Friday, May 10, 2013

To Dance or Not to Dance

Several months ago the topic of dance came up within the Torah Study Group I was attending.  A sister came across a website which went into the pagan origins of what some today refer to as Hebraic Dance, or Davidic Dance, or praise and worship dance = Circle Dance.  I followed up this topic with my own study, both within scripture and via resources on the web.  Bottom line - Acceptable dance, whirling and twirling (dancing) is Spontaneous Reaction to Joy, not something planned, choreographed and taught to others.

Examples of Joyful Dancing in Scriptures:
Exodus 15:20,
1 Samuel 18:6-7. 2 Samuel 6:14-23,
Jeremiah 31:4,
Psalm 30:12, Psalm 149, 150:4,
Judges 11:34 (mixed emotions here)
Judges 21:21-23
In a rush to embrace the Hebraic Roots/Messianic movement, some good hearted gentiles are overlooking some facts.  Just as we have learned about the origins of the holidays and have quit partaking in them, learned dance steps have pagan origins, too.  We cannot tolerate what is wrong in an attempt to make things right.  We cannot mimic pagan ways and think we are honoring our Creator as He Himself said we cannot take something unholy and make it holy.

Here are some links that delve into the origins of what is being passed off as praise and worship:
Is Dancing Biblical?

What does Scripture Say?

Mayim Mayim
this site (Israeli folk dance) has a pdf showing the particular steps called the 'grapevine'
which is what ties in with paganism...

Grapevine Step
same style as the Hebrew Folk Dance
Spiral-Grapevine-Weaver's Dance defined
There is so much deception in our life which is a tool used by Satan to keep us from gaining knowledge, to keep us from YHWH our Elohim.  I am thankful for Jamie who brought this topic to my attention to begin with!  Time to take the blinders off!  Be Set Apart because He Is Set Apart :-)


Monday, October 8, 2012

More about Pagan Holidays

Halloween, christmas, easter, and others... even though I took part in these festivities (from my birth through the mid 90's) I have learned the difference the study of Scriptures.

My friends and family say any time is a good time to praise (Jesus)... but even by unknowingly taking part in pagan rituals, one is NOT bringing praise to YHWH nor His Son, but you make Satan feel pretty good. He loves deception as he is the father of lies.

This 'keep christ in christmas' and believe 'jesus is the reason for the season' are just wrong. Not because I don't believe in Y'shua, but because I DO believe AND understand what YHWH is telling us, as it is written in the Original script - Leviticus in particular.  YHWH gave His people specific times to keep and observe forever, to remember Him, His power and glory and how He has brought us to where we are today. These appointed times (moedim) are:
  • Pesach/Passover
  • Chag HaMatzah/Unleavened Bread
  • Yom HaBikkurim/First Fruits
  • Shavuot/Pentecost
  • Yom Teruah/Feast of Trumpets
  • Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement
  • Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles and then the 8th Day which is
  • The Last Great Day
All other man-made traditional holidays we've been taught and celebrated since birth are not of our Creator but are of pagan origins - Satan inspired to lead us away from our Elohim YHWH.

Monday, May 7, 2012

To Infinity and Beyond

All the deceptions going on in America these days will divert everyone's attention from what is happening behind the scenes as well as right before their eyes. There is a much bigger picture to be realized. Currently, if everyone is occupied with electronic devices (texting, etc...), meaningless entertainment (TV), finding a cause for imagined justice, digging up dirt on potential candidates, or blaming the rich for being successful, or believing what main stream media feeds them, creating a mental atmosphere of chaos, lies and deceit, then it will be very easy for them to believe the next set of lies coming their way.

Remember, Satan is the Father of Lies and Distractions, and wants to be god. He was slowed down once by a flood that wiped away almost all his evil. He is spiritually defeated by the shed blood of Y'Shua Mashiyach, and yet, he still has a little time left! He will be allowed one more attempt to steal us away from our Creator so it is very important that we are paying attention.

Update 11/2017::: We may be seeing folks lining up behind Francis, the possible false prophet (religious leader) of Revelation who will convince everyone to support the coming world leader.... Satan is the Father of Lies and Distractions, and wants to be god. He could be waving the Vatican over here in one hand distracting us to the government he is in the process of reviving. The covenant Yah made with Abraham continues through his descendants Isaac and Jacob. Ishmael (born of Hagar the Egyptian) was 14 yrs. old when Isaac was born. Yah promised to make a great nation of him, too, but kept His covenant through Isaac. And then Esau and Jacob are born and the ever lasting hatred begins. Esau sells his birthright to Jacob and ends up rebelling against his father Jacob/Israel. He goes to Ishmael and adds to his wives the daughter of Ishmael. ~~ If Yah loves Jacob but hates Esau it makes sense that Satan would choose the descendants of Esau to bring his short lived 'kingdom' to life during the end time scenario. Who are the descendants (the Edomites) of Esau in today's world? We can say Arabs in general but the spirit of Esau's descendants are forever angry at Yahweh, angry at Israel, and and angry with themselves. They never repent and their doom is certain.

Update 6/10/2018: The above link is broken... but I am leaving it here because You Tube removed the video claiming it was 'hate speech'.  If you know me, you would know I would not promote hate, but am strongly involved in bringing truth to the forefront.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chip off the Old Block

We've been talking about 'how to buy or sell' techniques that won't require cash or carrying a credit card, and it was brought to my attention that a law has been passed that requires all Americans to be chipped - meaning to have the Radio Frequency Identification microchip implanted beneath the skin, permanently.  I was told this law has been included in the health care bill on page 1004 - I'm still looking for it. (Maybe I didn't copy the page number correctly... I may end up deleting this post if I cannot verify info!) It seems that ID implants could be buried beneath legit medical devices: Medical Devices Concerns

After further review.... 
RFID Implants are not specifically mentioned in Sections 2561 of HR3200 or 2571 of HR3962. What is written could be interpreted to include tracking devices in humans, so it is left open to our imaginations.  Go here: H.R. 3200 and scroll down to bottom of page 1192 for Sect. 2561 if you want to read this part of the bill yourself... National Registry of Medical Devices.

I don't trust TPTB to look out for us so I have no doubt this section of the bill lays the ground work for some sort of system to eventually account for us all, an expansion of Big Brother surveillance system.
Revelation 13:16 ~ And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Are You are Believer in the Word

If you don't want to stop lying to your children (and deceiving yourself) and still want to 'believe' in and partake of christmas (and other pagan holidays), then don't read any more of this post.

When my husband and I learned that 'Jesus' wasn't born in December, let alone on the 25th of the month, we both agreed to stop partaking of this man made holiday.  We came across this historical info as a result of my asking questions and searching for answers about the origins of the holidays we 'Christians' celebrate. We have been taught these traditions by our parents who were taught by their parents, and their parents, etc... There's a line from scripture that says we have inherited the 'lies of our fathers' and I think this includes the holidays we celebrate. Even if you know that Y'Shua our Messiah was not born in December yet still participate in the acts of these holidays, using vain excuses, you are rebelling against Yahweh and practicing paganism. That makes Satan very happy as paganism is the groundwork for his various false religions that separate us from the One True Living Elohim. Scripture also tells us not to learn the way of the Gentiles (heathen/pagan). 
Jeremiah 10:1-4 - Hear the word which Yahweh speaks to you, O house of Israel. Thus says Yahweh: "Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven, For the Gentiles are dismayed at them.  For the customs of the peoples are futile; For one cuts a tree from the forest, The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax.  They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers so that it will not topple.
Of course, as children, we had no idea we were being taught a lie, participating in actions that were against the Word of Yahweh, the One True Elohin. We didn't even know that "God" had a Name!

"During the later periods of Roman history, sun worship gained in importance and ultimately led to what has been called a 'solar monotheism.' Nearly all the gods of the period were possessed of Solar qualities, and both Christ and Mithra acquired the traits of solar deities. The feast of Sol and Victus (open unconquered Sun) on December 25th was celebrated with great joy, and eventually this date was taken over by the Christians as Christmas, the birthday of Christ."
quote continued: 
Notice how it says "both Christ and Mithra acquired the traits of solar deities?" Pardon me, but do any alarm bells go off here? The Christians were apparently trying to get more converts so they tried to make the Messiah more like the idols found in sun worship---all under the guise of making him more attractive to pagans. They even brought various elements of the December 25th "feast of the unconquered sun" into their worship by saying that December 25th was actually the Messiah's birthday, which was simply not true. This is the origin of Christmas and this is why we have various pagan-rooted traditions accompanying this holiday.Do we imitate the world to bring the world to the Messiah? Absolutely not. You don't win the world by imitating the world; you win the world by imitating Yahshua the Messiah!It seems to me that true believers should be teaching the unbelievers the true way of Yahweh rather than the unbelievers teaching believers these pagan customs and practices. But these Christians not only learned these heathen ways, they also incorporated them into their worship.
When Paul was writing to the Ephesians, a group of believers who were surrounded by idol worship, he said:Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.So we shouldn't be trying to copy idolatrous feasts. Rather, we should be exposing them for the fraud and lie that they are. Creating a new lie by saying the the Messiah was born on Dec. 25th, the birthday of various sun gods, is preposterous. One of the last things our Savior would ever want is to "acquire the traits of solar deities."  end quote
And here's another quote:

“At the Council of Arles in 314 AD, Constantine retained his own divine status by introducing the omnipotent "God of the Christians" as his personal sponsor. He then dealt with the anomalies of doctrine by replacing certain aspects of Christian ritual with the familiar pagan traditions of sun worship, together with other teachings of Syrian and Persian origin. In short, the new religion of the Roman church was constructed as a ‘hybrid’ to appease all influential factions. By this means, Constantine looked towards a common and unified ‘world’ religion - catholic meaning universal - with himself at its head.” 

It was the adoption of these pagan practices of tree worship, sun worship with the observance of the Saturnalia festival on December 25, and other pagan rituals involving holly, yule logs and mistletoe that coalesced over the centuries into the traditions most Christians associate with Christ’s birth today.
Would it be right to take a Satanic holiday that Satanists have invented and then incorporate that holiday along with its customs into the worship of Yahweh? Surely not. We need to realize that all paganism is Satanism. Satan is the one behind all pagan worship. And whatever god the idolaters worship, they are actually worshiping Satan. (end quote)

It is Satan's goal to turn us completely away from the truth, as he is the father of lies and prince of deception. He desires to be worshiped as god, that is why there are so many 'religions' to choose from! Satan is subtle, charming, tells us what we want to hear, and tempts us in so many ways! He makes it real easy to ignore Yahweh's instruction manual. 

We have been 'brainwashed' from childhood to celebrate holidays that have nothing to do with what our Elohim asks of us.  

It’s no coincidence that the two most important Christian holidays were  once two of the most disgusting pagan celebrations, devoted to the blatant exhibition of adultery, gluttony, blasphemy and child sacrifice, behavior specifically forbidden by God. It was an attack on the sanctity of these two events that Christians resisted for over 400 years, but have now accepted to a point where to question them invites ridicule.

So, after finding out that Satan is behind the traditional holidays, how can you continue to partake in the celebrations? Please, come out of Babylon.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Man Made Traditions

Every year I cringe when traditional holidays approach as they are most certainly not of our Creator.  Satan is the father of lies, the king of deception.  He wants to be worshipped as if he were a god, the god.  So it makes sense that he would devise alternative holy days to counterfeit Elohim's appointed times. Satan's holidays are pagan rituals which are not pleasing to YHWH and He has asked us to "come out" of Babylon (paganism), to leave these traditions behind. 

Below is a list of links for further research and study,  so that you may find this out for yourself, as I did, and leave them behind, never looking back or 'longing' for things of Satan.

It is not easy breaking these habits we were raised with, but it is possible with the help of Y'shua and with the support of like minded believers, friends and family.  Once we leave pagan traditions behind we will open up to keeping the Feasts of YHWH - another learning curve!

Please click on these links to learn of the lies we have inherited-

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Signs and Wonders

I recently read about Elenin, a comet discovered by Leonid Elenin, and all the excitement about this 'comet'.  There is concern by some that it's not a comet but a dwarf star, others think it may be Planet X or Nibiru.  Many think it will have a major impact on earth's stability.  Myself, I am only newly aware of the effects of planetary alignments related to earthquakes... yeah, I lived under a rock for awhile 😐

I also remember reading a few years back about the possibility of certain Russian technology able to 'ping' locations like the caldera in Yellowstone Park, in order to bring on earthquakes and/or volcanic eruptions.  Might of had something to do with HAARP, too.  It's possible that our sun has a twin - binary star - and that in itself would be a cool discovery, yet there is no mention of this in our local news, either.

Here's further information about HAARP you may find interesting:


Here's a quote from the Jet Propulsion Lab discussion board about the effects Elenin may have on the earth- you can read the JPL discussion board here
I read it is 2.5 times the mass of the planet Jupiter. That is enough mass to have considerable impact on our crust and on our bodies of water on our planet. Some of these past earthquakes have occurred when Elenin was close to 6000 AU from our planet, and in Sept this object be it comet or brown dwarf...will be under 0.6 AU from our planet, not to mention we have to cross ...the path it takes across our normal rotational pattern around the sun exposing us to run into whatever deposits or space debris it leaves in it’s trail. Any large debris could theoretically enter our atmosphere at this point and descend it’s way to earth in a fiery meteor type of entry causing cataclysmic destruction on impact... Why do you think HAARP and the Navy has been conducting tests outside the Florida coast? Are they trying to come up with some magical electromagnetic type of energy field or sonic or microwave broadcast that is going to break up and shield the globe from these type of items?  end quote

Here is the link to NASA's JPL site back when Elenin was the topic of the day:
click here 

Do your own research.  If it is something that can strongly affect earth as we know it, shouldn't the scientific community get word out to the population so we might be able to take steps to ride this out?

Update May 17, 2017
Six years later there is speculation about another 'planet' that will cause havoc on the earth when it passes by.   See my study: Nibiru