Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Temple has been Built


On Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023 the United Arab Emirates officially opened the Abrahamic Family House, consisting of a mosque, church and synagogue that face one another on the same square in Abu Dhabi. Beside each one stands a tall pillar illuminating an Islamic crescent, Christian cross and a Jewish menorah, respectively, shining a hopeful light for interfaith tolerance and understanding.
I ask, could this synagogue possibly represent the end times temple?  The Temple Institute has prepared all utensils, clothing, furniture for the temple they have desired to build; even to the point of trying breed a red heifer.  But if they cannot build on the temple mount, why not take all their belongings to this newly built synagogue?  Maybe it is not 'temple' enough but I shall look into that.
".... the chief rabbi of the United Kingdom, Ephraim Mirvis, referred to the moment as “historic,” seeing the “children of Abraham gathered … to build a new world.”
A new One World government system with a One World religion.
""A synagogue, sometimes referred to by the Yiddish term shul and often used interchangeably with the word temple, is a Jewish house of worship.""

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