Monday, March 20, 2017

Satan is So Subtle

We have been warned against 
speaking the names of pagan deities:
Exodus 23:13
Be on guard concerning all that I have told you.  
Make no mention of the names of other gods; 
they shall not be heard on your lips.

In ancient Mesopotamia, astrologers assigned each day of the week the name of a god. In a culture where days were consumed by religion, it is unsurprising that the days of the week were made in homage to the gods believed to rule the lives of mortals. Many centuries later, the Romans, upon beginning to use the seven day week, adopted the names of the week to fit their own gods. These were then adopted by Germanic people who also adjusted the names according to their gods. It is predominantly these Germanic and Norse gods that have lived on today in the days of the week.

We really need to stop using the names for the days of the week and the names for the months of the year in order to stay on track with the Creator.   Here's another link for a little more history on how those names came about:

Here is a quote from
Even though the names of the months are linguistically speaking Babylonian, they were adopted by the Jews with the understanding that they were Divinely inspired names, and are laden with kabbalistic nuances. (end quote)
It appears that while the Israelites were living in Babylon for 70 years, is when they started calling months by names. Explained here,, the original system according to YHWH was to count months in numeric order, in effect recalling the exodus from Egypt serving as a constant reminder of the deliverance from Egypt.  After they were delivered from Babylonian captivity, they started using the names that they became used to using in Babylon. They seem to think that these names serve to remind them that YHWH has redeemed then from this second exile.
Note: The first time was not an 'exile' scenario.  The descendants of Abraham, the House of Jacob/Israel, were invited to live in Egypt by Pharaoh who's friend and 2nd in command was Joseph. 
Do you see this as another example of folks trying to please the Creator in their own way? We read in the above examples that naming the months is a man-made invention that goes against what Yahweh set forth. And it originated in Babylon.  Aren't we told to come out of Babylon? Jeremiah 51:36, for one example and Revelation 18 for another.  They had picked up bad habits while in Babylon and brought them back to Judea when they returned.  Then they taught tradition mixed with Scripture to the generations that followed.

The Talmud : Man's opinion over the Word of Yah
Kabbalah : Magic tricks

And from the Jewish Virtual Library:
Kabbalah is the name applied to the whole range of Jewish mystical activity. While codes of Jewish law focus on what it is God wants from man, kabbalah tries to penetrate deeper, to God's essence itself. (end quote)

Yahweh says what is good
Satan tries to convince us it could be better

It has been easier to stop partaking in the tradition holiday celebrations than it has been to stop speaking the names of the the months and the days of the week. This language is so embedded in our daily affairs it is almost impossible to ignore. As of this posting I am still struggling with this command. Even so, both my husband and I have started the counting of days via the seven day count from the new moon/new month and keeping the Sabbath Day Rest on each 7th day. We sincerely try to live by His Instructions and look forward to the day He restores all things.

Keep on keepin' on Y'all! 

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