Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Life is in the Blood

We are instructed not to eat flesh with its life-blood in it (Genesis 9:4); not to partake of the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood (Leviticus 17:14); and a third time we are told: the blood is the life, and you must not consume the life with the flesh (Deuteronomy 12:23) pour it on the ground like water.

And in reading the following we discover Yah's Covenant truly is Everlasting.
Blood of the Covenant: 
Exodus 24:8 Moses took the blood and dashed it on the people and said, "This is the blood of the covenant that Yahweh now makes with you concerning all these commands." 
Blood of the Renewed Covenant
Luke 22:20 And likewise also concerning the cup, after they had eaten supper, he said, "This is the cup of the renewed covenant in my blood which is shed for your sake."
Life is in the blood.
Life is the Blessing and Death is the Curse.

Deuteronomy 30:19- I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life if you and your offspring would live by loving Yahweh Elohim, heeding His commands, and holding fast to Him. For thereby you shall have life and long endure.


We read beginning in John 6:48 that Y'shua says- I am the Bread of Life. This is the Bread that has descended from heaven that a man may eat from it and he will not die! I am the Living Bread who has descended from Heaven. And if a man should eat from this Bread, he will live forever. And the Bread that I give is my body which I give for the sake of the life of the world. 
Matthew 26:26- while they were dining, Y'shua took bread and blessed it, broke it and gave it to his disciples and said, "Take, eat. This is my body." And he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them and said, "Take, drink from it, all of you (his 12 disciples). This is my blood of the renewed covenant, which for the sake of many is shed for the forgiveness of sins."
In John 10:11 Yahshua says he is the Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the flock.  Then, in John 15:13 he says, "There is no love that is greater than this, that a man lay down his life for the sake of his friends. You are my friends if you do all that I commanded you - everything that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you."

And what did Y'shua the Anointed One eventually do? He willingly fulfilled his part in the divine plan and was led to his death, without argument, without resistance. He laid down his life for his friends, those who abide by the Father's Instructions. His blood was shed for our sake, for atonement.
Revelation 12:11- And they overcame (Satan, the Accuser), because of the blood of the Lamb, (Yahshua, whom they acknowledge openly); and they loved not their own lives, even to death.  Leviticus 17:11 Yah says- "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have assigned it to you for making atonement for your lives. It is the blood, as life, that effects atonement."

In Deuteronomy 8:3, Moses speaks to the people and tells them that Yahweh, "subjected you to the hardship of hunger and then gave you manna to eat, which neither you nor your fathers had ever known, in order to teach you that man does not live on bread alone, but may live on anything that Yahweh decrees". 

Matthew 4:4- Y'shua replies to the Accuser: It is written that the Son of man does not live by bread alone, but by all the Words that proceed from the mouth of Elohim.

The original Bread from heaven was 'manna'. This was a lesson being taught: Deuteronomy 8:3- He subjected you to the hardship of hunger and then gave you manna to eat in order to teach you that man does not live on bread alone, but may live on anything that Yahweh decrees.
Who is the Word made Flesh? Who is the Living Bread from heaven? Who shed his blood for the sake of renewing the covenant and to save us from death?
As in the various types and shadows throughout the (OT), we are shown the physical events which point towards the spiritual applications for our lives in today's world. For example, there was the physical bread, the manna, which sustained His People in the wilderness and now, by means of the Renewed Covenant, we have the spiritual Bread of Life through Yahshua, which sustains us by Faith.

I'm seeing a harmonious cycle formed by having Faith in the One who created us as we abide by His plan to save us from death and adversity.  He had to do all of this because Satan became a thorn in His Side which will be removed. And Doubt is a thorn Satan tries to stick into our thoughts continually.  As you know, Satan caused Eve to Doubt the Instructions of Yahweh way back when, and paradise was placed just out of reach.  If we want to get back to the Garden we must choose Life and all the rules and regulations that go with it according to the Creator who had it all written down in His Owner's Manual = Scriptures.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Jonah son of Amittai

We don't know who we really are - only the Creator knows all things.

With that in mind, it makes sense that we should all, by Faith, trust in Him and obey His commands and live according to His Instructions, otherwise we might fall into that 'once saved always saved' trap - thinking we are one of His Chosen and later hearing Y'shua tell us to go away from him, he never knew us.

Jonah is an Example: 
Yah tells Jonah to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and proclaim judgment upon it because of their wickedness. Jonah decides to ignore this request and run away from being in service to Yahweh. He found a ship going to Tarshish, paid the fare and sailed off. He left because he thought he already knew what Yahweh was going to do regardless, knowing that Yah is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in kindness, renouncing punishment - but Jonah missed the point: he disobeyed a command of Yahweh and things got pretty troublesome for him until he finally acknowledged the powerful existence of Elohim and agreed to go to Nineveh and proclaim the judgment.  

Yahweh cast a mighty wind upon the sea causing a great tempest putting the ship in danger of breaking apart.  The sailors cried out, each to their own god but Jonah had gone below and fell asleep.  They cast lots and the lot fell upon Jonah - he confessed he was a Hebrew and worshipped Yahweh Elohim.  When they learned the stormy seas were a result of his attempt at fleeing from the service of Elohim, they asked what must be done to calm the waters.  Jonah told them to toss him overboard.  The men continued to row hard towards shore but could not and the storm worsened.  They called out to Yahweh not to kill them on account of Jonah nor hold them guilty for killing him.  They acknowledge that Yahweh Elohim brought this about and then heaved Jonah overboard and the sea stopped raging.

Yah provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah where he stayed three days and three nights, and he prayed.  He acknowledged his troubles and that when near death Yahweh brought him up from the pit.  He gave thanks and vowed to do as He commanded.  The fish spewed Jonah out upon dry land.

This second time when Yah told Jonah to go at once to Nineveh, he did.  The people believed that Yahweh would do what He said He would, and they turned back from their evil ways. Yah saw what they did and renounced the punishment.  Yet, Jonah was displeased.
O Yahweh! Isn't this just what I said when I was still in my own country? This is why I fled to Tarshish. Please take my life - I'd rather die than live.
Jonah leaves the city and found a place where he made a booth where he sat in the shade while he waited to see what happened to the city.  Yahweh caused a ricinus plant (castor bean) to grow up over Jonah to provide shade for his head and save him from discomfort.  He was very happy about this plant.  The next day Yah provided a worm which attacked the plant and it withered. When the sun rose, Yahweh provided a sultry east wind, the sun beat down on Jonah's head and he became faint, begging for death.  Yah asks him if he is that deeply grieved about the plant.  (There was a lesson being taught Jonah)

Yah says: 
You cared about the plant which you did not work for and you did not grow, which appeared overnight and perished overnight.  Should I not care about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not yet know their right hand from their left, and many beasts as well!

These people did not know right from wrong and could not be held responsible for their actions - just as beasts cannot be held responsible for what they do. The people had to be made aware of their wrongdoings. Nahum the prophet made a pronouncement on Nineveh, a city of crime, utterly treacherous, full of violence, where killing never stops! He writes that it is because of the countless harlotries of the harlot, the winsome mistress of sorcery, who ensnared nations with her harlotries and peoples with her sorcery that Yahweh will deal with her. 
Nineveh was founded by Nimrod shortly after the Flood (Genesis 10:11-12); and as capital of the Assyrian empire, it rose to power about 900 B.C. Years later, Assyria began the process of conquering Israel, and Jonah clearly saw this nation as an enemy and feared what it would eventually do. By 721 B.C. the Assyrian army had destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel. The Assyrians were extremely brutal and cruel, even skinning their captives alive. The city of Nineveh eventually fell to the invading armies of the Babylonians and Medes (about 607 B.C.)
Here is a link to more info about Nahum's prophecy about Nineveh

When we know right from wrong we will be held responsible for our actions. This knowledge of right and wrong is written in Scriptures, namely Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Covenant Renewed

In a discussion about those who think the New Testament is not part of Scriptures, I was asked to find in just the Old Testament (Tanakh) any place where Yah said He had a son. This is challenging because the New Testament (Renewed Covenant) answers each point I have found in the Old Testament.

If we read just the Tanakh and ignore the Renewed Covenant, we are left with many unanswered questions which leave us open to speculation. The same goes for reading the NT only- if one doesn't know the circumstances, rules and regulations spoken of in the OT much of the NT writings won't make sense. It is what's referred to as 'types and shadows' of thing to come. Just as Yahweh gave the pattern of the Tabernacle to Moses, we have the pattern to understand the renewed covenant writings. 

In the course of this study I have found Scriptures to be one whole book, and that it truly does interpret itself- it just takes effort on our behalf.

Yahweh used Nathan to speak to David:

2 Samuel 7:12- and when your days are done, I will raise up your offspring after you, one of you own issue (Solomon), and I will establish his kingship. He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish his royal throne forever. I will be a father to him and he shall be a son to me.

This is part of David's reply to Yahweh:
7:23- And who is like Your people Israel, a unique nation on earth, whom Yahweh redeemed as His people, winning renown for Himself and doing great and marvelous deeds for them and for Your land- driving out nations and their gods before Your people, whom You redeemed for Yourself from Egypt. You have established Your very own people forever and You, Yahweh, have become their Elohim.

Psalm 2:6- "But I have installed My king on Zion, My holy mountain!" Let me tell of the decree: Yahweh said to me, 
"You are My son, I have fathered you this day."

2:11- Serve Yahweh in awe; tremble with fright, pay homage in good faith, lest He be angered, and your way be doomed in the mere flash of His anger. Happy are all who take refuge in Him.

Proverbs 30:4- Who has ascended heaven and come down? Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of his hand? Who has wrapped the waters in his garment? Who has established all the extremities of the earth? What is His Name or His son's name, if you know it? Every word of Yahweh is pure, a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He indict you and you be proved a liar.

Isaiah 7:14- Assuredly, Yahweh Elohim will give you a sign of His own accord! Look, the young woman is with child and about to give birth to a son. Let her name him Immanuel. (this prophecy was given about 700 years before Y'shua was born)

Isaiah 9:5- For a child has been born to us, a son has been given us.  And authority has settled on his shoulders. He has been named "The Mighty Elohim is planning grace; the Eternal Father, a peaceable ruler" - In token of abundant authority and of peace without limit upon David's throne and kingdom, that it may be firmly established in justice and in equity now and evermore.

Hosea 11:1- I fell in love with Israel when he was still a child; and I have called him My son ever since Egypt. Thus were they called (out of Egypt), but they went their own way; they sacrificed to Baalim.

Micah 5:1- And you, O Bethlehem of Ephrath, least among the clans of Judah, from you one shall come forth to rule Israel for Me- one whose origin is of old, from ancient times. Truly, he will leave them helpless until she who is bear has borne, then the rest of his countrymen shall return to the children of Israel. He shall stand and shepherd by the might of Yahweh, by the power of the Name 'Yahweh' his Elohim

These Scripture quotes point towards a future event, something we cannot realize until we read the Renewed Covenant (NT). Now we can connect the dots between what was, what is and what is to come.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Satan is So Subtle

We have been warned against 
speaking the names of pagan deities:
Exodus 23:13
Be on guard concerning all that I have told you.  
Make no mention of the names of other gods; 
they shall not be heard on your lips.

In ancient Mesopotamia, astrologers assigned each day of the week the name of a god. In a culture where days were consumed by religion, it is unsurprising that the days of the week were made in homage to the gods believed to rule the lives of mortals. Many centuries later, the Romans, upon beginning to use the seven day week, adopted the names of the week to fit their own gods. These were then adopted by Germanic people who also adjusted the names according to their gods. It is predominantly these Germanic and Norse gods that have lived on today in the days of the week.

We really need to stop using the names for the days of the week and the names for the months of the year in order to stay on track with the Creator.   Here's another link for a little more history on how those names came about:

Here is a quote from aish.com
Even though the names of the months are linguistically speaking Babylonian, they were adopted by the Jews with the understanding that they were Divinely inspired names, and are laden with kabbalistic nuances. (end quote)
It appears that while the Israelites were living in Babylon for 70 years, is when they started calling months by names. Explained here, chabad.org, the original system according to YHWH was to count months in numeric order, in effect recalling the exodus from Egypt serving as a constant reminder of the deliverance from Egypt.  After they were delivered from Babylonian captivity, they started using the names that they became used to using in Babylon. They seem to think that these names serve to remind them that YHWH has redeemed then from this second exile.
Note: The first time was not an 'exile' scenario.  The descendants of Abraham, the House of Jacob/Israel, were invited to live in Egypt by Pharaoh who's friend and 2nd in command was Joseph. 
Do you see this as another example of folks trying to please the Creator in their own way? We read in the above examples that naming the months is a man-made invention that goes against what Yahweh set forth. And it originated in Babylon.  Aren't we told to come out of Babylon? Jeremiah 51:36, for one example and Revelation 18 for another.  They had picked up bad habits while in Babylon and brought them back to Judea when they returned.  Then they taught tradition mixed with Scripture to the generations that followed.

The Talmud : Man's opinion over the Word of Yah
Kabbalah : Magic tricks

And from the Jewish Virtual Library:
Kabbalah is the name applied to the whole range of Jewish mystical activity. While codes of Jewish law focus on what it is God wants from man, kabbalah tries to penetrate deeper, to God's essence itself. (end quote)

Yahweh says what is good
Satan tries to convince us it could be better

It has been easier to stop partaking in the tradition holiday celebrations than it has been to stop speaking the names of the the months and the days of the week. This language is so embedded in our daily affairs it is almost impossible to ignore. As of this posting I am still struggling with this command. Even so, both my husband and I have started the counting of days via the seven day count from the new moon/new month and keeping the Sabbath Day Rest on each 7th day. We sincerely try to live by His Instructions and look forward to the day He restores all things.

Keep on keepin' on Y'all! 

Right from Wrong

Galatians 5:19
For you know the works of the flesh, which are these:
adultery, impurity and lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, stubbornness, treacheries, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelry and all like things. 

Those who do things like these, they will not inherit the Kingdom of Elohim.

The fruits then of the Spirit are these:
Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control. 

Against these things there is no instruction put in place.

There are no instructions against fulfilling these fruits of the Spirit, although Yah does instruct against the lusts of the flesh. Flesh desires a thing that is against the Spirit. Torah, Yah's Instructions in Righteousness, teach us 'right from wrong' so that we may make an informed decision when choosing how we want to behave.

Monday, March 13, 2017

That Cushite Woman

The murmuring of Aaron and Miriam

Numbers 12:1
When they were in Hazeroth, Miriam and Aaron spoke against their brother, Moses, because of the Cushite woman he had married:
"He married a Cushite woman! Has Yah spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us as well?"
Yahweh heard them.

Yahweh calls to them: Come out, you three, to the Tent of Meeting.
Then he calls out Aaron and Miriam and He said:
"Hear these words of Mine: when a prophet of Mine arises among you, I make Myself known to him in a vision, I speak with him in a dream. Not so with My servant Moses; he is trusted throughout My household.  With him I speak mouth to mouth, plainly  and not in riddles, and he beholds the likeness of Me.  How then did you not shrink from speaking against My servant Moses!"
Yahweh was incensed with them as He departed.  Miriam was struck with snow-white scales. Aaron pleads with Moses admitting their sin they committed in folly. Moses cried out to Yah to heal her, but He says:
If her father spat in her face, would she not bear her shame for seven days?  Let her be shut out of the camp  for seven days then let her be readmitted.
Let us now refer to the historical accounts of Moses as they are written in the book called Jasher, beginning with the time Moses killed an Egyptian.

Moses was eighteen years old and desired to see his parents who were living in Goshen. On his way he came across a 'work place' where he saw an Egyptian hitting one of his Hebrew kin.  This man who was being beaten saw Moses and ran to him for help, as Moses was greatly respected in the house of Pharaoh.  He tells Moses that this Egyptian came to his house at night, tied him up and then had his way with his wife in his presence, and now intended to kill him.  Moses was angered and struck the Egyptian, which killed him. Eventually Pharaoh found out about this and sent his guards to kill Moses. Yah sent a Messenger/angel who guided Moses from Egypt, 40 days journey from the border.

Moses ends up in the camp of King Kikianus of Cush and remained with them for nine years.  The king and princes and all the fighting men loved Moses, for he was great and worthy, his stature was like a noble lion, his face like the sun and his strength was like that of a lion - he became counsellor to the king.

When the king died, his men found no other choice but to make Moses their new king - he was now 27 years old and reigned 40 years.  Yahweh granted him favor and grace in the eyes of all the children of Cush.

The people gave to Moses for a wife Adoniah the Cushite queen, wife of Kikianus.  Here it is mentioned that Moses feared Yahweh the Elohim of his fathers, so he did not go to her nor look her in the eyes.  He remembered how Abraham made his servant Eliezer swear not to take a woman from the daughters of Canaan for his son Isaac. Therefore, Moses did not turn his heart to nor take the wife of Kikianus as his own.  But he did strengthen himself in the kingdom of Cush and guided them with his usual wisdom and he prospered.

In the fortieth year of his reign, Adoniah the queen has had enough of pretending.  She speaks in front of Moses, the nobles and princes saying, "What is it you have done for all this time?  This man (Moses) has not approached me nor has he served the gods of the children of Cush.  Therefore, let him reign no more. My son (from Kikianus) is grown up and it is better for you to serve him than a stranger, slave of the king of Egypt.

The people gave in but were afraid to go against Moses - they knew his Elohim was with him - and they remembered the oath they swore to Moses so they did him no harm and sent him packing.  He was sixty six years old when he left the land of Cush and traveled to Midian. He was afraid to go back to Egypt on account of Pharaoh.  This is when he comes upon a well and meets the seven daughters of Reuel the Midianite. (Exodus 2:16)

Having this information helps explain why Yah got so angry with Miriam and Aaron for speaking out 'falsely' against their brother.   He was not married to the queen of Cush - she was given to him but he stayed true to Yahweh Elohim.

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Proverbs 17:22
A joyful heart makes for good health, 
despondency dries up the bones.

I paraphrase assumptions and discussions that led up to this study:
...so herbs and essential oils were used by all pagan cultures. But we use them today, because our God made them right? So, these "eastern" cultures have used body flow meridians to see where the body is lacking, I know for a fact that God made these things. Yes people have perverted it, but it does not make it pagan. I think we give the enemy too much credit, Yah created these things. So I don't like to jump into the everything is pagan because in reality we would be in a lot of trouble....Yes Yah heals, the blessings and curses are also spoken about the promised land, so I don't believe we get the completion of these blessings until we are there. Yah heals, but maybe he gave a doctor the knowledge to repair your clogged arteries before you had another heart attack. I've come to find there is nothing that Yah is not in, he's not in a box.
Have you guys heard of chakras? Yeah those weird things hippies talk about huh? Well...they are light within the body, guess what? Same up and down light points as the menorah, because guess what? We truly are the light of the world. 
and then this:
Yah said the knowledge would increase in the end days, I think that's what is happening. There are many "thinkers" and people that are more on the science side of things, I believe he allowing these things to come about. He is science, he is math, he is quantum physics. He is the maker of heaven and earth
I recently completed a study on the topic of 'knowledge' and you can click 'here' to read that one. It was a study spurred by this same 'conversation' among friends.

We should never underestimate the power of the Adversary. It was Satan who caused Eve to doubt the Instruction of Yahweh, which is why we are where we are today.

Trees are a good thing but it's the pagan tradition of cutting them down, bringing them indoors and decorating them that is an abomination to Yahweh. We can grow trees, take a walk in the woods etc... but we are not to turn them into idols of worship. Herbs, honey, oils and vinegar are good things as long as we are use them for food and healing, but not in an attempt to connect with the spiritual realm.

Pagans do not make something 'pagan' by using it, but their established actions, lifestyle and the 'gods' they worship etc... are what define them as being pagans. They are heathens who do not accept Yahweh or His Instructions OR they attempt to mix some of Yahweh in with their gods. If they promote healing by relating it to spiritualism then we need beware of the implications of copying them. Do not forget that the Divine Beings who left their station in heaven taught things to humans that were not supposed to be shared. And when Yah's people entered the promised land they were told not to adopt the ways of those they had dispersed. The land of Canaan was permeated with pagan traditions.

Are oils and herbs being used for healing or being used to connect with the spirit world, whether or not that was your intention? And if an oil or herb is popular for its ability to open one up to spiritual enlightenment, by all means avoid it. Don't get me wrong - I have used essential oil blends in home made lotions to treat skin problems. I have blended oils to make an insect repellent. I use Yarrow for muscle soreness. I use Frankincense and Myrrh for fungal infections. I have blended the oils used in the recipe for Four Thieves remedy. I am pro-alternative medicine to be used as a health benefit, as long as it is Yah Approved Medicine. This, I believe, is where the line should be drawn. 
Is the Ouija Board an innocent game or a disguised portal for demons? A tool to tempt one into divination or calling up the dead, even if that wasn't one's intentions. (Just sharing a passing thought).
In Exodus 30:34 it is recorded that the herb Galbanum was used in the making of the sacred incense expertly blended with other ingredients together with pure Frankincense, for specific use in the Tent of Meeting. It comes with a warning not to be mixed in the same proportions for personal use or to even smell like it. Yah says it is sacred. We can use Galbanum to burn as incense but are not to blend it according to His recipe. 
These are the herbs blended with frankincense with the warning not to make it according to Yah's sacred recipe or anything to smell like it:

  • Stacte - Onycha  - Galbanum  - Frankincense 
In Exodus 30 we read about choice spices but are warned not to mix them by the same measurements used for the Sacred Anointing Oil:
This shall be an anointing oil sacred to Me throughout the ages. It must not be rubbed on any person's body and you must not make anything like it in the same proportions, it is sacred and to be held sacred by you. Whoever compounds its like or puts any of it on a layman shall be cut off from his kin.
  • Myrrh - Cinnamon - Aromatic Cane - Cassia - Olive Oil 
I rely on Yahweh's Instructions for all things, search His Word for answers and seek His guidance in making decisions. This is where we can 'be still' and let His Set Apart Spirit direct us. Remember how subtle Satan is in his desire to be 'god' - he will say anything to get us to turn our backs on the Creator. 

Yahweh tells us what is 'good' 
but Satan tries to convince us it could be better.

Read the account found in the writings of Enoch. According to Enoch there were 200 angels who left their station in heaven to achieve their desires on earth. They defiled themselves by having sexual relations with women. They also taught these women charms, pharmacies, root cutting and uses of plants - secret knowledge humans weren't suppose to know. 

Yes, Yahweh is our Creator, but who is the Deceiver? Who has a counterfeit for almost everything Elohim put forth? Don't forget that time when Yah regretted He created man and sent a Flood to wash them off the face of the earth. 

We must be very careful when choosing something that sounds good but underneath is destructive to our soul. This is why we are instructed to read Scripture every day, study our Creator's Instructions day in and day out, teach it to our children, remember where we came from and where we want to go. We are called to come out of Mystery Babylon so as not to partake of her sins nor her plagues. Babylon was a hot bed of paganism so it should be no mystery as to why we are being called to come out of today's modern world - Mystery Babylon. It is no different for us now as it was for them.  Everything was pretty much under the influence of paganism in the Land of Canaan prior to the Hebrews arrival to this promised land.
Leviticus 18:3You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you lived: and you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you; neither shall you walk in their statutes.  
Leviticus 20:23 - You are not to live by the customs of the nations, whom I've cast away right in front of you. Because they did all of these things, I detested them.
A few tips from the Creator

Beginning in Leviticus 11 we are given low-fat high-fiber dietary laws; 12 is about child birth; 13 teaches about skin disease usually referred to as leprosy but includes scaly infections, inflammation, burns, eczema, itchiness, baldness, bacteria and contagious situations. This chapter includes mold and mildew affecting clothing, linen and leather.

Leviticus 14 mentions cedar wood and hyssop as part of the cleansing ritual, along with offerings common back in the day. It was also used in the cleansing ritual for mold and mildew growing in a house, if caught early enough.

Leviticus 15 gets a little more detailed and yucky, but still advises on cleanliness and handling other physical ailments. Washing everything that comes in contact with the 'discharge' is important. This chapter also covers a woman's menstrual cycle.

In 2 Kings 20:7 we learn a pressed cake of figs applied to the skin will heal a rash (boil).

Proverbs 31:4 warns against becoming drunk, especially for those in charge (kings and princes) lest they 'forget' what has been ordained and they infringe upon the rights of the poor.

Acts 10:38 tells us Y'shua was anointed by Yahweh with the Ruach haKodesh and with power which is why he was able to heal the oppressed.


Here is an example in regards to deciding whether to use something as medicine. The first quote is from WebMD; the second quote from a new age site:
1. Galbanum is a gum-like material (resin) from the roots and trunk of a tree. It is used to make medicine. People take galbanum for digestion problems, intestinal gas, poor appetite, cough, and spasms. It is sometimes applied directly to the skin for wounds. In food and beverages, galbanum oil and resin are used as flavoring. In manufacturing, galbanum oil and resin are used as fragrance in cosmetics.
2. Galbanum Essential Oil opens up communication to the creator. Holy incense along with Frankincense. It is a spiritual oil that has been used for mediation and to increase awareness.
Being Set Apart and having my foundation in the Word of our Creator, I would choose not to ingest or apply Galbanum essential oil and find something else to treat gas, such as Ginger, and use Lavender for skin wounds. There are many choices so why would I want to risk inviting demons into my home by using an oil expressly advertised as opening up spiritual communications? I am already able to speak with Yahweh through the divine communication known as prayer - no additives needed. Remember, we read in Scriptures that fragrant Galbanum was burned as incense, not applied to the skin or ingested.

Take everything to Yahweh- find His answers to your questions; they are recorded in Scriptures. Just as His Son taught using parables to make people think in order to gain understanding, the whole of Scriptures teaches us the same way.

The Menorah, described by Yahweh and shown to Moses as part of the pattern for the Tabernacle, represents the Light of the World = The Word made Flesh = Yahshua haMashiyach. The seven branches of the Menorah represent the Attributes of Yahweh and not to be confused with a mystic "life force" within the human who seeks to release his kundalini...
...the yogic life force that is held to lie coiled at the base of the spine until it is aroused and sent to the head to trigger enlightenment
This teaching lies in Hinduism and has spread as new age enlightenment. It includes astrology related to zodiac/horoscope signs and divination. You simply cannot mix this belief system with Yahweh or think He approves of it!
"Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with Infinity, and it's the art to experience Infinity in the finite." - Yogi Bhajan, 10/27/88 -- Kundalini Yoga was kept very secret until 1969 when Yogi Bhajan taught it openly in order to prepare humanity for the major changes that this planet is going through as we cross from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. The ancient technology of Kundalini Yoga gives us the awareness and the fortitude to make this a smooth transition.
Chakras are defined as:
  • any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy
Colossians 2:8 - Beware lest any man rob you by philosophy, or by empty deception, according to the teaching of men and according to the principles of the world and not according to Yahshua the Mashiyach.Psalm 49:13 - This is the destiny of fools, and of those who approve of their philosophy.
Definition of "Philosophy":
  • pursuit of wisdom 
  • a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means 
  • an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs 
Yahweh tells us not to be taken in by those who teach by speculation, who hand out empty deceptions concocted by men according to worldly desires; who ignore the teachings of Yahshua, son of Elohim. 

We are to rejoice and be glad because our reward in heaven is great. Just as folks persecuted the prophets of old for speaking the Word of Elohim, we too, shall be persecuted for our faith and following the perfect example set by His Son.  We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Because we follow the Instructions of the Father our behavior- our light -shines in view of all people. We become the 'light of the world' by example. That example is evidenced by our lifestyle, which is according to the Instructions given us by our Creator and not by some mystic light show happening within our bodies. 
John 8:12 - Once again, Yahshua spoke to the people and said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.

Definition of 'Body Meridians' from Webster's Dictionary: 
any of the pathways along which the body's vital energy flows according to the theory behind acupuncture
Chinese medicine believes there is a distribution network for the fundamental substances of Qi throughout the body. This distribution network called the Meridian System looks like a giant web, linking different areas of our body together. Philosophically, the Meridian System explains how we live, and why we become sick. -- Our vital life energy is thought to flow along these meridians, and anything that disrupts the smooth flow of chi is said to cause illness.
I do not dispute the fact that our physical self is combined with the spiritual, which is the Ruach haKodesh = the Spirit of Elohim. This can be learned from reading the Word of Elohim = Scriptures = Genesis through Revelation. Are we instructed by our Creator to stick needles in our bodies or practice chanting mantras while holding contorted body positions? No. Are we instructed to wait until we are in the promised land before relying on every word that comes from our Creator? No.  We can have His Blessing now IF we obey His Instructions and have the testimony of His Son.  Most of us are lacking in these two things which explains a lot of the disease in the world.
Exodus 15:26 - If you will heed Yahweh your Elohim diligently, doing what is upright in His sight, giving ear to His commandments and keeping all His laws, then I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon the Egyptians, for I Yahweh, am your healer. 
Deuteronomy 11:8 - Keep, therefore, all the Instruction that I enjoin upon you today, so that you may have the strength to enter and take possession of the land that you are about to cross into and possess 
Deuteronomy 11:26 - See, this day I set before you blessing and curse: blessing, if you obey the commandments of Yahweh your Elohim and curse, if you do not obey the commandments of Yahweh Elohim, but turn away from the path that I enjoin upon you this day and follow other gods, whom have not proved themselves to you.
1 John 5:3 - (Whoever believes that Yahshua is the Anointed One is born of Elohim) - For this is the love of Elohim, that we keep his Commandments and they are not burdensome. Because whoever is born of Elohim overcomes the world. For who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Yahshua is the Son of Elohim.
And, by the way, "quantum physics is the branch of physics that uses quantum theory to describe and predict the properties of a physical system". 

Definition of quantum mechanics:
  • a theory of matter that is based on the concept of the possession of wave properties by elementary particles, that affords a mathematical interpretation of the structure and interactions of matter on the basis of these properties, and that incorporates within it quantum theory and the uncertainty principle
Yahweh isn't about theories or teaching us to make predictions. There is nothing uncertain concerning our Creator. He has been very clear-cut with us from the beginning. It is Satan who has been very busy blurring the lines between right and wrong/good and evil.