was wrong. We made arrangements to move the dumpster and he was to follow me as I drove up the hill to the new location. While the pain of being body slammed into the hard packed earth was making itself more noticeable, a couple drive up in their Kubota 4-Wheeler and I wince as I try to greet our new neighbors. I feel like I am going into shock but keep forcing myself to interact with these nice folks. The dumpster gets placed in its new location, the new neighbors drive off and I slowly hobble back to my truck and go home. 
First, I gave thanks to Yahweh for keeping my bones from breaking, keeping my glasses on my face and giving me strength to finish my obligation at that time. Secondly, I pondered those microseconds of wordless thoughts; feelings that my conscience recognized as words and interpreted for my brain. I knew what was 'being said' without any words. Thirdly, I washed out my wounds with peroxide, took a couple of aspirins and put an ice pack on my neck and shoulder.
If I hadn't been distracted I would have stayed steady on the path, would have recognized the threat that the rut posed and avoided it.


One of the online Bible study groups I visit has members who like to share videos about various topics that I, too, had discovered back in the day, but now see them as distractions. "Learn it and move on" is my attitude now because so many get wrapped up in them that they cannot move on. I realize they are sharing remarkable information and it's worth knowing some of these things. I had been there and done that... Over the years I've read the same eye opening articles revealing the truth behind life as we know it from various people who have done their own research through the years on the Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, Illuminati, Aleister Crowley, the pope, the freemason, the jesuits and on and on.  
I was a Conspiracy Theorist long before it was cool 😉

The resulting truth is we've been brainwashed from birth! We've been given over to the world system run by the "Powers that Be" and it seemed all normal to us, until now. This knowledge of the lies that have been handed down through the generations is a powerful tool that we can use to set ourselves free in order come out of the world system (ie Egypt; Babylon; Slavery; False Religions). We can choose to unplug from the matrix, but to keep dwelling on the above mentioned discoveries is what becomes a stumbling block at best, and a snare at worst. The more time we spend in this "behind the scenes" realm, the less time we spend in the Word of Elohim.

What happens to many as they continue searching these topics looking for more, they get tempted by almost anybody's post, webpage, video or blog that uses some truth (as bait) then interweave their own doctrine, imagination and other theories of fantasies that have the potential to draw one deeper into nonsense. THOSE are the sites I strongly protest against. Those places I tie in with Yah's prophesied "Strong Delusion". 

When a believer shares one of those sources to prove something, or tie it in with Scriptures, I must point out the included deceptions and warn against sharing it with the 'group' or anyone else for that matter. When that believer becomes defensive, it is clear that they've been hooked. It's a responsibility to warn fellow believers when there is a threat, or a deception veiled in truth.  

Fifteen years ago it was a lot easier to surf the web and find reliable websites which provided accurate details from combined years of research on the Dark Side of life. There's a lot more junk to dig through these days causing several rabbit trails that lead nowhere.  The truth of the matter is, the truth is being pushed into the background of cyberspace. 

Bottom line is Yahweh provided everything we need to know but we won't know it unless we read it. If we won't read it His Spirit has nothing to work with and we won't get anywhere. We accept any 'truth' without question.

Scriptures contain the highlights and lowlifes of times gone by as an example for us so that we won't make the same mistakes they did. I feel I am acting in the same way when rebuking fellow believers who seem to get stuck in a rut: don't make the same mistakes I did. 

In my zeal I may appear overbearing to some. While I don't always express my feelings with the right words or the right words get taken in the wrong way, some think me unfair and lacking love for my brothers. In this I see how distractions really lay hooks in people's imagination that when presented with facts supporting the truth of the matter, they firmly choose to defend their version of things.

I'm not talking about new-comers to the Hebrew aspect of our faith. We know even Yahweh did not lay out all His rules, laws, regulations and teachings for His people on day one; how overwhelming that would have been! But when I am interacting with fellow believers who seem to be on the same page, who are on the 'same part of the Path', and when questionable activity of some sort arises, it is my responsibility to bring it to light: first with the person and then with a couple of others who understand what's going on. After that, it is the person's responsibility to see the error of his ways and change. Also, in this process, when I take the matter to the other 2 or 3 knowledgeable ones, they may point out the error of my way; then I humbly apologize and step away from the matter and take a fresh look at the topic at hand, and stand corrected. This method of correction applies to all Set Apart believers, and this is how we behave as One People with One God. If the person of interest cannot reconcile with the truth then that person must leave the camp for at least seven days, to search and study the Word. If that person still doesn't 'see the light' then they will be cut off from the assembly. Reason being, if that person was allowed to stay in the assembly it would cause a division and therein we have the foothold of Satan.

The other facet of distractions is what Yahweh says and what people think is OK.

If Yah says this is the way I want it done, and I say OK but I'm going to do this this and this, too.... who do I think I'm kidding? I just disobeyed the Father. 

One of the examples of this concept are Nadab and Abihu, two sons of Aaron, who being trained as priests were given specific duties. They decided to add their own ideas along with Yahweh's Instructions. They died by a fire sent from Yahweh on the spot. (Leviticus 10) 

It is obvious to me that we are not to make unauthorized, foreign or profane offerings, thinking we are pleasing or even doing better than what our Creator clearly instructed.  This points to the traditions of man, doing what he will to the point of forgetting the rules laid out by Yahweh, even forgetting His Name.

My concerns are about folks who mix and mingle tradition with Yah's set times, thinking it is perfectly alright to do so, and providing quotes out of context to support their 'intentions'.  The Passover seder is one that comes to mind. Ten days of awe is another. Camping out anywhere USA is another, thinking we're celebrating Sukkot. Chanukah, Purim, just to name a few. His Instructions are clear and we have also been instructed not to 'add to' or 'take away from' His Truth, the Word of Elohim.

And so, to close this out: 
I removed myself from that online group of nice folks I mentioned earlier, and I will spend less time on the internet because of it, and get back to immersing myself in the Word of Yahweh. I will refresh my packet of seeds of His Truth and continue scattering them here in this blog and in my 'online' group which isn't really a group. It is a depository of useful information that I pray will be helpful to anyone in need.


Isaiah 58:5
 “Is this the kind of fast that I have chosen,
merely a day for a person to humble himself?
Is it merely for bowing down one’s head,
for lying on sackcloth and ashes?
Is this what you call a fast,
an acceptable day to Yahweh?

Isn’t this the fast that I have been choosing:
to loose the bonds of injustice, 
and to untie the cords of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?
Isn’t it to share your bread with the hungry,
and to bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover him with clothing,
and not to raise yourself up from your own flesh and blood?”

Matthew 6:16
When you fast, do not be somber like the hypocrites, 
for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. 
Truly I tell you, they already have their reward. 
But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 
so that your fasting will not be obvious to men, 
but only to your Father, who is unseen. 
And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, 
will reward you.

Luke 12:25
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, 
what you will eat or drink; 
or about your body, what you will wear. 
Is not life more than food, 
and the body more than clothes? 
Look at the birds of the air:
They do not sow or reap or gather into barns
and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. 
Are you not much more valuable than they? 
Who of you by worrying 
can add a single hour to his lifespan?

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Spit out the Bones

Did Jesus go out to "meet and greet" people, getting to know them before he started to teach the Word of God? Did he sidestep issues of the day so as not to be labeled a "Torah Thumper"?
I don't think so.

Did Yahshua mix and mingle lies with the truth in order to attract people to him? Did he share ideas and theories to entertain and entice folks to join him?

I think not.

He came loaded with knowledge, understanding, love and truth and wasted no time with 'ear tickling' as a tactic to win people over.

Y'shua was known by his reputation. From a young age he was very knowledgeable of Scripture. Later he became known as a teacher and a healer, and some speculated he was possibly the son of Elohim - others knew without a doubt. People were drawn to him, some out of curiosity, some to hear his teachings for themselves, or to be healed of their ailments, or because they recognized the Good Shepherd's Voice and responded to the calling.
John 14:6 - Yahshua answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life...."John 8:12- Yahshua spoke to the people and said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life."1 John 5:11-  And this is that testimony: Yahweh has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.

Why do people think it is O.K. to share teachings from folks who are not 100% in line with the Word of Yahweh as a tool to "bring others to Christ"?  This is no different from mixing pagan customs with the religion of Christianity in order to bring more folks into the 'church'.  It is a stumbling block for many and a snare for others. They say folks can "eat the meat and spit out the bones" meaning we can visit these sites, read these books, watch those videos so we can glean nuggets of truth from them.  But what else are we gleaning, even if it was not our intention?  What bad seeds are being planted with the good?  Are we really to go through all that trouble when we could simply read Scriptures daily and allow our Father's Set Apart Spirit to reveal all truth, without the risk of entertaining demons... 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Codes vs Yahweh

Romans 2:8 - 
But for those who are self-seeking 
and who reject the truth and follow wickedness, 
there will be wrath and anger.
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Folks who think it's OK to delve into numerology in order to prove "God" are dabbling in pagan traditions we've all been warned about.  Those people are promoting the discovery of 'Bible/Torah Codes'.  This is no different from relying on science to prove the existence of an Intelligent Being; God or the 'god particle'.  If they had Faith in the Creator they wouldn't need mysticism to prove His existence. Numerology is the study of the occult significance of numbers.
As an element of astrology and fortune-telling, numerology has long been employed to predict future events. Numerology has also been used to interpret personality; in particular, numerologists may assign numbers to each letter of a person's name and use the resulting figures, along with the person's date of birth, as a guide to his or her character.
Allowing ourselves to experiment with mysticism opens a portal for demons to enter. We are called to come out of this world system just as His People were called to come out of Egypt (they had a choice). We are called to come out of Babylon, this same old hot bed of paganism.

Our Faith is our Trust in the Living Elohim, we trust His Instructions. We should not let our pride and arrogance get in the way of His Truth. If He says 'do not eat lobster', I will not eat lobster. I do not need a scientific reason to obey the One who created me. 

There are places we just aren't suppose to go. Take that tower they tried to build in Babylon. Those folks wanted to make a name for themselves. It was because of their pride and arrogance that Yahweh scattered them. If He gave us commandments not to do certain things, things that the pagans did, why on earth would we think it was O.K. to experiment with 'new age' old world mysticism now?  Are we letting pride and arrogance get in the way?

There is nothing new under the sun.

Yahweh our Elohim has warned, more than once, not to 'mix or mingle' with non-believers and traditions of men.  It is up to us to choose to believe, to act in Faith and not by the dictates of science or the philosophies of man. His Spirit cannot be quantified by science - He is beyond our total understanding because we are still separated from the spiritual by physical realm.  Using secret codes is akin to man trying to build a tower to reach the heavens because of his pride and arrogance. 

Who is the Master of Confusion? Who is so subtle as to make one question the Word of Yahweh Elohim? Doubt is a device expertly used by Satan to turn us from our Creator. As we patiently wait for the return of His Son we must continue to withdraw from those who walk wickedly.

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I paraphrase assumptions and discussions that led up to this study: herbs and essential oils were used by all pagan cultures. But we use them today, because our God made them right? So, these "eastern" cultures have used body flow meridians to see where the body is lacking, I know for a fact that God made these things. Yes people have perverted it, but it does not make it pagan. I think we give the enemy too much credit, Yah created these things. So I don't like to jump into the everything is pagan because in reality we would be in a lot of trouble....Yes Yah heals, the blessings and curses are also spoken about the promised land, so I don't believe we get the completion of these blessings until we are there. Yah heals, but maybe he gave a doctor the knowledge to repair your clogged arteries before you had another heart attack. I've come to find there is nothing that Yah is not in, he's not in a box.

Have you guys heard of chakras? Yeah those weird things hippies talk about huh? Well...they are light within the body, guess what? Same up and down light points as the menorah, because guess what? We truly are the light of the world. 
and then this:
Yah said the knowledge would increase in the end days, I think that's what is happening. There are many "thinkers" and people that are more on the science side of things, I believe he allowing these things to come about. He is science, he is math, he is quantum physics. He is the maker of heaven and earth

We should never underestimate the power of the Adversary
It was Satan who caused Eve to doubt the Instruction of Yahweh, 
which is why we are where we are today.

Trees are part of Yah's creation, a good thing, but it's the pagan tradition of cutting them down, bringing them indoors and decorating them that is an abomination to Yahweh. We can grow trees, take a walk in the woods etc... but we are not to turn them into idols of worship. Likewise, herbs, honey, oils and vinegar are good things as long as we are use them for food and healing, but not in an attempt to connect with the spiritual realm. 

Here's a thought: Is the Ouija Board an innocent game or a tool to tempt one into divination or calling up the dead, even if that wasn't one's intentions. 

Excuses to dabble in mysticism I see as a problem that has resulted from many a Hebrew Roots assembly.  Once we realize that Torah is for Everyone in Yah's Creation, we should realistically move beyond the discovery of our Hebrew heritage and come face to face with Faith, which was never about religion.  But many "go Jewish" and are sidelined by another religion complete with man made doctrines, opinions and mysticism (Talmud and Kabbalah).  The example I quoted above was in regards to using Yoga and 'body flow meridians' for 'health' reasons.  But the subject matter is the same as one who wants to use numerology (gematria) to expand their understanding of God.

Pagans do not make something 'pagan' by using it, but their established actions, lifestyle and the 'gods' they worship etc... are what define them as being pagans. They are heathens who do not accept Yahweh or His Instructions; they attempt to mix some of Yahweh in with their gods just as leaders would blend paganism with Christianity to bring more into the Church system. If healing is promoted by relating it to spiritualism or enlightenment, then we need beware of the implications of copying them. Do not forget that the Divine Beings who left their station in heaven taught things to humans that were not supposed to be shared. And later, when Yah's people entered the promised land they were told not to adopt the ways of those they had dispersed. The land of Canaan was permeated with pagan traditions.

I rely on Yahweh's Instructions for all things, search His Word for answers and seek His guidance in making decisions. This is where we can 'be still' and let His Set Apart Spirit direct us. Remember how subtle Satan is in his desire to be 'god' - he will say anything to get us to turn our backs on the Creator. 

Yes, Yahweh is our Creator, but who is the Deceiver? Who has a counterfeit for almost everything Elohim put forth? Don't forget that time when Yah regretted He created man and sent a Flood to wash them off the face of the earth. 

We must be very careful when choosing something that sounds good but underneath is destructive to our soul. This is why we are instructed to read Scripture every day, study our Creator's Instructions day in and day out, teach it to our children, remember where we came from and where we want to go. We are called to come out of Mystery Babylon so as not to partake of her sins nor her plagues. Babylon was a hot bed of paganism so it should be no mystery as to why we are being called to come out of today's world system. It is no different for us now as it was for them. Everything was pretty much under the influence of paganism in the Land of Canaan.
Leviticus 18:3 - You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you lived: and you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you; neither shall you walk in their statutes.
Leviticus 20:23 - You are not to live by the customs of the nations, whom I've cast away right in front of you. Because they did all of these things, I detested them.

Colossians 2:8 - Beware lest any man rob you by philosophy, or by empty deception, according to the teaching of men and according to the principles of the world and not according to Yahshua the Mashiyach.
Psalm 49:13 - This is the destiny of fools, and of those who approve of their philosophy.
Definition of "Philosophy":
  • pursuit of wisdom 
  • a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means 
  • an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs 
(it's a Greek kind of thing....)

Yahweh tells us not to be taken in by those who teach by speculation, who hand out empty deceptions concocted by men according to worldly desires; who ignore the teachings of Yahshua, son of Elohim. 

We are to rejoice and be glad because our reward in heaven is great. Just as folks persecuted the prophets of old for speaking the Word of Elohim, we too, shall be persecuted for our faith and following the perfect example set by His Son. We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Because we follow the Instructions of the Father our behavior- our light -shines in view of all people. We become the 'light of the world' by example. That example is evidenced by our lifestyle, which is according to the Instructions given us by our Creator and not by some mystic light show happening within our bodies. 
John 8:12 - Once again, Yahshua spoke to the people and said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.
So, now I'll get back to Bible Codes.

Quote: (*I Do Not Agree with everything on this site but offer it for your further research, study and understanding of this topic of codes. I do not recommend the KJV to anyone)
The one who ignited this spate of new books on hidden Bible codes is J.R. Church and his ministry is called ‘Prophecy in the News’ out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. In 1993, Rev. Church published a book entitled ‘The Mystery of the Menorah and the Hebrew Alphabet.’ ... Since then he has published two more books by Yacov Rambsel, a Hebrew-Christian who wrote about his fascinating discovery that God had encoded the Hebrew name of Jesus (Yeshua) throughout the Hebrew Old Testament.... All this hidden secret Bible code business is a great deceiving by Satan designed to mislead and divert people from the truth. It will cause all sort of misuse and trashing of God’s Word, preserved in the English language."

The Bible Code

In 1994, Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips, and Yoav Rosenberg published the paper, "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis", in the scientific journal Statistical Science. In their paper, the authors set out to prove that the names of famous rabbis could be found with the Book of Genesis in close proximity to the dates of their births and deaths in such a way that chance alone could not explain... The process relied upon "Equidistant Letter Sequencing (ELS)," whereby researchers take a single letter, skip ahead a certain number of spaces to a second letter, and then repeat the process using the same numeric interval.
Isopsephia (aka Gematria)
Georges Contenau cites evidence that isopsephia (the Greek word for gematria) was widely used in Mesopotamia. In this case numerical values were assigned to the characters in their syllabary, and the numerical values of names were computed. (This also fits in with the general Mesopotamian reverence for numbers: all the Gods had numbers, which Simo Parpola has shown to be numerically related by the Assyrian Tree of Life.)
The next datable source for gematria I know about comes from David Fideler's Jesus Christ: Sun of God. He argues that the standard spellings of the Gods' names were formulated according to isopsephic principles under the influence of the Pythagorean League c. 500 BCE . So for example, Zeus is the Geometric Mean of Hermes and Apollo. He further argues that many Greek temples, such as the Parthenon (447 BC) and Apollo's temple at Didyma (300 BC), were constructed isopsephically.  Given the early use of gematria in Babylonia (by the eigth century) and its apparent use in Greece (by the fifth), the general idea must have been widely known around the Mediterranean from an early date. Nevertheless it seems that the Hebrew gematria known to us now came from the Greeks.
Each of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet is correlated with a specific number. Gematria is the computation of individual letters, words or entire sentences utilizing their numerical equivalence. Some people believe that the words and ideas in the Torah may be connected with or understood from the numerical values and relationships. It is alleged that the numerical word-value is not unintentional, but rather prearranged. This study was first introduced amongst Rabbinic sages whose views are recorded in the Mishnah in the 2nd century AD.  Many believe there are secret codes to be uncovered by interpreting the numerical values of the letters in the Bible. The kabbalists employ gematria to decipher the Torah and everyday events. Gematria is also used to interpret the Midrash and Talmud. There are many Jews, however, that believe one must be of stable mind to partake in the study of gematria, so as to not go fanatical.
The original manuscripts did not contain the chapter and verse divisions in the numbered form familiar to modern readers. Some portions of the original texts were logically divided into parts following the Hebrew alphabet; for instance, the earliest known copies of the book of Isaiah use Hebrew letters for paragraph divisions. There are other divisions from various sources which are different from what we use today.
The Old Testament began to be put into sections before the Babylonian Captivity (586 BC) with the five books of Moses being put into a 154-section reading program to be used in a three-year cycle.
By the time of the Council of Nicaea in AD 325, the New Testament had been divided into paragraphs, although the divisions were different from the modern Bible.

An important canon of the New Testament was proclaimed by Pope Damasus I in the Roman synod of 374. Pope Damasus also induced Jerome, a priest from Antioch, to undertake his famous translation of the entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, from Hebrew and Greek into Latin, the official language of the Roman Empire at the time. This translation is known as the Vulgate. The Church continued to finance the very expensive process of copying and providing copies of the Bible to local churches and communities from that point up to and beyond the invention of the printing press.
Churchmen Archbishop Stephen Langton and Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro determined different schemas for systematic division of the Bible in the early 13th century. It is the system of Archbishop Langton on which the modern chapter divisions are based. 
The first person to divide New Testament chapters into verses was Italian Dominican biblical scholar Santi Pagnini (1470–1541), but his system was never widely adopted. Robert Estienne created an alternate numbering in his 1551 edition of the Greek New Testament. The first English New Testament to use the verse divisions was a 1557 translation by William Whittingham (c. 1524-1579). The first Bible in English to use both chapters and verses was the Geneva Bible published shortly afterwards in 1560. These verse divisions soon gained acceptance as a standard way to notate verses, and have since been used in nearly all English Bibles.
So man added the chapters and verse numbers to Scriptures. How can one honestly believe gematria (numerology) has anything to do with confirming the authority of Yahweh Elohim? He did not put division by numbers into His Word. 

Who is the author of division?
could it be.... Satan?
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