Saturday, May 21, 2016

..::``Information Overload``::..

As I lay awake in bed the other night, my brain was being bombarded with thoughts ricocheting around and my head felt full and ready to explode.  One thought after another fading in and out, words and pictures of current events with threads connecting them to past events to the point of Creation itself... it was very difficult to control this onslaught. I then realized it was time to stop trying to debate the pros and cons of current events in light of the Word of God with people who didn't want to include His Instructions or use His wisdom in sorting out right from wrong.  By no means do I consider myself 'smarter' than any one but when you have a book full of past experience to study and learn from, why ignore it?  Folks are fond of saying 'history repeats itself' but then ignore the signs indicating that historical behaviors are repeating and then they fail to change course for the better.  

There is nothing new under the sun but man sure likes to think he's in control.

The other realization I made was that if one does not have faith or trust or believe that YHWH Elohim is the Creator and heavenly Father, then there is no point in trying to explain what has caused these current events.  It would take an in depth study of Scriptures first in order to lay the ground work for understanding (and I pray that the studies contained here in this blog along with links to other related sites will help those who are seeking Him). Take the initiative and choose that path.  God says to seek Him as if looking for treasure.  It is His Creation and we are all part of it - the good, the bad and the ugly.  It is all written in a collection called Scriptures (the Bible variations are abbreviated version of the ancient texts).  It has been recorded for all to read and to understand what was, what is and what will be. 

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