Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Did Noah have Seven Laws?

No, Noah did not have a separate set of Laws.  

That idea appears only in the Talmud

and not in Yah's Instructions 

which were given to all mankind. 


Some folks think that Noah had a separate set of 'Laws from God' and refer to them as the Noahide Laws of which they claim there are seven of them.

That idea appears only in the Talmud and not in Yah's Instructions which were given to all mankind. The Talmud was composed many years later.
Basically, these are the seven 'laws' which Judaism applies to Noah:
•Do not profane God’s Oneness in any way.
Do not curse your Creator.
•Do not murder.
•Do not eat a limb of a still-living animal.
•Do not steal.
•Harness and channel the human
•Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world.
How many of those can you relate to the original 613 'laws' from Yahweh? Or even the Ten Commandments most of us are familiar with? 
Religious leaders sure seem to think they are more important than any of us when they 'take from' and 'add to' the Word of God.
The Noahide Laws are a product of man's imagination, Jewish tradition and religious power trips.
Quote: The seven Noahide Laws are not explicitly listed in the Bible. Instead, they are derived according to the Talmud‘s interpretation of Genesis 2:16 given to Adam, and Genesis 9:4-6 given to Noah. The Talmud is a “Jewish literary collection of teachings, laws, and interpretations based on the Old Testament Torah. It has two parts, the Mishnah and that Gemara.

Yahweh was never about religion
One God, One Faith, One People who abide by Yahweh's Owner's Manual = Scriptures, especially Genesis through Deuteronomy where we learn His Instructions for all mankind. Once we learn His Instructions, the rest of Scriptures seems to show us how to apply them to our lives accordingly.
I do not encourage the use of the talmud nor do I support folks who use it as a teaching guide. 
Rabbis believe
 "Without an oral tradition some of the Torah's laws would be incomprehensible"
and this is simply not true. 
As we continue to read and study Yah's Instructions, it is His Spirit that reveals the truth and teaches us how to apply His Word to our lives in today's world. The talmud provides insight to the 'Jewish mindset' (not the Hebrew mindset) via the early rabbinic system (the beginnings of Judaism = a religion). It is a collection of writings that covers 'Jewish law and tradition', setting Yahweh aside.
Rabbis believe we cannot understand "Torah" without 'oral tradition' and that is simply not true. They were guilty of putting a 'fence around Torah' back in day and many religious leaders have followed suit. My main point is to advise caution when it comes to the traditions of man. When we continue to read and study Scriptures daily, His Spirit will reveal the Truth wherein we gain knowledge and understanding, without the influence of traditions or man's opinions about "God". 
Y'shua called the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because they transgressed against the Commandments of EL by way of their traditions which later became recorded in the Talmud. This is a big reason why I do not recommend using the Talmud in an attempt to teach, shed light or verify the Word of Yahweh.



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