Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Dusty Sandals FB Collection

I have decided to copy and paste the 'Best Of My FB Page' right here in my old blog spot, like pasting photographs in a scrapbook, for future reading and reference. This will be a lengthy post with various topics, links and what-nots so get your scrolling skills sharpened. 

Have you heard of Dean Gotcher of Authority Research? His experience and explanation of 'group think' shines a bright light on understanding how people have become who they are in this country.

Quotes from Dean Gotcher's website Authority Research :

"Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Y'shua Messiah." 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Articles on Diaprax === (The dialectical process put into praxis)
There is no Father's authority in dialogue, only equals.
Therefore, in dialogue, no one has a sense of "guilt" for disobeying the Father
since, in dialogue, there is not Father's authority to feel "guilty" about disobeying.
It was through dialogue (the use of the dialectic process) that Satan was able to deceive the woman in the garden in Eden, and every man since.

Y'shua Messiah would not dialogue with the devil, instead he preached and taught the words of His Father, "It is written ...." and He calls all who are His to do the same.

Isn't it strange that no matter how clear you make the truth, people still refuse to see  it, having to accept it by faith, even though it is in plain sight for all to see. Our love for the things of the world, i.e. seeking to become at-one-with the world, in pleasure, in the 'moment,' blinds us to the love of Our Heavenly Father, who chastens us, that we might partake in His holiness (and eternal life).


The Story of the Four Thieves

The thieves were actually spice traders and merchants who imported spices, including cinnamon and clove from India. When the Black Plague hit, all international shipping and  trade was closed down. Unable to do business, these spice traders quickly ran out of money and had to find a way to support themselves.

Since people in the communities were afraid to touch the dead bodies, they decided to loot the homes and bodies of the plaque victims. They would take clothes, jewelry, pots and pans, and then barter or trade them for food and money. They knew they wouldn't get sick if they rubbed vinegar, oils, and certain spices all over their bodies.

When the King heard about the story of the thieves he wanted to know their secret. He wanted to know how they were able to touch dead bodies without getting sick! How did they protect themselves from the dreaded disease?

He sent his Constables out to capture them. Four of the thieves were caught and brought before the King. He gave them a choice to either share their secret formula of "immunity" or be burned at the stake. The four thieves decided to share their secret formula with the King. The King immediately posted the thieves secret formula all over the town. Hence the story of the four thieves.
Here is one recipe that I have used for 'clearing the air'
40 drops Clove Bud essential oil
35 drops Lemon essential oil
20 drops Cinnamon Bark essential oil
15 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
10 drops Rosemary essential oil
Mix all essential oils together in a dark glass bottle.
This blend is strong and should be diluted, 6-12 drops of essential oil can be added per 1 oz. of carrier oil such as almond or olive oil. 


Lessons to be learned from sayings in which truth is cloaked.
Also known as

Learn wisdom and discipline.

Understand words of discernment (be able to separate truth from deception). Acquire discipline for righteousness, justice, fairness and success. Endow the simple with the ability to have sharp insight in practical affairs, and the young with knowledge and foresight.

If sinners entice you, do not give in, do not go with them. Keep your feet from their path - it leads to evil.

Make your ear attentive to wisdom and your mind open to discernment.

If you seek understanding and discernment, search for them as if you were searching for treasures, then you will understand the fear of YHWH and attain knowledge of Him. He is a Shield for those who live blamelessly.

You will understand what is right, just and equitable because wisdom will enter your mind and knowledge will delight you. Foresight will protect you and discernment will guide you and save you from the way of evil men.

So follow the way of the good and keep to the paths of the just for the upright will inhabit the earth, the blameless will remain in it. The wicked shall vanish from the land and the treacherous shall be rooted out of it.


We Are Prophecy.

We are the offspring with whom Yahweh has maintained His everlasting covenant.  We are those who Yahweh told Abraham about in Genesis 17 when He said "I will make you the father of a multitude of nations."

Through Isaac and on through the descendants of Jacob YHWH Elohim has kept His promise, so we should trust Him to keep it with the people of today who obey His instructions. What He says, He does!

Genesis 26 Yahweh tells Isaac that He will make his descendants as numerous as the stars of heaven, and in Genesis 28 Yahweh tells Jacob, "your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth... I will protect you wherever you go and will bring you back tho this land."

We are as much a part of the old testament writings as we are of the 'renewed covenant'.
We are prophecy being fulfilled.


Here's another thought to ponder...
Revelation 7
And after these things (after the 6th seal has been opened and before the 7th seal is opened) four Messengers (angels) stood on the four corners of the earth and they held the four winds so that they blew not on the earth, sea or on the trees.

And I saw another Messenger, and he came up from the rising of the sun (the east); and he had the seal of the living Elohim and he called out with a loud voice to the four Messengers to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying:  Hurt not the earth nor the sea nor the trees, until we will have sealed the servants of our Elohim upon their foreheads." 

And I heard the number of them who were sealed: a hundred and forty four thousand, sealed from every tribe of Israelites (12,000 each x 12 tribes = 144,000).... 

7:9 After these things, I looked and lo, A Great Multitude which no one could number (count), from all kindreds and nations and tribes and tongues, who stood before the throne and before the Lamb... (these are they who came out of great affliction). ~~~ 

This sure sounds a lot like when they came out of Egypt - the Hebrews/Israelites along with the mixed multitude. Back then the Sign was the blood of the lamb on their doorposts and lintels. This also reminds me of the covenant YHWH made with Abraham when He told him he would be the father of nations, so numerous one could not count them...

The 144,000 are the first fruits of the harvest of the earth - not the total number of the remnant - 'the remnant' includes the mixed multitude.
Jude 1:3... while I take all pains to write to you of our common life, it is needful for me to write to you, encouraging you to maintain a conflict for the faith which was once delivered to the Set Apart believers.

How do we choose life? By loving Yahweh our Elohim, heeding His commands and holding fast to Him. For thereby we shall have life and shall long endure upon the soil that He swore to our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... (Deuteronomy 30:20)  That soil is the Promised Land of Canaan which is the future kingdom of Y'shua... this is our Hope... this is the Good News.  Praise Yahweh!!! Let us be trained up now, lamps full of oil, ready to enter before the door is shut.... then it will be too late.

A short definition of what is commonly called The Law:
Torah is the Hebrew word for Instructions and pertains to the rules, laws and teachings Yahweh Elohim put in place for His People to set them apart from the pagan traditions which permeate the world around them (us).  As Creator, He included the Instruction Manual. (Most people don't read the instructions until all other attempts fail). Then He let us choose to obey or disobey, giving examples, throughout Scriptures, of what happens as results of those choices. He painted a clear picture of His expectations for living a righteous life. He did not lay a burden on us.  In order to be Set Apart believers in YHWH Elohim we must choose to follow His Instructions which set us apart from the traditions of man in this world. We then realize what Y'shua meant when he said we would be hated because of his name (by following him who was sent by the Creator/Father/Elohim as the example of Perfection).
It's not about the Jews or the modern day state of Israel... it's not about all the diverse religions of the day... It is about Yah's perfect governing system for His Chosen. His Chosen People are the Set Apart believers, anyone of any background, who turn from their sinful nature and those pesky pagan ways (man made traditions handed down through the generations) and have Faith in the one true living Elohim, YHWH, and His Son, Y'shua haMashiyach, those who keep His Commands and have the testimony of Y'shua.

When "Bible Study Groups" feel they need to select 'elders' or establish some sort of leadership, my soul cringes, because most times they will not follow Yah's Instructions in choosing capable men who fear Him.  Even Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses (and priest of Midian), saw how overwhelming it was for Moses to 'manage' the people, day in and day out, making known the laws and teachings of Yahweh. He made this suggestion:
You, Moses, represent the people and bring their disputes before Yahweh Elohim. Make known to them the importance of the laws and the teachings and tell them the way they are to go and the practices they are to follow.  Select capable men from among the people who fear Elohim, trustworthy men who spurn ill-gotten gain and set them over groups of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. Let them judge all matters, and decide minor disputes themselves; but have them bring the major disputes to you. - sharing your burden. If you do this and Yahweh commands you- you will be able to bear it. (Exodus 18:17)
Time goes by and in Numbers 11:10 we read that Yahweh was very angry (again) and Moses was distressed (those stiff necked people have been complaining and crying again)... Yahweh instructs Moses to: 
"Gather 70 of Israel's elders of whom have experience as elders and officers of the people, bring them to the Tent of Meeting and let them take their place there with you. I will come down and speak with you there, and I will draw upon the spirit that is in you and put it upon them; they shall share the burden of the people with you..."

1 Timothy 3: 
...if a man desires the eldership, he desires a good work. And an elder should be such that No Blame can be found in him; a husband of one wife; have a vigilant mind, sober and reliable; hospitable to strangers; instructive; not a transgressor of wine; not swift to strike but should be humble and not contentious nor a lover of money; one who guides well his own house and holds his children in subjection with all purity. If he cannot run his own household how can he guide the assembly of Elohim? Neither let him be of recent discipleship or else his ego will get the best of him... There should be good testimony of him... else he fall into reproach and the snare of Satan...

The book of Titus is a letter from Paul providing instructions for establishing elders in every city.  Titus was 'a real son after the common faith' and was completely trusted with this job. The guidelines for choosing elders include that they should be blameless and the husband of one wife and have children who believe, are not revilers nor ungovernable in sensuality.  An elder is a steward of Elohim and not to be self-willed nor hot tempered, nor excessive in wine or with hands swift to strike.  He should not be a lover of base gains. He should be a lover of strangers and of good deeds, and be sober, upright, kind-hearted and restrain himself from evil passions.  He should be studious of the doctrine of the Word of Faith that he may be able by his wholesome teaching both console and rebuke them that are contentious.

Ephesians 5:17
Therefore, do not lack in understanding, but understand what is the will of Elohim.

Psalm 101 of David
I will sing of faithfulness and justice; I will chant a hymn to You, O Yahweh.
I will study the way of the blameless; when shall I attain it?
I will live without blame within my house.
I will not set before my eyes anything base;
I hate crooked dealings; I will have none of it.
Perverse thoughts will be far from me; I will know nothing of evil.
He who slanders his friend in secret I will destroy;
I cannot endure the haughty and proud man.
My eyes are on the trusty men of the land, to have them at my side.
He who follows the way of the blameless shall be in my service.
He who deals deceitfully shall not live in my house; he who speaks untruth sahll not stand before my eyes.
Each morning I will destroy all the wicked of the land to rid the city of Yahweh of all evildoers.
1 John 1:6
And if we say that we have fellowship with him and we walk in the darkness, we are liars and walk not in the truth...
2 Corinthians 6:14
And don't be yoked with those who do not believe: for what fellowship has righteousness with iniquity or what fellowship has light with darkness

Next time you see a rainbow, 
remember WHY it is appearing....
(Not scientifically But Spiritually)
Yahweh said to Noah:
I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh.…

This final world system will be a big test for all of us. If we go along with it, worship the Image, take its mark etc... we essentially turn our backs on Elohim and fail. If we moan and groan and cry and wish we'd never been born yet keep our faith in the one true living Elohim, He will sustain us and restore all things. Then we receive the gift - the life of our soul. No matter when and how this all comes about, we must stand strong in our Faith in order to Endure until the End.

There is nothing new under the sun.
The condition of this country did not happen overnight.
When you feel compelled to choose a leader, keep the following scenario in mind:

1 Samuel 8:6
But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to Yahweh... and Yahweh told him:
“Listen to all that the people are saying to you;
it is not you they have rejected,
but it is Me they have rejected as their king.
Just as they have done from the day I brought them out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods...
Listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.”
“This is what the king will claim as his rights:
to take your sons and make them serve (in his military complex). Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his (war machine). He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. He will take a tenth of (your earnings aka: taxes) and give it to his officials and attendants. All who work for you he will take for his own use. You will become slaves to the system. When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you yourselves have chosen, but I will not answer you in that day.”  But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.”
Wanting to be 'like everyone else' is the opposite of being 'Set Apart' to Elohim. 

The suffering Mashiyach - Y'shua - found in the Tanakh:

Isaiah 52:13
Indeed, My servant shall prosper, be exalted and raised to great heights. Just as many were appalled at him -so marred was his appearance, unlike that of man, his form, beyond human semblance- just so he shall startle many nations. Kings shall be silenced because of him, for they shall see what has not been told them, shall behold what they never heard. 
Isaiah 53: 
"Who can believe what we have heard? Upon whom as the arm of (Yahweh) been revealed? For he has grown, by His favor, like a tree crown, like a tree trunk out of arid ground. He had no form or beauty that we should look at him: no charm, that we should find him pleasing. He was despised, shunned by men, a man of suffering familiar with disease. As one who hid his face from us, he was despised, we held him of no account.
Yet is was our sickness that he was bearing, our suffering that he endured. We accounted him plagued, smitten and afflicted by Elohim, but he was wounded because of our sins, crushed because of our wickedness. He bore the chastisement that made us whole, and by his bruises we were healed.
We all went astray like sheep, each going his own way; and Yahweh visited upon him the guilt of all of us.
He was maltreated, yet he was submissive, he did not open his mouth; like a sheep being led to slaughter, like a ewe, dumb before those who shear her, he did not open his mouth.
By oppressive judgment he was taken away, who could describe his abode? For he was cut off from the land of the living through the sin of my people who deserved the punishment. And his grave was set among the wicked, and with the rich, in his death thought he had done no injustice and had spoken no falsehood.
But Yahweh chose to crush him by disease, that if he made himself an offering for guilt, he might see offspring and have long life, and that through him Yah's purpose might prosper. Out of his anguish he shall see it, he shall enjoy it to the full through his devotion.
My righteous servant makes the many righteous, it is their punishment that he bears; assuredly, I will give him the many as his portion, he shall receive the multitude as his spoil. For he exposed himself to death and was numbered among the sinners, whereas he bore the guilt of the many and made intercession for sinners.

Y'shua says we are 'His Sheep', that we should not follow after anyone who claims to be a prophet or teacher of YHWH unless we can recognize the Good Shepherd's Voice. In order to recognize His Voice we need to be reading Scriptures every day/night for the Ruach haKodesh to teach us discernment. If we know Scriptures we'll be able to recognize a falsehood. Y'shua gave us the Set Apart Spirit as a Comforter and Revealer of Truth. We need them both in order to return to the Father, YHWH Elohim. Therein understanding and wisdom are gained.

Deuteronomy 29
Have we chosen to enter into the covenant of Yahweh our Elohim, with its sanctions (the curses that violations of the covenant will entail), not with us alone, but all who stand with us and those who are not here this day? To the end that He may establish us as His People and be our Elohim, as he promised us and swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...

We know about those who dwelt in the land of Egypt. When Yah set them free they were led through the midst of various nations where they saw detestable things and the fetishes (idols) of wood, stone, silver and gold that they kept...

Perchance there is among us some whose heart is even now turning away from Yahweh to go and worship the gods of those nations... 

After agreeing to His Covenant, we will not be immune to the sanctions. We will not be safe if we choose to follow our own willful hearts... breaking the terms of His contract.
Yahweh's anger and passion will rage against those of us who turn away from Him to follow after idols and no-gods, until every sanction recorded in this book of Teaching comes down upon us who chose to follow our own ideas.

In regards to keeping the 7th day rest:
Yahweh sets the example for us in Genesis 2:2- By the seventh day YHWH completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which He had created.

Exodus 16:23
...then he said to them, "This is what Yahweh meant: Tomorrow is a sabbath observance, set apart to Him. Bake what you will bake and boil what you will boil, and all that is left over put aside to be kept until morning." 
To us this means to  get all our meals prepared the day before so we don't have to 'kindle a fire' on the sabbath to do any cooking. 35:2 "For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Set Apart day, a sabbath of Complete Rest to Yahweh Elohim.

Leviticus 23:3
For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of Complete Rest, a holy convocation. You shall not do any work; it is a sabbath to your Elohim, in all your dwellings.

Deuteronomy 5:12
Observe the sabbath day to keep it set apart as Yahweh your Elohim commanded you
Later on in Jeremiah 17:21, he reminds the people about the day of rest:
Thus says Yahweh, "Take heed for yourselves, and do not carry any load on the sabbath day or bring anything in through the gates of Jerusalem (no buying or selling, conducting commerce, doing work). You shall not bring a load out of your houses on the sabbath day nor do any work, but keep the sabbath day set apart, as I commanded your forefathers. Yet they did not listen or incline their ears, but stiffened their necks in order not to listen or take correction.…
This isn't just a 'day of rest' for us to relax and enjoy ourselves, but it is for Him, to honor Yahweh our Elohim

Isaiah 56:2 "How blessed is the man who does this, And the son of man who takes hold of it; Who keeps from profaning the sabbath...

Isaiah 58:13 "If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot from doing your own pleasure; on My set apart day, and call the sabbath a delight, the set apart day of Yah honorable, and honor it; desisting from your own ways, from seeking your own pleasure and speaking your own words; then you shall take delight in Me, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth; I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father (inherit the promised land)

Ezekiel 20:12 "Also I gave them My sabbaths to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am Yahweh who sanctifies them."


Romans 12:9
Let not your love be full of deceit, but be haters of evil things and adhere to good things. Love one another, honor one another, be active and not slothful. Be fervent in spirit. Work for Y'shua. Be joyful in your hope in the Good News. Be patient under your afflictions and preserving in prayer. Be communicators to the wants of the Set Apart believers. Be kind to strangers. Bless your persecutors, bless and do not curse. Rejoice with them who rejoice and weep with them who weep. Do not indulge in arrogant thoughts, but unite yourselves with the humble minded. Be not wise in your own estimations. Repay no man evil for evil but let it be to your study to do good before all men.

1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is patient and kind. Love is not envious, does not shout loudly and is not boastful. Love does nothing that causes shame, and seeks not her own (ego-strokers). Love is not passionate, and thinks no evil. It does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes for all and endures all. Love will never cease (His steadfast love is eternal). These three things are abiding: Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is Love.

I was just thinking about folks who believe Y'shua did away with the instructions the Creator put in place. They believe there are only two commands and quote from Matthew 22:36-40:
Love God with all your heart,
mind, soul and strength and
Love you neighbor as yourself

(those who do the Commandments are they who Love Yahweh
without love, observance of Torah is vanity)

Y'shua also said, as recorded in
Matthew 19:17; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:19:

Why do you call me good?
There is none good except the one Elohim.
Now if you desire to enter into life eternal
keep the Commandments...
Do not kill and don't commit adultery,
and do not steal or give false witness.
And honor your parents and 
love you neighbor as yourself

When we spend time seeking the truth in scriptures many times we wander off on rabbit trails, the 'what ifs' in life. When I find myself losing touch with His reality I remember the writings in Ecclesiastes -- it is one of my favorite reads and I find solace in his conclusion. 
"The sum of the matter when all is said and done, revere Elohim and observe His Commandments! For this applies to all mankind, that Yah will call every creature to account for everything unknown, be it good or bad."

This sage advice keeps us on track, no matter how exciting or fearful our imaginings seem to be. YHWH Elohim is in control, it's His plan that He told us about through His servants the prophets, from the beginning through to the end of our existence on this physical earth. Our Loving Father has gone to great lengths to prepare us for what is to come.

Because of His steadfast love which is eternal and His perfect timing, many still have the free will choice to turn from the ways of this corrupt world and, by Faith in His Son, Y'shua the anointed one, receive that Life which is also eternal.

Because of the Almighty's Righteousness, Satan works very hard at deceiving us and has been at it ever since he caused Eve to doubt the Word of Elohim/God. It's important to know this because Satan and his crew will become more active on this earth as time goes by. Do not be dismayed by wars and rumors of war and revolutions that are going on around the world today, as these things must happen.

As Y'shua Messiah said, as it is written in the book of Matthew, chapter 24, in his response to the questions he was being asked by his Apostles concerning the signs of the time of the return of Messiah and the end of the world:
"Beware, let no man deceive you. For many will come in my name and will say that 'I am the Anointed One' and many will be deceived. You are bound to hear of revolutions and rumors of war... do not be disturbed for it is necessary that all these things happen, but it is not the end yet. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines and plagues and earthquakes in different places. These things are only the beginning of sorrows. Then 'they' will deliver to afflictions and they will kill you and you will be hated by all nations because of my name. Many will stumble and will hate one another and will betray one another. And many false prophets will arise and deceive many. And because of the growth of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold. BUT whoever has patience until the end will have Life. And this Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end will come. When you see the sign of uncleanness and desolation, that was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, which will stand in the Set Apart place (Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11). At That Time those who are living in Judea, let them flee to the mountain... For then will be great suffering such as has not been from the beginning of the world until the present , nor will there ever be again. If anyone should say to you The Messiah is here in the temple, or there in the wilderness, do not believe it. (When I return everyone will see me, from east to west, and know it is I). False Messiahs and lying prophets will rise and they will produce signs and great wonders in order to deceive mankind. I have told you beforehand."

YHWH exists forever, 
His word stands firm in heaven. 
His faithfulness is for all generations; 
He has established the earth, and it stands.

We stand this day to carry out Your rulings, for all are Your servants. Were not Your teachings my delight I would have perished in my affliction. I will never neglect Your precepts, for You have preserved my life through them.

I am Yours; save me!

I have turned to Your precepts... the wicked hope to destroy me, but I ponder Your decrees. I have seen that all things have their limit, but Your commandment is broad beyond measure.

  • Teachings: something taught 
  • Rulings: decisions of someone in authority 
  • Precepts: rules or principles prescribing a particular course of action or conduct. 
  • Decrees: authoritative orders having the force of law.
  • Commandments: mandate, directives

What does YHWH demand of us? Only this: to revere Him, our Elohim, to walk ONLY in His paths, to Love Him and Serve Him with all our heart and soul, keeping His commandments and laws, For Our Own Good...

Quotes from The Refiner's Fire
"YHWH (who has clearly removed His Mighty Hand from not only our nation but, from the whole world, to allow His end times prophecies to unfold) that America is at a complete standstill right now as far as our leadership goes because Scripture amply reveals that, unless a nation repents and calls on Him, He will continue to allow it to wallow in carnality UNTIL people come to realize that a complete change of heart is necessary." 
"This is where America is right now: For the last two or three decades we have been electing (note - GOD hasn’t “elected” our carnal leaders; WE have!) unqualified, ungodly, carnal and arrogant leaders who have been systematically bringing down our country’s intellect, ethics/ideals/morals and goals – to the point where we are now backed into a proverbial corner HAVING to choose between Clinton or Trump, neither of whom have the proper qualifications to become President of the United States of America."

::: My Reasoning for Choosing to vote, or not to vote,
in this upcoming election or any matter put before us :::
Psalm 1:1 Happy is the man who has not followed the counsel of the wicked, or taken the path of sinners, or joined the company of the insolent; rather the teaching of Yahweh Elohim is his delight, and he studies that teaching day and night.
Exodus 18:21 You should seek out from among all the peoplecapable men who fear Yahweh, trustworthy men who spurn ill-gotten gain.
2 Chronicles 19:2 ... Should one give aid to the wicked and befriend those who hate YHWH?
2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked with those who do not believe; for what fellowship has righteousness with iniquity or what fellowship has light with darkness?
I could vote in this election IF I were to set Yahweh aside, ignore all His teaching, rules and regulations... I was told by a couple of different folks that we weren't voting between "Jesus" and one of the candidates. But I choose to keep our heavenly Father first and foremost in my life. I choose Good over Evil, and who is good but He who created us? He puts leaders in place and removes them to accomplish His Plan and clearly - Clearly - this country is up for review...

____---- *** ~ ***----____

Humanism - Relativism - Materialism
quotes from Andrew Gabriel Roth found in his
Aramaic English New Testament Appendix
Man has been very impressed with himself and his own accomplishments since the dawn of time, to the point of 'man worship' as the measure of all things. 
Earthlings are racing towards perilous times because of a growing concern about environmental sustainability, global warming, chemtrails, world poverty and hunger, global destruction, war, deadly pharmaceutical drugs, depleted uranium... the insatiable greed of the Bilderberg power mongers, polluted air, water and food, along with all forms of toxic immorality and injustice -- pure products of humanism fueled by an insatiable desire for instant gratification. 
Individual stewardship of the material world is a major component of man's inherent responsibility by which he is being judged and yet the vast majority of religious people continue to make significant contributions to the Humanist, Relativist, Materialistic agendas. It's their 'right' after all and so, many mock and scorn the very idea that YHWH will require us to give an account for the life we've lived. The wickedness of man is great in the earth yet mankind resents absolute demands upon his "rights and freedoms" and prefers to escalate his transgression. 
The 'sciences' and modern philosophies of life have attempted to reverse the criterion of Justice, Faith and Judgment, so it is up to each individual to choose and decide who will win. Will rebellious men who hold the value of human life in contempt win and destroy everything, or will YHWH do battle against all the forces of evil and finally wipe them off the face of the Earth? Is it a reasonable conclusion to think that YHWH would create all life and the purpose of life, only to then watch it all go up in a nuclear mushroom cloud? 
Evil cannot triumph over good because it is constrained by time and space, the domain of humanism, relativism and materialism is temporary and finite. Peter put it this way, "Because all flesh is as grass and all its beauty like the flower of the field. The grass dries up and the flower withers away; but the Word of our Elohim abides forever; and this is the Word that is announced to you"

1 Peter 1:22 
While your minds became sanctified by obedience to the truth and you be full of love, without respect of persons, so that you love one another out of a pure and perfect heart; like persons born anew, not of seed that perishes, but of that which does not perish, by the Living Word of Elohim who abides forever.

My advice is to beware all those psychological weapons of mass distraction. I have been down those roads, as many have. Some knowledge is good (fine-tune your discernment) while being totally side-lined down a rabbit trail is not so good. Anything, any topic that you cannot take back to Scriptures, anything that does not harmonize with the Living Word of Elohim, don't waste your time on it. You have probably already been in some groups that seem 'biblically' educated on the outside, but once you're in you see the web of alternative realities spreading out.  It is good to know the tactics of the enemy, Satan, so as to resist temptation. Over the past year I have visited several groups on Facebook covering topics from being Torah Observant to the Fallen Angel Alien agenda, with many of them including 'end time' scenarios. In each group I have found there are many people who can discuss topics using Scriptures as a foundation and post comments back and forth about its implication on current events, and there are those who are actually open to learning what is written in Scriptures. I have also found that there is a great many more who base their beliefs on hearsay and speculation while picking and choosing bits of Scripture to justify their stance or simply choose to deny His Word altogether. Those folks become very defensive when gently challenged or shown evidence for the error of their way. Many people have just as many various ideas of 'what God means' to them. One of the differences among them is that those few who are aware of current events search Scriptures to see where we are in Yah's time line while others try to force His Words to fit their imagination.

1 John 5
Whoever believes that Y'shua is the Anointed One is born of Elohim. And whoever loves the Father also loves him who is begotten of Him. And by this we know that we love the children of Elohim, when we love Elohim and follow His Commandments. For this is the love of Elohim, that we keep His Commandments: and His Commandments are not burdensome. Whoever is born of Elohim overcomes the world: and this is the victory that our Faith overcomes the world. Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Y'shua is the Son of Elohim... Y'shua came by the water and blood... and the Spirit testifies because the Spirit is Truth. And there are three witnesses, the Spirit, the water and the blood - and these three are in union.
Our heavenly Father has gone to great lengths to prepare us for what is to come. Because of His steadfast love which is eternal and His perfect timing, many still have the free will choice to turn from the ways of this corrupt world and, by Faith in His Son, Y'shua the anointed one, receive that Life which is also eternal.  Because of the Almighty's Righteousness, Satan works very hard at deceiving us and has been at it ever since he caused Eve to doubt the Word of Elohim/God.

Galatians 6
... if any one among you errs,
you who are in the Spirit restore them
by the spirit of gentleness; and beware
else temptation also comes upon you.

Become full in the instruction of Mashiyach.
For if a man considers that he is something 
when he is not,
his soul is deceived;
let each man examine his own work and let him
glory within himself and not in front of others;
for each man will bear his own burden.

Let him who hears the Word become a partaker
with him who teaches all good things.
Do not deceive yourselves, as Elohim is not deceived;
for what you sow you will also reap

Exodus 20:
  • I am YHWH your Elohim who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage: You shall have no other gods besides Me.
  • You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them.
  • I YHWH am your Elohim, impassioned, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children upon the third and the fourth generations of those who reject Me, but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
  • You shall not swear falsely by My Name for I will not clear one who does.
  • Remember the sabbath day and keep it set apart. Six days you shall do all your work but the seventh day is a sabbath of Mine. You, your family, your hired hands or your work animals or the stranger who is visiting your town shall do no work. I made heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them in six days and on the seventh I rested, therefore I blessed the sabbath day and set it apart.
  • Honor your mother and father that you may long endure in the Promised Land that I am giving you.
  • You shall not murder, or commit adultery or steal or bare false witness against one another. You shall not covet your neighbor's house or wife or anything that belongs to him.

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