Tuesday, September 14, 2021

All Praise belongs to Yahweh

I've been thinking on this for a while: 
Where in Scriptures are we told to 'worship Jesus'? 
I've noticed many memes, comments and posts in cyber-land that play into this scenario as if they are ignoring God altogether.  Also, why do people think angels are to be worshipped as well? 

All through the Old Testament (Tanakh) believers worshipped the one true living God - Yahweh.

In Matthew 4 Satan tempts the Son of God three times:

1. Because you're hungry, say to these rocks to become bread
2. Cast yourself down from the edge of the temple, let the angels protect you
3. You can have everything if you worship me
Yahshua counters these temptations by quoting from Scriptures:
1. It is written that the Son of man does not live by bread alone, but by all the Words that proceed from the mouth of the Father.  
2. It is written you will not test Master Yahweh your God.
3. It is written you will worship  Master Yahweh and Him alone will you serve.
When Yahshua says 'it is written' he means that which has been recorded in Scriptures, the Word of God, what we now call the Old Testament.  He was pointing out the difference between the truth which came from the Father, and the 'oral traditions' of the Pharisees, which was the beginnings of the religion Judaism.
1. Deuteronomy 8:3 ~ He subjected you to the hardship of hunger and then gave you manna to eat, which neither you nor your fathers had ever known, in order to teach you that man does not live on bread alone, but may live on anything that the Father decrees.
Psalm 91 ~  
I have lightly paraphrased just as an update for today's world. 
If we dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide in the protection of Shaddai,  He will save us and we will find refuge in Him.  We need not fear the terrors of night or attacks during the day, the plague that stalks in the night or the scourge that ravages during the day.  Many will be affected and fall, but it will not reach us.  We will witness the punishment of the wicked because we chose Yahweh as our refuge.  No harm will befall us, no disease will enter our homes.  He will order His Messengers to guard us ..... "they will carry you in their hands lest you hurt your foot on a stone".  We will tread on cubs and vipers; we will trample lions and asps.  This will happen IF we are devoted to Yahweh - He will keep us safe because we know His Name.  When we call upon Him, He will answer, rescuing us in times of distress, showing us His Salvation.
2. Deuteronomy 6:16 ~ Do not test Yahweh.... be sure to Keep the Commandments, decrees and laws that Yahweh your God has enjoined upon you.  Do what is right and good in His sight that it may go well with you (so that we make it to the promised land)
3. Deuteronomy 6:13 ~ Revere only Yahweh your God and worship Him alone, and swear only by His Name.  Do not follow any gods of the peoples around you, for Yahweh is an impassioned God and His anger could blaze forth against us and wipe us off the face of the earth.
John 4:23
But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him.

We are not to be in the practice of angel worship, either. 

Angels have appeared certain times throughout Scriptures and usually appeared as men - no wings, no halos, never as a female - but their divine righteousness became obvious. They usually had a Message for the human from the Creator, which is why they are called Messengers - it is the office they hold.  We have read those visions and descriptions of heavenly beings who are part of Yah's spiritual realm, things yet to be seen by our eyes, but we must not overlook examples of when man actually saw an 'angel' and knew it was a divine being.

Revelation 19:10
So I fell at his feet to worship him (the angel). But he told me, “Do not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who rely on the testimony of Yahshua. Worship God !

Colossians 2:18
And let no one wish, by subverting the mind, to bring you under bonds that you worship angels; while he is prying into that which he has not seen and is vainly inflated in his fleshly mind.....
•This is how the verse reads in the Berean study bible:
Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you with speculation about what he has seen. Such a person is puffed up without basis by his unspiritual mind.
So many people are compelled to share the Word of God and some have been snared by what they have been taught without ever taking it to Scriptures for proof.  They are not building on the same foundation as the 12 Apostles and are misleading many.

The Son of God is the corner piece upon which the 12 Apostles built the foundation, teaching everything that Yahshua taught them; which is everything from Yahweh our Father. Ever since then there have been disciples building upon that same foundation.  However, there are people teaching doctrines that only cause cracks in that foundation which become snares for His people who do not love the truth and lack knowledge of what is written in Scriptures.  We have been warned: these are they who will be destroyed.
Our songs of praise, our love and obedience is to Yahweh God Almighty first and foremost in all things.  We love Him with our entire being and know how to love our neighbors as ourselves.  This is not the end game but only the beginning.  We also have the testimony of His Son Yahshua - we openly acknowledge he is the Son of Yahweh who was killed and resurrected and will one day return for his followers, those who God gave him from the beginning.

Destroy your collection of icons and idols and put Our Father first.  Read His Instructions and gain understanding.  Stop sharing those images of angels and 'Jesus', Roman death devices and armed spiritual warriors; idol worshipping is also forbidden by Our Father.


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Heaven and Earth

About knowing the universe, I am convinced we ought not go there. Think back when Yah stopped Nimrod from building that tower - they planned on reaching heaven. If Yah put an end to that endeavor I honestly don't think we have any business dealing with the space program. Nimrod and his people were acting on "pride and arrogance" and the same goes for any space exploration in this day and age - Scientists are blinded by science! It's their religion and money maker.

Psalm 115:15 ~~ May you be blessed by Yahweh, Maker of heaven and earth. The heavens belong to Yah but the earth He gave over to man.

The earth is ours for now and for the following thousand years after Yahshua returns and sets up his kingdom. After that time period Yah will make all things new! The spiritual realm does not belong to us yet. All that knowledge of the Great I AM is yet to be manifest because us mere humans are still in these corruptible bodies. This is where we are meant to live until that day.


Gathered Up at the Last Day

The Rapture is one of those topics of contention that spurred me along in a quest to find the truth of the matter. It is one of the most misunderstood topics in regards to the 'end times' and folks like to divide this event into three possible scenarios: 
Pre-tribulation; Mid-tribulation and Post-tribulation.
Most believe that the Tribulation is the final 7 years prior to the return of 'Jesus'. This final time line begins with the signing of a peace treaty - an agreement with many - which apparently brings 'world peace' thanks to that final world leader and his government system. This will actually be a false sense of security, yet every one will be at ease and life goes on. But, after 3-1/2 years things take a turn for the worse, like nothing that has ever happened before. Life seems good the first 3-1/2 years and the bad times, the Tribulation, appears to be the final 3-1/2 years. Realizing this, there is no way for a Pre-trib rapture to take place. Also, after further study, there is not a Mid-trib rapture either. Yahshua returns at the Last Day. We can find written in Scriptures the signs and wonders, the events and mindsets that will become very apparent prior to the return of Messiah, the Anointed One. These things must happen first and then the end will come.
Tribulation is defined as:
>Distress or suffering resulting from oppression or persecution<

This description fits what the state of things will be like 
during the final 3-1/2 years.
The Apostle Paul clearly teaches that the first resurrection and the 'catching up' will occur at the return of Yahshua. The sounding of a trumpet signals his return. All eyes will see and understand that the day of wrath has come. Many things will happen before the sounding of that last trumpet and the return of Yahshua. We have been told these things so we will know what to expect, that we Set Apart believers will not be taken by surprise as if by a thief in the night. Our Messiah returns on the Last Day.
In Matthew 24:29 we read:
And immediately after the suffering of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not shine its light. And the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of heaven will be shaken. And then will be seen the sign of the Son of man in heaven...  And he will send his (angels) with a large trumpet and they will gather his chosen ones from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other. 
The 7th trumpet is sounded. The earth is ready for harvest. Set Apart believers are removed from the earth temporarily for if their time was not shortened they would not be able to witness, understand and survive the heart breaking destruction to come, the final 7 cups of Wrath. This is akin to when Lot's wife, who was told not to look back at the destruction, did look back and it scared her to death - literally.
1 Thessalonians 4:13 ... you should not mourn over them who have fallen asleep (died), like other people who have no hope...  For if we believe that Yahshua died and rose again, even those who sleep will The Father, by His Son, bring with him....  and this we say to you by the word of Yahshua, that we who may survive and be alive at his return will not precede them who have slept (died before us); Because our Master will descend from heaven with a mandate and with the voice of the chief Messenger and with the trumpet of Yahweh; and the dead who are in Yahshua will rise first and then we who survive and are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet him... And so comfort yourselves one another with these words...
During my research of this study I have learned a tidbit of info:
The main body of the rapture theory was invented by Ribera, a Catholic Jesuit theologian who published his work shortly after the Massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572. Protestants were pointing to the Vatican as the harlot beast system of Revelation. The blood of that horrific Catholic inspired massacre of French Protestants was still being washed off the streets of Paris when the Jesuits presented their rapture theory, designed to take pressure off the Catholic Church system.... The Jesuits also peddled that 'the saints' would not be on Earth during the time of tribulation....
The word "rapture" comes from the Latin 'rapere' used by the Vulgate to translate the Greek word 'harpaz', which is rendered by the phrase "caught up" in most English translations.
Do not believe those who say they saw Yahshua (or Jesus) 'here or there' because many false teachers and preachers, self proclaimed prophets and ministers will produce signs and wonders (magic, enchantment, computer enhanced events etc....) in order to help with the growing deception. Even professed believers will be at risk for falling for the charade. Sadly I am seeing this in various cyber space groups.
We have been told beforehand so that we may recognize the times we are living in. When the time comes, Yahshua will be seen just as everyone sees the sun rise out of the east and it is seen even in the west, so shall the Son of God be seen. There will be no private viewings prior to this event! He is not walking this earth now but we have been told Satan is the ruler at this time. And even Satan can appear as an Angel of Light.... so beware and pay attention and read Scriptures so you will know the truth and not be taken in by false leadership.
There are two sure signs that cannot be missed that are like highway markers letting us know where we are. The first will be when it seems like World War Three is about to break loose and one man saves the day with his solution and it will seem like world peace. When this happens there will be seven years left before the return of our Messiah. The second event is when that same man suddenly changes. He will instill the system that makes all money obsolete as well as claiming he is 'god'. When this happens there will be 3-1/2 years left until the return of the Son of God.
There is no 'rapture' prior to any of this. Looking around at world news today we know wars are being played out here and there and the unrest in the Mideast is unmistakable. No matter who is fighting, the main trigger point is that one person who offers up a peace treaty and everyone is won over by him. In the meantime lets live our lives one day at a time.
Yahshua refers us back to Daniel, confirming his visions were for a future time.
Matthew 24:15 ~ And when you see the sign of uncleanness and desolation, that was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, which will stand in the Set Apart place, he that reads, let him understand.
Daniel 9:27  ~ During one week he will make a firm covenant with many. For half a week he will put a stop to the sacrifice and meal offering. At the corner of the altar (in the Set Apart place) will be an appalling abomination until the decreed destruction will be poured down upon this appalling thing.

Here is the link to a study I did on Daniel's visions back in Nebuchadnezzer's day:
There is no time like the present to commit ourselves to our Creator and accept His Son.  Read Scriptures daily and let His Spirit show you the truth of God's Word.