Sunday, June 5, 2011

Signs and Wonders

I recently read about Elenin, a comet discovered by Leonid Elenin, and all the excitement about this 'comet'.  There is concern by some that it's not a comet but a dwarf star, others think it may be Planet X or Nibiru.  Many think it will have a major impact on earth's stability.  Myself, I am only newly aware of the effects of planetary alignments related to earthquakes... yeah, I lived under a rock for awhile 😐

I also remember reading a few years back about the possibility of certain Russian technology able to 'ping' locations like the caldera in Yellowstone Park, in order to bring on earthquakes and/or volcanic eruptions.  Might of had something to do with HAARP, too.  It's possible that our sun has a twin - binary star - and that in itself would be a cool discovery, yet there is no mention of this in our local news, either.

Here's further information about HAARP you may find interesting:


Here's a quote from the Jet Propulsion Lab discussion board about the effects Elenin may have on the earth- you can read the JPL discussion board here
I read it is 2.5 times the mass of the planet Jupiter. That is enough mass to have considerable impact on our crust and on our bodies of water on our planet. Some of these past earthquakes have occurred when Elenin was close to 6000 AU from our planet, and in Sept this object be it comet or brown dwarf...will be under 0.6 AU from our planet, not to mention we have to cross ...the path it takes across our normal rotational pattern around the sun exposing us to run into whatever deposits or space debris it leaves in it’s trail. Any large debris could theoretically enter our atmosphere at this point and descend it’s way to earth in a fiery meteor type of entry causing cataclysmic destruction on impact... Why do you think HAARP and the Navy has been conducting tests outside the Florida coast? Are they trying to come up with some magical electromagnetic type of energy field or sonic or microwave broadcast that is going to break up and shield the globe from these type of items?  end quote

Here is the link to NASA's JPL site back when Elenin was the topic of the day:
click here 

Do your own research.  If it is something that can strongly affect earth as we know it, shouldn't the scientific community get word out to the population so we might be able to take steps to ride this out?

Update May 17, 2017
Six years later there is speculation about another 'planet' that will cause havoc on the earth when it passes by.   See my study: Nibiru

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