Saturday, June 25, 2016

What in Nibiru is Going On?

Back in my 'new age' days is when I first heard about the Anunnaki and Nibiru (among other things).  I was a believer in UFOs and ETs - I grew up loving science fiction which fueled my imagination - and blinded me to the truth. It was so easy to believe that life on other planets would be much more intelligent and advanced than here on earth. We've been brainwashed to believe we are inferior. We want superhuman everything for ourselves and, by setting God aside, we are free to believe anything is possible - and then pursue it in any manner that pleases us, which only leads us further from the truth.

To bring you up to speed (in case you've never heard of this) here is a wiki link with the origins of the topic of Nibiru (Planet X aka Marduk) as well as the 'pole shift' idea which some like to tie-in with cataclysmic end of the world scenarios. You can scroll down to the bottom of the wikipedia page to find the list of sources to research further for yourself:

Here's a couple of links for scientific info regarding the poles:

This study is about relating current events to the end of days prophecies in order to discover whether or not Planet X or the Anunnaki fit in. This study deals primarily with the days prior to the return of Y'shua as recorded in Matthew 24 and Revelation and what occurs before his earthly kingdom is put in place. There are discernible events yet to happen which will clue in those of us who are watching and waiting. We are told if we are awake, alert and aware, we will be able to know the hour our Master is to return. YHWH has not left us in the dark! If we choose to follow the Light of the World - Messiah - Truth will be revealed. Please read Scriptures for more details, including Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11 and Joel 2:2. Also refer to my other study: 

To the best of my knowledge there are two people who have brought the topic of a 12th planet to popularity. Zechariah Sitchin, "a Russian-born American author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts" and "Nancy Lieder, a contactee, claims to be in telepathic communication with visitors from Zeta Reticuli. The Zetas reveal to Nancy information about life on other worlds; the ET origins of the human species; the origins of the pyramids and the Sphinx; the Zeta Reticuli people and their nature, the Nibiruans from the 12th Planet and its imminent return...". 

Are these just a couple of twisted views, bad interpretations, mixing and mingling with Scriptures, distorting what YHWH says will happen? Don't forget that Satan is the father of lies and the author of deception. He causes man to doubt the Word of God, just as he caused Eve to doubt His instructions given back in the Garden days. Satan has contrived counterfeits for almost everything, including demons masquerading as intelligent life from another world, in order to cause us to doubt .

Today I stand firmly on the foundation of Truth supplied by YHWH Elohim and am learning to view all things from His perspective. It is from there I continue my studies and in my research about ETs I have come to realize that there is no such thing as advanced civilizations on other planets but there are demons, evil spirits left over from the Nephilim on this planet and in the spiritual realm. We are given a warning, many times, about being deceived. So if one does not believe in YHWH our Father in Heaven or know what has been written in Scriptures, then one would be free to entertain any other end of the world scenario. That makes sense.  But if you study Scriptures you'll see the Big Picture and not fall for the strong delusion that has been brewing.  I do not dismiss the fact that many things about outer space are unknown.  I am, however, of the mind that when YHWH put an end to the building of the Tower of Babel and scattered those people, He sent a message to everyone - earth is home, not the space beyond the visible sky. Don't even think about trying to go there.

Make no mistake: there will be an end to this world as we know it which includes horrible death and destruction. We read of several events, recorded in Scriptures, that take place prior to 'the end' of the world. Yah told us the end from the beginning so that His People could be prepared to enter His Kingdom and not perish. Do not become one of those who are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Lets move along.

If we are in the time line known as 'The Beginnings of Sorrows', as I believe we are, then Seals 1 through 4 have been opened - Seal 5 is in the process of being opened (as recorded in Revelation 6 and compared with Matthew 24 - see my study Signs). The opening of Seal 6 sets off quite a bit of activity- so much so everyone on earth knows the day of wrath has come, there's no mistaking it for anything else. By the time we get to Seal 7 the stage has been set for the Seven Shofars (trumpets) to be sounded (Revelation 8). They signal the following events:
  1. Hail and fire mingled with water fall upon the earth and burns up 1/3 of the earth along with 1/3 the trees and all green grass. 
  2. Something that looks like a big mountain burning with fire falls into the sea and causes 1/3 of the sea to turn to blood; a third of sea life is destroyed and 1/3 the ships are destroyed. 
  3. A star burning like a lamp falls from heaven and affects a third of the rivers and fountains of water. This star is called Wormwood because 1/3 of the waters became wormwood and many people die from drinking these bitter waters. 
  4. A third of the sun is smitten, and the moon and the stars so that both day and night are 1/3 darker. An eagle said in a loud voice, "Woe, woe to those who live on the earth because of the remaining trumpets to be sounded. 
  5. A he-star falls from heaven to earth and has the key of the pit of the abyss, which he opens and our pours smoke as if from a blast furnace. Here is where we get those pesky locust-scorpions-long haired war horses with lion's teeth and iron breastplates which torment those who do not have the Seal of Elohim upon their foreheads for five months. The king of these pests is the Messenger of the Abyss (the angel/he-star that fell from heaven) whose Hebrew name is Abaddon whom the Greek call Apollyon. 
  6. The four angels who were bound at the Euphrates are set loose to kill 1/3 of mankind using 3 plagues: Fire, smoke and sulfur. These four angels are overlords to the two million man army of warrior horsemen who go forth to destroy 1/3 mankind. 
Note is made about a remnant of men not slain by these plagues but yet they refused to repent of their worship of demons and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood (false gods which cannot see or hear) nor do they repent of their murders, sorceries, sexual sins and thefts.

Seven Thunders speak but we will not know what they said until the 7th Messenger sounds his shofar. Then the mystery of Elohim will be consummated. John is told to eat the 'little book' because he will once again prophecy to many nations and peoples and princes and kings, which makes me think he may be one of the two end times witnesses. Revelation 11 tells us about that event. After the Two Witness event is when the 7th messenger sounds his trumpet, signaling the world has now become the Kingdom of Elohim and His Anointed One, Y'shua. 

Revelation 11:18
And the nations were angry, and Your anger is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that You should give a reward to your servants- the prophets and the Set Apart believers and to them that fear Your Name, the small and the great, and that You should destroy them who destroyed the earth.

Notice he states it is "them" who destroyed the earth and there is no indication of a planetary event or reverse pole shift causing disaster. We've got a burning mountain that falls into the sea (perhaps a meteor), an interesting blend of hail, fire and water falling on the earth (possible result from on-going assorted weather manipulation including chemtrails and HAARP activity), a star "burning like a lamp" (perhaps a comet or maybe a missile or bomb) that falls to earth and affects fresh water sources causing them to be poisonous, and then, the sun is 'smitten' causing it and the the moon and stars to grow dim by 1/3 their usual light. Question here would be what smote the sun? These things happen before the attack of the locust from the pit and the fire-smoke-sulfur war against mankind - none of which appear related to a 12th planet or a cataclysmic magnetic pole shift.

The 'disasters' that will happened affect only 1/3 the population of earth and 1/3 its natural resources. Things are not good but it is about to get worse. More political events take place on earth in regards to the final world government system, aka the Beasts: The final world leader and the charismatic false prophet who performs magic and even appears to bring fire down from heaven. He seduces people to make an image of that final world leader and causes the image to come to life.  If anyone refuses to worship this image they will be killed.

Then, the 7th Shofar is sounded. The earth is ready for harvest. Set Apart believers are removed from the earth temporarily for if their time was not shortened they would not be able to witness, understand and survive the heart breaking destruction to come, the final 7 cups of Wrath, which are:
  1. Malignant and painful sores upon those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. 
  2. The remaining 2/3 of the sea and all sea life dies. 
  3. The remaining rivers and fresh water supplies become blood. 
  4. The sun scorches men with great heat but they do not repent 
  5. The existing world kingdom turns to darkness and those who belong to it suffer pain and ulcers 
  6. The Euphrates dries up so that kings from the east may cross. Demons that look like frogs leap from the mouths of the false prophet and the beast of prey and the mouth of the dragon. These spirits of demons go forth to all the kings of all the habitable world to gather them to the battle in a place called Armageddon. 
  7. It Is Done. There are flashes of lightning, and thunders, and voices and a great earthquake like nothing before. The great city becomes three parts, and the city of nations fall; Babylon the great was remembered. Every island fled away and the mountains disappeared. A great hail falls from heaven upon men and the men blaspheme Elohim. 
Still no reference to a planet being responsible for cataclysmic destruction, but Y'shua haMashiyach does return, as written, as prophesied, as promised.  Set Apart believers will be protected during this time as they have been gathered up into the clouds, changed from corruptible to incorruptible beings, prepared to be placed on their soil, the promised land as per Yah's covenant with Abraham.  The wheat has been separated from the tares; the sheep from the goats.  The meek inherit the earth and the wicked are destroyed.
Revelation 20:5- This is the first resurrection. Blessed and Set Apart is he that has part in this first resurrection; over them the second death has no dominion, but they will be and are priests of Elohim and of his Anointed One; and they will reign with him the thousand years.

Now that we are established in the Word of Elohim and have an idea of the foretold end time events, here is the 'scientific' view in regards to The 12th Planet aka: Planet X aka: Nibiru, also called Planet Nine.

Here is a quote from a NASA webpage:
Caltech researchers have found evidence suggesting there may be a "Planet X" deep in the solar system. This hypothetical Neptune-sized planet orbits our sun in a highly elongated orbit far beyond Pluto. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed "Planet Nine," could have a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbit about 20 times farther from the sun on average than Neptune. It may take between 10,000 and 20,000 Earth years to make one full orbit around the sun. ---This is not, however, the detection or discovery of a new planet. It's too early to say with certainty there's a so-called Planet X.
I have to admit that while I try to share both sides of this 'story', I am totally amazed at what I am reading about this 'planet' that struck earth, destroying half of it and, by golly, that's how we got our moon.  See what happens if one does not put Yahweh first in all things?  Folks would rather believe the ancient Sumerians have all the answers:
"Where did the other half go? Why is Earth only half a planet? The diagrams shown here are descriptions from the Sumerians explaining how our Earth came to be... They state that the satellites of Planet X (Nibiru) as they called it, collided with our primitive Earth in the past. Creating the asteroid belt and forever becoming another member of our solar system in a comet like 3,600 year orbit around the sun"
In 2 Thessalonians 2:11, Yahweh lets us know there will be a 'strong delusion' and people will believe the lies.
2 Thessalonians 2:10- and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason, Yahweh will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, in order that judgment will come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.…
Believing in aliens from outer space is just one of many wicked deceptions folks would rather be delighted with than the absolute truth from our Creator.  Remember that Satan is the father of lies and his weapon is 'deception'.  This is one of the reasons I emphasize that we stand firm in Faith and Trust our Creator to mean what He says as we research topics of contention.  If we have knowledge of Scriptures then His Set Apart Spirit will reveal the Truth of all things as long as we continue to seek Yahweh as if searching for treasure. Remember that Satan wants to be 'god' and will use the Word of the One True Elohim against us.  This will only succeed if we lack knowledge, and we will be destroyed because of it.

Is it possible that just as man has misinterpreted ancient Hebrew texts that he also has misinterpreted ancient Sumerian texts?

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Feast of Weeks = Shavuot

The passover offering was at a specific time: 14th day of the first month, at twilight.  Thus began the seven days of Unleavened Bread and together commemorate Yah's Set Apart People being freed from bondage in Egypt to Pharaoh.  Some 40 years later, after the Israelites settled in the promised land of Canaan and were able to plant fields and harvest crops, we learn of Elohim's next appointed time.
Leviticus 23:10- When you enter the land which I am giving to you and you reap its harvest, you shall bring the first sheaf of your harvest to the priest.  He shall wave the sheaf before YHWH for acceptance in your behalf (on the day after the weekly sabbath).  :14 Until that very day, until you have brought the offering, you shall eat no bread or parched grain or fresh ears, it is a law for all time throughout the ages in all your settlements. :15 from that day after the sabbath you shall count off seven weeks; until the day after the seventh week - fifty days (total) - then you shall bring an offering of new grain to YHWH - two loaves of bread (of the first fruits) as a wave offering, as first fruits to YHWH.  :20 The priest shall offer these- they shall be set apart to YHWH, for the priest. :21 On that same day hold a celebration, a sacred occasion - do no work at your occupations. This is a law for all time in all your settlements, throughout the ages.

In Deuteronomy 16 He names this time the Feast of Weeks. The fiftieth day (Shavuot) is a sacred occasion, a day of 'new grain' offering. As instructed in Leviticus, seven weeks are counted off from when the sickle is first put to standing grain.  As I have learned, both wheat and barley are planted at the same time but barley ripens earlier than the wheat, so this Feast of Weeks begins the day of the barley harvest.  The first fruits of this harvest (sheaf) are taken to the priest as an offering to YHWH.  On the day after those seven weeks, the 50th day, is when a celebration is held commemorating the blessings of YHWH shown in the bounty of the wheat harvest.  This is not a 'date specific' event but hinges on the harvesting of barley, the day the first sheaf is cut.

Three times a year all males went to the place where Yah chose to place His Name: Feast of Unleavened Bread for the passover offering; Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) for the offering of first fruit of the harvest; Feast of Booths (Sukkot) for the offering from the ingathering of the threshing floor and vats (grape harvest).

Deuteronomy 31 points out that every 7th year is set for remission and that every 7th year during the Feast of Booths is when all Israel (all Hebrews and Set Apart believers) come together before YHWH (in His place of choosing).  Torah is read aloud during this time in the presence of all the men, women, children and strangers that they may hear and so learn to revere YHWH our Elohim and to observe faithfully every word of this Teaching = Torah = YHWH's Instructions for His People.
These appointed times are to be observed that we may rejoice in the blessings from YHWH - He blesses our all our undertakings that we may have nothing but joy.  We obey and receive the blessing - Life Eternal.
YHWH appeared to the people at Mount Sinai.  When they had been at the mountain long enough, YHWH instructed the building of the Tabernacle and He traveled with them in the wilderness. Years later, Solomon built the House of Elohim in Jerusalem, the last known place for the priesthood, their duties, and where YHWH attached His Name.  Jerusalem still exists but the temple and priesthood no longer exist.  YHWH's set apart times did not cease to exist. He put them in place, as He said, for all time, throughout the generations and all ages - a command not to be ignored.  There is no excuse for substituting other behavior in place of His Teaching.

We can't make things up and believe that we are truly pleasing YHWH Elohim.  Satan has a counterfeit for almost everything put forth by our Creator; let us not fall into this same patternA similar example given is what happened in 1 Kings 25 when Jeroboam (out of fear of losing his position of power) convinced the Israelites (who had chosen him as king) that they did not need to go to Jerusalem to worship YHWH anymore.  Jeroboam had built 2 temples, one in Bethel and the other in Dan, in which he had a golden calf placed in each, telling them 'this is your god'.  He convinced them that 'God was Everywhere' and it was okay to worship Him anywhere. This is not what Yah taught!  Jeroboam also made cult places and appointed priests from the ranks of people who were not descendants of Levi.  This same example applies to religious traditions of today when teachers and leaders and preachers convince folks of things that just aren't correct according to what is written in Scriptures.

During this time called the Feast of Weeks we are thankful for His bounty in our lives.  We give Him our best every day and are content with what we haveWe are grateful for how He has provided for our needs as we see to the needs of others.  We will not substitute vain imaginings to replace His Instructions.  If you can't take the first sheaf of the harvest to the priest to make an offering in your behalf, don't fake it with anything else.  Jeroboam was 'faking it' and  did not turn back from his evil way whereby the House of Jeroboam incurred guilt.

We must abide by the Creator's Instructions and follow Him with all our heart, doing what is right in His sight.  Lets not be displeasing or provoke YHWH and incur guiltContinue to read Scriptures and let the Ruach haKodesh reveal His Truth.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Halal or Kosher

'Halal' is not the same as 'Kosher' and the definition of 'Kosher' is questionable.

Muslims, many Jews, Set Apart believers and some Christians avoid eating certain animals, but those of the Islamic faith also have their meat blessed in the name of their god. Their god is a false idol and eating food sacrificed to an idol goes against the Instructions of our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

'Kosher' meats are chosen according to what YHWH says is 'clean' but traditions have been added to this set of Instructions.  Bottom feeders, for example, clean up the assorted dead and dying debris that settles on the bottoms of lakes, oceans, ponds and rivers. Remember that next time you get a mouth full of lobster or shrimp or flounder or catfish - you're eating one of nature's garbage trucks. Scavengers clean up other dead animals, bugs and birds. We are not to eat what God put here to clean up the dead and decaying.

His dietary laws for us are found in Leviticus and again in Deuteronomy. Calling foods 'Kosher' has its down-side.  There is a set of Jewish dietary laws which have been added to the Word of Yah and adhered to by tradition.

Quote from the Jewish Virtual Library:
Kashrut is the body of Jewish law dealing with what foods can and cannot be eaten and how those foods must be prepared. The word "Kashrut" comes from the Hebrew meaning fit, proper or correct.  The word "kosher," which describes food that meets the standards of kashrut, is also often used to describe ritual objects that are made in accordance with Jewish law and are fit for ritual use. Food that is not kosher is referred to as treif.  Any kind of food - Chinese, Mexican, Indian, etc. - can be kosher if it is prepared in accordance with Jewish law. At the same time, traditional Jewish foods like knishes, bagels, blintzes and matzah ball soup can all be treif if not prepared in accordance with Jewish law.
Things referred to as Jewish Law are not always in accordance to what YHWH taught. Rabbis are guilty of adding to His Word and making up excuses for human behavior just like any other religious leader.  It is so important to read Scriptures for yourself in order to know His Truth and separate truth from the doctrines of man. 

If you already did not know, here is what our Creator says we can eat and should not eat, as written in Leviticus and Deuteronomy:

Animals with true hoofs (hoofs with clefts through the hoofs) AND chew the cud.  The examples given for what not to eat are the camel, daman, and hare which chew the cud but do not have true hoofs.  The swine has true hoofs but does not chew the cud - these are considered 'unclean'.  It is OK to eat: ox, sheep, goat (domestic or wild), deer, gazelle, roebuck, ibex, antelope, mountain sheep and any other animal that has true hoofs which are cleft in two and brings up the cud: buffalo, elk, moose and beef.

Of the things that live in water, we may eat them as long as they have both fins and scales. This excludes from our menu such popular items as clams, lobster, oysters, mussels, squid and shrimp. This also excludes scallops, shark, whale, octopus, eel, swordfish and sturgeon.

I am of the mind that if you cannot see the scales on the fish without the use of a microscope then consider that particular fish unclean.  Halibut, for example, have tiny scales naked to the human eye so they appear to us as not having scales... they should not be eaten. YHWH put forth His Instructions to benefit our health and well being.  They didn't have microscopes or other testing equipment back then - they trusted Him - as we still should in this day and age. Who caused Eve to doubt the Word of God? Let's not fall for the same gimmick.

Birds that are not to be eaten: eagle, vulture, kite, falcons, ravens, ostrich, nighthawk, sea gulls, any hawk, owl, cormorant, pelican, bustard, stork, herons, hoopoe and bats.

It's OK to eat winged swarming things that walk on all fours, have jointed legs above their feet (hoppers) as in locust, crickets and grasshoppers.

Any animal that walks on paws, on all fours, are not on the menu. No variety of cat or canine is to be eaten.  Also, we are not to eat: moles, mice, lizards of every variety or crocodiles.

We have been given every seed bearing fruit to eat and of grains of the field.  Modern day 'seedless' varieties should not be eaten, as what was once one of my favorites: seedless watermelon!  All genetically modified foods are off the list of things that can be eaten.

With all that said and done, our food sources have become corrupt, so sticking to God's Plan becomes more challenging.  Letting the land rest every 7th year is not being followed so over the years farming has depleted the nutritional value of the land. The food it produces is lacking in vitamins and minerals and what is being added (supplements) isn't nearly enough.  I've read that almost all corn is now genetically modified.  Seeds have been engineered that produce food that does not 'go to seed'.  There are hybrid foods such as beets, carrots and potatoes as well as seedless varieties of apples, bananas, dates, pineapple and grapes. 

Man does not trust YHWH to know what He is doing and that is a mistake.

..::``Information Overload``::..

As I lay awake in bed the other night, my brain was being bombarded with thoughts ricocheting around and my head felt full and ready to explode.  One thought after another fading in and out, words and pictures of current events with threads connecting them to past events to the point of Creation itself... it was very difficult to control this onslaught. I then realized it was time to stop trying to debate the pros and cons of current events in light of the Word of God with people who didn't want to include His Instructions or use His wisdom in sorting out right from wrong.  By no means do I consider myself 'smarter' than any one but when you have a book full of past experience to study and learn from, why ignore it?  Folks are fond of saying 'history repeats itself' but then ignore the signs indicating that historical behaviors are repeating and then they fail to change course for the better.  

There is nothing new under the sun but man sure likes to think he's in control.

The other realization I made was that if one does not have faith or trust or believe that YHWH Elohim is the Creator and heavenly Father, then there is no point in trying to explain what has caused these current events.  It would take an in depth study of Scriptures first in order to lay the ground work for understanding (and I pray that the studies contained here in this blog along with links to other related sites will help those who are seeking Him). Take the initiative and choose that path.  God says to seek Him as if looking for treasure.  It is His Creation and we are all part of it - the good, the bad and the ugly.  It is all written in a collection called Scriptures (the Bible variations are abbreviated version of the ancient texts).  It has been recorded for all to read and to understand what was, what is and what will be. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Devil's Music

I have never really gotten 'christian rock' and maybe that's because I grew up with rock and roll and later learned the origins of that music - the devil's music. I started thinking... how can you take something profane (sex, drugs and rock-n-roll) and call it holy unto God? You may change the lyrics but the rhythms are the same.
QUOTE: - The origin of rock music and the term "rock 'n' roll" are interesting ones. In the early 1950s, a disk-jockey named Alan Freed was one of the first white people to be involved in "rhythm & blues" music, which was the direct forerunner of rock 'n' roll. (The complete genealogy of rock 'n' roll music is: voodoo to jazz to blues to rock 'n' roll.)  Rock 'n' roll was a kind of fusion between rhythm & blues and country & western music. Freed was one of the first white people to play this new rhythm & blues/country combination on his radio program, and was perplexed as to what to call it since it obviously needed a new name. Freed had been receiving bizarre reports concerning kids' reactions to this new music, so decided to name it after a ghetto term that black people used for pre-marital sex in the back seat of a car-hence, the term "rock 'n' roll" was coined. End Quote

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Lunar Tetrad

This study is in regards to the teachings of Mark Biltz and John Hagee in regards to the 'Blood Moons' of late. They were promoting prophecy and the imminent return of Y'shua, and used Joel 2:31 as their launch pad.   In the Tanakh there is no Joel 2:31, but there is Joel 3 which reads:

After that I will pour out My spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy; your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. I will even pour out My spirit upon male and female slaves in those days.  Before the great and terrible day of YHWH Elohim comes, I will set portents in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke; the sun shall turn into darkness and the moon into blood. But everyone who invokes the Name of Elohim (YHWH) shall escape; for there shall be a remnant on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, as YHWH Elohim promised.  Anyone who invokes YHWH will be among the survivors.

Note: Before the sun goes dark and the moon turns red there are portents on the earth: blood, fire and pillars of smoke. Perhaps the blood, fire and smoke fills the air and causes the sun to darken and the moon appear red? What caused the fire? A *great earthquake* maybe?

Joel 2
Blow a horn in Zion, sound an alarm on My Set Apart mount! Let all dwellers on earth tremble, for the Day of YHWH has come! It is close - a day of darkness and gloom, a  day of densest cloud spread like soot over the hills. A vast, enormous horde - nothing like it has ever happened, and it shall never happen again through the years and ages. (The shofar/horn/trumpet is blown before the darkness and gloom*)

Note: Nothing like this has ever happened before and will not happen again - that pretty much rules out lunar eclipses as the cause of the moon turning 'blood red', because those, even the tetrads, have happened several times in the past and are calculated to occur again in the future. 

I do not deny that this prophecy most certainly concerns the end time events and the return of Y'shua haMashiyach, Son of Elohim,  but there are other signs which have been recorded that precede this scenario that have yet to occur.  Scripture does indeed interpret itself, so focusing on the lunar tetrads and trying to make something out of them that is not backed up by Scriptures can turn into a false teaching.  It's understandable, though, because these are exciting times we live in, but we must always study out events as they are written and not try to force the Word of God to fit current events.  It is important to keep Scripture in context so as not to spin a 'theory' out of control.  We have been warned against the imaginings of man. We have been told beforehand; given the facts, as it were.

In the book of Matthew, the disciples had asked Y'shua about the signs of the end and his return.  He spoke of several things and the suffering that will happen, then he said:

Matthew 24:29
And immediately after the suffering of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not shine its light.  And the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of heaven will be shaken.  And then will be seen the sign of the Son of man in heaven... :31 And he will send his Messengers (angels) with a large trumpet (shofar/horn) and they will gather his chosen ones from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other. (*His Set Apart believers are rescued before the darkness and gloom)

Lets take a look at the writings in Revelation.

Revelation 6:12
And I looked when he had opened the sixth seal, and there was a *great earthquake*; and the sun became black, like sackcloth of hair; and the whole moon became like blood. and the stars of heaven fell on the earth...

The Sixth Seal has yet to be opened.  We are in the time frame known as The Beginning of Sorrows which I have studied out to be related to Seals 1 through 4, which have been opened. (See the link provided below: 'Signs')

The prophecy referred to in Joel, Matthew and Revelation is one and the same and has yet to happened.  They all report that this darkened sun and blood red moon happen before the great and glorious day of YHWH, which is when Y'shua is set to return.  But before that happens the one world united nations government system with its world leader will be in place.  The 3-1/2 years of peace and safety will have passed by and Satan will possess that final world leader to do abominations that cause desolation for the remaining 3-1/2 years.  The 'mark' will have been put in place in order to buy or sell... you get the picture.

* * *
For more detail about the signs of the times, refer to my study:
To understand who His Chosen people are, refer to my study:  
Who is Israel?
For more information according to astronomy, visit:
* * *
After you have prayed and studied on this yourself, let me know if I have overlooked anything. Your thoughts, input and comments are always welcomed as well as corrections when needed.

Saturday, April 30, 2016


These are the signs, told by Y'shua as recorded in Matthew 24, with my paraphrasing.  Y'shua Messiah is telling his disciples of the signs, the things that must happen before the end and his return. Please read scriptures for more details, including Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11; Joel 2:2
Let no man deceive you. Many will claim to be the savior and many will they deceive. You will hear of revolutions, wars and rumors of war. Do not worry, these things must happen but it is not the end yet.
Nations and kingdoms will rise up against each other, fight each other. There will be famine, food shortages, plagues, diseases and earthquakes in various places. These are the beginning of sorrows.
(note: the above I see in current events representing Seals 1 through 4 as opened. Next is Seal 5 - the persecution of believers-  and I believe it is in the process of being opened)

Then we will be hated, delivered to afflictions and killed because we believe in Y'shua, Son of Elohim. Many stumble, hate each other and will report 'believers' to the authorities to save their own lives (betray one another).  Many false prophets arise and deceive many.  Because of the spread of wickedness, lawlessness, the love of many grows cold. BUT whoever has patience until the end, he will have life. And this Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all the nations - then the end will come.  

And when you see the sign of uncleanness (abomination) and desolation which will stand in the Set Apart place - those in Judea should flee to the mountains, do not hesitate or try to go back.  There's no time to pack a bag or a lunch! Time's up.

THEN there will be great suffering (tribulation) such as has not been before or will be again... And if those days were not shortened, not any flesh would live, but because of the chosen, those days will be shortened. 

(note: the 'abomination' that enters the temple is the trigger point for the final 3-1/2 year time line).

Do not believe those who say they saw Y'shua (or Jesus) 'here or there', for false teachers/preachers/messiahs/prophets will produce signs and wonders in order to help with the deception, if possible even the chosen.  We are told beforehand so that we may recognize the times we are living in. Y'shua will be seen just as everyone sees the sun rise out of the east and it is seen even in the west, so shall the Son of God be seen.

Immediately after the suffering of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not shine its light, and the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of heaven will be shaken.  Then will be seen the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and all the tribes of the land mourn when they see him who comes upon the clouds of heaven with great power and glory.  He sends his Messengers with a large trumpet (shofar) and they will gather his chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other, the entire earth.

Y'shua tells us it will be like the days of Noah, preceding his return. Folks back then were living life as usual, eating, drinking, getting married, raising families, and ignoring the reason Noah and his family were preparing as they obeyed the instructions given by Elohim.  Those other folk kept on keepin' on right up until the Noah Family entered the ark.  The others did not know until the flood hit and took them.  It was too late to be saved, too late to enter the ark. This is why we are told the signs before the return of Messiah, so we will prepare before it's too late to be saved from the coming flood of Wrath from Elohim, which is contained in the final 7 Bowls of Plagues.  

The Seals of Revelation 6 relate to what Messiah has told his disciples as to the 'signs' of his return and the end of the world. It seem that the 'beginning of sorrows' are the opening of Seals 1 through 4 and these events seem pretty apparent in our day and age.  Seal 5 represents the 'persecution' of believers, those who are hated because of faith in Y'shua and YHWH. This is nothing new, but with the rise of Islam and increasing unrest in the mideast, we hear/see reports of hatred towards believers in YHWH more often, to the point of killing/beheading 'Christians' -- it seem as if Seal #5 is broken and in the stages of opening.  Seals 6 & 7 are yet to be broken.

Seal #1 
White horse being ridden by one who goes out to conquer (Wars and rumors of war)
Seal #2
Rider of the red horse carrying a great sword, takes peace from the earth causing people kill one another 
(Nations and kingdoms will rise up against each other, fight each other.)
Seal #3
The rider of the black horse carries a balance, the price of food goes up and the oil wine (luxury items) are protected. 
(There will be famine, food shortages,)
Seal #4
Pale horse whose rider is Death and is followed by the grave.  He has authority over a quarter of the world's population to kill by wars, famine, death and wild beasts. 
(plagues, diseases and earthquakes in various places.)
Seal #5
Under the altar are seen the souls of them who were slain on account of the Word of Elohim and on account of the testimony to the Lamb which was with them.  They cry out asking YHWH how much longer will it take before He judges and avenges their blood.  He tells them to be quiet yet a little while until the consummation of their fellow servants and Brothers who were to be killed as they had been.
Seal #6
The opening of this seal causes a great earthquake and the sun became black like sackcloth and the whole moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell on the earth as a fig tree  casts its unripe figs.  The heavens separate as a scroll is rolled up and all mountains and islands were moved out of their places. All the kings, nobles and captains, rich men, men of valor and every servant and free man hide for they know the day of their wrath is come and who is able to stand?  

It is still during this 6th Seal time frame that the four angels/Messengers held the four winds and another Messenger had the seal of Elohim to seal the servant of Elohim upon their foreheads - 144,000 = 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel = the first fruits of the harvest of the earth.  There is a lot of preparations made before Seal 7 which trigger the 7 Shofars Event.

Seal #7
When this seal is opened there will be silence in heaven for about a half hour... the 7 Messengers will each be given a shofar. Fire from the altar will be cast upon the earth which causes thunders, flashes of lightning and voices and an earthquake.  The 7 Messengers prepare to sound their shofars.

Set Apart Believers will still be on this earth during the sounding of the seven shofars. Yes, we go through 3-1/2 years of Satan's insanity but we are gathered up with Y'shua at that 7th Shofar!  That's another study in and of itself.  Also, don't be confused and misled by the popular phrase, "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", instead, just ignore it. To the best of my knowledge a horse is symbolic for power and each of those seals represent powerful events as well as aspects of ungodliness which lead up to Satan the Anti-Messiah taking charge.

We have been invited to the wedding feast. We better have enough lamp oil so we can patiently wait for the coming Bride Groom else we leave and the doors to the banquet room are shut and locked before we get back. (Matthew 25)