Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Heaven and Earth

About knowing the universe, I am convinced we ought not go there. Think back when Yah stopped Nimrod from building that tower - they planned on reaching heaven. If Yah put an end to that endeavor I honestly don't think we have any business dealing with the space program. Nimrod and his people were acting on "pride and arrogance" and the same goes for any space exploration in this day and age - Scientists are blinded by science! It's their religion and money maker.

Psalm 115:15 ~~ May you be blessed by Yahweh, Maker of heaven and earth. The heavens belong to Yah but the earth He gave over to man.

The earth is ours for now and for the following thousand years after Yahshua returns and sets up his kingdom. After that time period Yah will make all things new! The spiritual realm does not belong to us yet. All that knowledge of the Great I AM is yet to be manifest because us mere humans are still in these corruptible bodies. This is where we are meant to live until that day.


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