Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Abiding by His Instructions Today = Sukkot

This study spun off a discussion in regards to getting time off from work/school in order to keep the feast of Sukkot. Folks seemed to think they need the whole eight days off, when Yah's Instructions state the 1st and 8th days are set part as Sabbaths of complete rest, and we are not to work at our occupations, so those 2 days should be easy enough to plan ahead for.

The discussion led me on to think about this: if we truly desire to follow His Instructions, and take into consideration that the temple nor priesthood exist and Jerusalem is the last known place Yahweh attached His Name... should we be substituting other behaviors to make up the difference? For example, in the case of Sukkot, Yah's states only the males gathered in Jerusalem bringing the appropriate gifts and offerings, but every 7th year, the year of remission, the whole family and household got to attend. Animal sacrifices, burnt offerings and gifts brought to the temple in Jerusalem can no longer be done, but keeping the specified days set apart as Shabbats can be done. Do we know which year count we're in? Most folks don't even know what day it is let alone what year it is, so why 'just do it' when by doing so we could be incurring His anger? Could this be what He meant:
Isaiah 7:11 What need have I of all your sacrifices... I have no delight that you come to appear before Me - trample My courts no more. Bringing your offerings is futile, incense is offensive to Me. New moon and sabbath you proclaim solemnities and assemble with wickedness I cannot tolerate. Your new moons (months) and your fixed seasons (man's traditions and substitutes for Yah's moedim) fill Me with loathing - they have become a burden to Me, no longer a joy. When you lift up your hands in false praise and worship I will turn My Eyes away from you.
Many have been taught that Sukkot points towards the day of Messiah's return when his Set Apart believers will be gathered. I am seeing more as when YHWH is in the midst of His People after the thousand year Kingdom ends. In the meantime we rejoice and remember the awesome power of our Creator. We remember what He has done by reading Torah and see the behavior of the people back then. All of it was written as instructions for us! If we can build a hut (succah) in our backyards and spend time in it, there's no harm done as long as it is to teach others about Yahweh setting folks free from slavery, bondage to sin. If you have members in your community who would like to gather and read from Exodus, that is a good thing and acknowledges our awesome Elohim. Put Him first in all things. But trying to 'celebrate' in our own ways brings to mind Nadab and Abihu, who were sons of Aaron and trained to be priests. They ended up adding to the Instructions given by Yahweh and they died because of it.

A more appropriate example would be the actions of Jeroboam after the tribes split up. When the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) drew near, Jeroboam feared if he let the people go to Jerusalem to celebrate (as per the command of YHWH) that he would lose them and perhaps lose his own life. So he had 2 temples built- one near Bethel and one near Dan -and made Two Golden Heifers, one in each temple and convinced the people that "God was everywhere" and hears and sees those who worship him and that it was O.K. if they didn't go to Jerusalem to worship Elohim according to His rules but could worship him the way they saw fit. Jeroboam succeeded in deluding the people which caused them to go against Elohim and transgress Torah. (Are we part of this delusion today?)
Why are entire families - men, women and children - signing up, paying big bucks to spend a camping trip anywhere USA each year to celebrate Sukkot?
Deuteronomy 12 beginning with verse 20 we read that Yahweh allows an option for taking offerings from the herd and flock (meat) as He knows the population will grow and folks will live farther and farther away from the place He chose. It wouldn't be logical to drive herds such a distance. It's alright to eat at home and take care of the local community.... But (verse 26) "such sacred and votive donations as you may have shall be taken by you to the site the Yahweh will choose..." There is still a place to go that Yahweh has chosen and we aren't there yet.

2 Chronicles 33:4-  ".... Yahweh had said, My name will be in Jerusalem forever."

I realize that when His Instructions for the Set Times were given, the people were not in the Land yet. By the time we get to Deuteronomy 4, He says: "You shall not add anything to what I command you or take anything away from it, but keep the commandments of Yahweh your Elohim..." In Deuteronomy 6 Moses points out the Instruction- laws and rules -are to be observed in the land they were soon to cross into.... and I mention that it was those 40 years they traveled the wilderness as a test (Deuteronomy 8) Yah tested them by hardships to learn what was in their hearts: whether they would keep His commandments or not. - I apply that to us today, and ask, are we being tested to see if we are going to keep His commandments or not? 

Most are aware that when our Creator says things like "forever" He means forever
  • 2 Chronicles 6:6 "But then I chose Jerusalem for My name to abide there...." 
  • 6:9 ".... your son shall build the House for My name." 
  • 33:4 ".... Yahweh had said, My name will be in Jerusalem forever." 
  • 33:7 ".... In this House and in Jerusalem, which I chose out of all the tribes of Israel, I will establish My name forever." 
The House that David wanted to build but Solomon accomplished is the House of Elohim aka 'the temple'. Yes, the physical temple was finally destroyed and yes, Yahshua said our bodies are the temple where in the Spirit of Yahweh dwells.... but where was the last place Yah placed His Name? Jerusalem.

We truly cannot think we are honoring Yahweh by choosing to do things our own way, can we? Who and what are we delighting in - ourselves and our own festivities or Yahweh and His Instructions in Righteous Living?

Genesis through Deuteronomy are Instructions for us... a complete set Yah gave His Creation which includes all mankind. His Set Times (feast days) serve as reminders of His awesome power, how the blood of the lamb saves us from death (Passover); how leaven can affect the whole batch either for good or bad (Unleavened Bread); how to be thankful and rejoice as He provides for our needs and that we share our bounty with those in our communities (First Fruits); that we can allow His Spirit to dwell within, who comforts us with Truth (Shavuot); they teach us to be alert and aware of the times we are living in (Day of Trumpets); to humble ourselves and profess His Son as the Way back to the Father (Day of Atonement) and to look forward to the Promise when He gathers us and calls us His people and we acknowledge Him as our Elohim. He sets us upon our soil- the land of Canaan and fulfills the covenant He made with Abraham so long ago. One thousand years later He restores all things. We are His people and He is our Elohim, in our midst (Sukkot).
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Yah's Instructions for all aspects of life can be found in Genesis through Deuteronomy.  We naturally abide by about 1/3 of them as a result of living decent moral lives. Of the remaining rules, laws, teachings and commandments, not all apply to each of us as individuals.  Some pertain to the Temple, priesthood and all duties required as part of their service. Some pertain to farmers and ranchers in regards to agriculture, animal husbandry and land management. Some pertain to judges and the entire justice system.  Some are intended for women and some are for men. Some are about health, foods, and family; but all of them are for treating one another in fairness, truth and loving kindness.

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